Mind Hacks™: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain (5 page)

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Authors: Tom Stafford,Matt Webb

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Social Aspects / Human-Computer Interaction

BOOK: Mind Hacks™: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain
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Get Acquainted with the Central Nervous System
Take a brief tour around the spinal cord and brain. What’s where, and what
does what?

Think of the central nervous system like a mushroom with the spinal cord as the stalk
and the brain as the cap. Most of the hacks in this book arise from features in the cortex,
the highly interconnected cells that make a thin layer over the brain...but not all. So
let’s start outside the brain itself and work back in.

Senses and muscles all over the body are connected to nerves, bundles of neurons that
carry signals back and forth. Neurons come in many types, but they’re basically the same
wherever they’re found in the body; they carry electric current and can act as relays,
passing on information from one neuron to the next. That’s how information is carried from
the sensory surface of the skin, as electric signals, and also how muscles are told to move,
by information going the other way.

Nerves at this point run to the spinal cord two by two. One of each pair of nerves is
for receptors (a sense of touch for instance) and one for
effectors —
these trigger actions in muscles and glands. At the spinal cord, there’s no real
intelligence yet but already some decision-making — such as the withdrawal reflex — occurs.
Urgent signals, like a strong sense of heat, can trigger an effector response (such as
moving a muscle) before that signal even reaches the brain.

The spinal cord acts as a conduit for nerve impulses up and down the body: sensory
impulses travel up to the brain, and the motor areas of the brain send signals back down
again. Inside the cord, the signals converge into 31 pairs of nerves (sensory and motor
again), and eventually, at the top of the neck, these meet the brain.

At about the level of your mouth, right in the center of your head, the bundles of
neurons in the spinal cord meet the brain proper. This tip of the spinal cord, called the
brain stem
, continues like a thick carrot up to the direct center of
your brain, at about the same height as your eyes.

This, with some other central regions, is known as the
Working outward from the brain stem, the other large parts of the brain are the
, which runs behind the soft area you can feel at the lower
back of your head, and the
, which is almost all the rest and
includes the cortex.

Hindbrain activities are mostly automatic: breathing, the heartbeat, and the
regulation of the blood supply.

The cerebellum is old brain — almost as if it were evolution’s first go at performing
higher-brain functions, coordinating the senses and movement. It plays an important role in
learning and also in motor control: removing the cerebellum produces characteristic jerky
movements. The cerebellum takes input from the eyes and ears, as well as the balance system,
and sends motor signals to the brain stem.

Sitting atop the hindbrain is the
, which is small in
humans but much larger in animals like bats. For bats, this corresponds to a relay station
for auditory information — bats make extensive use of their ears. For us, the midbrain acts as
a connection layer, penetrating deep into the forebrain (where our higher-level functions
are) and connecting back to the brain stem. It acts partially to control movement, linking
parts of the higher brain to motor neurons and partially as a hub for some of the nerves
that don’t travel up the spinal cord but instead come directly into the brain: eye movement
is one such function.

Now we’re almost at the end of our journey. The
, also
known as the
, is the bulbous mass divided into two great
hemispheres — it’s the distinctive image of the brain that we all know. Buried in the
cerebrum, right in the middle where it surrounds the tip of the brain stem and midbrain,
there’s the limbic system and other primitive systems. The limbic system is involved in
essential and automatic responses like emotions, and includes the very tip of the temporal
cortex, the hippocampus and the amygdala, and, by some reckonings, the hypothalamus. In some
animals, like reptiles, this is all there is of the forebrain. For them, it’s a
sophisticated olfactory system: smell is analyzed here, and behavioral responses like
feeding and fighting are triggered.

Neuroscientist joke: the hypothalamus regulates the four essential
s of life: fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating.

— T.S.

For us humans, the limbic system has been repurposed. It still deals with smell, but the
, for example — one part of the system — is now heavily
involved in long-term memory and learning. And there are still routing systems that take
sensory input (from everywhere but the nose, which is routed directly to the limbic system),
and distribute it all over the forebrain. Signals can come in from the rest of the cerebrum
and activate or modulate
limbic system processing common to all animals — things like emotional arousal.
The difference, for us humans, is that the rest of the cerebrum is so large. The cap of the
mushroom consists of four large lobes on each hemisphere, visible when you look at the
picture of the brain. Taken together, they make up 90% of the weight of the brain. And
spread like a folded blanket over the whole of it is the layer of massively interconnected
neurons that is the
cerebral cortex
, and if any development can be said
to be responsible for the distinctiveness of humanity, this is it. For more on what
functions the cerebral cortex performs, read
Tour the Cortex and the Four Lobes

As an orienting guide, it’s useful to have a little of the jargon as well as the map of
the central nervous system. Described earlier are the regions of the brain based mainly on
how they grow and what the brain looks like. There are also functional descriptions, like
the visual system
Understand Visual Processing
, that cross all these regions. They’re mainly self-explanatory, as long as
you remember that functions tend to be both regions in the brain and pathways that connect
areas together.

There are also positional descriptions, which describe the brain geographically and seem
confusing on first encounter. They’re often used, so it’s handy to have a crib, as shown in
Figure 1-1

These terms are used to describe direction within the brain and prefix the Latin names
of the particular region they’re used with (e.g., posterior occipital cortex means the back
of the occipital cortex).

