Read Mine Until Dawn Online

Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Adult

Mine Until Dawn (23 page)

BOOK: Mine Until Dawn
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Truth be told, he wished he could forget his objectives and drive away. He hated social gatherings, hated exchanging small talk and curiosity from strangers. If it weren’t for Bouchard….

Vince pushed the thoughts aside. “Ready?”

“Oh, yes.” Jade picked up her vanity purse and reached for the door handle.

“Thirty minutes top and we’re heading home.”


Where was Knight? Bouchard sipped his drink and scowled, his gaze sweeping the cocktail lounge. On a normal day, he would have enjoyed the elegant ambiance—the stained wall paneling, sconces with hand-blown crystal shades accenting the walls, and coffered ceiling with dentil crown molding. Instead he felt caged, the waiting eating at him. He wasn’t used to cooling his heels for anyone, definitely not someone as insignificant as Vince Knight.

His gaze found the Fitzgerald clan. There was no other way to describe them since they seemed so numerous tonight. Three generations present, if the hostess, Karyn Fitzgerald, was to be believed. Their men, young or old, were tall and powerfully built, courteous and self-assured. He might even say arrogant, which was natural since all were successful and well-respected in their chosen professions. Their women, some beautiful and others barely past handsome, had a certain glow. He’d say they were a content lot, confident of their place in society and their spouses’ affection.

Bouchard took a deep breath, quelling the bitterness gripping his chest. He had no reason to resent the Fitzgeralds. So what they took pride in their lineage and accomplishments? He would do the same had his family lived. The thought caused his fingers to tighten on the stem of his champagne chute, almost snapping the delicate piece. No, what bothered him was their public display of affection. He abhorred such behavior.

His gaze shifted and found Yannick. The younger man was smiling, and flirting with male guests, a tray of drinks in his hands. He had them totally fooled. Their gazes collided and Yannick pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. The message was clear—Knight hadn’t arrived.

From his position by one of the pillars, Bouchard had a clear view of the club’s foyer and gallery. At least he did, until his present companion, a tall, skinny Hollywood actress lacking in fashion sense blocked it. Karyn Fitzgerald had introduced them, called the blonde a rising star worthy of his time. How ridiculous. He couldn’t even remember her name.

He made noncommittal sounds to her monologue, wishing the woman would shut up. Then he noticed the Fitzgeralds turn in unison to stare at the entrance. The men smiled. Their women waved and beckoned, whispering Jade’s name.

Vince Knight and his little girlfriend had arrived. About time.

His eyes narrowed when he saw Knight, hatred chewing his gut. He drowned the rest of his drink, turned his head, and spoke to the silent figure behind him. “Get Yannick. Now.”

As Montague disappeared toward the dining room, Bouchard saw a lovely vision in gold slip her hand through Knight’s tuxedo-clad arm. Jade Fitzgerald?

Mon Dieu. Elle est enchanteresse.
The picture Montague took hadn’t done her justice. In a dress that complimented her gold skin and one-of-a-kind emeralds gracing her lovely neck, she overshadowed every woman in the room—a sparkling gem amid sober black and insipid pastel designer gowns.

Bouchard studied her—the hazel eyes fringed with luxuriant lashes, the lush lips, and pert nose. The body of a goddess.
Elle était exquise.
Her face lit up with laughter as she exchanged hugs, pressed cheeks and blew kisses. She belonged, completely at home with the new and old money. Interestingly, he’d heard otherwise.

A brilliant idea took hold in Bouchard’s head. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. He tried to recall what else he knew about Jade—divorced, well traveled, spoke several languages, his native language included, and a connoisseur of rare things. Brilliant and refined. The kind of woman wasted on a man like Knight.

His gaze moved to his nemesis. Inept. Stiff. Out of place. Was he her lover?

Bouchard studied their body language, the way her gaze always flew back to Knight’s face every so often, their close proximity, and the possessive way he stared at her. It was obvious they were lovers, but it didn’t matter. He could make her forget Knight. He would, once the bastard was dead.

