Mimi's Mix - A Book From Each Series! Hot Suspense & Active Spirits! (3 page)

BOOK: Mimi's Mix - A Book From Each Series! Hot Suspense & Active Spirits!
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“You know a guy called Earl Rhondo?”

The light went out as if she’d doused the wick.

“Nah! Never heard of him.” His excitement waned, and his face shut down. Clearly, he feared Rhondo more than he wanted his freedom.

Move in quick. Don’t give him a chance to grow balls.
She shoved the table away from him and pushed her knee over the handcuffs on his hands, forcing them down into his crotch. Snagging the piercing on his left eyebrow, she twisted hard. “You wouldn’t look so good with a torn face, now would you? Girls don’t like freaky-looking dudes. And I want Rhondo enough to make a real mess of this pretty mug of yours.”

Eyes bugging out, Johnny flinched and stuttered. “S-stop it.”

Moving in real close, her face inches from his, she sneered her disgust. The pussy couldn’t take the bit of pain. When he screamed and tried to push her away, his blocked handcuffs pretty well made that impossible. In a reasonable sounding voice, she added. “You gotta know I’d lose my job if anyone found out that I’d treated you so mean. Hey, do I look like I care? Tonight there aren’t many officers around. The one’s who’re here, are all friends of the female officer your buddy attacked. We don’t take it lightly when one of us gets hurt. So, they feel the same way about Rhondo as I do. We want him behind bars, and we’re all willing to take a turn just to help convince you to be smart for once in your miserable life. Capiche?” Tilting her head to the side, she waited.

Tears rolled out of the corners of his eyes when he tried to nod.

“Good.” She backed off a little; surprised by the small amount of force it had taken. “Tell me what I want to know and you’ll be back on the strip within the hour. Hell, I’ll drive you there personally. Aurora could almost hear the wheels turning. With a bit more pressure applied, he squealed, and then he begged.

“Don’t hurt me.”

She backed off again and patted his cheek. “Sugar, I won’t touch you if you tell me what I want to know. Where’s Rhondo?” All business now, she shot questions his way like a semi-automatic firing.

“Look, all I know is he’s throwing a party at the old shack on Freemont.”

“What’s the address?”

“I don’t know.” She moved in purposely and he shrunk back into his chair. “I can show you on a map.”

“What night?”

“This Saturday. He’s invited all the old gang.” This sounded better and better. She loved crashing parties.

“You gonna be there?”

“Hell no! I’m leaving Vegas tonight.”

She nodded. “Good boy! Just remember, there’s no place you can hide if this turns out to be bogus.”

“It’s for real, I swear. Saturday, you’ll get Rhondo.”

Chapter Six

The strange-looking black purse on Debbie’s old desk the next morning warned Aurora that very likely her new partner had arrived. Other than the name, Kai Larson, she knew nothing about her at all. Strange name, Kai, not one she’d heard before. Maybe this girl came from Hawaii? What a weird looking purse! Hope this gal isn’t too butch. It could be embarrassing seeing as how Aurora had always looked so damn feminine. Not something she worked on. She started her computer, picked up her Coyote hockey mug, and then went to the coffee area seeking her third hit of the day. Hadn’t had time to do a drive-through this morning, and her system craved its usual dose. “Hey Ham. Thanks again for your back-up last night. It worked out pretty smooth. So far, it’s the best lead we’ve gotten on Rhondo since the latest incident.”

“Sure, Morelli, no problem. I organized the tail on Ross like you wanted. You were right. He lit out last night to Reno. We also put the tap on his cell. He’s been a good lad and hasn’t used it. I had a buddy of mine pick him up at the bus depot when he hit town. Make sure the snake doesn’t do anything stupid like tip off Rhondo.”

“Sweet. I knew I could count on you. Hey! You seen any female strangers around here this morning. There’s a purse on Deb’s desk that tells me my new partner has arrived.”

Ham’s eyes crinkled before the grin hit or the chuckle burst loose. “Oh- boy-oh-boy-oh-boy. Is the shit gonna hit the fan?”

“Hey, come back here! What do you mean?” A slight buzzing started in her head and the wave of apprehension wouldn’t shift. “John Hampton, you come back here and face me like a man.”

“Ain’t gonna happen, It’s not my story to tell.”

Knowing that the big Irishman wouldn’t budge, Aurora stalked to her cubicle. All she saw at first was a pair of cowboy boots at least size twelve on the edge of the desk. The faded jeans that covered the muscular legs gave her the next clue and the baldhead cinched it.

Her new partner was a man.

Not just any man. He was the type that she used to fall for in her younger years. The cocky dude who knew he was prime. Sexy as all get out, Mr. Hotshot who’d been spoiled by the ladies and loved the attention. Before she could react, Cory appeared in the doorway wearing the look of a boss who wasn’t about to put up with any of her shit. His hand went up at the same time as her mouth opened.

“Not a word, Aurora.”

Her mouth refused to close. Her finger pointed at the sloucher who sat watching this interaction wearing a cheeky grin below his flashy blue eyes. “No way!”

“Not open for discussion. You both have good reasons to want Rhondo as much as I do, and I figure working together, sharing your files, you’ll get him. That’s all I care about.”

She’d never heard Cory use that tone with her before. Filtering the facts through her head faster than most, she knew at once that she didn’t have a hope in hell of losing this purse-carrying cowboy. Before the words ‘then I quit!’ could be uttered, Ham burst in, an unusual excitement billowing around him like an aura of static electricity.

“Hey boss, just got a call. A couple of rookies are shooting it out with a guy who sure sounds like Rhondo and a few of his friends. The young cops flagged his driver for speeding, and instead of pulling over the schmuck took off. They gave chase and ended up in the same con as before. They’re pinned down, trapped in that bloody underground lot.”

Before he’d finished, Aurora had her gun in the holster and her jacket halfway on. Twisted, it gave her trouble until she felt someone undo the sleeve and help her into it. “Thanks.” Grudgingly she remembered her manners.

“Hey, what are partners for?” He waved her to go first and took up the rear.

Cory unblocked the doorway. “I’m stuck here. Have a meeting with the mayor.” Frustration sounded in his voice. “You two go and get that son-of-a-bitch and play nice with each other. You hear?”

“Yes, boss!” In unison the words had more oomph, and as she passed Ham, Aurora caught the silly smirk he didn’t bother to hide.

“Quit grinning like an idiot and grab some of the others. That bastard’s not getting away this time. Not if I can help it.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


Within minutes, Aurora spun out of the parking area, turned on the siren and drove into the oncoming traffic as if she had sole possession of the road. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her new partner, big buff male that he was make the sign of the cross and he did it knowing she’d see him. “So you’re a funny guy?”

“No, just Irish. I like to hedge my bets when I’m facing my possible demise.”

She accepted his explanation. After all, they were heading for a gunfight. “Okay, I thought you were just making fun of my driving.”

“I was.”

“Jack-ass!” The fact that he grinned instead of taking offence one-upped him on the scale where he presently sat at below zero. “So where did you work before, and why are you here?” Aurora queried for information, deciding it was best to know a little about the man she’d be forced to spend her days with.

“Ahhh, you sure you want to visit and drive at the same time. Maybe the road needs all your attention.”

“Quit messing around and answer my question.”

She heard him mutter, “who’s messing around” but then he did satisfy her curiosity.

“I worked Homicide in LA, some undercover, mostly gang related stuff. Had unfinished business with Rhondo that needed to be followed up on, so when I found out he’d likely show up here, I called in a marker on my old pal Cory.”

“The old pal stuff might have gotten you the job. Doesn’t mean you’ll keep it. Not unless you know how to follow orders.” Her tone resonated ‘don’t mess with me’ and if he resented it that would be his problem. Either he worked with her as lead, or he left. Given her druthers, she knew what would be her choice. The only time in her career she’d disliked wearing the badge happened while partnering with Harvey Wittlespoon. ‘Wit’ as the others liked to call him. ‘Witless’ as she referred to him behind his back. The man had idiot status stamped all over him, a reputation he’d earned legitimately. Never again would she get stuck pandering to a male partner had been her motto, and Cory knew it.

Speeding, cutting the last couple of corners real tight, Aurora sighed her enjoyment. The boost she always felt sitting behind the wheel of a well-oiled machine kicked in. Pressing down on the pedal so the vehicle leapt forward, maneuvering into spaces that anyone with brains wouldn’t even try, thrilled the hell outta of her. Today, not so much. She knew what awaited her at the end of this ride. She’d been there before.

The night Rhondo had attacked her partner; Aurora had shown up early with food for their ‘junk and drunk’ girl’s night—eating junk and getting drunk. Something they did whenever they broke a case. Only that night, as Aurora remembered, she’d felt sickly, with a pounding headache that began as soon as she’d pulled into the parking lot, gathered the stuff from the car and headed towards the apartment. Then, while approaching the door juggling an aromatic pizza box, bags of chips and Cookies and Cream ice cream and two bottles of wine she’d heard a loud thud and a blood-curdling scream coming from inside Debbie’s suite. As if someone opened a trap door, her stomach plunged while her heart pounded out a rhythm of choking fear that nearly had her paralyzed. Only her training kicked in as she threw the food away and pulled out her purse gun. Without hesitation, she shot the lock and busted in.

What she saw made her pulse ramp up even higher as rage like she’d never known filled her and tuned her into a killer. Her eyes like lasers, scanned the room to see Debbie, bleeding, partially naked, clothes ripped and hanging, laying on the floor sobbing. The half-dressed male, who looked like he’d escaped from some scudsy Elvis wedding chapel, hovered over the writhing body of her friend, using her for cover. Yanking up his pants, he shot at Aurora to give himself some time.

He laughed—no he giggled like some kind of a freakish maniac. The creepy shit took another shot, and as she dove for cover, he fled out the open window and down the ancient fire escape.

Aurora ran to Debbie’s side and found her rolled into a fetus-like position, knees curled together almost under her chin and her arms clamped around them.

“Dear Lord, Deb. I’m so sorry I wasn’t earlier. I—” Aurora felt the guilt gorging huge chunks from her soul.

“I’m fine.” Deb choked on the words as saliva ran over her chin to mix with the waterfall of tears. Smudged mascara highlighted bruises that had formed around cuts and scrapes. Her lipstick, a parody of color, was now smeared over her cheeks and on her chin, which gave her a grotesque look of a woman who’d been through hell.

“Go after him, Aurora. Get the son-of-a-bitch. Get him. He hurt me.” The last words were screamed out between sobs and they galvanized Aurora into action.

“I called for back-up; they’ll be here any minute.”

“You got here in time. I’m fine. Go!”

With Debbie’s furious prodding egging her on, she’d given chase, but to no avail.

He’d managed to get to his car. She’d managed to get the plates and call it in. Then she’d headed to the district where most of the gangs hung out, waited and prayed for someone to spot the license number. Sure enough, within the hour a call came over the radio. A squad had caught the plates and they were in hot pursuit.

Aurora followed. She’d ended up in an underground parking lot, but had gotten there too late. Two officers were down, one dead, and Rhondo had fled the scene. Seems he’d set up an ambush that worked slick as hell and deadly as sin. Two of his men jumped out from where they’d been hiding, one on each side of the cop car and gunned down the officers.

“Obviously, you know where you’re going.” Kai’s voice broke into her reverie.

“Oh yeah! Get ready to party. I’m using the car to block the entrance. If that prick is still in here, he’s not driving out.” A slick maneuver with the gas and brake had the car whipping around sideways to block a good portion of the underground exit.

Gunshots were heard in the distance, and running as fast as they could, they headed towards where the officers were in trouble. Sirens screamed and more officers piled out from the other cars that screeched up behind Aurora’s.

In order to get closer to the battle, some took cover behind the parked vehicles and others used the large rounded pillars. Soon they came across the bloodiest of scenes. Two cop cars had smashed into other vehicles, a horn blaring adding to the confusion. One of the passenger doors lay open with a uniformed body sprawled halfway out, blood dripping down the hand of the unconscious or dead cop. Smells of burnt rubber on asphalt emanated and added realism to the scene that would later be haunting. It looked as if only one rookie, pinned down, was holding them off and Aurora knew she’d be praising that young cop after the gun smoke settled.

A head poked out from the shooters that wore a gleeful expression. Aurora knew him at once. He was the same Elvis look-a-like who’d hurt her partner. With Kai hot on her tail, she worked her way around the outer rim of the underground garage, creeping as close as to the action as she could.

One moment she was sneaking forward, and in another her body was securely hidden under the male who’d grabbed her in time to protect her. She lay under him as the bullet aimed in her direction whizzed by close enough to have the irritating noise in her ears performing a symphony.

Heart pounding, she shoved at him and had to suffer his infernal grin as he whispered. “You wait here!” The idiot gave orders as if he expected she’d listen. Then with his gun out, he jungle-crawled under a larger truck and inched his way in the direction where the thugs were ganged up.

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