Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) (33 page)

BOOK: Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)
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“Are you worried about your virtue, sex without marriage?” As I said ‘marriage’ out loud, a huge smile broke across my face, hinting to her I would indeed marry her. Her eyes lit up and her own sweet smile appeared.
Mission accomplished. Seed firmly planted. Ugh…I needed to come up with another phrase

“My virtue?” Her smile was edible, and I wanted to lick it right off her face. “Jason, you are not going to marry me just to have sex with me.” She said marry me with the cutest blush, and fuck it, if I didn’t want her again. I reached out, sliding my hand up her thigh to her very short shorts, and her eyes widened in disbelief. “Really? Again?”

Did she really have to ask?
I leaned over and traced my tongue over her lips. She opened for me, and I swiftly scooped her up and eased her onto my lap. She moaned into my mouth. It was so erotic. Our tongues danced and our lips collided as we explored each other’s mouths. She was the best kisser. The things she could do with those lips. I growled into her mouth, and her body began to ease farther onto mine. She was dying for more. I broke the kiss.

“I could do this all day with you, but I can tell you are sore, and I want you to hunger for this like I do.” I knew she hungered for it. Her heavy-lidded eyes were velvety blue and filled with passion. I flashed her a knowing smile. I had created a sex monster; Katarina was
surprisingly as horny as I was. I leaned back, watching her closely, and she dove for me, sliding her fingers through my hair and holding me tightly to her mouth. It was her chance to dominate me, and I savored her undisguised lust for me. Her body eased onto mine and her hips began grinding. I pulled her away, trying to collect myself. I felt her breath linger on my lips.

“You are a dangerous girl.” We were seconds away from having sex again, and I knew Katarina was still sore and recovering from the last time. I was never gentle in bed, never knew how to be or wanted to be. I gave it rough, and the women I was with wanted more of it. Katarina would simply never know kind and gentle, the way sex was intended. She would only know crushing, intense, animalistic sex. She laid her head against my chest, breathing me in, and I wrapped my arms around her, indulging in the comfort of her warm body.

“Do you want to go with me somewhere?” she asked, her voice soft, just like the feel of her satiny hair.

“I would love to go with you, as long as I can bring my new camera.” I laughed and she smacked my arm. She was very playful, and left her hand on my bicep long after, gripping it tightly with her fingers to feel the strength of the man that was here to protect her.

Katarina called Bo over to climb into the Jeep. I was amazed she included him on our adventure. She really loved him. His whole body wiggled as he jumped inside. This made me love Katarina even more. Her acceptance of who I was was incredible. I truly was in awe of her, and how she saw the world. She busied herself with the camera as we made our way down the road, constantly checking it to make sure it was charging. She rolled her window down for Bo, which made it impossible to carry on any conversation with her. I turned the music on and we exchanged many smiles. The trip was probably close to an hour and twenty minutes, but I enjoyed it, savoring every second.

I parked in the empty parking lot, and Bo got out with me. Katarina fiddled with the camera until I opened her door, lifting her carefully
from the Jeep, and sliding her down the length of my body. She didn’t notice my hard-on, just gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek and a thank you. She took off after Bo down a dirt trail leading us to a forested area. There was one long trail surrounded by rocks, bushes, and tall trees. It was a nice hike: the trees green, the clean air, and the tight ass in white shorts ahead of me. She moved quickly, and I had to pay attention to the trail to keep up, which was hard, literally, considering the white shorts. Katarina toyed with the camera, taking pictures of Bo and occasionally snapping shots of me. I was dying to get to know her more, the real Katarina, the one she didn’t think I would like if I knew.

“So your driver’s license said you’re from Washington. Katarina Josephine...” Her head snapped around, and she told me loudly with her eyes not to say her last name. “Riggs. Katarina Josephine Riggs,” I repeated, and her grin told me she liked the sound of it. “DOB April 27.” She turned around again, and I caught her before she tripped, grabbing a hold of her ass in the process.

“When’s your birthday?” Her voice was happy as she righted herself on her feet and continued down the trail. I enjoyed her enthusiasm about the conversation, but I was supposed to be asking the questions.

“January eleventh.” That was enough about me. “Do you read books?” I asked through huffs, trying to gather my questions in my head.

“You mean, like, fairytales?” She scrunched her perfect little nose when she said it.
Interesting, she’s not into fairytales

“I mean anything. Any genre—mysteries, romance, non-fiction…” I let my voice trail off and smiled at how expressive she was. I loved it.

“No, I don’t read. If I do, it’s the first chapter and the last; the middle part is just filler.” I laugh at her reasoning, but I stop quickly, wondering if I am the filler she’s talking about.

“So, no books. What about your favorite TV shows? Reality shows don’t count.” She hummed while thinking and hiking; it was frickin’ endearing.

“No, I don’t really watch TV unless it’s with someone.”

“So you are a virgin everywhere in your life, untouched and completely moldable.” She let a cute giggle slip.

“I prefer
first timer
, not virgin.” First timer actually works for her, and it was my turn to laugh. “At least I don’t get my
confused because I have read so many. I haven’t watched so many
that the TV considers me a
.” She threw me a flirtatious smile so I’d know she was teasing.

“I prefer
, not player.” I needed to change her thinking. I hated that she continued to bring up my sexual past. For the first time, I regretted every other person I’d had sex with that wasn’t her. I was growing pissed with myself. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

“If you could be any animal, what would you be?” She thought for a second and used a ‘hmm…’ to stall.

“A cheetah and you would be a lion, right? I know the deal with lions. If you’re the leader of the pride, every female is yours for the taking.” She did a suggestive wink and I had to laugh.
What the heck?

“A cheetah, is that because they’re fast?”


“How about cartoons? What’s your favorite?”

“If I have to name one I’d say…Bugs Bunny.”


