Read Mind Over Matter Online

Authors: Kaia Bennett

Tags: #Loose Ends 3

Mind Over Matter (14 page)

BOOK: Mind Over Matter
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He heard himself say the words. He felt sick. This wasn't a dream. He was wide awake and turning his back on the woman who would make him complete. He was doing it because he was tired of being the person who hurt her, who made her take steps backwards.

"Go home, Nicole. And take care."

"Gabriel... I'm sorry. Just give me a little time, okay. I just need to think of what to say to—"

"You already know what to say. But you don't want to say it, and I'm done waiting.” His hands shook as he opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. "We made a mistake today, but it doesn't have to ruin things for you. So do what you really want to and go home to your boyfriend."

He popped the cap, took a swig, and finally turned when the silence behind him became too much to bear. She was standing there, and she had the nerve to seethe, to stare at him like he was the one who’d done something wrong.

"What would you do if you were in my shoes, Gabriel? Would it be so easy for you to call up your girlfriend and tell her you cheated on her with your ex? That you did the very thing she was afraid you would do?"

His eyes flickered downward as he thought about this. Of course it wouldn't be easy for him. Of course he hadn't thought this through like he should have, and once again it was going to cost both of them.

At least he could make sure she didn't do any more damage on his account.

"You should go," he whispered. "You came to end this. So end it."


"Don't!" he shouted, hating himself when she jumped at the boom of his voice. "Don't try to explain, don't apologize anymore. I don't need to hear it, there's no apology necessary."

Nicole was shaking her head, and crying openly now. He literally had to look away.

"Just get your things and leave, Nicole."

"I just need some time," she whispered around a sob. "I didn't know this would happen."

"Because you came here to tell me you wanted me out of your life. And it's obvious that even after everything we said and did, you still aren't sure you want me. So I'll make up your mind for you. Go. Now."

She started to come forward, fast and determined, and he backed away, turning his head so he wouldn't be able to see her body, her beautiful face. As if it fucking mattered. She was what he saw when he closed his eyes. She was in his blood. Telling her to go was like slitting open a vein, but he was doing it. He was bleeding himself dry in the hope that the pain would finally stop. He was done hurting himself and her. He just wanted it to end.

"I said go," he muttered through gritted teeth. He couldn't breathe. She was close enough that he could smell lilacs now.

He heard her sob. He felt her head resting on his back. And just like that he was crying again. He hated that most of all. He was supposed to be a man. He was supposed to clench his teeth and take the battle wound that would be her absence. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. She fit him so well. He felt every soft contour, felt her lips against his shoulder blade, whether she meant them to be there or not. It made him weak.

He was so tired of being weak. Beyond tired.

He gently grabbed her arms, unraveled their hold on him and walked away from her back towards his bedroom. He didn’t look back. He would never cry in front of her again.

After today that would be easy enough to do. He would never see her alone again. He would make damn sure of it.

What was left of his heart shattered at that realization. She wouldn’t stay with him. It was over. The end.

He picked up speed as he stormed toward his bedroom. He heard her behind him, vaguely heard her voice calling his name. It was too late. He reached for the door, slammed it without looking behind him and locked it. She knocked on the other side of it. She called out to him again. And all he could do was lean his back against it, wiping away the tears that fell without permission until she finally gave up and left.

When she mercifully departed, he slid down the door until he was sitting and didn't move until it was pitch black and the horrible truth finally set it in.

He wasn't going to get the happy ending after all.


Chapter Fourteen


Nicole stayed away from home as long as she could. Six calls. Six messages. They, like Travis' wrath, had been waiting for her when she finally limped guiltily out of Gabriel's apartment and out of his life. She didn't know how to handle it. She was breaking into a sweat, just standing at the bottom of her stairwell. The smell of sex, of Gabriel, was still lingering on her skin, between her legs. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were puffy.

The moment she walked into the apartment everything was going to tumble down. More than a year’s worth of struggling to be strong would leave her in the center of a whirlwind, alone and weaker than ever.

And in the midst of it all, a quiet voice was asking her if that wasn't what she wanted. If, at the end of it all, she just didn't want to sink into nothingness and be left alone with that feeling. She couldn't be trusted not to hurt herself or the ones she cared about. She’d barely been able to get out of the fucking car and face what she'd done.

Her head thumped against the wall. Then again. And again. On the third hard knock of her skull against it her head rang and she shut her eyes to savor the feeling. Maybe she was going crazy. She knocked her head against the wall again, just to make sure, and winced. It stung. The headache she had from crying and stress and a day without food was taking its toll, and not even her desperate self-hatred could mask the pain.

She wasn't crazy. She was perfectly sane and she didn't want to do this. She didn't want to drag herself up to her floor one shaking foot at a time. She didn't want to tell Travis that today she’d lost her mind in a moment of weakness. She
gone crazy... for Gabriel, just as she always had.

