Mistaken Identity (5 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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“Yeah, thanks a lot.” Jett said.

“No problem.”
The guard gave a nod and walked off.

“It figures this happens now. I don’t
even know how to get a hold of her.”

“Maybe she’ll come by before you leave?”

“God I hope so.” Jett ran a hand through
his hair. “I need to go make calls and start packing. I’ll let you know as soon
as I know something concrete.”

“If you need anything.”

“I know, thanks man.” Jett patted Aiden
on the shoulder, and walked past him to the room a door down.


“What was that all about?”
asked. They’d had lunch earlier and were now relaxing
with beverages. At least
was after last night; Kansas
was still rehydrating. She played it coy, not ready to reveal her secret.

“What?” Kansas shrugged.

“That question for Aiden. It was an odd
one. I had to practically drag you to the con in the first place.”
narrowed her eyes.

“I can’t get involved?”

“Kansas, don’t play.
my God!”
She set her wine on the table, and covered her mouth. “Is that
you were with last night? Aiden Archer!”

Kansas laughed at her frantic whispering.
It wasn’t a lie.

“Damn! I thought we were going to be in
for some excitement. Are you ever going to tell me who you went home with last
night? It’s not like you.”

“Maybe I couldn’t sleep so I wandered
around and enjoyed the Con experience.”

“Umm, that sex glow you have going on says
spun her finger in a circle in her
direction. “Plus, your bed was definitely not slept in.”

gaze darted around the crowded room, and her tongue flicked out to lick her dry

“See! Just thinking about it made you
blush. Who broke the fortress?”

“Not this nickname again.” Kansas rolled
her eyes at the old college moniker.

“Come on, you didn’t lose your virginity
until you were twenty-four, and even then it was just to have it gone.”
huffed. “Waste
of a good hymen if you ask me. A girl waits that long she should be insanely in
love when it finally happens.”

“You know I was never into roses, moonlit
strolls, and happily-ever-after.”

“I do! That’s why I’m so curious.” Pain
shone in her best friend’s eyes.

“I’m sorry I’m being so secretive.”
Kansas sighed. “I don’t know if it’ll pan out. This is all new to me. I don’t
want to jinx things.”

“It’s that serious?”

“Honestly?” Her stomach flipped. “I think
maybe it has the potential to be.”

placed her hand on her cheek. The gold bracelets on her right wrist clanked as
they connected. “Never thought I’d see the day Kansas Collins got it bad.
Someone alert the papers.”

“Shut it.” She took a sip of water to
combat the heat that broke out over her entire body.

knew this convention would be just what you needed. Best birthday giver ever.”

“We’ll see.” Kansas wasn’t ready to get
her hopes up yet.
He’d already lied to
Once is the only chance he gets to
do that.

“When are you going to see this mystery
man again?”

“I figured after lunch.”

“Good thinking.”
downed the last of her wine, dug into her purse, tossed down a few bills and
took to her feet.

“What are you doing?”

grabbed her
arm and gave a gentle tug. “
leaving. We have some work to do.”

Kansas stood.
I am so confused right now,

“We want to wow him in an understated way
that doesn’t make it seem like you spent forever assembling the outfit and
artfully applying make-up.”

“I look fine now.” She eyed her friend as
if she’d grown two heads.

“Yes, what we’re going for is fabulous.”

She opened her mouth protest, and
shook her head.

“Trust me, darling, I got a feeling.”

Used to her friend’s eccentricities
Kansas rolled her eyes.
I’m not going to
win so I may as well yield early.

clapped her
hands together. Her heart-shaped face lit up with joy, and her doe-brown eyes
sparkled. She was in her element, match-making and fashion. “Can you tell me
anything about him? I need details, woman.”

“He’s taller than me with dirty blonde
hair, killer eyes, a southern twang, and a wicked sense of humor.”

“Perfect for you.”


“Oh stop feigning indifference. You’re
moved, and that’s okay. Love is a beautiful thing everyone should experience.
Not all relationships end like your parents’. This is your time, baby girl.”
squeezed her hand. “Are you listening to me?”

Kansas nodded. For the first time since
the world around her had been blown wide open Kansas allowed
to feel excitement. Maybe
was right. She’s spent
thirty years protecting her heart. It was time to take a risk.

“Good, now let’s make magic happen.”

They minute they entered the room
went straight to the suitcase on Kansas’s bed, popped
it open, and began to rummage.

“What exactly are you hoping to find in
there?” Kansas asked, amused.

“I’ll know it when I see it.” The rustle
of clothes filled the space. “Aha!”
held up a pink maxi dress. “This looks fantastic on you, and highlights some of
your … attributes.”

“You’re such a delicate flower,

“Hey, I could have said your giant
knockers, but I was trying to be nice.” The agitation thickened
drawl, and

“I know. I’m just teasing.”

You know I’d
kill to have your Ta-Ta power.”

“A C-cup is plenty.”

