Mistaken Identity (4 page)

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Authors: Breah Elise

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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As much as Olivia wanted to keep on denying it, there was no way to cover up her body’s reaction to him.  It was completely insane for her to be attracted to Daniel; it made no sense.  She didn’t like him.  If anything, she despised him – and that was long before he pretended to be someone else in order to sleep with her.  Olivia never thought she’d be the kind of woman who could sleep with someone that she didn’t like but right here, right now, in this moment, all she could do was imagine Daniel doing all of the wicked things he’d done to her last weekend.


Something in her expression must have given her thoughts away because the next thing Olivia knew, Daniel was pressed up against her from chest to knees.  She waited for him to kiss her, almost whimpered with need but held her breath in anticipation.

“Say it,” he said quietly.

Olivia shook her head.  She wasn’t sure exactly what he was asking but she’d already made a fool of herself once before with this man and she wasn’t prepared to play any games with him.  She didn’t want to be forced to beg; didn’t want to have to speak at all.  This was about sex, plain and simple.  They may not like each other but they were certainly attracted.

“Say it, Olivia,” he demanded again.

Why wouldn’t he just shut up and kiss her? She wondered.  Why was he dragging this out?  Unable to help herself, she arched her back off the door slightly and rubbed her aching nipples against his rock hard chest.  Her eyes closed and she let out a sigh that sounded a little more like a moan and that’s when Daniel finally gave in.

“Damn you,” he cursed before crushing her to him and claiming her mouth with his.  He had wanted to her admit that she wanted him; wanted to hear her say the words before he allowed himself to touch her but once she’d rubbed herself against him, he was lost. 

Reaching down he cupped her rear and lifted her off the ground as she desperately tried to wrap her legs around him to bring them in intimate contact.  Unfortunately, her skirt was impeding all of her attempts.  He heard Olivia’s soft curse and her growl of frustration.

Without breaking contact they worked together to hike her skirt up.  Olivia’s back was pinned to the front door and when the fabric of her skirt was finally banded around her waist and she was able to feel his full arousal against her damp panties, she sighed into Daniel’s mouth.  She was just about to finally admit out loud that she wanted him, to beg him to touch her when she felt her panties being torn from her body.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!

He didn’t ask permission and there was no time for gentle foreplay.  Daniel needed to touch her, needed to be buried deep inside of her.  His hand went between their bodies and he groaned at how wet Olivia already was for him.  Roughly he put two fingers inside of her and Olivia tore her mouth from his to cry out with pleasure.  He was so hard at that moment and was growing frantic at the thought of how he could keep fingering her, keep pleasuring her while getting his pants off.

Knowing that his cock would certainly appreciate getting in on the action, he was about to remove his fingers when Olivia cried out in orgasm.  She rode his hand hard and Daniel let her settle for a moment before removing his hand and attending to his pants.  “If you liked that, Liv, you’re going to love what comes next,” he growled as he unhooked his belt single handedly and then unbuttoned his pants
, pulled a condom from his pocket and pushed them and his briefs down just far enough to free his erection.

He knew she was ready for him, knew that she would cry out again in pleasure but he needed more.  Olivia’s head was thrown back and her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath.  “Look at me,” he demanded.  When she didn’t move, he cupped her chin and forced her to.  “I want your eyes on me, Olivia.  I want you watching me as I take you.”

The words were fierce and yet they turned Olivia on more than they should.  Unable to resist, she stared into his eyes and felt his cock probing where his fingers had just been. They fumbled to get the condom down his massive length and she sighed when they succeeded. She wiggled, trying to get him to be where she wanted him; to let her sink down on his length but Daniel held back.

“Say my name, Liv,” he whispered, teasing her with the tip of his cock.  “Tell me what you want.”  He almost said “who you want” but managed to keep it straight. 

“Please, Daniel,” she whimpered, desperate for him; her hips moving of their own accord in hopes of him finally caving in.  “I want you inside of me.”

