Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)
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I immediately moved to the dining room and moved the table with my hip. I was in adrenaline overload now. Bettina was still yapping and her voice was making my eyes twitch. She was bitching that I never give her any attention or some shit. I grabbed a chair slipping my hands through the slats in the back and stood on it, never releasing my hold on her hands. She was struggling to get away, but my grip was strong and there was no way in hell she was going to get her way. I removed the hanging chandelier, a fancy decoration, and set it on the ground. I had this bar installed when we first moved in. Bettina was a work in progress. Any time she was awake and I was here was considered a teaching moment. I hadn’t been around like I was in the beginning so Bettina was long overdue for the bar punishment. I moved Bettina to the couch and began undressing her. I could tell by her breathing pattern that she was a horny bitch. I undressed her slowly, my mouth grazing over her
opened shirt and down her stomach. The teasing I was doing was creating a deep want, giving me the upper hand, as if I needed it right now. It was something that gave me the added edge. Keeping her on the horny ledge allowed me more control because I was about to get mean. This was the calm before the storm. She wanted the beast and the beast was ready to play. I paid special attention to her sweet spot, making sure to avoid it at all cost. I removed her panties with my free hand before traveling up her body, pressing my clothed body into hers giving me all the power. I gently grinded against her, giving her a taste of my hard-on, watching her eyes get lidded. She was right where I wanted her, sexually aroused and helpless to my will. She was already submitting… it was that easy. I grabbed her lacy panties and smelled them; the scent fueling the animalistic creature inside of me. Nothing smelt better than the sexual cream of a female.

I flashed her a devilish smile as I adjusted the panties so she could taste her passion for me. I put the cotton part in her mouth and tied the lace behind her head. Gratification I received when she let a disgruntle moan slip, pushed me higher on the domination path. My body moved of its own accord, knowing without thinking what to do next. Sometimes, I amazed myself at my own frickin’ actions. I was that good. I stood authoritatively, leading her by the hands. I was close to the point I craved the most, the point where my mind could focus on body art. Right now, my only focus was her continual whimpers and the smell of her arousal; it was charging my alpha male. I pulled up a chair next to the one under the support bar and within minutes adjusted the bungee cord between her hands under the zip-ties and I yanked her onto the chair next to me. I hooked the bungee cord to the support bar and it was a perfect fit, like always. I grinned and it was full of smug satisfaction as I stepped back, very proud of my work.

There she stood, on her tiptoes on top of the chair, just like a Barbie. She was bondage Barbie, from the tips of her dark blue manicured fingernails all the way down to her matching toenails, which were perched on the dark wooden chair upholstered in grey canvas. Her hands stretched so high above her head she couldn’t even wiggle any more. Frozen in a pose that was fucking sexy, she was breathtaking like this.
I watched her eyes as fear and lust settled in, my favorite two emotions giving me a sense of calm. Bettina was naked except for her opened, thin and black button-up shirt, and her plump boobs restrained in her bra. I made a move to fix that. Stepping away, I circled her body as if I was in the wild and I was sizing up my prey. It was the only time I felt this kind of calm and peace of mind, a joy of knowing I was in complete control of everything. I inhaled and smelled her lust, and right now in this moment, everything is right with the world. I faced her once again and chuckled at the sight of her dirty panties in her mouth. This was happiness to me.

I stalked into the kitchen in search of a sharp knife and returned to my bondage Barbie. I prowled around her again, dragging the blade of the knife over her transparent shirt and the pad of my finger over her bare ass. I got a rush from her fear. The fact that after three years, she remained intimidated by me, reminded me why I kept her around. She pushed my alpha button and I returned the favor. I gave her a little more to be scared of, kept her guessing and she loved it. I took my sweet time tracing the bra with the sharp object. I glared up and see her eyes rolled back in her head in bliss. I slid the knife under her shoulder straps, and with a slight movement of my wrist, there was a pop. It was the best sound I heard all day. I did the same thing to the other side, and then I ran the knife to the center, right under the black bow perched between her full breasts, and I groaned when I heard the pop sound again. Her boobs spilled out. It was a beautiful sight.