“He’s funny. Besides, what kind of question is that anyway?”

“My favorite cartoon is Jessica Rabbit, and it’s an awesome question. It establishes early childhood fantasy.” She started giggling when I said fantasy. She was so childish. “Ok, favorite color?”

“Green.” Her smile was heart stopping when she said it. “Your favorite color?”

“Different shades of pink to red,” I answered, picturing her beautiful skin changing colors before my eyes. She glanced back.
My turn to wink

“Favorite place?” I was hoping she would tell me something personal.

“Work. I like feeling useful.” That answer sucked. “Yours?”

“Lately, it’s been the bathroom and the bedroom.” She giggled again, which made me smile. Her laughter always made me feel like I won something.

“Favorite music?”

“If I had to pick a sound I like, lately, it would have to be your singing.” All right, that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. “Your favorite sound?”

“Lately, I like the sound of silence.” She turned around when I said it, with understanding in her blue eyes.

“All right, my turn.” She spoke loudly as she continued down the dirt trail. “Do you really taste strawberries? You know, when you go… downtown.” I chuckled at her words. She turned, and I watched my favorite color spread across her cheeks.

“You taste very sweet to me, and strawberries are the best way I can describe it.” She glanced back at me, crinkling her nose. I loved that look.

“You taste different.” She paused, and I reached out for her arm, wanting to hear this. I yanked her and her body whipped around. I settled her back against a tree and pressed up against her.

“Finish. What does my come taste like, princess?” Her breath hitched, and I was close enough to feel the heat of it on my face.

“It’s…salty and spicy, like…Taco Bell sauce.” I instantaneously started laughing, my body shaking, tumbling over into the dirt.
Fucking Taco Bell come
. She was hilarious. I stood up when my stomach was sore from laughter, trying to stifle the chuckle that still vibrated in my mouth. Her smile was filled with peace, and she was still pressed against the tree, waiting for me to tell her it was okay to move. I leaned against her again, sliding my hand up her inner thigh, up her shorts, and under her drenched panties. She was wet, and I knew it was my juices mixed with hers. I kissed her as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. Her body attempted to move, but my body was pressed firmly against her. Her leg broke free and wrapped around my hips as I continued my torture. The muscles of her vaginal canal clenched around my fingers as I took full possession of her mouth. I slipped my hand free, causing her to moan loudly in disappointment. I placed the wet fingers in my mouth, and her eyes widened as I licked the mixture of our juices, and damn it if she didn’t taste horny. I removed her leg and foot from my waist and turned her back towards the trail, smacking her ass playfully as we continued our hike.

We reached the water, and I watched as she took off her shirt and shorts, laying them neatly on a rock, and then she slipped into the water in her lacy, drenched panties and bra. I could imagine the wetness gathering between her legs. I wanted her so badly right then. It was all I could think about. Fuck my broken magnet. I tore off my clothes and jumped in the cold water behind Bo. It dawned on me for the first time that maybe my magnet was finally working, and it was broken before I met Katarina.

I swam through the cold water all the way to the waterfall. It was amazing to be this close to something so powerful. The loud sound of the waterfall blocked out all thoughts, and I dove under to explore the clear, cold water more. It had been years since I felt the freedom of nature, and I felt like a kid in a toy store, wanting to make sure I saw every detail.

On the swim back, I noticed Katarina was out of the water taking pictures and sunbathing on a rock. She was gazing off into space, and I wondered what her funny little brain was thinking about. She must have felt my questioning eyes, because her eyes met mine and the sweetest smile spread over her face. I felt a delicious, warm sensation fill my whole body, and I returned her happy face. I trudged out of the water, shaking my hair in the process. I grabbed my shorts and t-shirt, tugging them onto my wet body. When I turned to make my way over to her, her eyes were intently watching everything I did. I wondered if I fascinated her like she fascinated me. I climbed the rock, noticing her white, lacy panties lying out in the open sun, probably to dry. Everything she had on today was white. I picked them up and slowly brought them to my nose, narrowing my eyes on her, and then I inhaled, satisfied with the sex smell that her panties still smelt of. I shoved them in my shorts and nestled in closer to her. I draped my legs around her and pulled her as close to me as possible. I dipped my hand under the waistband of her shorts and felt the smooth skin of her pussy. I traced the skin for a while, knowing Katarina was feeling my erection pressed against her ass, but all she did was relax further into me, allowing me free access. I removed my hand and tugged on her ponytail, causing her to tilt her head, opening up her neck to me so I could taste her.

“What are you thinking?” I was curious, because her thought process was so different from mine. So unless she was thinking about sex, it would be different again.

“I was thinking...it’s hard to believe I didn’t notice you at the coffeehouse before, because I can’t seem to
notice you now. All I do is stare at you.” I adored her answer, as always.

“I like it,” I said, biting her ear as my eager hand inched down to her suede-soft pussy. I told myself no, not here, and growled as I reluctantly pulled my hand away again.

“I am so glad you brought me here,” I whispered, and rested my face in the crook of her neck.

She was quiet, and then she started telling me about the significance of this place. This was the place she disappeared to after the rape. She continued to tell me it was her grandfather who sent people to find her. She was here for two days. I didn’t even think that was possible for someone as tiny as Katarina to survive without food and water for that long. She was meant to live. There was a reason. She was so open with her story that when she questioned me about something Bettina said, I felt the need to open up as well.

I told her about Jacy, curious if any of the forever-talk, or the fact that she died spurred any memory for her, but she just listened. I told her how Jacy and I went to the same church as kids, and that she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. I finished by telling her about the love of my life dying. She was very sympathetic and apologized for my loss. It should have been awkward telling her about my past love, but it wasn’t. It made me feel…lighter, accepting of her love.

BOOK: Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)
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