Mine to Hold (10 page)

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Authors: Shayla Black

BOOK: Mine to Hold
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Fitting his hips to her ass, he slid his cock between her cheeks and laid his chest over her back. Del gasped. Yeah, the heat was intense. Tyler closed his eyes and let sensations wash over him. He should probably feel guilty for wanting her so much, but he refused to acknowledge it tonight. Del needed him—with any luck, half as much as he wanted her. The breast Eric didn’t fondle, Tyler cupped, toying with the engorged tip, rolling it between his fingers until she gasped.

“I’m going to fuck you, angel,” he whispered for her ears alone. “We’ll work and wriggle. You’ll gasp and tighten. But you’re going to take every inch of me. And you’re going to come for me. Understand?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“I want to hear everything you’re feeling. Every second, every stroke. I have to know this is what you need and that I’m not hurting you. Stop talking, and I stop fucking. Are we clear?”

“Please.” She wriggled back against him, her voice breathy.


Taking himself in hand, Tyler fitted the head of his cock to her tiny, slick opening and began pushing his way inside slowly.

Oh hell
. What a constricting little vise of pleasure. Hot and tight. Sinful and so fucking necessary to his next breath. All attached to the woman making his blood sing like no one ever had.

As he shoved in the next inch, then another, she tensed, gasped. He gripped her hips tighter, forcing himself to pause.

“Does it hurt?” It had been a long time for her.

“Yes,” she panted. “Give me more.”

Who the hell was he to turn that down? And how the fuck would he ever get his sanity back afterward?

Chapter Five


stared at the ceiling of Tyler’s guest room. Weariness pulled at her. The bed was insanely comfortable, and Seth’s deep breathing coming from the playpen relaxed her. She didn’t lie to herself; being this close to Tyler made her feel safe. How easy it would be to snuggle down, close her eyes, and drift off. Here, she could almost forget that a bomb meant to kill her had exploded not quite four days ago.

But she couldn’t think of her comfort now. Seth’s safety was more important. Though Tyler hadn’t known the boy more than a handful of hours, she had no doubt he would move heaven and earth to keep his son from danger. That had to console her. She would return to Los Angeles, investigate very quietly, write a kick-ass article, and lay low until it released. Once she’d nailed the bastard, she could come collect Seth . . . and say good-bye to Tyler.

He had a full life here in Lafayette, and she was both envious of and happy for him. But Tyler had always made friends easily. Once he cared about a person, he was as loyal as the day was long. He’d give a friend the shirt off his back.

Or his friend’s wife the release she’d desperately needed.

Del tried to keep thoughts of
night at bay. But like a song she couldn’t banish from her head, they came back. The heat, the alcohol, Eric’s pleading request. And the pleasure. Dear God, she’d never felt anything like the ecstasy Tyler had given her that night, hadn’t even known it existed. She remembered the moment he’d pressed inside her, slowly possessing her until all thought had fallen away, leaving only him and the searing need.

Those memories tumbled through her exhausted brain. No matter how tired she was now or how drunk she’d been then, everything about that night was crystal clear. Tyler bending her over the arm of the sofa. Eric brushing a kiss over her mouth, before glancing around her to watch Tyler press his thick cock into her pussy slowly, without mercy.

Though she had whimpered, she’d loved it.

This was really happening,
Del remembered thinking two years ago. She was going to have sex with Tyler Murphy.

As he’d penetrated her that sultry night, she’d tried to swallow against lust, but it was useless. His huge hands engulfed her hips, and need flared through her, hot and unrelenting. He pushed deeper into her, stretching her, then withdrew again, only to inch in once more, so grindingly slow. The raw ache he spurred nearly drove her insane.

“Tyler, please . . .”

It wasn’t the first time that night she’d begged. And it definitely hadn’t been the last.

Del knew she should put a stop to this before the situation careened any further out of control. She’d stood in front of her family and friends—including Tyler as best man—only two years ago. That day, she’d promised to love and honor and be faithful to Eric for the rest of her life. Then, everything had seemed so natural and easy.

The days had become weeks, then months. Her husband’s job consumed him, and it wasn’t easy to know that he saw drug dealers and prostitutes all day. She’d talked to other cops’ wives and knew that, behind the badge, they were still men who could be swayed to ignore crime for money or sexual favors. Not that she believed Eric would take either, but . . . the last few months before his shooting, they’d been more like friends than spouses, doing crosswords, watching movies, eating together. Their lack of connection was probably her fault. She’d been stressed, worrying that because she covered fluff pieces in a nothing section of a financially shaky paper, she’d lose her job. Whatever the reason, sex between them had stopped.

