Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance (95 page)

BOOK: Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance
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Chapter Five

Mindy woke up with her little kitten snuggled under her neck. She pulled the blankets off her and realized she was still naked. She smiled as she remembered the night she experienced with her beautiful stranger. She looked over her shoulder and noticed he was gone. She felt a surge of panic as she started thinking that maybe he left her in the middle of the night.

She found her fuzzy sleep pants on the floor and slipped them on. She stretched the t-shirt she had worn the night before over her head, and then walked towards the kitchen.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Vince’s voice was music to her ears.

“What is all this?” Mindy asked.

Vince stood in the kitchen wearing only his boxer briefs. He had pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon placed neatly on the table with two plates.

“I couldn’t find any coffee, so I made you orange juice.Is that ok?” he asked as he handed her the glass.

“Ok? It’s amazing!” she exclaimed.

Mindy sat down at the table and patted at the empty seat beside her. “Join me please,” she pleaded.

Vince kissed the top of Mindy’s head and took the empty seat beside her. “Baby, there is something about you,” he said softly.

Mindy felt the same way. There was something about Vince that had awaken a part of her that she wasn’t sure even existed. She was excited about getting to know this man.

“After we eat, maybe we could take a ride out to the lake?” he asked.

“I've never been on a motorcycle,” Mindy admitted.

Vince’s eyebrows rose. “You willing to try it…for me?” he asked.

Mindy smiled. “Of course,” she replied.

She was willing to try anything for this man. His tattoo-covered arms and tight chest were a pleasurable distraction from the burnt bacon and undercooked eggs. She managed to get some of the food down and then stood up. “What do I wear?” she asked as she headed back towards her bedroom.

Vince followed her and sat on the bed as she went through the items in her closet.

“Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Boots if you have them,” Vince stated.

Mindy pulled out a pair of jeans from her closet and decided to keep the t-shirt she had on. She searched through her closet until she found a pair of black boots with a chunky heel. She held them up for Vince to approve. With a nod and a smile, he seemed pleased with her selection.

“Keep your hair pulled back, baby, so it doesn’t tangle,” he suggested.

Mindy slipped into the jeans and tightened her pony tail. Vince got dressed and then helped her with her boots. As he tied her laces he looked up at her with a warm expression. “I hope last night was ok with you. I like to take control, but I hope I wasn’t too forceful.”

Mindy had not had enough experience to know what was normal and what wasn’t. She was grateful for the direction. It helped keep her from feeling awkward and uncomfortable from her inexperience.

“I like you taking control,” she admitted.

Vince smiled and took her hand, pulling her up from the bed. “Let’s go!” 

Mindy was nervous mounting the rumbling motorcycle, but the excitement gave her the courage she needed to climb on the back of the bike. It felt good to have her arms wrapped around Vince, and the wind in her face was exhilarating. This is what she had been looking for. Finally, she had some excitement in her life.

Vince reached back several times and placed his hand on her knee. He smiled at her through his mirror and she kept her chin on his shoulder the entire ride. She was falling in love with a total stranger, and from the way he looked at her, touched her and talked to her, she was pretty sure this stranger was falling in love with her as well.

As they rode back to her apartment, Mindy was sad that the ride had to come to an end. He pulled up right to the front door, and then stopped to allow Mindy to climb off the back. He stayed on his bike and pulled her in close to him. His lips were so soft as they pressed up against hers. Their tongues found each other instantly and began to stroke one another as if that was what they were meant to do.

“You coming in?” Mindy asked.

“I have to get a few things done. Can I see you tonight?” he asked.

“I would love that” Mindy exclaimed.

“I think I could love you, baby,” Vince admitted.

Before Mindy could say anything, he pulled the bike away from the door and took off down the road.
He could love me?
Mindy thought to herself. She was pretty sure she could love him too.

She walked inside and sat down at the table. She opened her laptop and checked her e-mail out of habit. When she noticed the subject line “Art Director Position Interview Request”, her heart felt like it would explode. She opened the email to discover she had been invited to interview with one of the top galleries in New York City next week. She couldn’t believe it; she was selected for an interview.

Mindy felt like everything was coming together. Her life was finally what she wanted, what she deserved. As quickly as she lifted herself up on that fluffy cloud, she started to fall. Vince? What about Vince? She knew that he wouldn’t fit into her life of art galleries, midnight sushi, and limo rides to the opera house. She wasn’t ready to give him up, but what if she had to give up her lifelong dream for a chance of love?


Chapter One

Mindy sat in front of her laptop reading her response over and over. This was everything she had worked for, everything she had been dreaming about since she was a young girl. She checked her spelling and her grammar, and then hit “Send”. She had officially accepted the open slot for an interview for the Art Director position at one of New York’s top galleries.

