Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3 (15 page)

BOOK: Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3
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“Why don’t you offer a sacrifice, Lily?” Forcing her to ask for it would hurt twice as bad as any selection he might make. “Be sure it’s somewhere suitably painful or I won’t think you’re truly sorry. You can’t claim you’re ignorant to how delicate a man’s balls are. I’ve watched you work. You’re fantastic. Someone I’d be proud to top with.”

She closed her eyes for a moment then surprised him. “The sole of my foot.”

Jeremy should have had a plan B. Although, it was the site he would have chosen himself. Her tender arches would ache almost as much as his balls yet leave her pussy unscathed for the usage she required. Soon. Her fingers trembled above her head, her body shaking as she battled the onslaught of Sex Offender.

The kindest thing he could do was be quick about her penance and move on to soothing her, hoping she’d turn pliant in the aftermath of their clash.

“Ask me for it.”

“Master Jeremy,” she paused before croaking, “Please punish me for disobeying you.”

Before anyone could interject, his hand flashed to the side and touched the device to her left foot. He met her stare as he depressed the button.

Lily shrieked then writhed in the harness. She bit her lip and slammed her eyes closed as she fought the radiating pain. Jeremy switched the tool off then handed it to Ben. “Put this away.”

He cupped Lily’s pretty foot in his hands and placed a series of kisses from her heel to her toes. He massaged the site of the shock, easing the sting and the uncomfortable tingles whose counterparts lingered across his belly, arm, side and crotch.

If he never saw another of those sadistic toys it’d be too soon.

Ryan, Matt and Clint glared at him as he snugged himself between her thighs. He didn’t expect the cops to understand—one of the reasons he’d never shared his past with the men in blue despite considering them closer than brothers.

Lily…she got it.

She opened her eyes and spared him a watery smile. “Thank you, Master.”

Jeremy couldn’t wait another moment. He forced himself to slow down as he opened the front of his leathers, drawing out her anticipation. This was the moment. The one they would remember forever. The instant their bodies joined for the first time.

It would be so sweet. He could hardly stand to savor it.

He withdrew his cock, not bothering to remove his pants. It would be impossible to wait that long to tunnel inside her. He stroked the full length of his hard-on, rubbing out the last of his discomfort.

Lily watched the progress of his fingers through each of the three or four circuits he made. When he aimed the swollen purple head at her opening, it wasn’t his prisoner that objected.

Ben shoved a bag of condoms at him. “Wear one.”

Despite his craving to possess her bare, he wouldn’t set such a risky precedent with the nearby horde of men who chomped at the bit for a chance to fill his sub.

Jeremy snatched a foil packet from the pile. He had it open and rolled on in a flash.

Lily opened her mouth as though to urge him to hurry. Instead, she closed it again, relaxing into the comforting support of her restraints. Nothing could have thrilled him more.

“Magnificent. You’re stunning. Mine, Lily. You were meant to be mine.” He prodded her slit with his cock, sliding into position on the first pass. His ass clenched, tipping his hips forward. The motion burrowed his tip inside the tight ring of muscle guarding her entrance.

They both moaned.

He wrapped his fingers in the line of tape around her hips and used it to draw her onto his hard-on. The sling began to swing and he capitalized on the motion, settling into a rhythm designed to fuck him deeper into her clinging sheath on every arc. Lily stared at the juncture of their bodies, witnessing her pussy swallow him whole.

Jeremy raked his gaze from the tips of her pinned hands to the seductive haze turning her eyes glassy. He relished the flush rising over her chest and neck to her cheeks. The presentation of her breasts and the dusky rose nipples on top had him twitching within her.

Orders for the others to touch her, bring her higher, hovered on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed them. He couldn’t issue the command. This once he needed to be selfish. Just the first time. To isolate their effect on each other without interference from anyone else. He couldn’t stand to give her reason to doubt this connection tomorrow. The effects of the drug would be hard enough to overcome.

Ben and Ryan joined Matt and Clint in stroking their cocks as they watched Lily and Jeremy’s union. Their attraction expanded outward—undeniable, irresistible. The guests toed closer and closer until they hopped up onto the edge of the stage. As more men and women joined them, the audience closed in, forming a circle around the main attraction.