She’d begun to wonder if someone else was picking up her slack.

Then Eric had been shot, and everything else ceased to matter. Then, there’d been nothing but endless days in the hospital, pain, and sleeplessness, along with the grim fear that he might not live, and if he did, would he ever walk again? Del knew she’d take care of him, regardless. After all, in sickness and in health. But as time had crawled by, he’d grown more surly. Angry at her, at the world. Affection had ground to a complete halt in favor of snide disdain and petulance. Never had she imagined this side of Eric. He’d become a completely different man. And she’d despaired that she’d ever reach him again.

Would letting Tyler fuck her in Eric’s place finally change something?

She remembered Eric brushing his lips over her jaw, down her neck. She’d closed her eyes and kissed his cheek in return, searching desperately for that connection she’d once felt with him, praying to find it. Praying that she was doing the right thing to save them.

Even if she wasn’t, Del didn’t think she could stop. Her body was burning up. It wasn’t just the pleasure that had her crying out. She
to be held, loved. Reassured of human comfort. Tyler clutched her tightly, suffusing her with a searing heat that made her ache down to her toes.

Since the second Eric had been wounded, Tyler had been by her side. He’d helped with the insurance and departmental paperwork. He’d taken care of her lawn and household repairs. He’d picked up the pieces when she’d been too distraught to carry on . . . or when she’d cried. If she called, he was never too tired or too busy. In some ways, he’d been more devoted than Eric ever had been. While she knew that love for his friend—not her—made him so loyal, she had to believe that he felt something for her.

God, she wanted to be wanted, to feel alive. Wanted to share something vital. And she craved all that with Tyler. Guilt was eating her alive. Her feelings made her a terrible wife. A terrible person. But . . . human. In this one moment, she wanted to be selfish—before she resumed caring for a man she wasn’t entirely sure loved her anymore.

“Tell me what you want, angel,” Tyler whispered.

She wriggled back on his cock, but he held her steady with those strong hands, controlling her until she answered.

“I ache.” She sobbed.

“I know. I’m going to fix it.” But he didn’t move.

“C’mon, man. Fuck her!” Eric urged.

Yes, please

Tyler’s finger dug deeper into her hips. He spread his legs a bit more, stabilizing himself, before he pushed another scant inch of his cock inside her. She clawed at the sofa and looked at Eric in helpless surprise as pleasure tore through her.

“She’s tight, man,” Tyler growled. “So fucking tight. I won’t hurt her.”

“Don’t worry. She wants it,” Eric argued, taking another long sip of wine from the bottle. “She’s goddamn begging for it. Shove it in her cunt and make her take it.”

Her husband seized her lips, took her mouth with his own, stabbing his tongue inside ravenously. Then Tyler eased in another inch between her folds.

Dear God
. She couldn’t breathe. Tyler fired up nerve endings she’d never felt before. He surrounded her, warm skin sizzling her back, hot breath in her ear, fingers dropped to her thighs, clutching them possessively. He was on her—in her. Overwhelming her. Del tore her lips from Eric’s with a gasp.

“Am I hurting you?” Tyler growled, sounding at the end of his restraint.

“Yes. No.” She tossed back her head and groaned. “I don’t know if I can take more, but I want it.”

“See,” Eric said. “She wants it.”

“Damn it,” Tyler cursed. “The goal is pleasure. Not porn,” he tossed at Eric. “Not pain. You have to relax for me, angel.”

He withdrew a fraction, scraping along her nerve endings. Then his fingers drifted over her clit again as he dragged his cock through the shallow channel of her vulva, coating himself in her juices, back and forth, bumping the little bundle of nerves he circled.

Unbelievably, need spiked again. She rarely orgasmed twice, so the desire balling in her belly, tight and urgent, pressing down on her made her thrash and mewl. “Tyler . . .”

“I know. I feel it, too.” He fitted the head of his dick at her opening and began pushing in again. “Just let me in and let go.”

She couldn’t hold in a gasp as he parted her wet flesh with the blunt tip of his cock and forged deep, spreading her so damn wide. As he opened her, her flesh stung, burned, trying to take every bit of him she could. The thick, hot feel of him stole her breath. And still he kept thrusting forward, stretching and working with absolute focus.

