Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (114 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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But he answered the phone after the second ring this time, sounding winded.  "Hello?"


"Hey Tor."

"How are you doing Tony?"

"Baby, I'm so sorry.  I didn't mean to say that shit to you.  I just can't stand the thought of you being ashamed of me."

She wanted to cry.  "Tony, I'm sorry.  I'm not ashamed of you.  I'm proud of you.  You have the potential to do so much better with your life.  You can't do this to yourself."

"I love you Tory."

She almost dropped the phone.  Her breath caught in her throat. 

"Are you still there Tor?" 

"Yeah, Tony.  I'm here."

She didn't know what to say.  It was obvious he cared about her but loved her she thought?  Oh what had she gotten herself into?  First Jude, who had torn her apart inside and now this. 

"Can you come see me, Tor?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in fifteen minutes or so."

"I'm gonna get in the shower, so just come in like always."

"Okay.  I'll see you soon Tony."


"Bye Tony."

She shut her phone with a click that seemed very loud in the quiet evening.  It was getting chilly out and she quickened her step, heart beating fast.  So much for a no strings attached relationship she thought. 

As she neared Tony's house, she saw that his car was parked haphazardly in the driveway and there was a dent in the side that hadn't been there before.  Not that the car hadn't been in bad shape before but now it really looked bad.  What had he been doing she thought? 

It had only been four days since she'd last seen him and already he'd smashed into something with his car and had been getting high pretty much nonstop since he'd left his aunt and uncle's on
thanksgiving.  Maybe she should walk away right now she thought, before she got in too deep.  But no, that would be more messed up than what Jude had done to her.

She couldn't run away from Tony now, after he'd told her that he loved her. 

She sighed as she opened Tony's front door.  She could hear the shower running down the hall and was glad that she would have a minute to think about what the hell she was going to say to him.  There was a part of her that wanted to smack some sense into him, and another part that wanted to fall into his arms. 

She was a bona fide idiot she thought, no doubt.  And this man, whose house was messier than it had been and now had a strange smell to it, musty with something vaguely metallic underneath, had turned her into a sex addict.  First she'd been having sex with Tony.  Then she'd ended up sleeping with her ex-boyfriend whom she'd sworn was the love of her life and now was starting to see in an even worse light. 

She stepped around a pile of porno mags as she heard the shower shut off.  Her heart was beating triple time as she walked down the hall to Tony's room.  She opened the door silently and entered the room as he was stepping out of the bathroom, dripping wet and gloriously nude.

Oh he had a spectacular body she thought.  Tall and muscular.   His wavy hair was downright curly when it was wet; and those sexy hazel eyes.  He made her melt.  The messy room faded.  She didn't notice that the bed was stripped of sheets, and the trash was overflowing.  She didn't notice the hard drugs on his dresser as he came towards her and drew her into his arms. 

He kissed her like she was the only woman on earth, like they'd been apart for four months instead of just four days and damn her hormones she thought.  She was more turned on than she'd ever been in her life.  She didn't know what time it was, could barely remember what day it was as he kissed her, drawing her towards the bed. 

They should lock this man up and throw away the key because she felt like she'd do anything for him, anything with him, if he'd just give her what she wanted, what she needed to stop her hormones from raging, her blood running white hot she thought.  She'd run away with him if he asked her to, live in exile like her father while he dealt drugs for the rest of their lives, as long as
he made her feel like this.  It must be wrong to be so turned on she thought; anything that felt like this had to be. 

He pressed her gently to the bed with fire in his eyes, just looking at her for a moment.  She was fully dressed and he was naked and still wet from the shower, sporting an erection.  He was still standing there looking at her when she decided she had had enough, and sat up and stripped. 

He said nothing as she lay back on the bed, wanting him so bad she could almost feel him inside of her.  Damn a condom she thought, damn them both because she didn't give a shit if he had any or if he'd been screwing around the last few days.  She wanted him and she was going to have him any way she could get him. 

He lay down beside her, still just looking at her.  She knew he was turned on, hard ons do not lie she thought.  So why was he so relaxed, so damn content to just look at her when she was feeling like she would come the second he was inside of her? 


"Yes, Tory?"

"Are we going to screw?"

He laughed.  "So you missed me too, huh, Tor?"

She glared at him. 

"Hey, baby.” He reached out and stroked a hand lightly down her arm, barely grazing her breast.  "Slow down.  Don't you want a little romance in your life?  I professed my undying love you to over the phone after telling you to get the fuck out of my life and all you want to do is screw?"

"Like you don't." 

"'Course I do.  But don't you think we need to talk?"

"We can talk later.  Screw me now, love me later."

"I always knew you were the one for me." He turned toward the nightstand.  It was as if he was a different person than he'd been the other day.

But what the hell she thought, drugs turned you into some nasty broken down replica of yourself in no time and she was not going to let him do that to himself.  They had all the time in the world to worry about that later though. 

Sure they did she thought, when she had to be back at school within the next couple hours.   But what the hell screw it all right now, because he had a condom in his hand and had started to rip it open with his teeth which drove her even crazier than usual. 

"Hey," he said as he finished putting on the condom.  "I've got a present for you."

"Give it to me later."

She was so close to release she thought.  All he had to do was slip inside her and then she could let it go, let it all go, for those too short minutes when they were joined together.

He pouted at her, looking like an overgrown little boy.  "That's not nice, Tory.  I think you'll really like this present." 

