Miss Spelled (5 page)

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Authors: Sarah Belle

BOOK: Miss Spelled
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This is my best friend, the woman I would choose as a sister if it were possible. Mel has always been the one to launch headfirst into trouble with me. Wagging school, sneaking out after bedtime to date boys, bluffing our way into the hotel where Robbie Williams was staying and posing as room service— not that it worked. We were unceremoniously tossed out the back entrance within minutes of our ingenious plan unravelling.

‘What are you waiting for? Come on, let’s hustle, baby,’ Mel says as she walks out the door.

* * *

We park on the street opposite the Crown Towers, where Hunter is staying. Nothing but the best for him. Aiden let slip where he was living during his time in Melbourne. Well, perhaps there was a tiny bit of discreet prodding on my behalf.

‘What if he’s gone out for the night?’ Mel asks.

The air leaves my lungs as my shoulders drop. ‘Shit! I didn’t think of that…’

‘No, wait!’ Mel shrieks as she slaps me on the upper arm. ‘There he is…it’s Hunter…over there, getting out of that taxi! God, he hasn’t changed at all except for getting older. Rat bastard.’ She slides even lower in her seat, her head disappearing below the dashboard.

‘Fuck!’ I say as I join her, ‘what do I do?’

‘Go out there and talk to him. Isn’t that the plan?’

‘I don’t know. I hadn’t got that far yet.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I can’t really just emerge from a parked car and walk over to him. Then he’ll know I was stalking him. Our meeting should look like a coincidence.’

‘Hmmm, okay. Well, we’ll follow him in then.’

Mel drives in, but is waved to move on by the valet attendant. She slows to a stop and winds her window down.

‘No parking here ladies, move on please,’ he says.

‘But I’ve just got to…’ pleads Mel.

‘No, sorry. There’s plenty of spaces in the multi-level car park. This area is for check-ins, drop-offs and VIP’s only.’

‘Quickly, you go in. Get him. Text me when you’re ready to leave. I’ll meet you back here,’ she says.

I undo my seatbelt. ‘You’re the bestest friend ever.’

‘I know. Quick, go, go!’ Mel shoos me away. ‘Good luck. Wait!’


‘Get a lock of his hair, if you can.’

‘What? Hair?’

‘Yes, just in case you decide to go down the spell route. Here, take these,’ she says, handing me a small pair of craft scissors from her handbag. ‘If not, just stab him and be done with it all, then we’ll hide the body. By the sounds of it no one will miss him.’

‘You are one insane woman,’ I laugh.

‘Yeah, but I’m the one who’s got your back, sister. Off you go!’

* * *

I enter the foyer and am awestruck by the amount of marble on the floor and walls. They must have levelled an entire mountain range to build this place. The waterfalls and features, along with the lighting, creates an atmosphere of ostentatious over-abundance. Even though Aiden lives in the city, it’s rare that we go out to posh hotels, so this really takes my breath away.

Hunter is at the concierge desk and my tummy does flip-flops as I make my way over to him, attempting to look nonchalant on the way, but most likely doing a bad impression of it. The sound of my sprinting heart beat rises above the hubbub of people in the foyer.

‘Yes sir, Mr Wincott, I will organise that right away,’ the concierge says as I draw nearer.

His aftershave, a spicy blend with sandalwood undertones, takes me back to our time together, when he was every naive girl’s dream of the ultimate boyfriend—passionate, charming, lethal in bed and very opinionated, in a sexy kind of way. His star was on the rise when we met, after he had attended Oxford.

My stomach lurches upwards and I stop, suddenly overtaken by dizziness and confusion. What the hell am I doing? This is a ridiculous idea. Hunter probably wouldn’t even remember me. There were so many women during our time together, I can only imagine how many have followed. It’s absurd to think he will help me now.

‘Yes sir, I will have that waiting for you tomorrow morning on your way out,’ says the concierge.

‘Good, and make sure it’s the top of the range, will you?’ he says.

Only the best for Hunter Wincott. Just like old times.

My nerves get the better of me and I turn to walk away. This was a stupid idea. Aiden needs to know the truth, no matter the cost. Honesty has to be the best way to go.

My mobile launches out of my sweaty hand and drops to the floor. None of my fingers seem to be working, my nerves are shot and my eyes blurry with tears as I bend down to pick it up.