She slammed the laptop shut and skipped through her apartment to the bathroom. She tore off her boots, jeans, and t-shirt and started the shower. When she pulled the hair tie from her pony tail, she was left with a tangled mess, but riding on the back of Vince’s motorcycle was worth it. The tangles were nothing extra conditioner couldn’t fix. She unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the floor, and then slipped her panties down around her ankles before stepping out of them and into the shower. The water was cold and refreshing against her sun-drenched skin.

Mindy let the water smack her in the face and then roll down her chest. Her nipples were sore from pressing against Vince’s hard back, and her inner thighs were still quivering from the bike's vibrations. Her mind started to drift to Vince, his powerful body and gentle lips. She had never experienced such pleasure before, and if she took this job, she would have to give that up, wouldn’t she?

As she stepped out of the shower, she heard the rumbling of motorcycles outside her back window. She ran to her room and threw on a pair of soft shorts and a t-shirt and quickly pulled her wet hair back into a pony tail. She ran out into the living room and towards her back door. Veronica was outside on her back patio holding a beer in her hand. Four bikes had pulled up into the grass, but none of them Vince.

Mindy thought she was being silly thinking that Vince would rush back over so quickly, but he had said he “could” love her.

“Hey!” Veronica yelled when she noticed Mindy at her backdoor.

She was motioning for Mindy to come outside as her biker friends dismounted their bikes and headed towards her cooler full of beer.

Mindy opened the back door and reluctantly walked outside. She was afraid that Veronica was upset at her for walking out of her first night bartending, especially since she had gotten her the job. 

“Hey girl, sorry about last night,” Mindy said before Veronica had a chance to yell at her.

“No sweat, it wasn’t your cup of tea.” Veronica smiled and tossed Mindy a beer.

“Is Paul angry?” Mindy asked.

“Paul? No, he never gets angry,” Veronica told her with a slight shrug.

Mindy felt relieved that she had not made enemies of her new neighbor and the bar owner where Vince hung out. She was hopeful that they could stop there for a beer one day while out on a ride without the fear of Paul kicking them out as soon she walked in.

“And don’t worry about that crazy bitch…She'sbanned for good this time,” Veronica added.

Mindy smiled, trying not to show too much relief. The angry blonde woman with tattoos all over her body had frazzled her. She had thought she was Vince’s girl, and she was pretty sure the girl thought that as well. After being accused of being his “new whore”, she ended up leaving with him, so she knew the woman would be furious if she seen them together now.

“Who’s your friend?” a large bald man covered in tattoos asked.

“Hey Bear, this is Mindy.She just moved in,” Veronica said.

The man stared at Mindy intensely, slowly eyeing her from top to bottom. She felt as though she was a car on the lot being inspected before purchase. This normally would have made Mindy uncomfortable, but after her night with Vince, she found something erotic about the tattooed men who rode iron horses.

“Well damn, girl, join the party!” Bear finally broke his stare and smiled as he invited Mindy over to her neighbor's patio.

Mindy pulled one of her patio chairs over to Veronica’s side and sat down next to the cooler. Veronica started telling them about her evening as a bartender and how the blonde woman, who she kept calling Nikki, threw a fit when Vince asked her to join him on the run.

“So, your Vince’s new old lady?” a scrawny man with a long beard asked.

Mindy laughed at the oxymoron, but smiled at the thought of being Vince’s girl. The four men seemed to accept her as his new “old lady”, and it felt good to be a part of a cliché, even though she may be leaving soon to follow her dreams.

“It’s a damn shame… I woulda’ loved to thrown you on the back of my bike,” the scrawny bearded man responded before hearing an actual answer to his question.

“Don’t pay no attention to Blackie,” Veronica interrupted before he could finish telling Mindy what else he would like to do to her.

Mindy was giggling to herself at the names the men answered to. Bear was tall, bald, and covered in tattoos. He was as large as a bear, but he had no hair. Blackie had a long red beard, was white as a ghost, and was missing most of his teeth. She thought maybe Black was his last name, but didn’t want to ask. Veronica introduced Shane, a well-built black man probably in his late 30’s who also had no hair and tattoos all over, and last but not least, Tiny, a large man with a beard and tons of hair peeking out from under his t-shirt, who she felt should have been named Bear.

The topic quickly moved from Mindy’s night at the bar and her possible love affair with Vince to the upcoming bike run. Mindy was still unclear about what this was, but she knew Vince had asked her to go and she intended to do so. She felt stupid to ask, so she just agreed that she would be there when Shane asked.

Four beers later another set of bikes pulled up to Veronica’s patio. A couple both dressed in leather and fringe dismounted and immediately went to Bear to start up a conversation, and Vince, who kept an eye on Mindy, was greeted by the other guys.

