Mind Over Fear: How To Squash Your Fears, Overcome Anxiety, and Boost Your Self-Esteem In Just 30 Days

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Table of Contents


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Read This First


Discover Your True Power

The Invisible Smokescreen

Behind The Smokescreen

The Laws Of Fear And Anxiety

Take Off The Mask

Self-Confidence Framework

Changing Your Beliefs

Other Tools

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Next Book Is Free

Mind Over Fear

How To Squash Your Fears, Overcome Anxiety, and Boost Your Self-Esteem In Just 30 Days

Victor L. Fox

Copyright Information Page

Copyright © 2014 by Victor L. Fox. All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.


The information in this book should be considered as general information only and should not be used to diagnose conditions. This book is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor author is engaged in rendering medical, legal, accounting, or financial advice. If expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

Read This First

Taking initiative and investing in a copy of this book tells me that you are not willing to settle for less than you can be. You will not allow something like fear and anxiety to stand in between you and the life you truly want. I know you are looking for a solution that will help you get rid of these mental barriers once and for all. I can sense this burning desire in you because I’ve been in your shoes and know exactly what you’re going through. With that said, it is my privilege to bring you a book that will transform the quality of your life forever.

This book is like nothing else you've ever read on the subject before. It will eliminate your misconceptions, it will reveal the truth you never heard before. Most importantly, it will unveil the path to a life of total self-confidence and emotional freedom. After you finish reading this book, the root cause of your fears and the main culprit that is stopping you from eliminating them from your life will become remarkably clear.

I made myself a promise when I set out to write this book. I wasn’t going to pull any punches and would reveal the entire truth every anxiety sufferer needs and deserves to know. Please be aware, what you will learn about in this book will challenge your current beliefs and possibly even offend you, but let’s not forget a quote by one of the greatest minds of all time. Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Doing what you’ve always done and thinking the way you’ve always thought will only get you the same results you’ve always gotten.

Take a quick look at your life right now... no really, look around yourself right now. Are you pleased with what you see? If you aren’t getting as much pleasure out of your life as your’d like to, if you know you deserve better, if you often wonder about what allows one person to have a better quality of life than another, and what the true secrets behind their success are, then you need to look no further because this book will answer those questions for you.

Before we get started, I need you to commit to a few simple rules that apply to this entire book. I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to follow these rules if you actually want to overcome your fears and anxieties.

Rule One:
You must read this entire book from start to finish, cover to cover. You must start at the beginning and read this book in its entirety in the order in which the material is presented. Do not jump ahead, and do not jump around the book looking for an immediate solution. All the information in this book is presented in a very specific order for a very specific reason.

Please be assured that if you start at the beginning of this book and read it in its entirety, by the time you are finished you will understand the cause of your anxiety and you will know with one hundred percent certainty that there is a cure for anxiety and you will know exactly what needs to be done in order to cure yourself.

This book is designed to provide you with one important piece of information in each chapter. That’s why you won’t be able to find the solution right away on one particular page; however, I promise you that the solution to your anxiety will become evident after we connect all the dots.

The only way to connect these dots is by carefully reading each chapter. Pretend this book is a puzzle and every chapter contains an important piece of this puzzle. The further we go, the more pieces we’ll put together. When you get to the end, a cure will become clear.

Rule Two:
Be absolutely sure that you understand all the information in each chapter before moving further. We often fail to comprehend what is taught to us because we either don’t understand some important words that are being said, or because we simply don’t stop to acknowledge what we read.


I know you are probably anxious to dive right into the real substance and learn all the big secrets, but as you will soon realize, I would be doing you a great disservice if I were to start revealing everything without putting much thought into the process.

As you probably already know, everything needs a solid foundation. If you had no other choice but to build yourself a house in which you would live for the rest of your life, there is no doubt that you would put in a great deal of effort and attention to every detail. You would do so not only because the quality of your life would depend on it, but also because you would want to be one hundred percent certain that your house wouldn’t implode on you while you’re inside.

Ironically, the majority of the world’s population is self-indulgently searching for secrets to their problems, but no matter how many books they read, no matter how many seminars they attend, and no matter how many courses they absorb, they will never find those secrets. Those secrets will stay hidden for as long as you keep focusing on them and as long as you keep searching for them. If you want to find these great secrets, then you must first acknowledge and use
the greatest secret
. If you won’t be able to understand this secret, you won’t get anything out of this book.

So, what is this great secret that unlocks all other secrets? Well, it is that you must pay close attention to the things that are right in front of your face! In other words, most people are not finding what they are looking for because they have created an illusion which says: “what you are looking for is something so small, hidden, and therefore secretive that you must look very hard at the details in order to find it.” This imaginary veil keeps one from noticing the elephant in the room. It is absolutely true that the best hiding spot is often in plain sight.

