Mine to Steal (Mine to Love) (41 page)

BOOK: Mine to Steal (Mine to Love)
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I kiss the top of her nose and trail feather light kisses from one cheek to her lips and on to the other cheek. I lean in to her ear and plant a kiss below
it and her body shudders. Placing another kiss, I smile, knowing what affect I have on her and whisper, “I just want to kiss you.”

“I’m not sure that’s enough,” she admits with a light laugh.

“Trey,” Jett shouts followed by the sound of the front door shutting.

“It’ll have to be enough for now,” I say between kisses before rolling onto my back. “Be there in a minute!”

“Trey?” Her voice is shy but only for a moment as she rolls over. Faith is in my arms, her head is resting on my chest, and I never want to let her go. She lifts her head gives me the most beautiful smile. “You need a shower.”

I climb on top of her and playfully rub my body all over hers
, and she laughs. I lift myself so that I’m hovering over her, my arms on either side of her head, and admire the amazing view below. “Now you need one. Wanna join me?”

She eyes me and runs her hand up and down the length of my arm and raises her head so her lips meet mine. “We have plenty of time for that.”

When I’ve finally calmed down, I get off the bed and lock the door before running a shower. Based on the intrusion this morning, I wouldn’t put it past Jett to walk in without knocking, and I don’t want Faith to feel uncomfortable.

It’s likely the quickest shower I’ve ever taken, but when I dry off I find a sleeping Faith in my bed
, and my heart does something strange. I sit next to her on the bed, like I did at her place and move a stray hair out of her eyes. She looks peaceful, but moreover, she looks happy. Faith Young is here in front of me in my bed because this is where she wants to be. And even though she hasn’t repeated the words, I know she loves me.

A knock startles me and wakes Faith up. “C’mon, you’re not seriously pissed are you?”

I laugh and pull Faith to her feet so we can face the Jett inquisition. I open the door and walk out, “No I’m not pissed.”  Faith follows behind which leads to whistling and excited shouts from both Jett and Cheyenne.”

She wraps her arms around my abdomen
, and I kiss the top of her head before flipping off my brother.

“We’re going to your pl
ace,” I whisper so only she can hear.

Her face turns up and her smile agrees with me, but it’s her lips on mine that convince me we need to leave now.

“See you guys later,” I say in a rush grabbing Faith’s things so we can get out.

“Do everything I would do,”
Jett shouts as I close the door behind me.

Chapter 3

I’ve seen those couples that kiss at every red light. I honk my horn, roll my eyes, throw my hands in the air
, or flat-out flip them off. It’s the most absurd display of affection, and more than anything, it’s aggravating.

At th
e moment, I now see the appeal.

There are fifteen lights on the drive between my place and Faith’s
, and we have kissed at eight of them, one time missing a turn because we can’t keep our hands off each other.

“Maybe you should stick to driving
.” She winks, adjusting her blouse. “There’s only one more light.”

“Yeah, well, when we get to your place, we’ll continue what you started at my place. Got it?”

She smiles and nods her head. “Stop driving so slow, then.”

you’re talking,” I reply as we make the final light that leads to her complex.

I take the first parking spot I can find next to her building
, and we meet in front of my car. She shivers in the cold air, and I help her get her coat on for the short walk. As if by instinct, I reach down and tuck her hand into mine, and it feels like the most natural thing.

We don’t speak as we walk to her apartment, both of us content with what we have, but as we make our way up the stairs we both freeze. The door is wide open but she lives alone. “Are you expecting anyone?” I whisper. She shakes her head and pulls out her phone prepared to dial 911. “Hello,” I shout from outside the door. Faith is squeezing my hand, but I drop it and wave her to stand behind me in case there’s someone there.

“Hel-” I start to say, but I notice Brad sitting in her living room with the file in his hand. Faith comes up from behind me and looks at me as anger takes over every facet of her being.

She pushes past me and throws her hand in the air. “Brad, what in the hell
are you doing here?”

He sets the file on the coffee table and walks toward her
. “Baby, I’ve been so worried about you. I flew out as soon as I got your message.”

“You mean the message where I
explicitly stated that ‘it’s over’ - is that the one you’re talking about?”

“We need to talk, you have everything wrong. I don’t know what he’s told you, but I was only trying to protect you. He’s using you to get back at me. Hell, Rock Solid doesn’t know about Baker.”

“Who’s Baker?”

He looks from her to me and his jaw opens in shock. “You didn’t tell her?”

“I’m right here,” she snaps at him, “so why don’t
tell me who Baker is?”

If someone could choke on
their own words, it’s how I’d describe what’s happening in front of me at this moment. Brad is never speechless, always prepared with a biting response or backhanded insults, but his brain is working overtime trying to put the pieces together.

His eyes fixate on Faith, but her demeanor is calm, despite everything. “You’re not buying this bullshit, are you?”

“No Brad, that’s what I’ve done for the last year with you. Bought every damn line you’ve spouted, but obviously I trusted the wrong person.”

“Him? He’s the right one to trust? You can’t be serious
.” His laugh is cynical, bordering on dangerous. “You actually believe this shit? I mean, clearly these emails are fabricated.”

Faith remains quiet and listens to him monologue like a tool.

“I was in town, and you weren’t feeling well. Cal’s email came over. Hell, I did you a favor. That job was going nowhere; there were better prospects on the way.”

Faith is standing in front of
me, her left hand is tucked behind her back holding mine. “What about Baker?” I ask and squeeze her hand, willing her to remain quiet.

