Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance (175 page)

BOOK: Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance
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“You can’t ask right now. I can’t think.”

He chuckled. “That is the point.”

He moved back and off the bed. Ana didn’t move an inch, her eyes on what he was doing. His fingers flew on his fatigues and he pulled them down in a flash. The large cock she remembered so well was nestled in a few dark curls, standing up and pointing at her. Her thighs closed and squeezed together in defense. It had been a long time for her and he looked huge to her eyes.

Dante moved back on the bed, his hands resting on her knees. She waited for him to yank them open, but he didn’t, even though she wished he had. “God you are beautiful Ana. Just say yes so I can make love to you.”

She shivered, but the words would not come out. He finally pushed open her thighs, but instead of the length that she was dying for, his head moved between her thighs while his hand reached for one of her hard nipples through her thin bra. She gasped at the suddenness of it all, the double stimulation making her hips betray her once again and rise begging for more. As he always had, Dante delivered more than she could take and she was quickly shaking below him.

“Fuck Dante. God, I’ve missed your mouth.”

He pulled back to watch her convulse, her essence leaking from her core. His hand rubbed her clit slowly, watching her jump and then smacking her softly with fingertips. She shook and came again, his name on her lips as her thighs started to close in front of him. Dante had forgotten so much, but the sounds were something he could never forget, nor how quickly she would come. Another thing that he had found out wasn’t normal the hard way.

“Be mine Ana, please?”

She had never heard him say that before and it threw her off. It wasn’t just that he asked, but that he actually waited for an answer. The Dante she knew had always taken what he wanted, never asking if it was okay.

Ana tried to speak, but she just couldn’t. She shook her head instead. Not sure what she was agreeing to, he stopped touching her and moved close enough to rub his cockhead on her slit. He tapped it much like he had with his hand, watching her spread open for him and then hide away again when he pulled back. The sight was mesmerizing, as was the tiny pink pussy his movement revealed. “Tell me you are mine Ana.”

Looking down between their bodies, her hips finally made contact with his, his length sliding between her lips. Several times he let her do that, never once giving her the angle she needed for penetration. She whimpered from frustration and his eyes held hers. “Just say it and I will give you what you need.”

“I need you for more than just the moment. If you are going to leave, just go now. I will be okay, but if you do that, I won’t be.”

Her words made him pause and his hand went to his own length, tightening his grip till he turned purple with trapped blood. Ana’s answer was better than her declaration. He did know what being with her meant, his whole life was going to change and there would be many changes in the family. The parents would have to be told, Christine, but none of that was too close on his mind. Her body beneath him was all he could think of in that moment and the feel of her possession. It may have started as one thing, but he had to have every ounce of her, leaving nothing for later.

“I am never going to leave you again Ana. I promise.”

The man surged forward all at once, taking both of their breaths away. Ana cried out. Dante was too big and she was too small. He growled in her ear. “Oh my God, you are so tight. Just like the first time we were together.”

Ana closed her eyes, she didn’t even try to answer or comment. Her mind and body were focused on the long length driving into her. Dante tried to keep himself under control, she could see it in his eyes, but she squeezed him tight, murmuring as she found herself being pushed closer to another end. How could she be there so quickly?

“Please Dante, like before. You know how I like it.”

He pulled out of her, growling as he did. The last thing he wanted to do was pull out, but he quickly flipped her over onto her stomach. She squeaked as he slapped her ass like before, watching the roundness jiggle from his touch. Ana had went to her knees and waited for what would come next. Her body shook with anticipation and she looked behind her once, his eyes locked on her weeping core. He tapped her quim with his cock over and over again while she jumped. “Please Dante. Stop teasing me. I have waited years for you.”

Dante pushed forward in a rush, her scream satisfying to his ears. There was an idle thought that he hoped the neighbors weren’t as nosy as they had been in years past. She felt like heaven, engulfing his manhood with ease. He grabbed her arms and yanked her back, using them as leverage to start rutting into her the way she wanted it. His pace increased, as well as the strength behind each pump. Ana liked to be taken and Dante was always the only one that could do it the right way.

Her voice rose in pitch as he slammed in and out of her with a flurry. “Yes, fuck yes. Oh my God, I am going to come!”

He didn’t let up, slamming in and out of her until the only thing holding her up was his grip on her. She was close to a puddle beneath him. Dante yanked out of her, his sticky cock steaming from her furnace. Ana flipped back over, her head moved up to take the offered cock between her legs. She had always loved the way she tasted mixed with him, his cock practically throbbing with need.

Moving her back, he pushed deep, sighing as he took her how he wanted, slow. Dante wanted to watch her eyes roll back in her head as she reached her next peak, so close from the last one. Her engorged clit was rubbed by his hips as he ground as deep as he could, pulling her legs up to allow him another inch.

Ana clung to his body, every move felt from head to toe. This was the most devastating way he fucked her, face to face, with their bodies in slow motion. It was when part of her soul was given away and she knew from the last time, she would never get it back. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as her world turned upside down and her eyes could no longer hold his gaze.

