Miracles of the Gods: A New Look at the Supernatural (429 page)

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Authors: Erich von Däniken

Tags: #General, #Social Science, #Science, #Religion, #Christian Life, #Folklore & Mythology, #Bible, #Juvenile Nonfiction, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology, #Miracles, #Visions

BOOK: Miracles of the Gods: A New Look at the Supernatural
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Thus, just as physicists in general recognize the existence of antimatter, (*) we can also postulate in the distant future an 'antitime' in which a 'counter-time' unfolds opposite to all 'Normal time'. Then there would be - how can I make it intelligible? - no past, present or future. Memories of the future are taking place now, today, at this very moment! The concept of time becomes the subjective unfolding of states of consciousness. If we can still speak of consciousness in such a context. ...

In so far as the conscious energy of the dead exists outside all ties of time, and terrestrial conscious energy can make contact with it, the mystery of prophesy would be solved. What is still hypothesis could in future not only be proved by the conclusions of technical research, but also realized in practice. Hypotheses in the sense of 'accepted suppositions' are the prerequisites for all development.

We only need a little courage to bring them into the conversation. I've got that courage.


[*] Matter from atoms which consist exclusively of antiparticles. incapable of existence in the presence of normal matter.


Let us assume that for one reason or another an otherworldly consciousness is interested in influencing the behaviour of one or several people or a group (peoples, countries, religions, kingdoms). It leaves its timeless state, and makes contact with a terrestrial consciousness. The reverse process is also conceivable. The conscious energy of an earthly person (who else could it be but a prophet?) could in specific situations communicate with the timeless conscious energy of someone from the other world.

From the dead colleague and his intact conscious energy (don't give me that old stuff about the 'soul'!) it could learn what is going to happen in the future. From historical experience the person knows that the event communicated by energy cannot have taken place yet, and therefore is announced ('prophesied') for the future.

The paradox is that the event prophesied can never be held up or prevented. No visionary saint is that holy.

A man dies. His consciousness (in the form of energy) reaches a 'timeless state'. In this version he 'sees'

his home town swallowed up by the floods. As this event has not happened in his lifetime, it must take place in the future. A consciousness that becomes timeless after death cannot know when the future has laid down the deadline for the catastrophe. Otherworldly consciousnesses (in spite of their energies) still have links with living children, relatives and friends. They strive to win influence over the conscious energies of the people on the old earth with whom they have ties, for they want to warn them of the catastrophe which is pending at some unknown time in the future.

The inhabitants of the earth, tied to the daily round, have not trained the cerebral functions that could perceive such phenomena - the impulses radiated from the other world by the conversion of energy (the energy principle) do not reach them. The other-worlders have to make their impact through a medium (who has trained the faculties that are capable of reception). In a trance (the state which develops paranormal faculties) the medium 'sees', by the action of conscious energy, a town swallowed

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