Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends (18 page)

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Authors: Sandra Kynes

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft

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The seed oil is especially helpful for balance, beginnings, changes, and renewal. The root oil is helpful with grounding energy and keeping secrets. Angelica is instrumental in angel and element magic, and is ideal for consecrating an altar, ritual, and magic tools. Angelica is also associated with beauty, cycles, peace, power, purification, stimulation, strength, and success.

Essential Oil Profiles 123


: Aries, Leo

Solar System
: Sun

: Beltane, Imbolg, Samhain, Walpurgis

: earth (
root oil
), fire (
seed oil

: Venus


Botanical Name
Pimpinella anisum
, syn.
Anisum officinalis


Also Known As
: aniseed, sweet cumin

Native to Egypt, anise was also cultivated there and used medicinally for about 4000 years.

It is an erect herb with feathery leaves and umbels of delicate white to yellow flowers.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used anise in after dinner cakes to aid digestion. It was a highly prized commodity to the Romans who actually used the seeds to pay their taxes.

Greek philosopher Theophrastus (372–288 BCE) who became known as the father of bot-

any, noted that anise seeds by one’s bed at night resulted in sweet dreams. Today, in addition to culinary and medicinal purposes, it is used to flavor liqueurs such as anisette and Benedictine.

Oil and Blending Information

Steam distilling the seeds produces a pale yellow oil with a spicy-sweet, liquorice-like scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: top

Plant Part
: As Above & So Below/Seeds

: avoid during pregnancy; use in moderation; may cause skin irritation
Magical Uses

Anise is a powerful ally for divination and dream work. It aids in developing and increasing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, and offers psychic protection especially when dealing with the Otherworld. This protection extends to banishing evil and clearing neg-124 Essential Oil Profiles

ative energy. Anise is instrumental in stimulating the mind, heightening awareness, attracting spirits, and connecting with other realms. Anise is associated with purification and consecration as well as attracting blessings to the home. Use it to deal with emotions, loss, and love. Anise is associated with fertility, growth, sexuality, and marriage. It is instrumental when initiating change for renewal and starting over. Anise is also associated with balance, cycles, happiness, luck, money, and well-being.


: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius

: Walpurgis

Solar System
: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury

: air, fire

: Hecate

: Apollo, Mercury


Botanical Name
Ocimum basilicum


Also Known As
: common basil, French basil, sweet basil

Basil’s species name comes from a combination of the Greek words
meaning king and
meaning royal.19 To the Greeks basil was the king of plants and an ingredient in the oil used to anoint sovereigns. Basil wreaths have been found in Egyptian tombs and in later centuries it was used in funerary rites throughout the Mediterranean region. First century Greek physician Dioscorides noted in his
Materia Medica
that basil countered the sting of scorpions. In the Middle Ages it was thought to protect against scorpions and by the 19th century it was associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Basil was used as a strewing herb scattered on floors to clear the air as well as to protect a home against witches. In Italy it symbolized love and was thought to be an aphrodisiac. Indigenous to Africa and Asia, basil has shiny, oval leaves and whorls of small, white flowers.

19. Wilson,
, 49

Essential Oil Profiles 125

Oil and Blending Information

The leaves and flower tops are steam distilled producing a colorless or pale yellow oil. It has a herbaceous, sweet-spicy scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: herbaceous

Perfume Note
: middle to top

Plant Part
: As Above/Leaves & Flowers

: avoid during pregnancy; avoid use if you have epilepsy or other seizure disorder; use in moderation; may cause skin irritation

Magical Uses

Basil aids divination skills and is instrumental in developing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance. It is also used for psychic protection. Stimulating and refreshing, basil brings clarity for decision-making as well as determining one’s purpose in life. Basil bolsters courage for defense and success. In addition, it engenders a sense of happiness, confidence, and strength. Basil promotes healthy relationships, smoothing problems between lovers especially where fidelity is concerned. Use it to attract love as well as to release hexes and banish negativity. Basil also aids in honoring and remembering the dead and easing sorrow. Its use in angel, defensive, and element magic is boosted by its association with dragon energy. Basil is an herb of the home, protecting it against evil entities, attracting blessings, comfort, luck, peace, and prosperity. This herb is also associated with trust, concentration, and healing. For couples, basil helps with sexual issues, manifesting desires, fertility, and increasing vitality. Other magical associations are balance, beauty, changes, friendship, growth, money, and purification.


: Aries, Leo, Scorpio

Solar System
: Mars, Pluto, Venus

: Imbolg
: air, fire

: Erzulie, Lakshmi

: Krishna, Vishnu

126 Essential Oil Profiles


Botanical Name
Laurus nobilis


Also Known As
: bay laurel, sweet bay, true bay

Bay is an evergreen tree with leathery leaves, small, yellow flowers, and shiny, black berries. Native to the Mediterranean, its genus name comes the Latin
meaning to praise and
meaning famous.20 It was customary for ancient Greeks and Romans to praise people of accomplishment with crowns of laurel. To the Greeks, laurel was considered a powerful support for divination and prophecy, while to the Romans it symbolized wisdom. In Greek mythology the goddess Daphne transformed herself into a laurel tree to avoid the advances of Apollo. Laurel may have been used by Delphi Oracles to strengthen their powers of prophecy. From ancient times through the Middles Ages and Renaissance it was used medicinally and as a strewing herb.

