misunderstoodebook (44 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Kelly

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“Do you mean it?”


He smiled at her. “We’ll be fine, Kendall. Don’t worry.”

She nodded, not responding as Val and Mortician came in following a pretty nurse who they blatantly checked out. She took his vitals, asked his pain level, promising to return with his pain meds.

“You got jealous, fuckhead?” Val chortled. “Me, Outlaw, and Stretch got shot, so you had to get your fucking badge of honor, too?”

“Stretch was shot. Is he--?”

“Nope,” Mortician offered. “He already out. He was just in overnight. You just fucking waking up, so I guess you going home tomorrow or the next.”

“Yeah, John Boy,” Val went on. “You still not in me and Prez’s league. You got a fucking flesh-wound.”

“That’s enough,” Kendall said with a scowl, taking Johnnie’s hand and tightening her hold on him. “I’m glad he stayed out of your league. He still has to recover though, so he needs sleep.”

“I’m not arguing with her,” Val said, ushering Mortician out and leaving the two of them alone again, although Johnnie expected Outlaw to come in at any moment.

“What happened to the house?”

“Firebombed,” she answered with a frown. “A total loss.”

“Who did it?”

“Outlaw seems to think it was Spoon. Somehow, L-Logan set this all up before...” Her voice trailed off and she eyed Johnnie.

Before he’d killed him
. The words went unspoken but they hung in the air. “I see.” He rested his head on his pillow. Lines of fatigue creased her brow and Johnnie vowed to keep her at his side and out of danger.

“Has Outlaw retaliated yet?”

“We’ve all been here with you,” she responded in surprise as if that should’ve been a foregone conclusion.

The door opened and Christopher walked in, holding Megs’s hand. Before he let it go, he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Megan, take her and go have some milk.”

Megan echoed in outrage, thumping his shoulder.

“Can’t have fuckin’ caffeine. Have juice or water or somethin’. I need to talk to Johnnie.”

Once they were alone, Christopher stuffed his pockets and strolled forward. “About you and my wife.”

Johnnie tensed. He was unarmed and in a hospital bed and Christopher’s inscrutable look wasn’t comforting.

“I ain’t the most forgivin’ motherfucker, but I guess I got what I deserved.” He sat in the seat near the bed.

“Don’t make Megs suffer for what I revealed.”

“You try my last fuckin’ nerve with that Megs bullshit.”

“I mean no harm.”

Christopher fixed him with an evil look. “Callin’ another man’s wife by her nickname ain’t meanin’ no harm?”

Instead of responding, Johnnie felt for the controls for the bed and lifted himself a little.

“I shouldna left her there, ripe for the pickin’, knowin’ how much she like you
dick. But I’m gonna be fair about this shit and take my responsibility. Besides, you didn’t put your dick in her. She only jerked you off. Even though I wanna fuckin’ kill you every time I think about her little hands around your ugly cock…I knew somethin’ had gone on between you.”

Johnnie frowned in surprise.

“She told me you and her kissed, but she swore she ain’t never felt your dick in her.”

“You asked her that?” he asked, outraged.

Christopher rolled his eyes. “I asked her if she ever felt your dick. Stalled like a motherfucker to answer. But didn’t hesitate when I changed the question up and asked if she’d felt your dick
her. Didn’t want to think too hard about that shit cuz I woulda admitted what happened between you two to myself and then I woulda had to kill you.” He shrugged. “So I left the shit alone.” He leaned forward, rubbing his hands together. “Now that it’s out in the open…I know you, motherfucker. You didn’t let Megan walk the fuck away without doin’
to her pussy. I wanna know what the fuck it was. Do I gotta pluck your fuckin’ eyes out for seein’ her pussy? Cut your tongue out for tastin’ her? What? You tell me.”

Johnnie gritted his teeth together. “You’re a barbarian and a lunatic, Christopher.”

“Nothin’ new there.”

Johnnie clamped his mouth shut and considered his options. He drew in a sigh, his shoulders heaving. “I’ve never seen Megan’s,” he began, inserting her full name at the last minute. No use in stoking the fires of his cousin’s jealousy. And he wouldn’t dare utter the words Megan’s pussy to Christopher. “I’ve never seen Megan’s private area.”

That should explain everything, but Christopher was as perverted and obstinate as they came. He wanted to hear Johnnie say he’d never tasted Megan. Hadn’t he, though? When he’d licked his fingers and the remnants of her wet sex remained. Somehow, he had to get the words out and beat away the memory of that night.

“I’ve never tongued her. Happy now, asshole?”

Christopher scratched his jaw, that cold, green gaze remaining on Johnnie, making him want to squirm like a girl.

“What did you do to her?” he persisted with quiet menace.

“Is it important?” he asked tightly. “She’s yours, mind, body, and soul. She labored to bring your son into the world, then laid in your bed so you could give her another one.” He sounded pathetic. And looking at the fury on his cousin’s face, suicidal.

“It’s important, yeah, cuz it’s teachin’ me a big fuckin’ lesson. Makin’ Megan go with them two bitches all those months ago when she knew I’d fucked them.”

Johnnie lifted a brow.

“Ellen and Kiera. She saw me with Kiera. I was doin’ the best I fuckin’ could under the circumstances, but, maybe, I shoulda listened to her and let her stay in the room instead of sendin’ her with them two bitches. Who’s to say if I hadn’t forced her to go with them, Ma and those two wouldn’t still be alive. He tapped his forehead. “She make me think. I am who I am, but, if I could go back and change that one, single day, all these women—
—wouldna got killed.” He rubbed his eyes. “I’m to blame for all this shit because I insisted Megan fuck with Ellen and Kiera.”

