Mistborn: The Hero of Ages (12 page)

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Authors: Brandon Sanderson

BOOK: Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
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His guards marched him right into the center of the Trustwarren onto the platform itself. TenSoon wasn't certain whether to be honored or ashamed. Even as a member of the Third Generation, he hadn't of ten been allowed so near the Trust.

The room was large and circular, with metal walls. The platform was a massive steel disk set into the rock floor. It wasn't very high perhaps a foot tall but it was ten feet in diameter. TenSoon's feet f elt cold hitting its slick surface, and he was reminded again of his nudity. They didn't bind his hands; that would have been too much of an insult even for him. Kandra obeyed the Contract, even those of the Third Generation. He would not run, and he would not strike down one of his own. He was better than that.

The room was lit by lamps, rather than glowstone, though each lamp was enclosed in blue glass. Oil was difficult to get the Second Generation, for good reason, didn't want to rely on supplies from the world of men. The people above, even most of the Father's servants, didn't know there was a centralized kandra government. It was much better that way .

In the blue light, TenS oon could easily see the members of the Second Generation all twenty of them, standing behind their lecterns, arranged in tiers on the far side of the room. They were close enough to see, study, and speak to yet far enough away that TenSoon felt isolated, standing alone in the center of the platform. His feet were cold. He looked down, and noticed the small hole in the f loor near his toes. It was cut into the steel disk of the platform.

The Trust, he thought. It was directly underneath him.

"TenS oon of the Third Generation," a voice said.

TenSoon looked up. It was KanPaar, of course. He was a tall kandra or, rather, he pref erred to use a tall True B ody. Like all of the Seconds, his bones were constructed of the purest crystal his with a deep red tint. It was an impractical body in many ways. Those bones wouldn't stand up to much punishment. Yet, for the life of an administrator in the Homeland, the weakness of the bones was apparently an acceptable trade-off for their sparkling beauty.

"I am here," TenS oon said.

"You insist on forcing this trial ?" KanPaar said, keeping his voice lofty, reinforcing his thick accent. By staying away from humans for so long, his language hadn't been corrupted by their dialects. The Seconds' accents were similar to that of the Father, supposedly.

"Yes," TenSoon said.

KanPaar sighed audibly, standing behind his fine stone lectern. Finally, he bowed his head toward the upper reaches of the room. The First Generation watched from above. They sat in their individual alcoves running around the perimeter of the upper room, shadowed to the point where they were little more than humanoid lumps. They did not speak. That was for the Seconds.

The doors behind TenSoon opened, and hushed voices sounded, feet rustling. He turned, smiling to himself as he watched them enter. Kandra of various sizes and ages. The very youngest ones wouldn't be allowed to attend an event this important, but those of the adult generations everyone up through the Ninth Generation could not be denied. This was his victory, perhaps the only one he would have in the entire trial.

If he was to be condemned to endless imprisonment, then he wanted his people to know the truth. More important, he wanted them to hear this trial, to hear what he had to say. He would not convince the Second Generation, and who knew what the Firsts would silently think, sitting in their shadowe d alcoves ? The younger kandra, however . . . perhaps they would listen. Perhaps they would do something, once TenSoon was gone. He watched them file in, filling the stone benches. There were hundreds of kandra now. The elder generations Firsts, Seconds, Thirds were small in number, since many had been killed in the early days, when the humans had feared them. However, later generations were well populated the Tenth Generation had over a hundred individuals in it. The Trustwarren's benches had been constructed to hold the entire kandra population, but they were now filled j ust by those who happened to be free from both duty and Contract.

He had hoped that MeLaan wouldn't be in that group. Yet, she was virtually the first in the doors. For a moment, he worried that she'd rush across the chamber stepping on the platform, where only the most blessed or cursed were allowed. Instead, she froze just inside the doorway, forcing others to push around her in annoyance as they found seats .