As if it were some hazy dream she'd just woken up from, a dream that felt more real than this dark walk of shame towards her door, she recalled her day spent with him. The hours of holding him, touching him, and whispering her need for him. She saw the light of the setting sun streaking through his windows to catch in his dark glossy hair. She saw his eyes glazed over with lust and painful hope when she looked down at him. She held his gaze for as long as she could, until she was too close and it was too much. Her eyes had closed, a reddish orange glare catching under her eyelids as she rode him to explosion.

She still felt it all as if it were happening and only then did she realize her eyes were closed and her mind was wandering over Gabriel's features, his smile. The smell of him and the taste of his skin caught between her teeth. Perhaps this moment was the dream. Perhaps she would wake up and find she hadn't ruined everything with those simple words...

I love you...

Perhaps she was still sealing their love with a kiss...

Don't stop...

With a sigh and an everlasting fall...

She was at her door before she knew it, preparing to land from her fall at Travis' feet with a vicious thud. Another cold sweat covered her, and a clammy hand grasped her key in a death grip. She slid it into the hole, started to turn it.

Travis beat her to it by opening the door instead.

She stood in a panic, staring into crystal blue eyes that had frozen over. Still, it was just a thin layer of ice, melting under the sight of her safely at their doorstep. Silence was so tangible it was almost visible to the naked eye, wrapping its tentacles around them and trapping them where they stood.

She had to tell him. There was no way around it. His eyes already registered the shift in their safe little universe. Her puffy eyes, the general sense of emotional and physical disarray, like she'd thrown her clothes on quickly rather than pulling them on neatly as she'd done before she left him this morning. He stepped aside to let her in, noting her hesitation to cross the threshold. His eyes devoured her, his mind calculating everything. She closed her eyes as she passed him, swallowed hard, and prayed for strength.

He'd been sitting in the dim light of a lamp in the living room, and the TV was on. A Law and Order rerun; a fitting harbinger for the interrogation to come. His phone was on the couch beside the indent where he'd been sitting. A drained glass of milk was on the coffee table, the light catching on the gauzy white film coating the glass. White, like the old worn t-shirt he was wearing with his jeans. He bent over slightly and his fingers curled around the remote, clicking off the TV before setting it back down and taking a seat. Her mind memorized all of the random details of every passing moment in an attempt to settle her nerves, to look away from his eyes when they settled on hers as he sat down. He rested his elbows on his knees, his arms dangling limply between his legs.

He waited. He didn't speak, and his eyes never wavered. That was her cue to explain herself where she stood in the middle of the room. She felt small, fragile. Any moment she might blow away or crack like crystal and shatter to the floor in a thousand pieces.


It was all she had to say. The crack in her voice, the way she looked, how long she’d been gone… The guilt wafted off her. She bit down on her lip when his eyes closed and his head tilted ever so lightly to the side.

"Please..." he whispered through gritted teeth. "Please, tell me you didn't."

Her lip quivered.

"Tell me you weren't with him." He opened his eyes.

Silence. Her eyes were filled with the sight of floor under her feet.

"Nicole," he said desperately. "Nikki?"

Her eyes slammed shut and the tears hovering on the edge of her lid fell, screaming the truth. She heard him stand and his footsteps were quick. She took a step backwards. He was approaching.

"Go ahead," he said. She'd never seen this look before. She'd only seen the tip of the iceberg when it came to his fear. His perfectly rational fear.

"Go ahead and tell me you ended your friendship with him. Tell me you were out all day because you were window shopping, or eating, or hanging with your friends," he urged calmly, his voice wavering only slightly. "Tell me I know my girlfriend, and that she didn't answer her phone because she just lost track of time."

She pleaded with her eyes for him to just say it for her. But he wouldn't let her off that easy. He wouldn't stop advancing and she wouldn't stop backing up. Not until the door connected with her back.

He was literally shaking in front her, vibrating more with every second that passed and she didn't confirm his most fervent hopes. His voice was so low she wished he would just scream and rail, call her any name under the sun. Anything if he would just stop asking her to lie to him, to undo what was forever done.

"Tell me you weren't with him."

For the second time in her life she was scared of what her boyfriend was about to do to her. "I—"

He tilted his head forward, intent on hearing her answer, and the quick movement scared her. She bumped her head against the door, shaking, with her nails clawing into the paint.

"I c-can't. I can't tell you that..."

He was breathing through his mouth, blinking rapidly as if he'd been slapped and the sting was making his eyes water. He swallowed hard and his head shook, black locks shining dimly under the streetlights glowing outside the window, a film of shock coating his blue eyes. His limbs seemed to grow weaker by the second. His mouth was moving, short incoherent words that picked up speed, like a speeding train hurling down a dark tunnel towards her. They were illuminated as he chanted louder, dipped closer to her in his weakened, disbelieving state.