Bouchard prided himself on acquiring the most beautiful and rarest of things—paintings, antiques, jewelry, women. Jade Fitzgerald, with her flair and upbringing, would be a welcomed addition to his collection.
Bouchard turned to his companion.

“Excuse me,
ma cherie.
” He kissed the back of her hand and stifled the urge to push her away when she giggled and pressed closer to him. “It’s been a pleasure talking with you. I hope someday I’ll get to see your lovely face on the screen.”

“I have a private suite upstairs, Renard,” the actress whispered in his ear. “We could view one tonight.”

Bouchard studied the woman, rearranging his thoughts. The possibilities of an accessible room within the club were endless. He was definitely interested, but not for what she had in mind.

“It would be my pleasure. Is half-an-hour okay?” He kissed her hand again, lingering.

“Ooh. You’re an impatient one.” The actress patted her blonde curls and discreetly slipped something in his left pocket. “My keycard. Leave the guard behind, unless you’re planning a surprise for me.” She nudged him and giggled before gliding away.

Chienne malade.
His Jade would never talk or act that way. His gaze sought her out, anticipation coursing through him. It had been a while since he’d shown interest in a woman or bedded one. He would make Jade understand just how special she was.

His rumination was interrupted by acquaintances needing his attention and wasting his time. Still, he promised to play a round of golf with a senator and a congressman, and agreed to meet with a businessman interested in opening casinos in his country.

A whisper of sound and a waitress stopped beside him. “A drink, sir?”

Ah, Yannick. Bouchard turned to place his empty champagne chute on the gilded tray and picked up another one.

“He’s here,” Yannick whispered and then added aloud for the benefit of Bouchard’s companions, “Anything else, sir?”

“No, thank you.” As soon the attention drifted from him, Bouchard brought the drink to his lips and used it as a cover while he instructed Yannick. “A change in plans. Don’t use the solarium. There’s a key in my left pocket. It opens a suite upstairs. Use it.” He took a long sip of his drink, waiting for Yannick to brush past him and artfully retrieve the key-card from his pocket. Once the young man stepped away, Bouchard excused himself and went in search of their hostess.


“Vince, dear, I hope you don’t mind if I steal Jade for a few seconds. I promise to bring her back in no time.”

Eyes turned toward him, twelve pairs in all. It was bad enough he felt uneasy at social gatherings, but to be the focus of attention was downright disconcerting. Still, he did his best to ignore the Fitzgerald and smiled at the petite older woman. “That’s okay, ma’am.”

Mrs. Karyn Fitzgerald, lawyer to stars and Jade’s great aunt, patted his arm in a motherly fashion. “No, no, darling. I already told you to call me Aunt Karyn.”

Oh, here we go again.
The Fitzgeralds had a knack of putting him on the spot. It started right when he and Jade had arrived. The endless scrutiny and the personal questions from the older ones. Every time one left, another one replaced him or her. The women were warm, outgoing, and outspoken. Treated him with familiarity despite barely knowing him. The men, on the other hand, were a distrustful lot, eying him like hawks would a rat, enjoying watching him squirm.

Vince ignored their smirks and nodded. “Thank you. I will.”

“We’ll keep him occupied while you’re gone, coz,” one of Jade’s cousins in black strapless slinky gown said playfully and slipped an arm through Vince’s. Jade had introduced her as Olivia, and although her cousin acted as though they’d met before, he couldn’t remember when or where.

Jade ignored Olivia and threw him a helpless look. “I’ll be back soon,” she mouthed, then turned to ask her aunt, “Why does
want to meet me?”

“I don’t know, dear, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Vince heard her aunt answer. “I didn’t know what to do.”

Jade turned one last time and threw him a rescue-me-please look. Or maybe he misread it because some shmuck wanted to meet her. A feeling he couldn’t define twisted his gut.
Having her hook up with another man wasn’t on this evening’s agenda. In fact, the very idea of Jade with another man set his teeth on edge. He had to follow.

“So, Vince? What do you do for a living?” Olivia asked aloud, cutting into his thoughts and blocking his plans.

