Mind Over Murder (20 page)

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Authors: Allison Kingsley

BOOK: Mind Over Murder
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Frowning, he took off his reading glasses. “I wondered when you’d show up. You got my message, then?”
She stared at him, wondering what she’d missed. “What message?”
“I called your home yesterday and asked you to stop in.”
“Oh.” Now she remembered the phone ringing as she’d left the house the day before. “Mom must have taken the message and forgot to tell me.” She sighed. “Though you’d think she’d remember something as important as a summons by the police.”
Dan smiled. “Not exactly a summons. I kind of made it sound like a casual invitation. That’s probably why your mom didn’t take too much notice of it. I didn’t want to send you all into a panic.”
Clara nodded ruefully as she took the seat he offered her. “I do tend to panic lately. Guess that goes with the territory when someone is trying to kill me.”
Dan’s expression sobered at once. “No laughing matter, that’s for sure. We’re still investigating but haven’t come up with anything concrete yet.” He paused, then opened a drawer in his desk and took out a small plastic bag. “Can you tell me where you had your car parked the night of the wreck?”
Surprised, she answered a little sharply. “Where everyone parks their car. In the parking lot on Third and Main.”
He gave her one of his tired-cop looks. “I meant exactly where in the parking lot?”
“Oh.” Feeling foolish, she thought about it. “I was over by the bushes on the left side, opposite the exit.”
“Ah. I thought so.” He placed the bag on the desk in front of her. “We found some steel shavings in that area, along with this.”
Clara picked up the bag and peered at the tiny, glittering object inside it. “What is it?”
“It looks like a whale to me.”
She held the bag higher to the light from the window behind him. “Yes, it does. A tiny golden whale.”
“The thing is, it’s not so much what it is, but where it came from.”
She felt a jolt and dropped the bag on the desk. “You think whoever tampered with my brakes dropped it?”
“Could be.” Dan sat back on his chair. “I’m guessing it’s one of those lucky charms. You know, like on a bracelet or maybe a key chain.”
Clara caught her breath. “So all we have to do is find the bracelet or keychain—”
“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.” Dan picked up his glasses and perched them on his nose. “First off, we don’t know that this belongs to the suspect. Even if it does, it’ll be like hunting for a diamond in the sand. I just wanna know if you remember seeing anything like this on anyone in the past few days.”
“Oh.” Clara let out her breath on a sigh of disappointment.
She peered at the charm, fingering it through the plastic.
You’ve seen this somewhere.
“I have?” she murmured. “Where?”
Dan sat up on his chair. “You have? You know who it belongs to?”
Clara jumped. She’d answered the voice out loud, forgetting where she was. “Oh, no, I mean . . . I think I’ve seen it somewhere before, but I don’t remember where. Maybe it will come to me later.”
Dan’s shoulders slumped. “Okay. It was a long shot, anyway. Just don’t go beating yourself over the head trying to remember.”
“If it belongs to whoever it was messing with my car,” Clara said grimly, “I’m going to move heaven and earth to remember.”
Dan looked alarmed. “Like I said, just because it was in the parking lot doesn’t mean it belongs to our suspect. Anyone could have dropped it there, so don’t go jumping to any wrong conclusions, okay?”
She nodded, her mind already working feverishly. Somewhere, sometime, she’d seen a bunch of gold charms. In a store window? If only she could remember. Maybe Stephanie would know.
Now she couldn’t wait to get to the bookstore. “I have to go. I’m late for work.”
“Okay, but just be careful out there, okay?”
“I will.” She jumped up and rushed for the door, leaving a startled police chief staring after her.
It wasn’t until she walked into the Raven’s Nest that she realized she’d forgotten to tell Dan about the missing pills.
Rick must have been right when he’d said a concussion makes someone forgetful.
It seemed as if everyone in town was in the store when she walked in.
“It’s Sunday,” Stephanie said, in answer to her cousin’s raised eyebrows. “We’re always busy on a Sunday.”
Clara joined Molly behind the counter, while Stephanie disappeared in the direction of the Nook.
John Halloran was waiting to be served, and he seemed to be in a hurry as Molly swiped his card and handed him the books he’d bought. He practically snatched them from her and rushed for the door, colliding with a customer on his way out.