The voice is unmistakeable, although the north London accent has thickened since our last conversation 11 years ago.

‘Lou, is that you?’ he asks again.

I look at the expensive men’s shoes in front of me, all the way up the exquisite woollen suit, to the incredibly handsome face at the top. Those sapphire eyes, thick black glossy lashes and slightly olive complexion. He’s still a sexpot.

Oh shit!

He crouches down on his haunches and places one strong, warm hand on my elbow. A shiver flashes through my body as though he is a live charge plugged into me. With the other hand he picks up the phone.

‘Is this yours?’ He smiles the same smile that seduced me all those years ago. The same smile that probably seduces countless other women as well. When you’re onto a good thing…

‘Ah, um…yes. Thank you, Hunter,’ I stammer. ‘What a coincidence!’ My smile feels lopsided and a manufactured giggle catches in my throat.

He helps me back up to a standing position and leaves his hand on my elbow, his current still passing through my body.

A huge void has developed between my brain and mouth. All I can do is stare and feel myself overheat, almost forgetting the reason for my journey here.

His eyes run all over my body as he puts the other hand on my arm and looks at me as though my body is a fine piece of artwork he is thinking of acquiring, just trying to figure out which room it would look best in. He always said I was perfect in every room of his flat. As was he—except for the cheating thing, that is—but it’s easy to forget betrayal in the presence of this man.

‘Lou,’ he says in the deep voice that is an aphrodisiac in itself. ‘You look good enough to eat…slowly.’

Yep, he still has the touch. All the moisture in my mouth evaporates and reappears under my armpits.

Hunter takes a step closer and I feel my body being enveloped in his strong, thick arms, the kind of arms that appear on the cover of romance novels. As tall as Aiden, but broader and stronger in frame, like a rugby player. I can feel every contour of his athletic body beneath his shirt. Momentarily, it’s not possible to remember my own name. It’s as though it was yesterday we were together.

He takes a small step backwards, enough so that we are no longer embracing but still in each other’s personal space.

‘I can’t tell you how often I’ve thought of you over the years. How are you?’ he says.

I clear my throat and tell my heart to slow down, and my loins to stop quivering.

‘I’m good, great in fact. Thanks. And you?’

‘Life has treated me very well. What a coincidence to meet you here. Do you have time for a drink, dinner perhaps?’

I check my watch to make it look as though I have something planned. It’s past nine o’clock.

‘A very late dinner?’ Hunter asks and then gives me the smile that no sane woman can resist.

Trying to remain focused on my mission is so hard with this perfect specimen of manhood standing so close. There’s something about him, a quality that is consuming. It becomes crystal clear to me how I fell for him in London, and then forgave him for his regular betrayals.


‘Just you and me. I’ll organise it.’ He waves over the concierge, who scurries towards us. ‘A table set up in my suite, fresh seafood for two. Make sure there’s an icy bottle of Krug Vintage waiting. An ‘88 if you have it.’

‘Yes sir, very good.’

Hunter turns back to me and smiles. Should I run out the foyer and flee for my life, or stay and run the risk of being charmed to death, especially in his room of all places. He was like a magician when it came to bedrooms. One wave of his warm hand and my panties used to disappear.

‘What about the restaurant?’ I say. ‘Can’t we eat there?’

‘Are you afraid you won’t be able to resist me, Lou?’ he smiles.

‘No, I…er…’


‘Our restaurant is being used for a private function tonight, madam. The bistro is open, sir. I could arrange a table for two…’

‘Bistro? Urgh, God no. My suite will be fine,’ he says to the concierge. ‘I promise to be good. I trust you if you trust yourself?’ He gives me that sexy shag-me-now smile.

‘Ah…a…okay.’ I try not to smile. ‘Okay. I just need to make a call first.’ I move out of Hunter’s hearing range and dial Mel’s number, to tell her what’s happening.

‘Are you crazy?’ Mel blasts down the phone. ‘Have you forgotten how much of a shagmeister he is? How useless you were to fight it?’

‘It’s okay. That was all before Aiden. There’s no way I’d ever, ever cheat on him.’

‘Yeah, famous last words…’

‘If this doesn’t work I’ll only have until tomorrow morning to fix it before Hunter sees Aiden again.’

‘That’s plenty of time for us to kill him and dispose of the remains. We’re school teachers, no one would ever suspect us.’