What I’m specifically talking about is that most of us forget to pay attention to the fundamentals. Without the fundamentals we are destined for frustration and a wide spectrum of other negative emotions that will eventually consume us.

Think back to your very first mathematics class. You didn’t start with learning algebra, trigonometry, or calculus, did you? Of course not! You started with the basic steps. First, you had to learn the meaning of numbers and how to add and subtract them. The same principle applies to everything else. I know this because I have personally experience a long phase of searching for secrets in my life. Everything seemed a lot more complicated in my life until someone pointed out to me that I needed to pay attention to the most obvious things first.

It’s interesting how most individuals live in a hypnotic state that was imposed on them by the environment in which they grew up. Most people are completely unaware of the fact that 99.9% of their problems are self-inflicted and could be fixed if only they had the courage to get themselves out of this trance.

If you haven’t fully grasped all the information you read up to this point, I’d like to strongly encourage you to go back and reread it until you do because it will help you eliminate a lot of frustration further down the road. Besides, no matter what anybody ever tells you, there is absolutely no shame in admitting the fact that you don’t know something, or didn’t understand something. Personally, I had to learn it the hard way. In fact, the most successful people are usually those who are not afraid to admit that they don’t know something. These people are aware of the fact that as long as they are willing to learn and accept change, they will always be successful.

Even though I would love to take credit for discovering everything you will learn about in this book, I can’t. I am not a genius and I am no guru who has the answers to all your problems. In fact, I acquired everything that will be revealed to you in this book through years and years of thorough research while desperately looking for answers to my own problems; one of them being severe social anxiety. Like I said, I don’t have the answers to everything, but I do have the answer to fear and anxiety, and I can’t wait to share this knowledge with you.

Since most of the information in this book is not mine and has been obtained through lots of research, please understand that all this information is not on trial. In other words, the information in this book has been tested and proven to be effective by some of the greatest minds in the world. If you should reject any of this information, please keep in mind that you are doing it because of your current beliefs; which is something we will talk about a little later.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in school, but if I close my eyes I can clearly see that quiet kid sitting in the back of the classroom specifically to avoid being noticed. My grades were always pretty bad for two main reasons. One, because I didn’t show any class participation, and two, I had terrible eyesight. In fact, by the time I was in high school my vision got so bad that when I came to see an optometrist for the first time, he checked my vision and his eyes grew as big as watermelons. He asked me, “How do you live without glasses? How do you even cross the street?” and I just shrugged.

That day I got my first pair of eyeglasses, but I was too scared to put them on in school because of ridicules thoughts about being laughed at. So because I didn’t participate in class and couldn’t see the board, my grades really suffered. In fact, I had to get a GED just so that I could get out of high school.

After receiving my GED I was facing two choices. I could either go to college, or I would have to get a job. At the time, it was the toughest choice of my life because I had no idea of what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to enroll myself into college because I knew that I would probably get the same results as I did in high school. Only this time I would actually have to pay for my education. On the other hand, not going to college meant that I would have to get a job. Of course getting a good job seemed like Mission Impossible because I didn’t have any real education. And, if that wasn’t bad enough, I was also terrified of speaking to people.

I can clearly remember sitting in my room reflecting on my life up to that point and being totally disgusted with myself. I kept asking, “why is it that some people have all the self-confidence in the world while someone like me couldn't even say hello to a stranger without feeling nervous?” In fact, this question became the fuel in my search for a cure to social anxiety. I was tired of wasting the best years of my life confined in my home feeling lonely and miserable all the time. I was tired of feeling like a complete loser.

I remember going to public places and feeling totally awkward every time. For example, I would go to a store and see some other guy effortlessly striking up a conversation with the cashier while I just stood there wishing that I could do the same. When my turn would come, I felt the need to say something too, but I only ended up feeling awkward -- so I paid quickly without making eye contact and ran away as fast as I could!

Even when I would somehow end up in a group conversation, while everyone was having a great time, I just stood there pretending to listen, but all I could really focus on was the "monkey chatter" in my head -- saying things like: “you have to say something, they'll think you're a snob if you stay quiet, they'll think I'm stupid, they won't like me if I won't contribute to the conversation.”

I knew that I had to do something if I wanted my life to get any better. I just couldn't live like this any longer. So I started reading books on social anxiety, fear, and self-confidence. I read all the books on those topics that I could possibly get my hands on. I was vigorously looking for a solution to my problem, and soon I noticed a pattern.

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