Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance (41 page)

BOOK: Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance
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Chapter 9


If Tanya turned out to be anyone other than who she said she was, Brock would be shocked. She was too sincere, too certain of what she wanted. He couldn’t believe she’d come to investigate him, whatever information Sam presented. Until he had credentials in front of him to prove otherwise, Brock would operate under the assumption that Tanya was an innocent, beautiful woman who’d come to Vegas to have a good time, and he was going to make sure she got it.

Watching her at the concert was the highlight of his day. She took it all in with complete awe, her rapt attention on the stage and her body swaying to the music. This definitely didn’t appeal to Brock’s usual taste in music and entertainment, but Tanya’s reaction inspired delight in him, as well, and even he finally gave into the contagious energy of the event.

When it ended, he felt like a balloon with the air let out, but Tanya was still pumped and enthusiastic, chattering a hundred miles a minute about the aspects of the show she liked most and the performance she thought would be stale after so many years but had actually been full of spark.

Brock listened avidly, smiling and laughing at her girlish giddiness and charm. He didn’t usually choose women this real. He liked the curb appeal of a woman, the overwhelming beauty, and typically, those women came in plastic. Tanya was made of flesh and bone and real emotion, and while that scared the hell out of Brock, he also found it enticing, more arousing than the usual sex partner he picked up for a night of pleasure.

He thought about taking her up to his suite and ordering a lavish dessert with expensive wine. He could ply her into submission and take her to bed, getting his fill of her several times throughout the night. Maybe that would work her out of his blood and mind, and he could finally move on. After all, Sam had instilled a certain amount of caution in him with the scare of Tanya’s potential ulterior motives. It was a bad idea for him to get involve with any woman, for that reason alone.

But Brock also wasn’t the type of man to commit to one person. He had access to too much through his job – as a manager and as a Cobra – to focus all his attention in one direction. And he also realized now that, when he did get his eye on something he wanted, he didn’t stop to think about the consequences. He went blind to any danger it could cause, including the downfall of the entire motorcycle club. If Tanya had been here to bust their loan business, there was a lot more at stake than his freedom and pride. He had to curb his selfishness in favor of doing what was in the best interest of the entire group.

But his plan of seducing her didn’t seem like the right answer, and something told Brock that another taste of her would only make the cravings worse, like a dope fiend who got a first taste and thought that, if he just had a little more, he could quit. That wasn’t how addiction worked, and Brock firmly believed Tanya had the potential to become the most addictive substance he’d ever known. If anyone made a move now, it would have to be her.

“What would you like to do now?” he finally asked as they walked slowly back toward his casino. “We have an entire city as our playground, and I am at your service. Whatever you wish for, I can conjure up, just like the genie you accused me of being last night.”

Tanya had almost forgotten about that and wondered why he would bring it up now. But she didn’t question it and tried to act nonchalant. She shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t really think ahead when I bought the flight here. I just came, hoping I could figure it out as I went along.”

“What did you do all day?” he asked, wondering why she hadn’t been playing in the casino or looking for things to do. Vegas was the entertainment capital, and she could have been searching brochures or even asking around for ideas. Had she been in her room all day? Somehow, Brock didn’t think so.

She blushed and ducked her head sheepishly. “Honestly, I got carried away daydreaming and people watching.” Shrugging, she said, “I had intended to explore a little bit, but I got caught up in the moment. And then, I started thinking about investments and what I really want to do with that money.”

Brock quirked a brow at her. “Did you make a decision?” he asked.

“Maybe,” she hedged. “I thought about a lot of people I knew growing up and how they struggled. I remembered how hard it was for some of my friends and how they couldn’t go to college without scholarships because their parents didn’t have the credit to get a loan. And then I thought about all the farmers who struggled and nearly lost their land in hard times for the same reasons.”

Brock scowled, wondering where she was headed with this. She continued, “We never had those problems, so I didn’t think about it before. And I thought that, when a bank won’t approve a loan, there should be another option. Maybe I could use my money to offer second chance loans to people who really needed the money and couldn’t get it any other way.”

Brock’s blood ran cold. The mention of anything to do with loans seemed too much of a consequence, and almost contrived. Had he been too quick to believe her? Dismissed Sam’s concerns too easily? He didn’t let his own desires get in the way of his judgment, and yet, his attraction to Tanya had clouded his mind so he wasn’t thinking clearly and rationally.

Clenching his jaw, Brock shut down his emotions, but he didn’t walk away. If Tanya really had come to Vegas to investigate the way the Cobras found their borrowers, he needed to keep her close so he could sway her away from the club as the culprit and always know how much she had discovered. It sounded like she was trying to draw something out of him right now, which meant she likely still didn’t have much to go on.