" didn't... tell me you didn't, tell me you didn't..."

She was outright crying now. Because he was, too. For the first time in her life she was seeing Travis cry, and it was over what she'd done, over the shock of being so horribly right about her love for Gabriel. He leaned his hand against the door beside her head, and his forehead rested gently against hers.

" didn't... tell me you didn't do this," he whispered with increasing fervor, shaking his forehead against hers rapidly until it almost hurt and his tears fell to mingle with her own against her cheeks. She reached up to touch his shoulder. She started to say her mantra, the inadequate meshing of syllables that was the word 'sorry'.

That's when he lifted his head, roared in anguish and slammed his hand against the door beside her over and over again, until her ears were wringing with the violent cracks against the wood and her own screams.

"Tell me you didn't fucking ruin everything!! For him!!!"

She screamed again at a particularly hard strike so close to her head that her ears were ringing with it, and her head bounced against the door. Their door.

She covered her face and slid to the floor, cowering in a ball as she waited for his anger to turn from the door to her face, her traitorous body. She wished he would hit her. She wished she could stop hearing him scream around the sobs that were caught in his throat. Instead, he stepped away from her, gripping his hair as if it were the only way to stop his hands from increasing the scope of their destructive urges. He might tear out the strands if he grabbed them any harder.

"I'm sorry, Travis! I swear, I tried to stop it!"

In a strange twisted moment, his wrath paused. He looked down at her with a deliriousness that she realized was false hope.

"Did he force you? Is that what you mean?"

The ice in his voice scared her as he came forward. God... what would he have done to Gabriel if he had forced her...

"N-no. He didn't do..." she swallowed and looked away from him, shaking her head. "He didn't do anything I didn't let... happen..."

He charged forward and she covered her face with her arms. Her mouth screamed, "Don't!!"

But nothing happened. She gasped for breath and shook under the cover of her arms. After the longest moment of her life she peeked out from under her arms and found him kneeling in front of her, still crying but trying desperately to control it, by clamping down on his jaw and blinking away the tears.

If a look could be a mixture of torment and amusement, Travis' face was the embodiment of it.

"You selfish, ungrateful,
bitch. You have the nerve to sit here and act like you're afraid of me?" He blinked away another river of tears that were cropping up. "When have I ever hurt you? When have I ever done anything but love you as much as I could?" The words wavered and shook with his voice.

She'd never seen him so angry, so hurt. She'd seen the beginnings of it when he begged her to end things with Gabriel and let him go. She saw it when he’d said, “I love you” and waited patiently for her to say it back day after day. She saw all the time he put into their future turn into a wisp of wasted energy before it floated away, a gray plume of smoke rising into clouds overhead. He'd believed in her as much as his heart could stand, all while his logical mind continued to question whether he was making a mistake. He'd loved her when she was broken, and all she'd done was break him in the end.

She had no choice but to look into his eyes now, to stare down what she'd done, the monster she'd created with grief and betrayal.

"I just love the irony of it all, Nikki. You get to sit there and cry, and pretend you're some sort of victim," he whispered venomously, chuckling softly as he wiped his face clean. "And yet the only one who got hurt tonight was me." He stood then and turned on his heel headed towards the hallway. She didn't even have a chance to tell him he was wrong. He wasn't the only good man who had gotten hurt tonight.

Her heart was hammering in her chest and things weren't making sense. Where was he going? Should she follow him? Try to explain?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the furious crash coming from the bedroom. Their bedroom. That's what it used to be. But after tonight she would never be able to say that again. For someone who threw this all away for a moment of bliss with Gabriel, she was oddly devastated at the prospect. She was walking fearful and ashamed towards a room where she'd laughed and sighed and cuddled beside Travis while they talked around a future she'd so casually thrown away.

She knew almost before she reached the door what she would see.

The box and all of its contents, all of her secret heartache and longing strewn across the floor while he tore through the closet, emptying her contribution to their apartment onto whatever surface it landed on.

Her eyes were glued to that spilled box, though...

The old Led Zeppelin t-shirt, the one that used to smell like Gabriel when he couldn't be with her. The one he'd covered her eyes with when he made her submit to him in her old apartment...

Concert tickets, club posters with Fool the World as the featured band. Hotel receipts from following him on the road. And pictures. So many pictures. Concerts past, days out at the park, at venues and restaurants. Her and all the guys on New Year's Eve, smiling in the city streets as streamers and confetti rained down from the night sky. The promise of spending the next year with him, a promise sealed with a kiss at the stroke of midnight...

The nightgown from her last night with Gabriel in her sister's apartment, when he'd unbraided her hair and she'd ridden him gently, slowly in the quiet hours of the early morning, promising she was okay with just a piece of him when she'd always wanted it all...

BOOK: Mind Over Matter
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