Oil and Blending Information

The leaves and branchlets are steam distilled producing a greenish-yellow oil with a fresh, herbaceous and slightly camphoraceous scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: herbaceous

Perfume Note
: middle to top

Plant Part
: So Below/Twigs & Leaves

: avoid during pregnancy; may cause sensitization; use in moderation
Magical Uses

Bay aids in prophetic dreaming, divination, and clairvoyance. It increases psychic powers and its purification properties provide protection during this work. It also clears and protects the home from negativity. Use this oil to build magical energy, consecrate sacred space, enhance defensive magic, and remove hexes. Bay supports courage and determination when seeking justice. It improves memory and augments concentration bring-

ing clarity and inspiring creativity as well as spiritual growth. Bay is also associated with 20. Ibid., 84

Essential Oil Profiles 127

awareness, inspiration, and intuition. It supports longevity in marriage and success when dealing with problems. Aslo use bay to connect with fairies.


: Gemini, Leo, Pisces

Solar System
: Sun

: Litha, Saturnalia

: air, fire

: Artemis, Ceres, Daphne, Fides, Gaia

: Adonis, Apollo, Asclepius, Balder, Buddha, Cernunnos, Helios, Mars, Ra

Botanical Name
Styrax benzoin


Also Known As
: Benjamin tree, gum Benjamin, styrax benzoin

Benzoin has been used medicinally in the far East for thousands of years. In addition, it was burned as incense in Buddhist and Hindu temples to elevate spiritual awareness and foster receptiveness for divine inspiration. In the Middle Ages it was believed to banish evil spirits and avert demons. Today it is an ingredient in Ayurvedic treatments and in Friar’s Balsam, a warming tincture used to fight colds and the flu. Native to tropical Asia, this shrubby, deciduous tree has clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers and pointed, oval leaves.

Oil and Blending Information

Solvent extraction is used on benzoin gum to produce an orange-brown oil that has a

sweet-balsamic, slightly woody, vanilla-like scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: middle to base

Plant Part
: So Below/Resins

: may cause sensitization

128 Essential Oil Profiles

Magical Uses

Benzoin is a powerful ally for magic. It can increase the rate of success for spells as well as break hexes. Use it to attract money, comfort, and success as well as for protection. Benzoin is effective for clearing negativity, especially in the home to make way for prosperity.

Powerful purification properties make it good for ritual preparation and altar consecration. It awakens the mind for inspiration and reaching higher levels of consciousness. Use benzoin for focus as well as psychic protection during astral projection and channeling.

Benzoin is also associated with the emotions, healing, and the ability to banish anything unwanted. Also use it magically for strength, vitality, and wisdom.


: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus

: air, water

Solar System
: Mars, Mercury, Sun, Venus


Botanical Name
Citrus bergamia
C. aurantium

Bergamot is believed to be a hybrid of the lemon (
Citrus limon
) and bitter orange (
Citrus aurantium
) trees and has been known to grow in the Mediterranean region since the early 1700s.

It has fragrant, white flowers, smooth, oval leaves, and yellow fruit that resemble oranges. Its name is believed to have come from the town Bergamo in northern Italy where distillation of its oil may have originated. Alternatively, the name may have come from the Turkish word
which means prince’s pear.21 Bergamot has been used in perfumery since the 18th century. One of its culinary uses provides the distinctive flavor of Earl Grey tea.

Oil and Blending Information

The fruit peel is cold pressed producing a light greenish-yellow oil with a sweet-fruity, slightly floral scent.

: 2

Scent Group
: citrus

Perfume Note
: top

21. Ibid., 53 & 54

Essential Oil Profiles 129

Plant Part
: As Above/Fruit

: causes photosensitivity

Magical Uses

Use bergamot for protection, especially psychic protection when dark powers seem to cast shadows over life. Also use it to overcome or remove hexes. This oil aids in letting go of toxic emotions, restoring peace after a quarrel, and encouraging happiness. It also helps to open awareness for dream work. Employ bergamot in spells to aid in legal matters as well as attract luck, money, and prosperity. It is a good oil for divination and spirit communication. Bergamot helps focus energy for manifesting success and wealth. Use it for control and strength when dealing with problems. Bergamot is also associated with confidence, courage, kindess, love, and well-being.


: Gemini, Virgo
Solar System
: Saturn, Sun

: earth, fire, water

Birch, White

Botanical Name
Betula alba


Also Known As
: European white birch, lady of the woods, paper birch, silver birch According to one theory, the name birch may have been derived from the Sanskrit
which means “a tree whose bark is used for writing upon.”22 This slender tree is most noted for its silvery-white bark that peels off in sheets. Birch has pointed, oval leaves and produces both male and female catkins. It was used medicinally throughout Europe for centuries and in Russia it was a symbol of health, cleansing, and purification. Birch was a traditional wood for bobbins and broom handles, and eventually it became affiliated with witches. In western England, crosses made of birch twigs were hung over doorways to protect against enchantment. Because of its association with fairies, it was used for decorations on May Day, and in Wales birch tree trunks were often used as Maypoles. It is, of course, an ingredient in birch beer.

22. Grieve,
A Modern Herbal
, 103

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