Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3)
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"I love you, Gus."

"Ah, my sweet, sassy Red. I'll love you forever."

And he did. He loved her so completely that nothing other
than him invaded her mind. He spent long minutes caressing every inch of her,
his lips following closely behind. When she was writhing beneath him, he
entered her in one hard, deliciously slow thrust.

He made love to her just as slowly and she savored every
touch, every kiss. She never wanted to go back to the world outside. This made
her feel good. It made her feel safe.

He was careful with her hand and didn't let her use it to
touch him. She roamed his body with her good hand, but she couldn't concentrate
on anything but what he was doing to her. His fingers plucked at her nipples,
his lips soothed them, his hands gripped at the soft flesh of her bottom and
pulled her into an angle that drove her closer to the edge.

When she was close, he groaned at the way her muscles
tightened around him.

"Take it, Aiden. Take what you need. I love you so
much, baby."

The rhythm of his thrusts faltered as he took her right to
the very edge. When his hand moved between them and circled that tiny bundle, she
shattered into a million pieces, the force of her release taking him with her
and drowning them both in a sea of rapture.

"I love you," she whispered, then quickly drifted
into a deep sleep with Gus surrounding her.



"Aiden, baby. Wake up for me."

The whispered words pulled her from her final moments of a
dreamless sleep. Gus hovered over her in the dimly lit room, hair damp from a
shower and dressed with his badge and gun attached to him.

"Good morning, love."

"Is it?" she asked as everything came rushing back
to her.

"It will be," he promised and swept her hair
behind her ears. "I need to get to the station. Ash is in the kitchen
making some breakfast with Dad. They're going to wait for you to get ready and
take you to Lily."

She didn't want him to leave, but he was just as desperate
to find Aidy as she was, so she wouldn't attempt to make him stay.

"When you girls have gotten Lily straightened out, I
want you to go with Emily and get her a new phone. If you don't find yours, get
one for you, too. Same numbers. If this guy is going to contact
it will be one of you." He set his credit card on the nightstand and gave
her a stern look. "Use it."


"Normally, I would have Dad go with you, but I have a
feeling Ash will need him. He's experienced at this kind of thing, so Lily is
in good hands."

"Will that be safe?"

He grinned. "Con has been teaching Emily everything he
can about firearms. She's got a concealed weapons permit and a gun. It's
but it fires bullets."

She smiled weakly and he traced her lips with a warm finger.
"My brothers are coming with me. We'll find her."

"I know you will."

With a resigned sigh, he kissed her. "Guess I better
go. I love you."

"I love you, too."

She heard him talking softly out in the kitchen before the
sound of the door shutting let her know he was gone. With a groan, she got out
of bed and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. She'd had the night to
clear her head, had Gus to help her. She was ready to face this head on.

She slowly made her way out to the kitchen and heard Aislinn
speaking with her father. She was anxious to meet them in person, but had all
the confidence in the world that Ash would take the awkwardness away from her
without a second thought.

"I swear to God, Dad, if they don't catch this little

"I know, my beauty. You're going to find him yourself
and show him what it feels like to be helpless. You've said it a hundred times
and I'll tell you again. Over my dead body."

"Did Luke tell you to say that? Be honest, Dad."

"No, he didn't, but I agree with him. You girls need to
focus on Lily and let them take care of this. I'm here to keep you in

Ash made a "pfft" sound before he continued.
"Con has already made some calls. They'll have the resources they need if
it comes to that."

"I still think they should get Ripley up here,
especially when they actually
Aidy. Quietly hand the jerk over and
let Lucien take care of him. Done."

Liam chuckled. "When did you become so vicious?"

Aiden heard a pan being placed in the sink before Aislinn
answered steadily. "When I realized how much one can love another human
being. The second that test said positive, my heart wasn't mine anymore. I
can't imagine what Lily and Aiden are going through."

Feeling guilty for eavesdropping and not wanting to break
down when she had been so sure she could face the day, she stepped into the
kitchen and saw Liam first. He was leaning with his hip to the counter and arms
crossed over his chest. The man was tall and looked strong and capable for his
age. She also saw a clearer glimpse of where Gus got his looks. Liam Brannock
was even more handsome in person.

He saw her appear in the entrance to the kitchen and moved
across the small space to reach her. "Aiden, my dear. It's good to finally
meet you in person."

His hug was surprisingly comforting and familiar. Like a
warm, gentle bear wrapping her up.

"You, too. I wish it was under better

"Yes, that would be more pleasant."

She noticed the barely there accent in his speech, but didn't
have time to comment on it before Aislinn was on top of her.

"Aiden, I'm so sorry about this whole pile of shit, but
just know we love you, Lily, and Aidy. I'm so happy to finally meet the girl
that opened my brother's eyes."

Her words were quick and her hug was fierce for a tiny
pregnant woman, but no less comforting than her father's. "Thank you,

"I made you some breakfast and it's still early. Em
said Lily was okay for now. Why don't you eat and just take a breather, then
we'll get you to your sister."

"I appreciate that."

"Of course. Gus told me you don't really cook and God

She giggled and felt a spark of joy at having a little
inside secret with Gus. The man knew how to cook, although she couldn't trust
that she was his best critic. But like he had said before, pity food
taste delicious.

They all ate and she learned quite a bit more about Ash and
her situation with Luke. Aiden couldn't help but sigh at the romantic story of
forbidden love turning into a happy ending. However, she would have to chat
with Gus about his past crimes towards his little sister. She understood he
only wanted to protect her, but after hearing about her Prom fiasco, Aiden
shook her head in exasperation.

"Didn't help that Dad paid them to do all that stuff
half the time. Mom would get so angry with you," she directed at Liam who
smiled brightly.

"Yes, she would."

