Mistaken Identity (6 page)

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Authors: Alyssa J. Montgomery

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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He looked at her blankly.

‘I know you have a business connection with Elena’s father,’ she continued.

‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘Your brother told me. You’re trying to manipulate him so you can have a family alliance with Elena’s mega-rich father.’

‘That’s rubbish,’ Alex scoffed.

‘Which part? That you stand to gain millions from their marriage, or that her father is mega-rich?’

‘You’re trying to divert attention away from your lies, and it won’t work.’

‘You’re not so perfect! You threatened to cut Spiros out of the family business if he didn’t marry Elena.’

‘That’s a lie!’ Alex’s hand slashed through the air in a dismissive gesture. ‘If you’re thinking you can get your hands on Spiros’s fortune, you can forget it. The hotel business is mine.’

‘You think that’s Sus…my motivation?’
God, he’s a cynic.
‘I have enough money. Just because you’re driven by your business deals, doesn’t mean money’s that important to everyone else.’

She watched as he paled, then reddened. ‘You’re trying to give me advice?’ His voice was full of scorn. ‘I suggest you concentrate on your rehabilitation.’

‘You can’t keep me here!’ she wailed.

‘Get used to it. You’re going to be here until Spiros returns and marries Elena.’

An hour later, Alex’s cell phone rang.


‘I’ve checked up on that phone call,’ Dimitri told him. ‘It’s a number in England, listed under the name Carla Bristow.’


‘She’s a single mother, who lives there with her daughter, Leah.’

‘How old is the daughter?’

‘We’re still checking up on the daughter. We may have to wait until the morning for information from the neighbours. But the address is interesting.’

‘Go on.’

‘Susan went straight to Carla Bristow’s home when she left your office. George tailed her from Carla’s place to the train station.’

Alex’s eyebrows rose. Susie had felt threatened after her encounter with him, and she’d headed straight for this Carla Bristow’s house. Was the woman a confidant, or perhaps a drug dealer?

‘Have the house watched in case Spiros turns up there. Find out if the Bristow woman’s a drug dealer.’

‘Yes, boss.’

‘And find out what you can about the daughter. Depending on Leah’s age, maybe you should tail her. They may all be friends. She may lead us to Spiros.’

‘I’ll get on it.’

‘No leads on my brother?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Keep working on it.’

Alex ended the call. He wanted answers. Who was Carla Bristow? Why had Susan fled to Carla’s home the moment she’d felt threatened by him?

He took a walk to Susan’s bedroom and knocked lightly on her door. There was no answer. He decided to go in anyway. Despite the reassurances he’d had from the medical personnel he employed, he was still worried about Susan’s wellbeing. It wouldn’t hurt to check on her.

Susan was sleeping. She looked angelic, and as he gazed down at her, Alex tensed. No wonder his brother was infatuated with her. She was stirring up his own sexuality in a way that was more than he felt comfortable with.

He couldn’t put his finger on it, but somehow her essence seemed different.

She didn’t seem as spoilt, didn’t use her sexuality to pout, or plead, or to try to coerce him as she’d done in the past. She didn’t even seem aware of her own attractiveness. He shook his head. Fatigue must be setting in because he wasn’t thinking straight. The more he looked at her and thought about her, the more he became fascinated by her.

Her eyes opened slowly, but as soon as she registered his presence she sat up quickly. Seconds later she’d dragged the sheet off the mattress and draped it around herself, standing up on the opposite side of the bed from him. Her chest heaved. Her blue eyes widened, her expression showing a mixture of fear and indignation.

Sheathed in the crisp white bed sheet, the moonlight from the window shone in a halo around her. She looked like the ancient goddess, Aphrodite — femininity epitomised.

She’d already aroused him. Now he felt a strange, possessive need to protect her.

‘What do you want?’ Her voice was breathy and seductive.

He shook himself inwardly. ‘The call was traced to Carla Bristow’s home.’

‘Who?’ The expression of confusion she wore was clearly feigned.

‘Don’t play games with me, Susan.’

Her agitation was evident from the way her fists clutched her bed sheet.

‘I’ve had a very informative phone call about Carla and her daughter, Leah.’