Bettina had very large D breasts. She was definitely top heavy. I stepped away and Bo stood by me. I bent down to pet him, but didn’t take my eyes off her. I could smell her and I knew how turned on she was. I gave her a smile of approval. A blush of red traveled from her face down her chest. Bettina had dirty blonde hair with light blonde, almost white streaks throughout it. Her hair was wavy and fell to her slender shoulders. She had a tiny body that was all porcelain white. There was no variation of color on her skin except for the flush of her chest and face. She had hazel eyes that changed color with her changing mood. Right now, they were more brown and filled with hate and lust. She was never happy, but that was okay, because neither was I. It
was a relationship of beautiful misery. She liked me because of my outside appearance and that was why I liked her. I spent most days trying to tame her, reminding myself of the unyielding control I had over all things. I had always sought command and authority ever since I could remember. I made a life out of routine and discipline, never giving in to the warm and fuzzy feelings that controlled most people. I never looked back on my past, just focused on day to day; the right now. The how and the why I became a control freak never seemed to have importance to me. I survived and was a product of that. Dwelling on the past was for pussies and for boys who were breast fed too long.

I patted Bo and stood up, treading back into the kitchen. Bo trailed behind me and I used the little remaining milk in a bowl of cereal. It was mostly dry, but I was determined to enjoy it. I made myself some scrambled eggs afterwards, taking my time. I returned to the dining room and ate my eggs while watching my hanging masterpiece next to the table. I finished eating and trekked over to her as I debated stroking my cock in front of her, but didn’t. I stepped on the chair next to hers and looked over her hands. I wanted to make sure her circulation was okay. I ran my fingers down her arms and over her breasts. Bettina was very pretty and she knew it. She looked at me longingly and batted her eyelashes. I ignored her and went to my room to grab some sex lotion. When the lotion is smoothed into her skin it brings out a tingly feeling, making the flesh sensitive and turning the entire body into an erogenous zone. I stalked back to her and began applying the lotion. I lathered it all over her flawless skin, starting at her arms and moving it over her heavy breasts, kneading it in thoroughly. I rubbed it all over her tight stomach and the globes of her ass. I lathered her thighs and put extra amounts all over her pussy, making sure to spread her lips to dip inside and to coat the top of her trimmed, blond mound. I bent down to finish off both of her long legs and in between her pedicured toes. I went to the office and grabbed a phonebook and then to her art room to grab the fan. I put the phonebook under her feet so she could stand a little more sturdily. I plugged in the fan, turned it on high and watched her eyes roll back with a muffled moan.

“All right, I am going to take Bo for a run. I’ll be back.” I looked at her and watched the priceless look of panic cross her face as she began shaking her head frantically. It made me laugh wickedly.

I grabbed a leash by the front door and called for Bo. We went through the lobby and out the front door where I waved at the doorman and headed off toward the park. We ran the whole length of the giant park. I ran him hard, not letting him stop until he was panting and I knew he needed water. We got back to my building and I looked at the time as I entered the lobby. We had been gone 33 minutes. When we entered the apartment, I got Bo a bowl of water and filled a cup for myself. I walked into the dining room to see my masterpiece still hanging from the ceiling.

“Hey, babe. I feel a lot better. I’m going to get in the shower and then I’ll take care of you.” She tried to talk but couldn’t, causing a big smile to ease across my face. “That’s what I thought.”

I turned the shower on and got in right away. A cold shower was what I needed, it cleared my thoughts, sometimes anger consumed me, and the cold water was shocking and made me see clearly. I soaped up and rinsed off. It felt amazing and I stayed in extra-long, allowing me enough time to take care of myself. Everything seemed clearer after I jacked off. For me it was the difference between drunk and sober. After drying off, I walked back into the dining room wearing only my boxers. Her eyes lit up at what was in my hands. I carried the biggest dildo I had, nipple clips, chains, and a belt.

“So I was thinking about your punishment while I was running—the punishment for pouring my milk down the sink and for being a complete bitch when I got home.” I heard my voice rise and I fought my anger. I had to control it. I controlled myself-, no one else. That’s was what this lesson was about. Her actions shouldn’t affect me, nor her words. I smiled, mastering the look on my face.