Aiden studied the wistful expression on the man's face and
knew he was remembering specific times. When his cheeks turned a light shade of
pink, she could only imagine what making up was like for him and his late wife.
Gus told her they were madly in love from the very beginning and it never
waned, it only got better.

 She would have the same with Gus. She could feel it in her

If they could only get this whole mess sorted.

"You two beauties ready to go?" Liam stood and
cleared the table while Ash gathered her purse. Time was passing quickly and
the distraction they had provided her helped her regroup. She wanted to get to
Lily and take care of her family.

"Did you find your phone yet, Aiden?" Ash asked.

"No, but I'll look for it when I come back with Emily.
I'm sure she wants a minute to herself after last night."

They left the apartment and she and Ash stood on the
sidewalk waiting for Liam to bring the rental car around.

"I know it isn't much," Gus' sweet sister started.
"But I want you to understand that whatever happens, we are here for you
and your sister. Don't think I'm saying they won't find Aidy. They will. Just
know that we are here whenever you need us for whatever reason. We're all
family now, okay?"

She nodded and held back the emotion clouding her eyes.
Family had meant everything to her during her 27 years of life on this earth
and it was nice to know that she had people around her who felt the same. Her
mom and dad were going to love the Brannocks. "Okay."

Ash hugged her briefly and they both took a deep cleansing
breath together before her newly acquired sister shouted, "Let's kick some
ass today!"

For the first time all morning, she felt energy radiating
through her limbs.

They made the short trip to Lily's with little conversation,
but a comfortable air in the car. When they walked into Aidy's home, Aiden felt
the weight on her shoulders, but didn't let it drag her down. Lily needed her
strength and by God she was going to give her whatever she could.

Emily was in the kitchen sipping a mug of coffee and her
sister was awake on the couch, Chad by her side. When Lily looked up and saw
Aiden, her face crumbled, but she suddenly leaped to her feet and dashed across
the room, crashing into her and holding on tightly.

"Aiden," she gasped.

Aiden clung to her sister's tiny frame and poured whatever
strength she had left into her. It might not be enough, but it was something. "I'm
here, Lil. We'll find her."

Lily pulled away, her eyes streaming with tears that Aiden
tried to catch with her fingers. "Shh, just breathe, sis. That's all we
can do right now, okay?"

She nodded and fell into Aiden's arms once more. The sisters
held each other for a long time, quietly reassuring the other that they would
get through this together. That Aidy was strong and that the men would do
whatever it took to find her.

They made it back to the couch and Chad gathered Lily in his
embrace. Aiden smiled at the gesture and knew that this man was going to be
good for her big sister, and for Aidy. When this was all over, Lily would need
someone strong beside her who loved her and took care of her.


Liam and Ash stood at the edge of the living room watching
the whole scene without a word, letting them have their moment, but they wanted
to put some of their strength in as well.

Lily finally saw them and got back to her feet without
another thought, launching herself into Liam's waiting arms. Without their
father present, Liam gladly took the role upon himself.

Aiden hoped they got there soon. It would be easier for her
sister with her own family by her side. Their parents were on the way, unable
to leave until this morning because of her father's medical issues. Flying
wasn't the best thing when you were on blood thinners after surgery, but his
doctor cleared him that morning with her father's insistence and they took the
next flight out. She was glad they hadn't driven. He wouldn't have been the least
bit comfortable, but he would have suffered through it if his doctor hadn't
cleared him.

Lily sobbed into Liam's chest before yanking Ash into the
circle and clinging to
. She was back and she was taking no
prisoners. When it came to heart ache, she knew the kind of support system she
had and she wasn't about to take it for granted

"Did you hear from Mom and Dad?" Aiden asked

"Yes, they're almost here. It will be nice to have
everyone together for when Aidy gets home."

She sensed the false bravado in Lily's voice, but didn't
mention it.

Liam immediately started in on explaining exactly what the
men were doing at the moment and Lily looked extremely grateful. She wanted to
know what was happening and what steps they were taking to find her little
girl. Aiden could tell it was taking all of her power to stay in that damn
apartment and not go out looking for her on her own, but Liam's sweet demeanor
and comforting words helped her relax. Speaking with him over the computer was
nothing compared with face to face.

On that thought, Aiden remembered that she needed to get a
phone right away. The kidnapper would likely contact them according to Gus and
none of them wanted to miss that call.

I turned to Emily who was already shouldering her purse with
a knowing grin.

"Do you think I could stay with my sister?" she

Emily shook her head, "We'll be back soon and I
wouldn't know where to look for your phone. Plus, they'll need you to set up
the new phone for Lily."

She was right, but still, Aiden felt obligated to argue for
some reason.

"Em, you look exhausted."

She waved her concern away, "Nothing the last three
cups of coffee won't fix in the next few minutes. She's in good hands. Ash will
keep her occupied and when she thinks about it, Liam will keep her

Aiden hugged her sister, telling her she would be back soon
and to tell Mom and Dad what she was doing so they didn't worry. Lily looked
deflated, but nodded.

"Thank you for staying with her last night," she
told Emily when they climbed into the rental car.

"No problem. You needed to get your head straight and
I'll tell you what, it had an effect. I know Lily felt that and her entire
demeanor changed the minute you walked in. She hasn't spoken much since she
woke up early this morning."

"What time did Con leave?"

"Just after seven. He was rearing to go at five,

"Thank you."

Emily grasped her hand as she drove through the city and
squeezed lightly, never letting go until they pulled into the lot by her
apartment. She was desperate to hear from Gus, but between Ash and Emily, she
would be getting the updates through Con and Luke. Emily mentioned that Gus had
buried himself in the task and hadn't had a chance to get on the phone with
her. According to Luke, his captain wanted him off lead since this was too
personal to him, but Gus was insisting on it.

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