Her mouth dropped open. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her confusion was palpable. Was she still half-asleep? More than likely she was starting to suffer from withdrawal.

‘Y-you know?’ she stammered. Her vision started to blur. Blackness slid over her sight like a blind closing from the corners. Her stomach churned. ‘I’m going to be sick,’ she managed to get out, before she felt herself crumpling to the floor.

Alex picked her up. She felt the sheet slide away from her body as he lifted her toward the bathroom.

Leah felt wretched. It took all of her control to battle the darkness and stay conscious. She felt Alex lower her onto the cool tiles of the bathroom floor and registered just in time that the toilet bowl was directly in front of her. Her stomach heaved as she emptied its contents out. She was sick from nervous tension, and possibly, from whatever drug had been pumped into her system to knock her out.

Alex didn’t know she was Leah. He couldn’t — he’d called her Susan just now. But in her sleepy state she’d thought for a few seconds he may have discovered the truth. She felt faint with relief, but that relief was short-lived. He was on to her. Now he knew that someone called Leah existed. How much longer before he discovered her deception?

She tensed as she felt him beside her, then she was sick over and over again. After a few minutes, the violent contractions subsided. Her abdominal muscles ached and her throat burned. She felt too weak to move. It must be a delayed reaction to the drug used in her attack.

‘Come.’ His hands were under her arms, helping her to stand.

‘Just leave me,’ she pleaded, mortified at being semi-naked in front of him.

He ignored her and guided her over to the basin. Steadying her, he wet a face cloth and then began wiping her face.

Tears flooded her eyes. ‘Why are you being so kind to me?’

The smile he gave her was rueful. ‘I can see that you’re ill.’

Her heart did a triple somersault in her chest. Did he know he possessed a lethally handsome smile?

‘I am capable of a small measure of compassion, Susan.’ He pulled a new toothbrush out of the mirrored cupboard, smeared on some toothpaste and handed it to her, then reached for a towel and secured it around her.

Twin tears rolled down her cheeks as she cleaned her teeth. For a few moments she was by herself while he got some clothing for her. ‘Get yourself dressed and come outside. I still want to talk to you.’

She stripped off her wet underwear and stepped gratefully into the warm spray of the shower. The water streamed down between her breasts and over her flat stomach.

A passable figure but not outstanding enough for Kyle.

Alex had seen her semi-naked twice now. He was a gorgeous multi-billionaire who was probably used to dating beautiful women with perfect proportions. He’d hardly be interested in her either.

She pulled herself up with a jolt. Why an earth was she thinking about him like this? Alex had kidnapped her. He could still release those damning photos to the media, and he was determined to take Susie’s baby away from her. He may have the looks of Adonis and be capable of some small measure of compassion, but it didn’t change the fact that he was Susie’s enemy. He could blow her family apart. She couldn’t afford to be attracted to him.

Leah turned off the shower and towelled herself dry. The pyjamas fitted perfectly. Silly, but she viewed them as a coat of armour. They were just one more layer between Alex and the truth.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, but stood up as she entered the room.

‘Does Spiros know either Carla or Leah Bristow?’

How was she going to answer that? If she denied it, it might arouse greater suspicion. ‘He’s met Leah a couple of times.’

‘Does he know where she lives?’

‘I don’t think so.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘You went to the Bristow home straight after you left my office.’

Leah’s tension escalated. She turned away from him, only to find herself facing his reflection in a mirror set into the wall. ‘I was upset. I needed someone to talk to. Is that a crime?’

He moved behind her, holding her eyes with his own. ‘Not if that’s all you did.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Is Leah Bristow your drug dealer?’

She couldn’t help it. Her lips turned up at the corners.

‘What’s so amusing?’

‘Leah would never have anything to do with drugs. She’s trying to help.’

‘I take it she’s being successful.’

She turned back to face him. ‘Why do you say that?’

‘The pathology report indicated that there were no drugs in your system, apart from the one identified by the lab as the one that knocked you out.’

Of course there weren’t any drugs in her system. She’d never taken drugs. Even when she had a bad headache, she’d still think twice about having an aspirin.

‘You could’ve told me, Susan. I was worried.’

‘Like you would have believed me!’