“They contacted me,” he argues.

I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes in question. “Did they?”

he mocks like an idiot. “They did.”

“That’s interesting, because, as I recall they contacted Faith who, for some unknown reason, went on and on about how great Brad Emerson is and
how she learned everything from him.”

“I don’t know who your source is for this crap
.” He looks to address Faith, “but he’s got it all wrong.”

“Yeah, not so much
.” I stand next to Faith, and she entwines her fingers with mine. “You see, Hattie Marshall is my assistant and friend. Cal told me all about the email you sent out, but I knew you would be able to spin it however you wanted. I didn’t think you’d continue to throw Faith under the bus. But once again, you surprised me.”

He scoffs and walks toward Faith
. “He’s lying. This is ridiculous.”

“But he’s not lying, is he? The thing is, I didn’t know about any of this. I haven’t
even had a chance to go through the file, and Trey hasn’t told me anything about it because he wanted me to see for myself. Funny that you assumed I knew and pretty much ratted yourself out.”

He opens his mouth to speak but she stops him. “Give me the key to the apartment and get the hell out of here. I’ll be letting my boss know that I’m resigning, effective immediately.”

“Do you really think you’ll have a job come Monday? You’re delusional; you’re committing career suicide.”

She barks out a laugh and glares at him
. “I can’t commit career suicide when you’ve already taken the liberty to destroy it for me, now can I?”

I don’t want her to stay there, but I want her to know she has options. She’s still
glowering at Brad and I squeeze her hand so that she’ll look at me. “Actually, we have every email he sent to both Hattie and Cal. I think when you turn that over to the heads at Rock Solid, they’d be happy to keep you on.”

Brad steps toward Faith with absolute hatred in his eyes
. “You don’t have the nerve.”

I move to block his view of her, but she lifts her arm up to my chest to stop me. She gives me a
side-glance and smiles to reassure me. “Brad, I already told you to leave, and if you don’t want me to call the cops for breaking in, you need to get out.

He rolls his neck and straightens his back before exhaling as he mutters something under his breath. Faith steps aside to give him a path, but as he moves between us, he lunges at me. I step aside and push him toward the opened front door and watch as he staggers to the railing. He
grabs hold of the baluster and drags himself upright. Faith walks to the door and begins to shut it but stops short. “One way or another, your boss is going to hear about this, so either you tell them, or I will.” She wags her fingers at him. “Bye, Brad.” She slams the door and locks it before hitting the side of her fist against it in frustration.

She turns around with her hands on her hips and laughs
. “That really happened, huh?”

I grab the file and walk to the couch and pat it for her to join me. “Which part? That he was here or everything he did?”

Faith walks over and takes a seat. As she leans her head on my shoulder she scoffs, “All of it. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” She’s not angry; I think she’s in shock.

“I know what he’s capable of. He tried to ruin my career, and I knew he was going to do it to you.” I hand her the file
. “So last week, you were really sick - I mean, you’re not being investigated or on some sort of probation?”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Hattie called last week and asked for you, but they told her you were sick. I thought for sure it was a lie. She’s getting married, so it was the perfect cover. But when she emailed ‘you’ after several back and forth emails, he told her you wouldn’t be with Rock Solid much longer. How did you not get these emails?”

She shrugs her shoulders and starts looking at the file
. “I have no idea.”

I watch as she glances over every sheet, reading Hattie’s messages and Brad’s responses. She sees the email from Cavette and her arm shakes
. “Are you kidding me? What in the hell is Brad’s problem?”

“He’s always been a

“Son of a bitch!”
her yell interrupts my explanation of what I know of the asshole, but she hits the nail on the head. She shows me one of the papers I have seen at numerous times before. I nod, understanding her outburst but she shakes the paper in front of me again. She shoves it into my hand, and I study it, not finding anything strange. “Look at the email address.”

“That’s not your email address?”

Faith takes it back and bites her lip as tears well in her eyes, “He set me up.” She turns to me and shakes her head. “I mean, clearly, but the lengths he went to, who does this?”

“Someone who knows how good you really are. He’s threatened by you, a
s he should be.”

“But you’re not
.” She lays her head back down on my shoulder.

Reaching for her hand, I kiss the top of her head
. “That’s because I’m better than you.”

She laughs at my comment, but doesn’t respond. I hate that she’s been railroaded by Brad, and who know
s what Rock Solid will do, or if she’ll stay with them. One thing is for sure, Faith has a lot of thinking to do.

Her phone rings in the kitchen
, and that’s our sign to drag ourselves up from the couch. I stand up and help her to feet and her lips are inches from mine. I don’t think there is a part of Faith that I don’t like. All of this just happened, and I know she has so much to sort through, but she’s handled everything so well.

Her lips turn up into a smile
, and she plants a soft quick kiss to my lips and starts to walk off, but I pull her back. “Where’re you going?”

“The phone
.” She points behind her.

“Can wait. You made promises of a continuation.”

Her breathing is rapid as she looks anywhere but at me. She draws her bottom lip in, and I caress the side of her cheek before I drop my head and whisper, “Baby steps.”

She nods her head and walks toward her room dragging me after. I’m not going anywhere. We have all the time in the world to do everything we’ve ever dreamed of doing to each other. Right now, I’m content with holding her in my arms and
ogling at her unapologetically.

I close the door to her room and watch the woman that I love look at me from her bed with a sexy smile.

She reaches her hand out to me and pulls me roughly onto the bed so I am on my back. She climbs over me with her legs on either side of my hips, and my body reacts.

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