Jeremy paid them no attention. Matt and Clint would make sure the newcomers kept their distance. For now. His laser beam stare locked on Lily and every ripple of her pleasure that increased the vise of her pussy, squeezing his cock, making him work to penetrate the rings of her muscles.

No, no,
” she shouted, her voice breaking. Morselli cackled in the background, completely unaware of the sham of her denial. For God’s sake, how could anyone think Lily didn’t welcome his advance into her body, heart and mind?

Jeremy stroked her belly and her chest. He dipped a finger into her mouth, letting her suck on it as he began to fuck her faster, with long gliding strokes that took him to the far reaches of her depths and receding to the very entrance of her pussy. He pulled out entirely before sinking into her heat once more.

She whimpered and tried to change the angle of her hips, impossible in the sling.

He granted her wish.

Using the saliva she’d left on his fingertip, he slid the digit around the top of her nude slit, seeking the bump of her clit. When he stroked the right spot, she keened. The motion of the swing was easy to maintain with one hand and the pressure of his hips colliding with hers, shoving back. It allowed her to slam onto his cock faster and faster while he manipulated her pussy.

Her slick heat felt like paradise. He’d never had sex this powerful, this all-encompassing in his life. He worried he might break something—like a blood vessel or maybe his heart—when he finally surrendered to his orgasm. Which wouldn’t be long.

A quivering pressure initiated deep in Lily’s pussy. It massaged the end of his cock where it prodded the soft tissue of her inner walls. “Yes. That’s the way. Hug my shaft. Come on me. Shatter for me. I’ll be here to catch you. Don’t hold anything back. Give me everything.”

He fucked her harder, trying to extend their rapture. Something this superior couldn’t last forever.

” She hooked her gaze on his as though all that mattered was that look. The pleasure surrounding them both had more to do with that exchange than the friction of his cock, which pummeled her pussy. Nothing to do with the drug rampaging through her veins. “
, please. Don’t do this to me.”

She cried as she shattered, breaking his heart. Still their emotions couldn’t stop the freight train of endorphins, hormones and base physical need railroading them both.

Jeremy poured his release into the reservoir of his condom, damning the situation that stole the opportunity for his seed to pump deep inside her and stain her with the indelible mark of his possession. She came in violent waves around his embedded flesh, milking every last drop of come from his sore balls.

When the world dimmed beneath the heavy consequences of the moment—one that had changed the course of his life forever—a hungry demand burst from Lily’s chest.

“More. Please. I need more.” Desperate, she forgot to play their semantics game.

But he had nothing left to give.

Chapter Nine

“Clint, Matt.” Jeremy glanced between his friends. “Suit up. Give it to her.”

Lily mourned the loss when he slipped from between her legs. A trickle of her arousal chased him down her thigh. She’d come hard enough to rattle her molars, and still she burned. Though she’d always enjoyed sex with multiple partners, she would have given what remained of her life savings to have this man topping her and teaching her to love it again and again.

She must have closed her eyes as she took stock of the internal devastation he’d left in the wake of his passing, as damaging as an F5 tornado. What had happened to her carefully constructed defenses? How had he razed them with one simple fuck?

Nothing about Jeremy could be uncomplicated. If she were honest, months of slow erosion had weakened the foundation of her convictions. Nights filled with seductive dreams had piqued her curiosity.

Now she knew. One taste of him would never suffice.

So where had he gone? She searched the limited field of her vision. Had he slaked his craving? Would his interest persist after taming Mistress Lily?

There could be no doubt between them. She’d crumbled in the face of his mastery.

Sex Offender amplified her lingering arousal until it became painful and insistent. She needed to fuck. The one man she wanted was nowhere to be found.

“Don’t worry.”

She moaned when he crouched beside her shoulder, tipping her face toward his.

Jeremy rained kisses over her cheeks, her forehead and her lips. He leaned in close to murmur in her ear. “I don’t need drugs to addict me to you. We’re going to talk about that stunt later. It’s not your right to harm my property.”

She groaned as she pictured herself bound to his bed with smooth silk ties. Candlelight flickered over her bare body before splashes of fragrant wax transformed her into a canvas, primed to display his Pollock-esque art. The altered chemistry of her brain advocated the idea. Her abdomen flexed as her pussy squeezed, hugging only air.