He shouldn't have recognized her. She had a new True Body an eccentric one, with bones made of wood. They were thin and willowy in an exaggerated, unnatural way: her wooden skull long with a pointed triangular chin, her eyes too large, twisted bits of cloth sticking from her head like hair. The younger generations were pushing the boundaries of propriety, annoying the Seconds. Once, TenS

oon would probably have agreed with them even now, he was something of a traditionalist. Yet, this day, her rebellious body simply made him smile.

That seemed to give her comfort, and she found a seat, near the front, with a group of other Seventh Generationers. They all had deformed True Bodies one too much like a block, another actually sporting four arms .

"TenS oon of the Third Generation," KanPaar said formally, quieting the crowd of watching kandra. " You have obstinately demanded j udgment before the First Generation. By the First Contract, we cannot condemn you without first allowing you the opportunity to plead before the Firsts. Should they see fit to stay your punishment, you will be freed. Otherwise, you must accept the fate the Council of Seconds assigns you."

"I understand," TenSoon said.

"Then," KanPaar said, leaning forward on his lectern. "Let us begin." He's not worried at all, TenSoon realized. He actually sounds like he
's going to en joy this
And wh y not? A fter centuries
of preaching
that the Third Generation is f illed with miscreants? The
y've tried all this time to overcome their mistakes with us mistakes like giving us too much freedom,
letting us think that we were as good as they were. B y proving that I the most "temperate " of the
Thirds am a danger, KanPaar will win a struggle he 's been fighting f or most of his li f e
. TenSoon had always found it strange how threatened the Seconds felt by the Thirds. It had taken them only one generation to understand their mistakes the Fourths were nearly as loyal as the Fifths, with only a few deviant members.

And yet, with some of the younger generations MeLaan and her f riends providing an example acting as they did . . . well, perhaps the Seconds had a right to feel threatened. And TenSoon was to be their sacrif ice. Their way of restoring order and orthodoxy.

They were certainly in for a surprise.

. 29 201

Nuggets of pure A llomancy, the power of Preservation itself. Why Rashek left one of those nuggets at
the Well of Ascension, I do not know. Perhaps he didn 't see it , or perhaps he intended to save it to
bestow upon a fortunate servant

Perhaps he f eared that someda y, he would lose his powers, and would need that nugget to grant him
A llomancy. Either wa y, I bless Rashek f or his oversight, for without that nugget , Elend would have
died that day at the Well


one for Sazed to measure. The religion seemed innocent enough. They knew much about it; a Keeper during the fourth century had managed to uncover an entire trove of prayer materials, scriptures, notes, and writings which had once belonged to a highranking member of the religion. And yet, the religion itself didn't seem very . . . well, religious. It had focused on art, not the sacred in the usual sense, and had centered around donating money to support monks so that they could compose poetry and paint and sculpt works of art. That, actually, blocked S

azed's attempts to dismiss it, as he couldn't f ind any contradictions in its doctrines. It j ust didn't have enough of those for them to conflict with one another.

He held the paper in front of him, shaking his head, reading over the sheet again. It was strapped to the front of the portfolio to keep it from being caught in the wind, and a parasol strapped to his saddle kept most of the ash from smearing the page. He had heard Vin complain that she didn't know how people could possibly read while riding a horse, but this method made it rather easy. He didn't have to turn pages. He simply read the same words over and over, turning them in his mind, playing with them. Trying to decide . Did this one have the truth? It was the one that Mare, Kelsier's wife, had believed. She'd been one of the few people S azed had ever met who had chosen to believe in one of the old religions he had preached.

The Larsta believed
that life was about seeking the divine,
he read.
They taught that art draws us
closer to understanding divinity. Since not all men can spend their time in art, it is to the bene fit of
society as a whole to support
a group of
dedicated artists to create great works, which then elevate
those who experience them .
That was all well and good, in S azed's estimation, but what about questions of life and death? What about the spirit? What
the div ine, and how could such terrible things happen to the world if divinity did exist?