"Tony," she growled.  "I'll love it and I'll love you forever, if you just screw me now."

Now she was sounding like a porno flick she thought.  But her moans weren't fake as he entered her and moved above her in what he was still trying to make more like making love than having sex, before she dug her nails into his back and bit lightly into his shoulder.

"I said no biting." 

"And I said screw me now and love me later."

"If you insist.” The headboard was soon banging wildly against the wall. 

"Gimme a cigarette," she said after they had finished.  She lay back on the bed with a sigh, feeling exhausted.  Her orgasm had been intense enough that it had come close to rivaling her first. 

He gave her a smug grin as he reached for a rumpled pack on the table, tossing her a cigarette, a lighter, and a pack of small white pills. 

She raised an eyebrow at him as she lit up.  "What's this?"

"Your present.” He leaned back on the bed and snagged the lighter from where she'd dropped it beside her.  "Birth control pills.  Now you can quit school and move in with me.  Be my love slave."

"How'd you get these?  And how do you know they're not something besides birth control?"

He rolled his eyes at her and pointed to the words emblazed on the back of the pack.  "I have my sources, some of which remain better unnamed."

"What did you do?  Buy them off of some crack head?" 

"Doesn't matter where I got them." He blew smoke at the ceiling.  "Just matters that I did.  Now I'm gonna be counting the days ‘til those things kick in.  Then no more damn rubbers."

She laughed.  "Men."

"Now will you tell me you love me?" Though his tone was teasing, there was a look in his eyes that told her he meant it. 

She turned away from him, digging in her purse for her cell phone to find out what time it was.  But how long could she ignore him she thought?  She didn't love him, did she?  She'd been so crazy over Jude and look where that had gotten her.  At least Tony had been honest about his intentions.  He was still being honest, painfully honest; when he told her he loved her.

Her mother would shit bricks if she knew that Tory was naked in his bed right now, though it would have a lot more to do with concern for her own reputation than any kind of concern a normal mother would have about her daughter sleeping with a drug dealer. 

She was stalling, though when she finally dug her cell phone out of her purse, the words that came out of her mouth instead of 'I love you' were "Oh crap."

"What?" He moved up behind her on the bed. 

"It's almost nine o'clock Tony.  I gotta get back to school."

"You're gonna go back there smelling like sex?"

"No.  I'm gonna take a shower." She stood up.  "And you're gonna stay out.  If you don't you won't get me back to school until midnight."

He pulled her to his strong chest for another heart stopping kiss.  "I really do love you Tory.” He brushed her hair out of her face. 

She pulled back, looking into his eyes.  "I.  .  ."  She couldn't say it though, not when she wasn't sure she meant it.  "I care about you Tony.  I don't want you to ruin your life with that crap."  She motioned to the mess on his dresser; the needles, the coke, some strange looking glass pipe.  "But I don't know about love."

He pulled away.  "So you're still hung up on Jude?"

"No.  It's not Jude.  Not anymore.  At least I don't think it is.  Hell, I don't know myself anymore.  I can't get into all this shit right now.  I have to get back to school."

He turned away to reach for his pants.  "You'd better hurry and get showered before you turn into a pumpkin."

She turned away and headed towards the bathroom.  She wrinkled her nose when she entered.  How could the house be twice as disgusting as it had been a few days before she thought?  What had he been doing besides drugs? 

There were clothes scattered over the floor.  It looked like everything had been dragged out of the medicine cabinet.  Shaking her head, she stepped over to the shower, twisting the knobs until she had the right temperature. 

She stepped under the shower and wondered whether she'd be better off telling him she loved him if she didn't know she meant it, or putting him off again.  He could be persistent.  Hell he was always persistent she thought.  Hard headed, stubborn as hell, but then again weren't all men? 
They bugged you until you gave them what they wanted.  Or they found someone else who would give them what they wanted like Jude, or they said screw it and copped out and ran away like her father.

She didn't want Tony to find someone else.  She sure as hell didn't want him to throw everything away with drugs.  She held back a sigh as she stepped out of the shower. 

Tony was more than just sex to her wasn't he? 

She needed to get a grip.  As she dried off she wondered how she was going to keep Tony distracted from thinking about love until she could really tell him she loved him.  And what if she didn't love him EVER she thought?  She REALLY needed to get a grip, she thought as she threw the towel back towards the hamper, and he needed to get a cleaning service to take care of this mess. 

She sighed again, figuring she'd probably have to help him take care of it over the weekend.  She stepped naked into the bedroom, wanting another cigarette.  Tony was sitting on the bed, still shirtless, smoking a joint. 

"You want a hit?" 

"No.  I can't believe that you're smoking right before you have to drive me back to school." 

"I've driven high off of shit that'll fuck you up way more than this does."

"I noticed that you ran your car into something." 

"No biggie.  I ran it into the side of the garage when I was trying to park the other day." 

"And that's not a big deal?"

He laughed as he reached out to smack her ass as she bent over to pull up her panties.  "It's a piece of shit.  You've said so many times."

"That doesn't mean you need to put it out of commission before you get a new one."

"You wanna help me pick out a new one?  I think I might look for a stick shift this time, though.  I might even let you drive it."

She pulled her shirt over her head.  "I guess."

"Don't sound so thrilled, honey." He pulled her onto his lap.

"I've never driven a stick shift."

"I'll teach you.”  He nuzzled the side of her neck.  "Just like I taught you about all the other important things in life."

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