Unfortunately, a number of different schemes are used to name the subsections of the
brain, and they don’t always agree on where the boundaries of the different regions are.
Analogous regions in different species may have different names. Different subdisciplines
use different schemes and conventions too. A neuropsychologist might say “Broca’s areas,”
while a neuroanatomist might say “Brodman areas 44, 45, and 46” — but they are both referring
to the same thing. “Cortex” is also “neocortex” is also “cerebrum.” The analogous area in
the rat is the forebrain. You get the picture. Add to this the fact that many regions have
subdivisions (the somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, which is in the neocortex,
for example) and some subdivisions can be put by different people in different
supercategories, and it can get very confusing.

See Also
Tour the Cortex and the Four Lobes
The forebrain, the classic image of the brain we know from pictures, is the part of
the brain that defines human uniqueness. It consists of four lobes and a thin layer on the
surface called the cortex.

When you look at pictures of the human brain, the main thing you see is the rounded,
wrinkled bulk of the brain. This is the
, and it caps off the
rest of the brain and central nervous system
Get Acquainted with the Central Nervous System

To find your way around the cerebrum, you need to know only a few things. It’s
divided into two hemispheres, left and right. It’s also divided into four lobes (large areas
demarcated by particularly deep wrinkles). The wrinkles you can see on the outside are
actually folds: the cerebrum is a very large folded-up surface, which is why it’s so deep.
Unfolded, this surface — the
cerebral cortex —
would be about 1.5
(a square roughly 50 inches on the side), and between 2 and
4 mm deep. It’s not thick, but there’s a lot of it and this is where all the work takes
place. The outermost part, the top of the surface, is
gray matter
, the
actual neurons themselves. Under a few layers of these is the
, the fibers connecting the neurons together. The cortex is special
because it’s mainly where our high-level, human functions take place. It’s here that
information is integrated and combined from the other regions of the brain and used to
modulate more basic functions elsewhere in the brain. The folds exist to allow many more
neurons and connections than other animals have in a similar size area.

Cerebral Lobes

The four cerebral lobes generally perform certain classes of function.

You can cover the
frontal lobe
if you put your palms on your
forehead with your fingers pointing up. It’s heavily involved in planning, socializing,
language, and general control and supervision of the rest of the brain.

parietal lobe
is at the top and back of your head, and if you
lock your fingers together and hook your hands over the top back, that’s it covered there.
It deals a lot with your senses, combining information and representing your body and
movements. The object recognition module for visual processing
Understand Visual Processing
is located here.

You can put your hands on only the ends of the
temporal lobe —
right behind the ears. It sits behind the frontal lobe and underneath the parietal lobe
and curls up the underside of the cerebrum. Unsurprisingly, auditory processing occurs
here. It deals with language too (like verbal memory), and the left hemisphere is
specialized for this (non-linguistic sound is on the right). The curled-up ends of the
temporal lobe join into the limbic system at the hippocampus and are involved in long-term
memory formation.

Finally, there’s the
occipital lobe
, right at the back of the
brain, about midway down your head. This is the smallest lobe of the cerebrum and is where
the visual cortex is located.

The two hemispheres are joined together by another structure buried underneath the
lobes, called the
corpus callosum
. It’s the largest bundle of nerve
fibers in the whole nervous system. While sensory information, such as
vision, is divided across the two hemispheres of the brain, the corpus
callosum brings the sides back together. It’s heavily coated in a fatty substance called
, which speeds electrical conduction along nerve cells and is
so efficient that the two sides of the visual cortex (for example) operate together almost
as if they’re adjacent. Not bad considering the corpus callosum is connecting together
brain areas a few inches apart when the cells are usually separated by only a millimeter
or two.

Cerebral Cortex

The cortex, the surface of these lobes, is divided into areas performing different
functions. This isn’t exact, of course, and they’re highly interconnected and draw
information from one another, but more or less there are small areas of the surface that
perform edge detection for visual information or detect tools as opposed to animate
objects in much higher-level areas of the brain.


How these areas are identified is covered in the various brain imaging and methods
hacks earlier in this chapter.

The sensory areas of the cortex are characterized by maps, representations of the
information that comes in from the senses. It’s called a map because continous variations
in the value of inputs are represented by continuous shifts in distance between where they
are processed in the cortical space. In the visual cortex, visual space is preserved on
the retina. This spatial map is retained for each stage of early visual processing. This
means that if two things are next to each other out there in the world they will, at least
initially, be processed by contiguous areas of the visual cortex. This is just like when a
visual image is stored on photographic negative but unlike when a visual image is stored
in a JPEG image file. You can’t automatically point to two adjoining parts of the JPEG
file and be certain that they will appear next to each other in the image. With a
photographic film and with the visual cortex, you can. Similarly, the auditory cortex
creates maps of what you’re hearing, but as well as organizing things according to where
they appear in space, it also has maps that use frequency of the sound as the coordinate
frame (i.e., they are
). And there’s an actual map in
physical space, on the cortex, of the whole body surface too, called the sensory
Build Your Own Sensory Homunculus
. You can tell how much importance the brain gives to areas of the map,
comparatively, by looking at how large they are. The middle of the map of the primary
visual cortex corresponds with the fovea in the retina, which is extremely high
resolution. It’s as large as the rest of the visual map put together.

When the cortex is discussed, that means the function in question is highly
integrated with the rest of the brain. When we consider what really makes us human and
where consciousness is, it isn’t solely the cortex: the rest of the brain has changed
function in humans, we have human bodies and nervous systems, and we exist within
environments that our brains reflect in their adaptations. But it’s definitely mostly the
cortex. You are here.

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