“Says Chesty La Rue with
her double digits.”
tossed her the
dress. “You put that on, and I’ll create a make-up palette. I’ve been itching
to get my hands on you.”


“Because you’re a
beautiful girl who spends far too much time alone.”

“I like it that way,

“I know, but it’s only because you
haven’t found the person who sings the same song yet.”

Coming from anyone else the line would’ve
been hokey, but Kansas knew
actually meant it.
The new age store owner had a heart of gold and wide open mind. Despite a
number of failed relationships,
still believed
there was a prince or princess charming out there for every person.

An hour later, Kansas rapped on Jett’s
door. It swung open, and the sight of him took her breath away. This close she
could see the spattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose.

“Hi.” She smiled.

His flat tone took the wind from her sails. She faltered.

“Should I not have come?”

“No, no, please come in, I’m sorry. I got
some bad news, and it’s thrown me for a loop.” He stepped back and waved her

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”
He led her over to the couch and took the
chair to the right of her after she sat. “I have to leave the convention.”

“Why?” Her stomach plummeted like an
elevator in a mine shaft.

is in the

The name
sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it. She frowned.

“No, my ex-fiancée.”

“Okay.” She stood and walked for the

“Wait, where are you going?” He chased
her, grabbed her wrist to stop her at the door.

“Back to my room.”
Her chest ached, and the butterflies in her
stomach turned back in to crawling caterpillars that made her nauseous.

“It’s not what you think.”

“You have no clue what I think.”

“Tell me.”

“I think you still have unfinished

He shook his head. “That’s not it. This
is life or death, Kansas. She’s really sick. I-I wanted to tell you so you
didn’t get the wrong impression if you saw something on the television or the

“And you can help her when a doctor can’t?”

“It’s not a physical kind of sickness.”

Her mouth formed an O. She had no right
to be upset; they had no history.
What if
he’s lying again?
Are you going to be
strung around like your Father was? Taking scraps whenever he decides to pop
back into your lives?


“Come on,
Don’t hold this against me.”

She closed her eyes, mentally counted to
ten, and opened them. Could she fault him for packing and heading up to go back
home when he was needed?

“Regardless, it sounds like you have
business you need to get into order. Clean out your closet, and we’ll go from

“I can do that. I don’t want to leave
things on this note. I have to leave for the airport in twenty minutes. Can you
stay with me?”
I should at least scratch
the itch again before he rides off into the sunset, treat it like any other
mutual satisfaction arrangement I’ve had.

“You look like you could use a little
stress release.”

His eyes darkened with lust. “I only have
fifteen minutes, and I–I thought you were upset…”

“Trust me, when I’m upset you’ll know it.
What are you waiting for? You only have fourteen minutes now.”

He dropped to his knees, fisted his hands
in the material of her dress and pushed it up, around her hips.

“Hold on to this. I can’t leave without
tasting you.” He massaged her cleft through the thin material of her black,
lace, underwear, moved in and kissed her trim pussy. Her passageway grew slick
as his fingers continued their magic as he nipped her thigh. She grasped the
cloth in her hands like a lifeline as her legs shook.

“Don’t tease.”

“Only because there’s
not enough time.”
covered her with his lips, sucked her bud into his mouth through her underwear.
The contrast of wet, heat, and roughness stole her breath. His nimble finger
crept inside. Her muscles tightened around him, and she pressed her thighs
closer together adding to the friction.
He pulled away.

“No!” His big hand ripped away her
underwear, and he spread her legs, piercing her molten tunnel with his

“Oh Jett!”

He took no prisoners as he fucked her
with his mouth and rubbed her clit. Within minutes she was a trembling mess of
melting woman. Stars burst behind her lids, and she came hard. A moan escaped
Jett as he swallowed her whole.
away, he supported her trembling body with strong hands on her hips.

“I knew you’d be addictive.”

She peered down, and he licked his shiny
“Oh God.”

“This is the best way to leave, with your
flavor on my taste buds.”
He stood,
wrapped his arms around her and cradled her to his chest. “This isn’t over by a
long shot, Kansas. Do you believe me?”

wanted to.

He covered her mouth with his own. The mixture of her flavor combined
with his was a delicacy she longed to taste again. “I hate this.” He growled.
“I just found you, and I have to leave. The past six months have been a living
hell. Then you come in like a brilliant ray of sunshine and dazzle me and

She snorted. “Dazzle you and shit?”

“Hey, those lines
delivers are written. I’m operating on the fly.”

Despite the fucked up situation, she
smiled. He was adorable, and charming.
The upheaval he brought threw her off balance.
Challenged the way she’d been living. Relationships had never been a blip on
her radar, too much risk, and to be honest, she was selfish. Her goals and
dreams were all she had to consider when she was flying solo.
Walk away.
The devil on her shoulder
urged her to run for the hills before she got in any deeper.
I’ve never been a coward
Jett offered a new puzzle to solve. A
different path she’d never thought to travel. If she craved anything it was
Might as well admit I’m locked into the ride …
for now.

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