‘Okay, just be careful and remain clothed at all times…and don’t forget the hair. I’ve got plan B all wrapped up.’

‘Hair, gotcha. Talk soon. Love you. Bye.’

I place my phone back in the bag and walk over to Hunter, who loops my arm around his as we walk slowly toward the lifts.

‘Now, tell me everything you’ve been up to since we saw each other last.’

* * *

Sharing of a bottle of Krug then sipping Frangelico leaves me feeling much more relaxed about this escapade. The meal of fresh king prawns and Caesar salad has stayed in my stomach successfully and I am currently trying very hard not to succumb to Hunter’s charms. If it wasn’t for Aiden, we’d be heading to his bedroom later tonight. Oh, who am I kidding?! We’d already be there frantically working our way through round three of a night-long shag fest.

‘So you’ve never married?’ he asks.

‘Not yet. Actually, I’m engaged but we haven’t set the date yet.’

Hunter raises his left eyebrow. ‘Who is he? I’m jealous.’ He laughs.

I laugh too, albeit uncomfortably.

‘Seriously Lou, does he make you happy?’

Aiden’s face appears in my mind and a smile plants itself on my face.

‘No need to answer that. I can tell that you’re in love from your smile. You’re glowing.’

‘How about yourself? A wife to go home to? Kids?’

Hunter waves his hand. ‘No, I’m too busy to devote myself to family yet.’

‘To one woman you mean?’

Shit, control yourself woman!
Get on the wrong side of him and my plan to appeal to his better side will come undone faster than the clip of my bra the first night we met. Hunter gives me a bashful smile.

‘I’m sorry, Hunter. That was rude of me.’

‘Not completely uncalled for, though. I was an utter cad during my time with you. It’s me who should be sorry.’

‘No need for any of that,’ I say, waving away his words.

‘And I am. I am truly sorry, Lou.’ Hunter moves forward in his chair, and the soft candlelight flickers on his face. He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.

‘I should never have let you go, Lou. We were…mmmmm…hot together, weren’t we?’

I withdraw my hand from under his and clear my throat. Is it hot in here?

‘That’s okay, Hunter. It’s all in the past now. You were young and had women literally throwing themselves at you.’
It didn’t mean that you had to take advantage of the situation though

‘So, tell me more about this man who makes you glow,’ he says.

My mouth dries up completely and my tongue has turned into a lump of wood.
Shit! It’s got to be now. Right now
. As soon as my vocal chords have unparalysed themselves I will ask him to keep the secret. But first will be the revelation of who my fiancé is. Holy snapping duck shit!

‘Well, ah…’ I swallow a mouthful of my water, but it does nothing to lubricate my mouth into working order again.

‘Go on. He’s clearly consumed your heart and soul.’

Hunter sits back and sips at his Frangelico. He looks like a sex god on his throne, luxuriating in the power he has over women.

‘You actually…you know him, I believe.’ The words fall out of my mouth.

Hunter tilts his head on the side and gives a curious smile, his eyes narrowed.

‘I do?’

‘Yes…from a long time ago.’

‘Really? Who is he?’

I grab for my glass of water again, my hand trembling as it gets closer to my mouth, making me appreciate the dim light around our table.

‘Before we get to that, I need to ask you a favour.’

‘Of course. Anything for you. After treating you so badly during our time together, it’s the least I can do.’ He smiles and relaxes back in his chair. ‘What is it?’

‘He—my fiancé—doesn’t know about you…about us…that we…’

‘Made love constantly? That I have explored every inch of your body?’ Hunter touches his lips with a long, thick finger. ‘That we’ve done things to each other that are illegal in some countries?’

A strange noise that is part snort, part cough and part choke launches out of my mouth as my brain tries to push all memories of our sexcapades to the side.

‘Do you think he will feel threatened that I know you so intimately?’ he asks.

No, he’ll just want to kill you even more than he does now because he hates you. And he will think badly of me and probably never want to see me again

‘I…ah, possibly. Yes.’
Let’s go with that

‘Would you like to keep our relationship a secret?’ He leans forward and touches my hand again.

Oh sweet Jesus! Relief hurtles towards me at the speed of a meteor.

‘Yes! Yes, I would, Hunter. Would you do that for me? I’d be so grateful.’

‘Of course. We can keep it just between the two of us. We can’t have your happiness in jeopardy, can we?’

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