"You know," Breeze said from the saddle of his horse, "there's something amazing about all of this." The comment broke S azed's concentration. He sighed, looking up from his research. The horse continued to clop along beneath him. "Amazing about what, Lord Breeze?"

"The ash," Breeze said. "I mean, look at it. Covering everything, making the land look so black. It's simply astounding how
the landscape has become. Back in the Lord Ruler's reign, everything was brown, and most plants grown outdoors looked as if they were on the very edge of sickly death. I thought that was depressing . But ash falling every day, burying the entire land . . ." The Soother shook his head, smiling. "I wouldn't have thought it possible for things to actually be worse without the Lord Ruler. But, well, we've certainly made a mess! Destroying the world. That's no mean feat, if you think about it. I wonder if we should be impressed with ourselves ." Sazed frowned. Occasional flakes drifted from the sky, the upper atmosphere darkened by its usual dark haze . The ashfall was light, if persistent, falling steadily for nearly two months now. Their horses moved through a good half-foot of the stuf f as they moved southward, accompanied by a hundred of Elend's soldiers. How long would it be before the ash grew so deep that travel was impossible ? It already drifted several feet high in some places.

Everything was black the hil ls, the road, the entire countryside. Trees drooped with the weight of ash on their leaves and branches. Most of the ground foliage was likely dead bringing even two horses with them on the trip to Lekal City had been diff icult, for there was nothing for them to graze on. The soldiers had been forced to carry f eed.

"I do have to say, however," Breeze continued, chatting along in his normal way, protected from the ash by a parasol attached to the back of his saddle, "the ash
a tad unimaginative."

"Unimaginative ? "

"Why, yes," Breeze said. "While I do happen to like black as a color for suits, I otherwise find it a somewhat uninspired hue."

"What else would the ash be?"

Breeze shrugged. "Well, Vin says that there's something behind all this, right? Some evil force of doom or whatever? Well, if
were said force of doom, then I certainly wouldn't have used my powers to turn the land black. It just lacks f lair. Red. Now, that would be an interesting color. Think of the possibilities if the ash were red, the rivers would run like blood. Black is so monotonous that you can forget about it, but red you'd always be thinking, 'Why, look at that. That hill is red. That evil force of doom trying to destroy me certainly has style.' "

"I'm not convinced there is any 'evil force of doom,' Breeze, " Sazed said.


Sazed shook his head. " The ashmounts have
alwa ys
spewed out ash. Is it really that much of a stretch to assume that they have become more active than before? Perhaps this is all the result of natural processes."

"And the mists?"

"Weather patterns change, Lord Breeze," S azed said. "Perhaps it was simply too warm during the day for them to come out before. Now that the ashmounts are emitting more ash, it would make sense that the days are growing colder, and so the mists stay longer."

"Oh? And if that were the case, my dear man, then why haven't the mists stayed out during the day in the winters? It was colder then than the summer, but the mists always left when day arrived." Sazed grew silent. Breeze made a good point. Yet, as Sazed checked each new religion off of his list, he wondered more and more if they were simply
an enemy in this "force" Vin had f elt. He didn't know anymore. He didn't believe for a moment that she would have fabricated her stories. Yet, if there were no truth in the religions, was it too much of a stretch to infer that the world was simply ending because it was time?

"Green," Breeze f inally said.

Sazed turned.

"Now, that would be a color with style," Breeze said. "Diff erent. You can't see green and forget about it not like you can black or brown. Wasn't Kelsier always talking about plants being green, once?

Before the Ascension of the Lord Ruler, before the first time the Deepness came upon the land?"

"That's what the histories claim ."

Breeze nodded thoughtfully. "Sty le indeed," he said. "It would be pretty, I think."

"Oh?" Sazed asked, genuinely surprised. "Most people with whom I have spoken seem to f ind the concept of green plants rather odd."

"I thought that once, but now, af ter seeing black all day, every day . . . Well, I think a little variety would be nice. Fields of green . . . little specks of color . . . what did Kelsier call those ? "

"Flowers," S azed said. The Larsta had written poems about them.

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