Clara was hoping to get a glimpse of John’s key chain, but another customer kept her busy, and the last she saw of John, he was charging across the street toward the hardware store.
Clara hadn’t recognized Tim Rozzi without his uniform until he nodded at her as he walked past the counter. “Feeling better?”
“Much better, thanks.” She smiled at him, knowing it was a lie. She wasn’t going to feel better until the killer was behind bars and she could feel safe again.
Rick came into the store soon after that, giving her a brief nod before heading down to the Nook. She barely had time to acknowledge him while trying to answer the questions of the teenager at the counter.
Molly nudged her as Rick vanished down an aisle. “There’s your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, so don’t start that rumor going around. Please.”
Molly looked offended. “I didn’t start it. Someone told me you two were engaged. I figured it was something you wanted kept secret, since Stephanie didn’t say anything about it, but—”
Clara uttered a grunt of dismay. “Oh, no. I’d forgotten about that.”
“About what? That you’d promised to marry the guy?” Molly shook her head. “How could you forget that? Though I have to say, you didn’t waste any time. You’ve only known him a week, haven’t you? Or did you meet him—”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Clara slammed a book on the counter, startling the young girl waiting to be served. “Who gets engaged after knowing someone one week? Of course we’re not engaged. Rick told the ambulance driver that so he could ride to the hospital with me, that’s all.” She scowled in the direction of the Nook. “He promised me he’d clear all that up.”
Molly grinned. “He conned a ride in the ambulance? Maybe there’s more to the story than you’re letting on.”
Clara bared her teeth as she towered over Molly. “Not . . . one . . . more . . . word. Okay?”
Molly threw her hands in the air. “Okay, okay. I was just asking, that’s all.”
Clara frowned. “Who told you that, anyway?”
Molly raised her chin and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. “Now, let me see . . .” She shook her head. “Sorry, can’t remember. It could have been the mailman. I was talking to him this morning. Or maybe it was Sheila at the bank.”
Clara groaned. First chance she got, she was going to have a word with Rick Sanders.
The customers kept coming, however, and Rick left the store without her having a moment to talk to him. In fact, she was so busy, it all went out of her head.
Things had just begun to slow down when she answered her cell phone later that afternoon. To her dismay, she heard her mother crying on the phone.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Clara deciphered the muffled words and silently cursed. Somehow her mother must have heard the news about her brakes being cut. “I didn’t want to worry you, Mom. Besides, we don’t know for sure. It could have been an accident.”
“An accident?” Her mother’s shocked voice seemed to echo in her ear. “Are you telling me you’re
Clara blinked. “Pregnant? No, of course not.”
Stephanie passed by at that moment and stopped short. “Who’s pregnant? Not you? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Clara tucked her phone against her chest and whispered fiercely, “I’m not pregnant!”
“You’re pregnant?” Molly halted behind Stephanie, her eyes wide. “So that’s why you’re in such a hurry to get married.”
Clara threw her head back and yelled, “For pity’s sake! For the last time, I’m
“You’re getting married?” Stephanie took hold of her arm and shook it. “Why didn’t you
me? Who’s the guy? Not the one in New York?”
Against her chest, Clara could hear her mother’s voice wailing. Quickly she raised the phone to her ear.
“No one tells me
,” her mother sobbed. “My only daughter’s getting married. Why am I always the last to know?”
“Mom.” Clara briefly closed her eyes, then tried again. “
! I’m not getting married. I’m not pregnant. This is all a huge misunderstanding. The guy across the street told the ambulance driver that we were engaged because he didn’t want me traveling to the hospital alone, that’s all. He promised me he’d tell everyone what happened, but I guess he didn’t get to it.”
“What guy across the street?” Jessie asked, sniffing.
Clara sighed. “Rick Sanders, the owner of the hardware store.”
“I know Rick.” Jessie’s voice brightened. “Are you two—”

! We’re not anything, Mom. I have no interest in Rick Sanders whatsoever.”
“Aw, and here I was planning the honeymoon.” The familiar voice had spoken from behind her, and she spun around.
