Mind Calm (21 page)

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Authors: Sandy C. Newbigging

Tags: #Meditation

BOOK: Mind Calm
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For some people, there is a moment when they notice the silence; it becomes clear and blatantly obvious. Playing with putting your attention on the silence within you is a highly effective way of withdrawing your attention from your thinking mind and placing it instead on the context. As you feel what you focus on, focusing on silence helps you to feel more serene.

Peace with career

When you live your truth you naturally live your purpose. For this part of the programme, you are going to use the Peace with Mind Protocol to heal your relationship with any issues surrounding your career, including:

  • Position
  • Progress
  • Workload
  • Pressures
  • Income
  • Boredom
  • Redundancy
  • Competition

Using the above list as inspiration, consider what you currently perceive to be a problem relating to your career. Then use the Peace with Mind Protocol to bring peace to the thoughts and emotions that you are having about a specific issue relating to your work and living your purpose.

The six-step Peace with Mind Protocol
1. Perceived Problem

State the problem that you want to heal your relationship with today.

2. Reality Check

Be here now by tuning in and noticing that this moment is happening.

3. Mind Made

Temporarily engage the story in your mind about the problem.

4. Resist Persist

Notice the ‘special thought' you are resisting and where you feel it in your body.

5. Bring It On

Let the ‘special thought' and feeling be present within you with no resistance.

6. Mind Calm Sitting

Play with ‘seeing it, not being it' during a Calm Sitting.

For example, let's say you are fearful of being made redundant. When you consider why you are concerned
about it, you notice the thought happening in your mind -
I'm scared that I won't be able to get another job
- and feel that thought in your stomach. You will then see what happens when you let the thoughts and emotions occur without resisting them being in your mind and body. After a few moments of ‘seeing the thought, not being the thought' you might find the feelings of fear are reduced, allowing you to continue your work with more Mind Calm. Not only will this allow you to perform at your best (making you an even more valuable member of the team), but also you will continue free from concern.





OM CLARITY (Forehead Centre) Calm Thought only

(Recommended duration: 10–15 minutes or longer if you have the time.)


Enlightened Eye: Look out from the centre of your skull


Get peace with aspects of SOCIETY that trouble you


Use all 10 Calm Thoughts?

(Recommended duration: 10–15 minutes or longer if you have the time.)

OM clarity (Forehead Centre)

Calm Thought meaning:
Confusion comes from having a busy mind and thinking too much. The contradictory nature of the mind - whereby one moment it can produce thoughts on one thing and thoughts on the complete opposite the next minute - makes true clarity very difficult from the surface of the mind. Clarity comes from stillness through being consciously aware.

Calm Thought purpose:
Clarity creates the optimum inner platform for performing at your best. Without clarity, you aren't fully present and end up distracted by mental activity that can be both limiting and confusing. Relying on the mind for clarity can be a lost cause, especially if you remember the mind operates by jumping from polar opposites - and often everything in between - using the Judgement Game.
What ifs
can paralyse decision-making abilities, hindering commitment and focused action.

Calm Thought Focus:
Using OM Clarity with your attention in the ‘Centre of your Forehead' can bring instant clarity. Some people using this Calm Thought comment that they can literally feel their third eye opening up in the centre of their forehead. The third eye is known as a doorway that leads within to realms of stillness and heightened consciousness. It can be very powerful indeed.

Enlightened Eye - look out from the centre of your skull

The enlightened eye exercise is an absolutely fantastic way to practise becoming more attuned to the awareness that remains alert throughout your day. Instead of having all of your attention outwards on stuff and movement, you move your attention inwards to look out from the centre of your skull.

The enlightened eye is a gate that leads within to inner realms of still space and higher consciousness. When using this technique you can't help but become more conscious of the silent awareness looking outwards. As you become aware you start to experience your own awareness, which, as we've covered before, is still, silent and spacious.

  • The Enlightened Eye exercise requires you to notice what it is like to look out from the centre of your skull.
  • To do this, pretend that your eyes have magically moved backwards and you can look out from further back in your skull. As you do, notice if your mind becomes quieter and you become aware of the silent watcher within.
Get peace with society

With clarity comes awakened understanding, in which you can see the bigger picture of perfection. For this part of
the programme, you are going to use the Peace with Mind Protocol to heal your relationship with any issues relating to society, including:

  • Politics
  • Laws and regulations
  • Social norms
  • Religion
  • War on terror
  • Corporations
  • News
  • Media

At no point do you have to agree or condone what you might observe in society, only look with compassionate eyes. Using the above list as inspiration, consider what you currently perceive to be a problem in society. Now use the Peace with Mind Protocol to get peace with your thoughts and emotions about the specific issue relating to aspects of society that trouble you.