It was all the encouragement Daniel needed.  He plunged inside of her and pounded Olivia up against the door.  Over and over he stroked her as she cried
out; all the while her eyes never left his.  He demanded that she say his name and she did over and over and over.  When Daniel sensed she was ready to go over the edge again, he roughly grabbed for her breast and when her eyes were ready to shut in her orgasmic state, he pinched hard and growled, “Look at me, damn you!”

Olivia forced herself to keep her focus and to watch the hateful eyes that were glaring at her.  She wanted to hate him, wanted to be angry with him but her body was screaming with another earth shattering orgasm and that was all she cared about. 

When her trembling subsided and Daniel was still furiously pumping into her, Olivia decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.  When his eyes closed, she demanded that they open.  She fisted her fingers in his hair to keep him in place as she rode him.

“Make me come, Liv,” he panted.  “Oh, god, make me come…”

Leaning forward, Olivia bit down on his ear lobe and moaned.  “Do it,” she whispered.

And he did.

Chapter Four


Olivia wasn’t sure who she was more furious with, herself or Daniel.  For crying out loud she’d just had sex up against her front door and as fantastic as it was and as much as her body was still humming, she hated the fact that she was so weak.

That he made her that weak.

Daniel slowly lowered her to the ground and once Olivia was steady on her feet, he leaned back and looked at her.  Her face was flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses and she was the sexiest damn site he’d ever seen.  He wanted to say something; something to express how he was feeling but he was too overwhelmed by it all.  Never in his life had a woman made him this crazy.  There had never been a need so strong that he had to have someone as intensely as he had with Olivia.

Olivia began to squirm under his intense scrutiny and she was mortified by her behavior.  She needed him to leave, to let her wallow in shame by herself, so she lashed out.  “Are you happy now that you proved your damn point?”

The look of utter shock on Daniel’s face was almost comical.  For a moment she regretted her words, almost feeling as if she’d hurt him.  But then his expression hardened and reached down for his pants, straightening himself and said, “I’m not even close to being happy yet, Olivia.  We’re not done.”

“Yes we are!” she cried.  “You got what you came for; you proved your point.  What more could you possibly want?”

He reached out and gently stroked the side of her face, down her throat and to the opening of the blouse that they never removed.  “I want you naked, in a bed.  I want to be able to see all of you.”

Damn if that didn’t turn her on
even more.  “You’re insane,” she whispered as her body began to tremble with anticipation.

“Maybe,” he said simply, “but I’m not leaving until I’ve satisfied my curiosity.”

She was going to argue with him, after all, that had always been their pattern of behavior.  But right now, in the entryway to her home and her naked bottom against the cool door, all she could think about was how glorious it had felt to be in a bed with him last weekend.  She was already in over her head, what harm was a few more hours of sexually pleasing activity going to do?

Slowly she unbuttoned her blouse and watched as Daniel’s gaze began to heat.  She dropped the garment to the floor and then unhooked her bra and let it follow suit.  Daniel swallowed hard.  “Where’s the bedroom?” he growled as he picked her up and turned in the direction she pointed to.

In a flash they were in her darkened bedroom where Daniel dropped her onto the bed and reached for the lamp.  “I want to see you.”

That was good because she wanted to see him too.  Why had she never noticed how sexy he was?  How muscular?  How utterly devastating he was to look at?  But the feel of him was even better.  Olivia watched as he reached into his pocket and then dropped several condoms onto the bed.

“Optimistic, aren’t you?” she teased and was rewarded with a sexy smile.  She could get used to that smile.

“After the way we were last weekend, Liv, I was just trying to come prepared.”

She let out a sexy laugh as she got more comfortable on the bed and stretched.  Daniel removed all of his clothes and then lay down beside her and for a moment, Olivia wasn’t sure what to do.  This wasn’t romantic, they weren’t in love or in a relationship, this was about sex.  She wasn’t expecting romance; she wasn’t expecting seduction.

She certainly wasn’t expecting this lazy exploration of her body that Daniel was beginning while all of the lights were illuminating her every imperfection.