‘I believed there was a whole cocktail of drugs in your system.’

‘I guess having a corpse on your hands might’ve complicated life for you.’

‘Don’t tempt me.’

His words squashed her bravado for a few seconds. She completely believed him capable of making those words a reality. Her body tensed.

‘Are you part of the Greek Mafia?’

‘You have an overactive imagination,’ he told her as his lips tilted slightly.

‘George must have the skills of an elite commando to fight off those two armed men on the train.’

‘He’s well-trained,’ he agreed.

‘Why do you need such protection?’

‘I don’t,’ he denied. ‘He’s not my bodyguard. He just works in my hotel security department.’

Her lips compressed with suspicion. Alex was a very wealthy man. Were all of his business dealings above board?

‘Is George feeling any better?’

‘He’s recovering,’ he told her, his voice clipped.

She fidgeted with the hem of her pyjama top, before looking at him. ‘Would you please thank him for helping me?’

She saw surprise flick over his features, and then he nodded.

A nurse entered the room. ‘Good evening,
Kristidis. Miss Hamlin.’

‘Hello, Anna,’ Alex replied.

‘May I do my check now,

‘Yes, I was just leaving.’ There was a veiled threat in his eyes as he turned to Leah. ‘We’ll talk in the morning. Let’s hope my brother has been found by then.’

She swallowed hard at his parting words. One way or another, he would discover her deception and then his wrath would descend upon her. She wasn’t looking forward to the experience.

‘Please sit down, Miss Hamlin,’ Anna encouraged, once they were alone.

‘You really don’t need to do this. I’m fine.’


Leah let out a pent-up breath and complied. The nurse smiled at her, taking her pulse and blood pressure.

Leah gave in to her curiosity. ‘Is this a big island?’

‘It’s the biggest privately-owned island in Greece. There are a couple of hundred people living here.’

‘Do you live on the island?’ she asked while the nurse was checking her temperature.

‘No. I live in Athens. I’m just here for the duration of your stay.’

‘You work for an agency?’

‘Mostly. This time I was booked directly.’

‘You know the Kristidis family?’

‘Yes. I looked after

Mrs Kristidis?

‘Alex’s mother?’

‘Oh, no.’ She shook her head. ‘His mother’s been dead for many years. I looked after Christina. His wife.’

Chapter 4

Alex was married?

The information hit her right between the eyes like a bullet from a high calibre rifle.

‘Miss Hamlin, are you okay?’

Not trusting her vocal cords to function, she nodded mutely and sat still while the nurse finished her observations.

Anna’s announcement had stunned her.
But why?

As she searched for a reason, she remembered her sister’s comment. Supposedly, Alex was incapable of loving a woman. Susie and Spiros had thought him obsessed with managing his empire and accumulating more wealth.

She’d assumed Alex was single. How did his wife fit into the picture? Was his own marriage arranged to benefit his business, the same way he was trying to arrange a marriage for Spiros?

‘This is for you, Miss Hamlin.’ The nurse handed her a small rectangular device. ‘If you need anything through the night, please press this button and I’ll come.’

‘I’ll be fine, thanks.’

‘Well, have a good night’s rest.’

‘You too.’

As soon as Anna left, Leah went to the window and opened the shutters. It was a beautiful night. The garden was bathed in moonlight, and a gentle, refreshing breeze stirred her hair.

Where was Alex’s wife? Was she here on the island with him, or did she live in a residence on the mainland?

Susie’s words echoed in her head.
Just because he’s incapable of loving a woman…

Did Alex love his wife? He couldn’t if he was prepared to kiss another woman — a woman he supposedly disapproved of.

She couldn’t work it out. Alex could have left Susie to face her fate with the attackers, yet — not knowing about the deception — he’d brought her to his island and had kept her safe.

Leah went back to the bed and slipped under the sheet. Grudgingly, she faced her attraction to him.

How could any woman fail to be attracted? He exuded the strongest sexual magnetism she’d ever encountered. It was nothing to do with his wealth, and maybe it wasn’t even to do with his incredible looks. She recognised him as a man used to being in control, someone capable of handling any adversity life threw his way. Strong. Dependable. Exactly the opposite to Kyle.

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