The six-step Peace with Mind Protocol
1. Perceived Problem

State the problem that you want to heal your relationship with today.

2. Reality Check

Be here now by tuning in and noticing that this moment is happening.

3. Mind Made

Temporarily engage the story in your mind about the problem.

4. Resist Persist

Notice the ‘special thought' you are resisting and where you feel it in your body.

5. Bring It On

Let the ‘special thought' and feeling be present within you with no resistance.

6. Mind Calm Sitting

Play with ‘seeing it, not being it' during a Calm Sitting.

For example, you might be well and truly irritated about the media and hold certain opinions that make you angry. When using the protocol, aim to find your most emotionally charged thought about the media that you are resisting, for example,
the media perpetuates problems
. Now notice where you feel the thought in your body. Once highlighted, adopt the ‘bring it on' attitude towards the thoughts and emotions. By letting go of your inner resistance you can return to a more peaceful perspective.

Fighting fire with fire does not work. The best way to increase peace in society is to cultivate calm within you. By using the Peace with Mind Protocol on societal issues that frustrate or worry you, you can be an ambassador for peace and bring about change in a consciously compassionate way.





OM WISDOM (Top of Head) Calm Thought only

(Recommended duration: 10–15 minutes or longer if you have the time.)


Noticing Nirvana: Play with the notion that nothing is wrong


Get peace with TIME, including the past and future


Use all 10 Calm Thoughts

(Recommended duration: 10–15 minutes or longer if you have the time.)

OM Wisdom (Top of Head)

Calm Thought meaning:
Wisdom is not learned, but remembered. Wisdom is born within all of us. It has nothing to do with age or education, and everything to do with your ability to listen beyond the mind to the inner knowing that springs forth when given the still silent space to do so.

Calm Thought purpose:
You may not possess learned knowledge about quantum physics, for example, but when it comes to your life, you already have the wisdom you need within you to answer any question you may have. Anyone who has spent time around children will know how wise they can be. They haven't picked up limitations, don't rely too heavily on their mind for answers, and are open to being taught by the inner source of wisdom they were connected to from birth. Growing up we can forget to trust the inner voice or it can become drowned out by the noise of the mind that's working so hard to figure everything out. Wisdom works less on logic or reason and more with intuition and truth.

Calm Thought Focus:
Using OM Wisdom with your attention on the ‘Top of your Head' - where spiritual teachers have said we are connected to ‘omniscient wisdom' - can help you to access the wisdom you need from the source of supreme consciousness with which you are one.

Noticing Nirvana - play with the notion that nothing is wrong

The belief that there is something wrong is a major hidden source of angst. It is the subtle belief that makes people resist what happens and, in the process, cause themselves a huge amount of unnecessary stress. You cannot control everything that happens, but you can heal the belief that makes what happens so stressful. If you ever find that you are in need of a serene moment, use this technique to bring you back into touch with the inner peace that's present.

  • Imagine that you can reach inside your mind and pull out the belief that something is wrong. That's right, like magic, the belief that there is something wrong with your body, your life or your world could be completely removed from your mind.
  • What's left? Seriously, try that experience on for a few moments and notice what it is like.

The results from the many people I've played this game with have been remarkable. In their eyes I see immediate relief, and comments include that it feels ‘free', ‘a relief', ‘peaceful' and ‘expansive', to name only a few. What is it like for you to take a moment to pretend that nothing is wrong? By looking at life through a lens in which nothing is wrong, you start to notice the nirvana that is there, all day every day.

Get peace with time

Wisdom resides within you right now. However, if you're too busy thinking about the past and future you won't be able to benefit from it. Use the Peace with Mind Protocol to heal your relationship with time, including:

  • Past trauma
  • Future worries
  • Resisting what is
  • Past failures
  • Bad decisions
  • Past lives

Using the above list as inspiration, consider what you currently perceive to be a problem relating to your past or future. Now use the Peace with Mind Protocol to get peace with the thoughts and emotions that you are having in relation to things that have happened or might happen.

Reliving and pre-living

The negative side effects of reliving past events and pre-living future scenarios in your mind are huge. You can forever miss real life as it's happening and become lost in endless imagined nightmares that cause much distress.

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