Mindy felt a rush of excitement flow through her body as Vince stared at her. He maintained eye contact throughout his conversations with Bear and the couple he rode in with, and when they finally released him from their attention, he walked over to Mindy’s chair.

His arms were exposed in his sleeveless button up Harley shirt, displaying the muscles that held her so tightly just a few short hours ago. The way he fit into his Levi’s made Mindy squirm in her seat as he got close enough for her to lock eyes with the bulge he carried between his thighs. He was exquisite, masculine perfection. He dropped down over top of Mindy’s chair, placing a hand on either side of her as he leaned in close.

“Now, what on earth are you doing partying with these animals,baby doll?” he asked, his voice strong and delicious.

“When you live next to a zoo, it's customary to visit.” Mindy smirked.

Vince let go of a laugh, and then bit his bottom lip as he stared into Mindy’s eyes. “Baby doll, you’re a pistol,” he said.

He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against Mindy’s. Her mouth parted as she waited for his skillful tongue to invade her mouth. He slid his tongue across her bottom lip,and then pressed his teeth around the plump, pink, tender skin before biting down, just hard enough to make her squeal.

“We have a screamer,” Blackie yelled out as he raised his beer in the air towards Vince.

Vince smiled at Mindy and slid his hand down beside her in her seat. She felt her legs quiver and her panties become moist as he stared into her eyes. She closed her eyes as his hand brushed past her bare thigh, and bit her bottom lip in anticipation of his next move. She heard the cooler open beside her, followed by ice shuffling as Vince grabbed a beer. She opened her eyes, feeling silly for her assumption that Vince was about to tease her, but his grin let her know he loved watching her squirm.

As he pulled the beer up to his face, he dropped a piece of ice in Mindy’s chair. She let out another small squeal as the cold block sat against her bare skin.

“I’m sorry, let me get that for you.” Vince smiled.

He reached down into her chair and fumbled until he found the ice cube that was causing Mindy such anguish. As she rose up out of her chair to allow him to retrieve it, he pushed it into her shorts between her ass cheeks with his thumb.

Mindy’s squeal did not go unnoticed by anyone at Veronica’s party. As they stared in her direction, some laughing, some just watching, she stood up and let the ice cube fall from her shorts. Once everyone knew what had happened, the laughter echoed through the apartment complex lawn, and Vince took a swig of his beer with a proud look of victory on his perfectly chiseled face.

“Not funny, Vince!” Mindy yelled, but kept a smile on her face.

“I agree, it was fucking hilarious,” Vince said, laughing.

There was something about Vince’s immaturity that she found playful and fun. He had to be in his 30’s, possibly late 30’s, but he didn’t feel much older than her, especially right now. She loved the mixture of experience from age and immaturity that he possessed. 

Mindy’s body tingled from where the ice had been shoved, and now her shorts displayed a wet spot between her legs from where the heat Vince had stirred up instantly melted the cube on contact.

“C’mon, I’ll get you a pair of shorts.” Veronica motioned for Mindy to come inside.

Mindy looked around at Veronica's apartment as she followed her to the bedroom. The furniture was red leather, and paintings of motorcycles and wolves lined the walls in no specific order. The apartment was clean, but lacked any real style outside of the, well,
biker chic
. In the bedroom, a king size waterbed with a wooden canopy and mirrors took up most of the room. Clothes were thrown all over the floor, including a few pairs of thong panties.

“Here, try these.” Veronica tossed a pair of black yoga shorts towards Mindy.

“Thanks.” Mindy stripped out of her wet shorts and panties, and then slipped into the black shorts handed to her.

“So, what’s the deal with you and Vince?” Veronica asked.

Mindy wasn't sure what “the deal” was with her and Vince yet, and wasn't exactly clear on how she should answer the direct question.

“I noticed he walked you out last night and never came back in, and, well, his bike was parked by your door all night long.” Veronica smirked.

Mindy felt her face start to flush with embarrassment. She had never gone home with a man she didn’t know before. Hell, she had only had one other sexual experience in her young life. She wasn't used to having girlfriends to share juicy details with, let alone having juicy details to share.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you, girl,” Veronica apologized.

“I've just never done anything like that,” Mindy told her shyly.

“You’re an adult! Nothing wrong with having a little fun.” Veronica smiled.

“It was more than a little fun!” Mindy blurted out, and then immediately turned bright red.

“Just as long as you realize sometimes a good time is just that…a good time,” Veronica said in what felt like a friendly warning.

“Oh, I know,” Mindy agreed.

Mindy wasn't sure she fully understood what Veronica meant by her comment as they walked back out to her patio. She had told her Vince was harmless last night at the bar, and the next thing Mindy knew, he was following her home and ordering her to spread herself open for his hard cock. Maybe Vince wasn’t harmless after all; maybe he was just doing what Veronica said…

Maybe he was just having a good time.

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