The biggest question was, where had she gotten the initial information? It would likely have come from one of the few people who had turned down a loan, or even from someone who had reluctantly signed a contract, and Brock intended to find out who had gone to the authorities. He also wanted to know what brand of law enforcement Tanya associated with, as well as who she really was. He doubted her name was Tanya, and that made her who history bogus.

Brock didn’t take well to liars or to having the wool pulled over his eyes, and he would kick his own ass soon enough for falling for her story. He couldn’t believe he’d let a woman get to him like this, and he vowed never to let it happen again.

He also wouldn’t ignore any information one of his men brought him. That had been a rookie mistake, the sort of mistake he’d never made before.

Swallowing all of that, including his anger, he gave her the most charming smile he could conjure and told her, “I think that’s a wonderful idea. You might want to talk to an expert, though, on how to set it up so that you can guarantee you won’t just lose your money.”

She nodded. “I suppose you’re right. I want to help people, but it’s important to at least recover the money. I guess it’s important to make sure the odds are on the house, right?” she teased.

“That’s exactly right.” And in this case, that meant keeping the enemy close. “I’d love to talk more about that, but I think we should figure out what we’re doing now.” He hoped she wanted to go somewhere intimate, maybe alone. That would give Brock the opportunity to really grill her in a space where she couldn’t easily escape. Any attempt would be awkward and lead to more suspicion. If she was on assignment, she wouldn’t break her cover.

“I’m sure there’s a good dance club around here,” she said, sounding like she made the decision on a whim. “I would love to let loose on a dance floor for a little while.”

That surprised Brock. It didn’t fall into character, for the woman who so easily enraptured him or the woman he believed to be investigating him. Then again, Tanya was smart, and she might have picked up on his wariness. If that proved true, she was probably trying to throw him off the scent.

Two could play that game.

“I’m not much of a dancer,” he told her, making sure he sounded reluctant.

She pouted at him and said, “I can’t go alone. It’s dangerous. And what fun would that be anyway? Come on, you can at least sway back and forth to a beat, can’t you?”

Groaning, he replied, “I don’t know, Tanya. I can’t make any promises.” When she didn’t give in, he rolled his eyes. “I’ll at least take you somewhere, okay?” She nearly bounced in triumph, and Brock questioned his own instincts again. She was hot and cold, hard to read, and she seemed sincere in her enthusiasm right now. If she intended to make a bust, how could she get so excited about anything that would hinder her progress? Or that potentially distanced her from her target?

Brock didn’t frequent dance clubs, but he knew a place that a couple of the younger Cobra brothers liked to go. He asked, “Have you ever been on a motorcycle?”

She blinked at him, as if that was the least expected question. “Uh, it’s been a while. Maybe eight or nine years.”

He nodded to her skirt. “Well, this place isn’t quite within walking distance, and I think you’ll enjoy a little excursion on mine. Just make sure that’s tucked down so you don’t give the world a show.” He winked, and she blushed but looked intrigued. She honestly didn’t know about the Cobras, did she? Even if she had come to Vegas under the impression she was going to bust an illegal operation, it hadn’t been linked to anything but the casino. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been surprised by the fact that he had a bike.

Leading her through the casino and out the back to where the bike waited, Brock told himself this was all about handling the situation. If he kept Tanya busy and away from anything that would lead her back to the motorcycle club, she’d spend her time here without gathering any evidence or even confirming any suspicion, and she would leave, discounting any reports the agency – whichever one she worked for – had received.

Chapter 10


He knew.

As the brisk night air brushed over her face and combed through her hair, Tanya couldn’t think of anything else, and now, she hoped he wasn’t taking her somewhere to kill her or to tie her up and torture her until she spilled the truth. She knew she was letting her imagination run away, and she ran with it, but she couldn’t help it as extreme terror welled up inside her.

Brock turned off the Strip into a seedier part of Vegas, and as far as she could tell, he headed toward the old downtown area. She held tight around his waist and made sure her dress stayed tucked tight between them, keeping her heels locked on the foot rests he’d kicked down for her. Tanya had briefly dated a guy in college who rode a motorcycle, but she never got used to speeding along a street exposed, without the comfort of four doors and a windshield.

He passed several abandoned buildings, and with each one, Tanya held her breath, but he didn’t stop until they reached a bustling establishment, the throbbing beat of the music almost drowning out the rumble of the motorcycle beneath her. He parked illegally, and she considered saying something about it but figured she would pick her battles. He appeared to know what he was doing as they dismounted and he escorted her toward the door and past the line of people anxious to get inside.

“Hey, Clint,” he greeted the doorman, who looked more like a bodyguard with a bad temper.

“Hey, Brock, how’s it going?” The guy sounded a lot more genial than he looked and waved them in.

“You know him?” Tanya asked, chiding herself for the obvious question.