Johnnie didn’t agree with Christopher’s assessment and, yet, the obvious introspection Christopher had been doing seemed to have brought up a shitload of guilt.

“I despise knowin’ you touched her and she touched you, but, then, I guess she hated having them girls around knowin’ I’d fucked them. That’s why I forgive you for goin’ after Megan.”

“You’re being too hard on yourself,” Johnnie felt compelled to say. “You were still dealing with Boss’s death, when you met Megan, trying to get Rack.”

Christopher scoffed. “Ain’t no room for pussyish behavior in our business. I couldn’t get a handle on the club, John Boy. Cuz if I woulda, I woulda buried Rack and whoever the fuck had a problem with it, buried them, too. I shouldna fucked around with that motherfucker, played his fuckin’ games like a punk ass bitch.” He made a face, then shook the thought away. “What’s past is past,” he decided quietly. “Can’t do shit over.”

“No.” He more than anyone knew that. Coming to himself, pain tingled through him, but not overwhelming agony. He was lucid and he had Christopher there. “You arranged the funeral for K-P?”

“Megan doin’ it. She helpin’ Kendall with Caroline’s funeral, too.”

“How’s Bailey?”

“Not good. Megan got her at the clubhouse to watch over her. Right now, Mort with her.” Christopher shrugged. “Gotta feeling we gonna be seeing a
Mort pretty fuckin’ soon.”

Even before all this had happened, Johnnie had that feeling. K-P would’ve given Mort loads of bullshit, but, in the end, he’d have accepted Bailey’s choice because it was Mortician. A biker, yes, but a friend and brother, too. “Dinah?” he asked quietly, wondering what the fucked-up woman would do without K-P.

Christopher glowered at Johnnie. “Shut the fuck up.”

He laughed but didn’t press the issue. “I need to talk to you about Logan.”

“Just ruin my fuckin’ day a little more.”

“One day, ten years ago, Snake called,” he began and went into a minute-by-minute detail of the awful day Logan had left and going into the events of the past eight days.

“So Logan bet my blood or my sister’s pussy?” Christopher said slowly.

Johnnie nodded.

“And the thing Big Joe had on him was some sick sex ring?

Clearing his throat, Johnnie said, “yes.”

He was quiet, not saying anything, his mind whirling. “Logan put my boy in a trashcan?”

“Yes,” Johnnie answered in a faint voice.

He cocked his head to the side. “Megan know about this shit…Oh, yeah, of course she does. That’s why the fuck she got me outta there, right?”

Silence. Nothing else. No emotion. No anything. Just an overwhelming silence.

“You and me brothers?” he asked finally.


“And all you motherfuckers knew but me?”

Johnnie winced at the unreadable tone in Christopher’s voice. “I already told you why.”

“I can’t trust none of you fuckheads, can I?”


“Megan and CJ always the only good things in my life,” he interrupted. “Now, I hear you my fuckin’ blood brother and them three assfucks decided to protect me.” He shook his head. “You know how the fuck I feel knowing I not only have a man like you in my corner but I have him for a brother?” He laughed and shook his head, holding out his hand. “That’s the best fuckin’ feelin’ in the world, John Peter.”

All at once the weight Johnnie had been carrying lifted and he grinned, grasping Christopher’s hand in his.

“You look at my fuckin’ wife again, though, I’m fuckin’ castratin’ you, then chokin’ you with your own fuckin’ dick. Little brother or not.”

“Fuck off, Christopher.”

Christopher rubbed the back of his neck, the nonchalance he projected a far cry from the impotent anger hardening his face.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, so shut the fuck up. I don’t want to think about how much that motherfucker hated me. He’d fuckin’ kill my innocent son because he didn’t think I was worth the air I fuckin’ breathe.”


“Shut the fuck up. I’m ragin’ like fuck inside. I’ll be okay, though. Can’t give a fuck about fuckin’ Logan who down with Hoof-foot gettin’ fucked in the ass with that fuckin’ pitchfork. We got work to do, anyway, John Boy.”

“Get Spoon,” Johnnie offered.

“Fuckin’ bury that motherfucker. He fucked up my girl dream house.”

“He mistreated Kendall, too,” Johnnie reminded him.

“Well, I’ll cleave him the fuck in two. You take fuckin’ half and I’ll take the other half. How’s that?”

“That’ll work.”

“We’ll bury K-P and Caroline first.”

Johnnie nodded, watching as the door opened and Megs stuck her head in. “Everything okay?”

“Ain’t never been better, baby,” Christopher responded, beckoning her all the way in.

Kendall stepped in behind her and Johnnie smiled at her. He and Christopher had a lot of work in the coming days, but Johnnie wanted Kendall waiting for him when he arrived back at the club.

“Would you move to the clubhouse with me, gorgeous?”

“Fuck me, lemme get the fuck outta this motherfucker. Can’t stand mushy shit.” He grabbed Megs’s hand and led her into the hallway.

“Well?” Johnnie asked when they were alone.

Kendall bent and kissed his lips. “Are you sure?”


“There’s nothing I’d like more, Johnnie,” she whispered.

They still had Spoon to deal with and funerals to attend. But, Johnnie had managed to conquer his past, so he could forge his future.

The End


Say Something………....Alex & Sierra

Light Em Up………..….Fall Out Boy

With Arms Wide Open...Creed

Blurred Line……………Robin Thicke

Happy…………………..Pharrell Williams

Landslide………………The Dixie Chicks


Kathryn Kelly is living her dream and writing books. She's always been an avid reader and still devours books in her spare time. She also enjoys football, socializing, music, eating, and jokes. In her head, she's the ultimate biker babe. In reality, she's an ordinary girl-next-door and a native New Orleanian.





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