She wanted to hide a little, pull the sheets up but he would have none of it.  He didn’t speak as his hands and mouth familiarized themselves with every inch of her body.  Over and over he brought her from one peak to another but never let her go over.  Soon she was begging, pleading for her release when Daniel finally reached for a condom and sheathed himself.

“What is it that you want?” he asked thickly, staring down at the sight of her sprawled out, legs spread, quivering for him.

“You,” she whispered.  “I want you, Daniel.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when he drove into her.  As much as he had teased and played intimately with her, Olivia still felt tight around him and he sank in as far as he could go and she wrapped her legs around him, he marveled at the feel of her.

For long moments he just enjoyed the sensation, rocking into her as she matched his movements.  Both of them merely panting in pleasure.  Daniel reached a hand between them and found her swollen center.  “Look at me, Liv,” he said.  “Come for me.”

Dazed, Olivia looked at him.  The things he was doing to her body felt too good, too overwhelming and with the slight pressure of his fingers along with the thrusting of his cock, she was helpless to stop the powerful orgasm from overtaking her.  She cried out, cried out his name and watched his triumphant smile. 
“That’s my girl,” he said as he began to thrust harder and faster.  “My turn.”

Soon he stiffened above her and Olivia relished in the feel of his orgasm almost as much as she had with her own.  Lazily she ran her hands over his chest, his back and then up into his hair as she brought his face down for a heated kiss.

Daniel collapsed beside her and pulled her in close.  Hearts pounding, bodies cooling, neither knew what to say and Olivia was afraid to say anything and ruin the moment.  It was too perfect.  They may not like each other but in bed they were one hundred percent compatible.

She turned her head and looked at the clock, seeing it was near two in the morning.  She was exhausted and her body was screaming for sleep but
the feel of him pressed up against her was too delicious to ignore.  Leaning forward, she reigned tiny kisses on his chest and heard his slight intake of breath as she flicked her tongue over his nipple.

A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest.  “Woman, what are you trying to do to me?”

Climbing over to straddle him, she smiled wickedly down at him.  “Just trying to make sure none of those condoms go to waste.”


Olivia woke up alone the next morning and sighed.  She had no idea at what point Daniel had left.  All she knew was that the last time she had looked at the clock it was nearing six a.m. and they had used the last condom.  A slow smile crept up her face.

Deep down, she knew it was wrong; Daniel didn’t like her and last night was all about his ego.  He was simply proving that it was him that she wanted and not David.

And he was right.

Last night left no doubt in her mind who it was that she wanted.  After her sixth orgasm she couldn’t have picked David out in a line-up.  Even now she couldn’t even conjure up his image.  All she saw was Daniel.  As she rose from the bed, her body ached pleasantly.  A girl could get used to this, she thought to herself. 

She gasped when she noticed that the clock read eleven a.m.!  What was she supposed to even do today?  Had she missed something?  Her brain scrambled to remember anything other than the pleasure she’d received all night. 

It was Thursday and she remembered that she and Anna had discussed her not coming into the office today; her replacement was going to try it on her own.  Reaching for her robe, Olivia walked out into her living room in search of her purse.  Spotting it by the front door she almost blushed as she approached it.  Her clothes were neatly folded on the bench she kept there and she knew that Daniel must have done that on his way out this morning. 

Refusing to think about his hands touching her clothes or how they’d ripped her panties off last night, she quickly grabbed her purse and found her cell phone.  Luckily there were no missed calls so she went about making herself some coffee and figuring out what to do with her day.

Once her first cup of coffee had been consumed, she decided to call Tina. 
“We were a big hit last night!” Tina said as soon as she answered the phone.  “I even managed to network a little bit and got some referrals!”

“That’s awesome!” Olivia responded.  “What’s on the agenda for today?”

“Aren’t you at the office?”

“Nope.  Anna is trying a day on her own.”

“How about you meet me here for a late lunch and we can go over the schedule for the weekend?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Olivia said and hung up to go and get herself ready.

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