Vince barely stopped himself from snapping at the woman gripping his arm. “I’m a writer.”

“Oh? Published anything?”

Not sure where the interrogation was headed, he shrugged. “Some.”

“Ooh. When do you get time to write when you’re busy working nights as a strip—?”

“Excuse me,” Faith said loudly from behind them and elbowed Olivia out of the way, planting herself between them and inadvertently rescuing him from a situation that could have been embarrassing.

“Vince, look at you.” Faith leaned back to give him a once over. “You cleaned up nicely, handsome.”

“So did you.” Vince smiled at her with relief.
She looked stunning in an electric blue silk dress.

“This old thing? Got it off the rack. Where’s my cousin? Don’t tell me she left you with this meddlesome bunch.” She winked at him, then turned her attention to the others. “Sorry I’m late, guys. I hope I didn’t miss anything.” A waiter stopped before her and offered her a drink. “Oh, Chase. Thanks. Nice tux.”

“A little tight across the chest, but it serves its purpose,” Chase explained as he deftly balanced a tray with champagne chutes in his palm.

Jade had introduced Chase to Vince earlier as one of her brothers and Baron’s identical twin. If it weren’t for their different attires, he couldn’t tell them apart.

“Everything okay here?” When everyone raised their glasses and nodded, Chase said, “Good. Dinner will be announced any minute now. See you guys in a few.”

“What happened?” Faith asked no one in particular once Chase left.

“A few waiters were no show, so he decided to fill in,” Baron explained before focusing his attention on his date.

Vince ignored the conversation around him and looked up, his gaze sweeping the crowded room and hoping he’d catch a glimpse of Jade. It was impossible to see beyond his immediate vicinity. Too many people. He spent a moment cataloguing his surrounding. The French doors on his left led to the banquet hall, where Chase Fitzgerald’s people were busy setting tables for dinner. To his right, another set of doors separated the lounge from the foyer. Through them, he could see the elevators and the stairs leading to the second floor. Jade had explained about the upstairs private suites and solarium for the club members only.

With the club’s layout in his head, Vince excused himself and led Faith away from the others. “I need to find Jade, but before I leave, I must apologize for my behavior earlier. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

Faith shook her head. “Apologize? I thought I’m the one who should be apologizing for Olivia’s bitchy act. What are you talking about?”

“Earlier at Jade’s house, I didn’t mean to bully you into giving me directions to Lex’s home.”

Faith rolled her eyes. “Jade put you up to this, didn’t she? She’s such a worrywart. No, I wasn’t offended, but I’d better warn you, Knight.” She leaned closer to add, “Be good to my cousin or you’ll have a reason to be really sorry.” She stepped back and gave him a conspirators’ wink. “I’m going to find my date and mingle, but if I see Jade, I’ll tell her you’re missing her something bad.”

Vince smiled as he watched Faith disappear in the crowd. Shaking his head, he took off in the opposite direction. The Fitzgeralds might be a pain, but he gave them credit for loyalty. It was humbling to watch how they looked out for each other. What was it like to be included in such a circle?

He pushed the thought aside and turned his attention to the task of finding his MIA woman. Going through the crowded room turned out to be an impossible feat. He moved toward the wall and the doors leading to the banquet room, then circled the room.

The longer it took, the more uneasy he became. Where was she?

He was halfway around the lounge when he saw a flash of gold. Air rushed out of his lungs in relief. A short-lived relief. The person she’d been talking to, a man, lifted her hand to his lips. What the…? Why wasn’t she snatching her hand away?

The feeling he’d had earlier returned, twisting his gut and making blood roar in his ears. He couldn’t fool himself this time. He was jealous, a first in his thirty-four years. It was totally juvenile and a sign of insecurity, but dang it, Jade was his. He found her first. The bastard had better get his paws off her or else….

Vince almost knocked over a waitress to get to Jade’s side. He took a step back to allow the woman to pass. When she didn’t move, he scowled at her. “Excuse me?”

BOOK: Mine Until Dawn
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