Rick stood at the end of the aisle, one hand resting on the bookshelf, the other covering his eyes in mock despair.
Stephanie and Molly melted away, while Clara let out an explosive growl of frustration and charged over to the Nook. Relieved to find it unoccupied, she told her mother she was busy and snapped the phone shut.
To her immense dismay, Rick sauntered in behind her and headed for the coffeepot. “I was looking for a copy of this month’s auto magazine. Stephanie couldn’t find it this morning, and she said she’d look for it in the stockroom when she got time.”
Keeping her back turned to him, Clara muttered, “She’s been real busy. I’ll take a look in there if you like.”
“No rush. I can come back tomorrow.”
She heard him pouring coffee into a mug and decided it was time to leave. “I’d better get back to the counter.”
She turned to face him, her heart jumping when she saw his serious expression.
He put the mug down on the table, and folding his arms, he leaned back against the wall. “I’m sorry about the rumors. I really didn’t think we were newsworthy enough to cause a sensation.”
Clara felt her mouth twitch in spite of herself. “You underestimate your popularity. I imagine quite a few young women are heartbroken at the idea of losing Finn’s Harbor’s most eligible bachelor.”
“Ouch.” He winced. “Do I detect a note of sarcasm in those dulcet tones?”
She laughed. “Dulcet? Isn’t that a little outdated?”
“Blame it on a fondness for Victorian novels.” He unfolded his arms. “No, really, I’m sorry. I did go to the library to talk to your mom, but she was in a meeting, and I couldn’t wait. I can come over to your house this evening and explain, if you like.”
“Thanks, but it isn’t necessary. I’ve already explained, and that should be enough.”
She started to leave, pausing when he said quietly, “By the way, there are no heartbroken young women. At least, not on my account.”
She smiled. “I was only joking.”
“I know. I just wanted to set things straight.”
She thought about it on her way back to the counter. Why wasn’t he married? What was his story? Why did she even care? He could be a murderer for heaven’s sake, though she still had a hard time believing that.
When she got back to the front of the store, Frannie was there talking to Molly, apparently not sharing the suspicions of the general public.
Only one other customer besides Rick browsed the shelves, and Stephanie came up to join them at the counter. “I think I’m going home,” she announced, glancing at the clock. “This has been a real busy day, I’m happy to say.”
“Yes, it has.” Molly reached for her purse. “It’s time I left, too.”
“I still have another four hours to go,” Frannie said, turning to leave. “I’d better get back before Roberta comes looking for me.” She paused at the door. “How’s the car behaving, Clara?”
“It’s great! You might want to get the steering checked, though. It feels a little unstable on the corners.”
Frannie frowned. “It does? Oh, my. I’ll certainly have to get that taken care of, right away. Perhaps you shouldn’t drive it, Clara, if—”
“It’s fine, really,” Clara assured her. “I’ve gotten used to it now. I’ll just take it a little slower on the bends, and I’ll be fine.”
Frannie still looked worried, shaking her head as she headed out the door.
Stephanie sighed. “That woman will get an ulcer one day. I don’t know how she takes working for Roberta Prince. I thought Ana was bad enough, but Roberta is something else. Talk about a prima donna.”
“Oh, look!” Molly jabbed a finger at the counter. “Frannie left her book here. I’d take it in to her, but I’m late for a date.” She ignored Stephanie’s look of disapproval and ran out the door.
Stephanie shook her head. “I really worry about that girl. She’ll end up in real trouble if she doesn’t stay away from that hoodlum.”
“Well, there’s not a lot you can do about it. She’s an adult, and she runs her own life.” Clara picked up Frannie’s book. “You go on home. I’ll drop this off for Frannie before she leaves tonight.”
Stephanie looked relieved. “Thanks. I know George will be waiting for me to get home. My mom’s probably dropped the kids off by now, and he is most likely tearing his hair out.”
Clara grinned. “George needs to toughen up.”
“Tell me about it.” Stephanie was out of the door before she’d finished speaking.
Clara went to clean up the Nook, then settled down on an armchair to read some magazines. The time passed quickly, with only one customer to interrupt her break. After the rush of the day, she was only too happy to put her feet up and enjoy a cup of coffee in peace.

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