Damn it, she needed him. However she had to buy his touch.

“That’s right. I might have to dole out some discipline before I feed my cock to your hungry pussy. Soon.”

“Promise?” She couldn’t believe the wistful rasp shading her question.

“Yeah.” His rare full-on smile stole her breath. “Watching you take these men will have me hard. Fast. It won’t be long before we’re joined again. And next time it’ll be even better.”

“I’m not sure that’s possible.”

“Flattery won’t save you, slave.” He raised his voice for all to hear as he regained his feet. “You’re nowhere near finished. In fact, you’ve only begun.”

Lily cast her gaze around the stage. Spectators encroached, shrinking the diameter of free space buffering her from the swarming masses. Several of the men in the front row rubbed their crotches through their fetish gear. A few extracted their cocks, rubbing slow and long or fast and furious over the tips of their dicks as they observed Clint inch between her legs.

A cramp gripped her, forcing her to groan despite her gritted teeth. The relaxation of her orgasm faded as the temporary reprieve Jeremy had granted disintegrated and the scalding urge to procreate returned, stealing her sanity.

“Come on, Clint.” Jeremy gripped her tethered wrists in one hand. She stared up at where he stood—legs spread, one hand on his hip—and encouraged his colleague to fuck her. Not because he got off on watching, though he might, but because he correctly interpreted her cravings. “If you can’t do it, move aside. She’s getting worse. I won’t stand for anyone to hurt her.”

A few of the guests took a step back.

The authority in Jeremy’s tone might have given her pause too if she hadn’t been the recipient of his protection. Another blast of desire ripped through her, this time knotting her muscles until she swore a charley horse wrung her uterus.

“Breathe.” Jeremy covered her mouth with his warm lips and infused her with a taste of peach candy. Who would guess a man like him would have a sweet tooth?

She inhaled, if only to draw the scent of him into her lungs.

“That’s it.” He shared several puffs of air with her, establishing a pattern. “Keep it up.”

She focused on obeying as he monitored her implementation of his feedback. After a handful of breaths, he nodded.

“What are you waiting for?” he growled at Clint.

The officer drew a triangle between her, Jeremy and Matt. When his stare clashed with his partner’s, he shrugged. “Is this insane?”

“Yes.” Matt scrubbed his hands through his exceptionally short hair. “Totally.”

Lily cried out when a spasm clenched her toes. From breasts to pussy, her nerves screamed. Her nails scraped Jeremy’s forearm when her fingers curled into fists. Why wouldn’t someone touch her?

“Get out of my way. I’ll fuck her if you won’t.”

Ryan deflected the man who attempted to breach the shrinking gap between her and the throng of Morselli’s acquaintances.

“It’s crazy. But she needs it. You.” Matt placed his hand on Clint’s shoulder then nudged his partner closer to her. “Do it.”

“Are you sure, Lily?”

He didn’t hear her whimpered, “

“She’s not calling the shots.” Jeremy diverted attention from her as she mouthed a thank you in Matt’s direction. “Her fate is in
hands. And I say fuck her.”

Clint cursed as he surrounded his hard-on with his thick fingers. He glanced in her direction. “I can’t resist.”

She wrestled with the raw passion singeing her guts until something warm and smooth nudged her pussy. A shriek ripped past her lips before she could stop it.

If he’d pulled back any faster, Clint would have busted his ass.

Ben prevented him from retreating another step. The slave wasn’t timid. He put his hands on Clint’s waist and guided the other man into place.

Encouragement bubbled up then crescendoed as bystanders joined the chant. “Do it. Do it. Do it.”

This time, when Clint touched the tip of his erection to her soaked folds, he didn’t hesitate. Lily trembled as he worked his length inside her. She soaked in the pressure of Jeremy’s hands, which cupped her shoulders, planting her in place. He braced her for his friend to plow into.

“Oh, shit.” Clint’s erection throbbed where it lodged partially inside her. “She’s on fire. That stuff she took…”

“It’s more than that.” Jeremy’s declaration brimmed with pride. “She’s flawless. Adventurous. Dying to please me, and you because I’ve expressed my wish. Give it to her, Clint.”

BOOK: Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3
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