Brock nodded, already having to yell over the din even before they opened the door between the vestibule and the main area. “I’ve got a few friends who come here pretty often. Like I said, I don’t really dance, so it’s not my usual scene, but I’ve been here a few times.”

She eyed him carefully. “You seem to have a lot of clout around this town. Do you know everybody?”

He laughed without humor. “Not everybody, no. But it’s important to have your friends around here, and it’s even more important to know who isn’t a friend. The more contacts you make, the more successful you can be in Vegas.” It was cryptic, and again, Tanya had the feeling he knew who she was and why she was here. But he didn’t show any outward signs of it otherwise – no aggressive behavior, no anger or rejection.

She decided to play along until things got out of hand. She wouldn’t call his bluff until she had to. “Is that the key to becoming a king around here?” she asked playfully.

He shrugged and led her inside with one last loud response. “I think so, but it’s also a good way to make sure any target on your back is covered.”

She shivered at the insinuation, but as they stepped into a world of chaos, Tanya couldn’t think too hard about it. The bass was turned up so loud her heart thrummed to it, and the floor vibrated, sending shockwaves through her entire body. Cold air whipped around her, keeping the body heat to a level that wasn’t stifling as a whirlwind of people moved all around her. Some gyrated on a huge dance floor to the electronic pop mix, while others mingled or vied for a position at the bar to order a drink. More pushed through a crowd that was almost standing room only to find the rest of their group or to get a better position to watch the action.

Tanya started toward the dance floor, but Brock grabbed her elbow and pointed up a set of steel stairs that wound to the balcony. She hesitated, not wanting to leave the crowd with him. She still worried about her own safety. But she didn’t dare defy him, either. Letting him lead her up the steps, she felt a sense of relief when she realized there was a smaller dance floor upstairs, and while it was busy, there was at least breathing room between dancers.

There were also large speakers up here, keeping the volume up so the beat didn’t dissipate with the distance. She could feel it inside her, and she remembered how college had been. She’d gone dancing all the time, but graduation had ended the party days. She’d gotten an internship with the Bureau in the local office and had left fun and games behind.

Now, the same excitement she’d felt then encompassed her, and regardless of the situation, she wanted to release the tension that had been building inside her for the last twenty-four hours. The tension that came to a head about half an hour ago.

She took Brock’s hand and practically dragged him onto the dance floor, clearing a small space for them. She started slow, closing her eyes and letting her head roll on her shoulders as her body gently swayed until the beat took over. Her movements grew bigger, her arms moving and her hips twisting, and she sensed Brock inches away. She closed the distance, forcing him to move with her, and now, she lost herself in the music, in the feel of it in her veins as she gave over complete control.

Tanya lost track of time and space, forgot who she was and who she was dancing with. She let all her senses control her, and she could feel the heat of the moment overtake Brock as well. He wasn’t a bad dancer at all, once she got him going, and his arousal became clear as she turned her back to him and grinded against his hips. He was hard and ready, and it only drove her deeper into her entrancement.

His hands fell on her hips, and his mouth was at her ear, the heat of his breath searing her skin, which was chilled from the blasting air conditioning. He spoke, and she shivered. “I think we should take this somewhere private.”

She nodded. She wanted him desperately, one more time before things came to a head. But she was going to take him back to her room. She couldn’t chance something going wrong, couldn’t let him have the upper hand. In the penthouse, she had easy access to her gun, and she felt safe. “Let’s go,” she told him, breathless as she turned in his arms to face him.

His eyes glowed with desire, and she could see her own need reflected there. He wouldn’t stop this, wouldn’t let the elephant in the room come between them and one more night of pure, carnal satisfaction.

He had the same thing on his mind.

He led her quickly back out of the club, and this time, the bike ride was far more hasty. Tanya clung just as tight, but the wind on her burning skin helped keep her desire from overwhelming her, and she couldn’t even think about the danger of being on the motorcycle. Hell, right now, the fact that her cover was blown didn’t even register as a concern. She needed to feed the hunger deep inside. That was the only goal, and until they made it to her room and the bed that awaited, she couldn’t be bothered with anything else.

Brock skidded to a halt behind the casino, not even bothering to park correctly, and he rushed her into the building and to the elevator. He keyed in the code for the penthouse, and they whisked away. His hand was up her dress and fondling her as his mouth bruised hers, almost before the door shut, and Tanya didn’t care. She found it difficult to wait, too, and stroked his massive hard-on through his pants.

Inside the penthouse, they broke apart, shedding their clothes maniacally, and Tanya hesitated only a moment, taking a quick glance at the bedside table. The bottom drawer held her pistol, and if anything went terribly wrong, she could grab it without worry. Knowing that, she stripped and reached out to Brock, nude and arousing, and she let him sweep her off her feet and carry her to the bed.

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