She would see only what I wanted her to see. “I think we will talk about your punishment after I get you off. Does that sound good?” Her eyes lit up and she vigorously nodded her head. I stood up on the chair next to hers. I ran a finger lazily over her taut nipples and I placed my
mouth right on top of the peak. Her body tensed and I heard her strong intake of breath. I continued torturing her with my tongue, swirling and sucking hard right on the tip. Then when her eyes were closed and she was far too distracted to realize what I was doing, I applied the tight nipple clamp. I watched the teeth of the clamp pinch the area right above her sweet areola, hard, and I felt my erection grow inside my boxers. I repeated my actions to the other breast and attached the silver chain to each one. My hand slid down her sweaty body, and I ran my fingers around her slick entrance, tracing the outer lips. Bettina’s body leaned into my hand, soaking it with her cream. She was in a sexual haze. It was when I liked her best. Her mouth was only filled with pleasured moans, not venom and hostility. I gave a sharp tug on the chain and drove my bent fingers deep inside her, pumping and twisting in a quick rhythm. Bettina threw her head back and let out a loud, muffled scream, her mouth still gagged with her drool-soaked panties, and her hips bucking. I removed my drenched hand and waited until she stilled. “That’s one,” I said seductively into her ear, counting her orgasms. “I should tell you, the more you orgasm, the more someone else will thank you later.” I lifted my hand in the air and she quickly stilled. “Good girl, Bettina.” I got off the chair and placed a black leather belt around her waist that had silver clips in the front and back. “Now put your foot on my shoulder.” When she did, I slowly slid the large dildo inside her, playing with it in the process, her juices making it easy. I rubbed it over her swollen clit once and then twice and then slipped it in a few inches again slowly. I dragged it back out, repeating the same pattern over and over. Her body was mine at that moment, and I could accomplish any fantasy I wanted. This was right where I desired her.

I quickly shoved the huge dildo all the way into her and stilled my hand. When her thrashing and loud moaning stopped, I ran a smaller belt between her legs and secured it tautly to the first one I had linked around her waist. I stepped back up onto the chair and detached her hands from the bar. Her arms immediately dropped forward and I heard her whimper; the blood rushing back to her hands excruciating, I was sure. I helped her down off the chair and I directed her to the bedroom, pulling firmly on the chain that ran from nipple to nipple. She walked
bow-legged, and I stopped and licked my thumb before placing it on her engorged clit, playing again with the swollen bud. I tugged upward on the chain, teasing her sensitive nipples and continued the torture with my thumb on her clit and she came again, almost collapsing in the hall.

“That’s two.” I caught her as her legs gave out, scooping her up roughly like a troubled child, and lugged her to the bedroom. We had dated about three years, and I didn’t remember a time when she wasn’t tied down and gagged while I fucked her. That’s how she liked it and it was my favorite ‘hobby’. I met Bettina at the club I used to work at and she worked great as a decoy for me. I worked in the bondage club for years, and at first, I never had any rules. I would have sex with any willing female, but after years of attempting to get rid of girls after a few sexual escapades, I made some rules and got a decoy girlfriend. Rule one: only have sex with a girl at the club once - no attachments, no psycho girls following you home. Rule two: rule one could be changed if the sexual being was heartless and hot. Bettina came into play when the sexual being showed up at my home…psycho stalker. Bettina had always known her role and didn’t care if I strayed as long as she knew about it. So it was a partnership of sorts. She got to live with me and received the pleasures I gave her, and I had a psycho repellant in return. Bettina was scary as shit to other females. She’d fucking grapple with the meanest of street girls. I didn’t know why she was like this, and over the three years we’d been together, I never gave a shit to ask. We didn’t talk much when I was sober, and when I was drunk, I was too busy fucking to talk.

And that was it…here we were. Looking down at the pretty girl in my arms, because she was frickin’ pretty—blonde hair stuck to her forehead and flowing over my forearms—I carefully laid her down in the center of the massive bed. Sliding the knife under the zip-tie popping it off, I moved the gapping button-down shirt completely off. She no longer fought me as she had when I first bound her hands. She stayed right where I put her. I actually could not remember ever having sex without bondage. Even when I had sex with two girls at the same time, I was always completely in charge.

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