Dante’s lips moved to silence her cry of pleasure, her squirts swirling around his shaft before dribbling out onto the bed. The man could hold back any longer, filling her with his hot seed. He pushed deep against her womb, leaving no chance of where he wanted it to go. His eyes reopened and she stared up at him with wide blue eyes, still unbelieving that he had filled her once again.

“We should have used a condom.”

“Why? You are about to be my wife.”



The newlyweds were due back from their honeymoon a few weeks before, but instead decided to take another month long cruise and it was almost two months before they were back home in the small town of Orson where they met. A lot had changed in the time they had been away. Dante was still there, being granted some time to prepare for the new arrival, as well as bond with the child he had been away from for so long. Their marriage had granted them a month of leave and his superiors had given him longer, only calling on him when it was necessary. Dante had left twice, never being so happy to come home to his family. Even the words in his own mind seemed surreal.

They were both nervous awaiting Carol and Jeffrey, but when they came in, Ana just blurted it out. “Mom, we have some things to tell you.”

“Is it about Christine?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Sweetheart. Look at her. It is pretty obvious who she looks like. How do you think me and Jeffrey met? We met when I went to talk about the situation. We both wanted to let you two handle it. Why do you think the wedding was when he was off on leave? Do you guys really think it was all a coincidence?”

“Mom, I can’t believe you!”

“Oh the time to be upset is over. You guys are together now and married, Jeffrey, did you see this?” She held up Ana’s hand to show off the large diamond on her finger. “Our kids got hitched while we were gone.”

“Aren’t you upset that he’s my brother?”

“No, why would I be? You two brought us together in your own way and it seemed natural that it would work out for you. This is good. Christine already gets along with her pop-pop Jeffrey.”

Ana shrugged. She sat down at the kitchen table to try and stop the room from spinning around her. Why did she feel like everything had been orchestrated? Dante seemed a bit perturbed, his eyes darting at his dad, not believing that he had let him go for that long without knowing. He asked him why. “Because you weren’t ready. You had things to work out first. You were no good to anyone the way you were when you first left for the Navy.”

“Well there is more.”


Ana was happy to see the sureness leave her face. “We are having another baby.”

“What! Oh my!”

Carol moved forward, kissing her on the cheek and hugging her. “Does Christine know?”

“Yea, she is happy to becoming a big sister.”

“This is great news!”

It was strange the reaction. Ana had expected horror and contempt even, not the joy of a woman about to become a grandmother again. Her reaction settled her and with their family growing ever larger, they soon found their own house in the small town that they both decided was perfect for raising children. Most people in town knew the two’s history, but Dante got used to introducing her as his wife, instead of his stepsister. It was just too confusing for most.



Sheila Hart was full of mixed emotions. She was excited, scared, happy, but most of all she felt honored that her editor had sent her on such an important assignment. After all, she had only been working for CNN for about a year now, and she was typically a local reporter. When one of the regular international reporters suddenly fell ill, Sheila was asked to fill in for her. She said yes without hesitation. She knew it would be a great opportunity. Sheila had no idea what awaited her in Herat.

              From the little research she was able to do on the long trip to Herat, she felt a little bit of reassurance when she read that it was one of the safest places in Afghanistan. Her research warned her that it even though it was safer than most, it was still a war zone and was still very dangerous. She hoped that her employer had at least booked her and her cameraman a nice hotel, if that was even still possible. She supposed she would have to wait until they arrived to find out.

              Their flights were pretty uneventful, unless you want to count the snoring coming from Tim, her cameraman, exciting. She nudged him more than a few times just so people would stop staring at them. Sheila imagined that attracting attention to yourself was the last thing you wanted to do on a flight to Afghanistan. So she did continue her research on their destination, elbowing Tim every now and then, and kept to herself.

              When they finally arrived at the airport, it seemed to take forever to get through customs. She knew that was pretty common, so she kept her cool. Tim, however, was getting annoyed at the delay. The worst part for Sheila was when she was escorted to a room inside the airport. She tried not to show her fear, but with the limited communication, all she could get from the broken English her escort spoke was something about searching.

              When she arrived in the room, a female airport employee was waiting. The employee patted Sheila down all the way from her shoulders to her ankles. When the female employee seemed satisfied that Sheila didn’t have any weapons on her, the escort led her back to where Tim was waiting. Sheila felt relief rush through her body when they were waved on. Tim actually looked relieved that she was back, too.

              As they made their way outside Sheila confessed to Tim, “I was a little nervous there for a minute. I wasn’t sure where they were taking me! I didn’t know whether to follow them or run for help!”

              “Don’t worry, Miss Sheila! I would have saved you if you were in trouble,” Tim replied with a gruff laugh.

              “You laugh now, but I hope it never comes down to that. Aren’t you nervous just being here, or do you get used to being in dangerous, unpredictable places like this?” