Millie and Magic

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Authors: Kelly McKain

BOOK: Millie and Magic
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To Sarah, a fab vet and a super sister-in-law – with love xx


With special thanks to our cover stars, Jess and Connor, pony guru Janet Rising and our brill photographer, Zoe Cannon.


Title Page


Entry One: 8.30 on Monday morning

Entry Two: Monday after lunch, outside on the picnic tables

Entry Three: Monday after tea

Entry Four: 10.27p.m. on Monday

Entry Five: Tuesday – I’m just quickly writing this before lunch

Entry Six: Tuesday afternoon

Entry Seven: Tuesday night, writing this in bed

Entry Eight: Wednesday morning, first thing

Entry Nine: 4.05p.m. – on the bench outside the yard office, waiting for Mum to come and check my jobs

Entry Ten: Ten mins later, in the kitchen by myself – IN SHOCK!

Entry Eleven: Wednesday evening, hanging out in my room. Me, Amy and Zoe are all lying on our beds, writing in our diaries

Entry Twelve: Wednesday night, in bed after lights out

Entry Thirteen: Thursday lunchtime

Entry Fourteen: After tea

Entry Fifteen: Friday – quickly writing this during our morning break

Entry Sixteen: Friday evening, and everyone’s gone home


Dear Riders,


A warm welcome to Sunnyside Stables!


Sunnyside is our home and for the next week it will be yours, too! My husband Johnny and I have two children, Millie and James, plus two dogs … and all the ponies, of course!

We have friendly yard staff and a very talented instructor, Sally, to help you get the most out of your week. If you have any worries or questions about anything at all, just ask. We’re here to help, and we want your holiday to be as enjoyable as possible – so don’t be shy!

As you know, you will have a pony to look after as your own for the week. Your pony can
wait to meet you and start having fun! During your stay, you’ll be caring for your pony, improving your riding, learning new skills and making new friends. Add hacks in the countryside and a gymkhana at the end of the week, and you’re in for a fun-packed holiday to remember!

This special Pony Camp Diary is for you to fill with your holiday memories. We hope you’ll write all about your adventures here at Sunnyside Stables – because we know you’re going to have lots!


Wishing you a wonderful time with us!

Hi, Millie here! It feels strange to be starting a Pony Camp Diary of my own. The reason I’m writing one is that, for this week only, I’m going to be a Pony Camp girl! As well as taking part in the lessons and gymkhana, I’m joining in all the lectures and yard work. It was Mum’s idea. She’s arranged for me to try out a new pony, and if it works out they’ll buy him for me. She thinks if I take part in all the activities, we’ll get a chance to really

Yeah, right!

As if I could bond with anyone but my lovely Tally! We’re a team, him and me.

The problem is, Mum’s convinced that my gorgeous cheeky chops is too small for me. I’ve tried and tried to tell her he isn’t, but she won’t change her mind. She kept going on about it until she somehow persuaded me to give another pony a try.

The new pony’s called Magic and he belonged to the daughter of a friend of hers. He arrived yesterday evening and we turned him out into a field with the others. He fitted in really well, making friends with Charm and Jewel straight away – after five minutes they were all grazing happily together.

But when Tally trotted up to say hello to me as usual I felt SO guilty. I know I agreed to try out Magic (in the end!), but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. Magic
lovely and all that – he’s an elegant bay thoroughbred cross. And you
can tell he has a good temperament. Mum says his paces are perfect, too.

But no pony could replace Tally. He’s not perfect, but he’s got, what’s the word –

Us two have had some amazing adventures – razzing round the cross-country course, galloping on hacks and doing
of jumping. True, I have been dragged through a hedge or two when he gets a little – ahem – “over-enthusiastic”, but I don’t mind that.

Anyway, Mum’s wrong about Tally. I’m not
big for him. I’m sure we could have another year together; well, six months at least – and after that we could get into driving. But Mum doesn’t agree, so I’m going to have to put Operation Keep Tally into action. Not that I’ve got an actual
yet, not really, not a decent one.

This is all I’ve come up with so far: 


Run away together Probably not a good idea ’cos:

1. We’d have to sleep in hay barns and fields, and what if a farmer let out an angry bull?

2. I’d miss out on Mum’s roasts with Dad’s Yorkshire puddings and

3. I suppose Mum and Dad would miss me a bit (and my big bro James might too, even if he is a smelly-pants who gives me dead arms for no reason).

See, rubbish or what?!

Oh, hang on, I’ve thought of another one.


Maybe me and Tally could chain ourselves together as a protest.

But what if I need the loo, or even worse, what if Tally does?!

Mum’s just walked past and given me a big smile. She thinks I’m getting into the spirit of things, writing in here already (I’m not
writing, normally). But she doesn’t know what I’m really using this diary for – which is to report on Operation Keep Tally – hee hee!

Oh, gotta go, this week’s girls are starting to arrive. They’re all loud and lively and chattering away as usual. I SO love living here – it’s like being on holiday all the time. And James has gone to an outdoor adventure camp, which makes it even better. I wonder who I’m sharing my room with this week? I hope they don’t snore!

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