“You look fucking hot,” Eric murmured, fondling her nipples before twisting them.

Behind her, Tyler groaned. “Fuck, she just clamped down on me.”

“Sweet.” Eric manipulated her nipples again. They felt tight and raw and burning. Her body hummed, tensed, waiting for something more.

“Back the fuck off for a minute,” Tyler snarled. “Let me finish getting inside her.”

He hadn’t yet? Already, she felt deliciously split in two.

Del breathed out. It had been so long since she’d felt her blood roaring, her pussy aching—and it had never been like this. She’d been so focused on Eric and his needs that she hadn’t even used her vibrator once in the last three months. So she was totally unprepared for Tyler.

But beyond the pain, he was making her feel like a woman again. She couldn’t disappoint him. This was supposed to be for Eric, but somehow, it had ceased being exclusively about his sexual needs.

She should probably be angry that Eric wanted her to sleep with another man. But right now, she was damn glad. And she owed Tyler. He’d stepped across his personal boundaries to give her immense pleasure and made her feel treasured. No way would she repay him by failing to give him her all.

Drawing in a deep breath, Del forced herself to relax her pelvic muscles and open in welcome. She wriggled back against him, sucking in a shocked breath as he sank deeper than before, deeper than she’d ever had a man. God, she’d never felt anything so consuming. With his tight grip and controlled breaths, she sensed Tyler’s restraint, his concern for her—and the desire burning inside of him. It spilled on to her, urging her to tilt her hips to take even more of him.

On a long groan, he eased the last of his cock inside her, settling so deep, she gasped and clawed at Eric’s forearms, eyes wide.

“I’m in.” Tyler’s voice sounded like gravel. He panted.

“You should see her face, man.” Eric grinned.

“Look at me,” Tyler demanded.

Del paused, trying to school her features, but there was no way to hide the confusing, sublime pleasure-pain drugging her system. So she looked over her shoulder at him, letting him see how much he affected her.

“Good girl,” he praised, his green eyes burning.

Brutal lust stamped across his face, and her body liquefied as she met his stare. She’d known Tyler wanted her enough physically. He was hard, after all. But the sheer force of it stunned and excited Del. Desire, dark and compelling, gripped her. Blood ran thick and hot in her veins. It looked like she wasn’t the only one afflicted.

“Jesus.” He withdrew slowly, letting her feel every inch.

Then he shoved his way back in, and she gasped. And nearly came undone.

“Babe?” Eric called.

She turned to look at her husband again, his brown eyes desperate as he grabbed her hand, brushed his palm across her cheek. Del closed her eyes and sank into the sensation of feeling utterly adored by them both for a perfect moment.

“She’s ready now.” Tyler circled his arm around her waist and pressed kisses across her shoulder.

Eric nodded. “Give it to her.”

“Remember, talk to me, angel. I can’t see you, so I need to hear you.”

“O-okay,” she managed to get out. What she really wanted to do was scream at him to hurry up and fuck her.

“How do you feel now, Del? What do you want?” Tyler smoothed a hand across her ass.

“Please.” Her voice trembled. “I need . . .”

God, did she. Having Tyler at her back, deep inside her, as he exercised his iron control blistered her with something so beyond desire, she had no name for it. She only knew if he didn’t take away this fiery ache that gaped inside her soon, she’d implode.

“What, angel?” He wrapped his arm around her and fitted his fingers over her clit, swirling slow circles around the screaming little bud. “You need to come?”

It sounded selfish to admit, and guilt slid through her for demanding more of Tyler. But the ache assailed her, pressing down until she could no longer hold it in.

“Yes.” She couldn’t catch her breath. “Yes!”

“Del?” Eric asked, frowning. “Again?”

Explaining herself wasn’t at the top of her agenda now, especially when Tyler took her confession as a sign to get busy and began shuttling in and out of her in a measured, maddening pace.

She climbed toward the pinnacle, sobbing. Every one of Tyler’s strokes generated friction that robbed her of words and coherent thought. His rough fingers twirled over the sensitive bud of her clit, driving her even higher.

“Let me have it, Del,” he demanded gruffly. “Come for me, angel.”

Pleasure spiraled, centering deep in her womb, before it sucked her deep. Blood roared in her head until she could only hear her beating heart. Then Tyler’s relentless thrusts pushed her over the edge, breaking her open, and hurtling her into a thick pool of pleasure.


He moaned. “Damn, you feel good on me. That’s it. Yeah . . .”

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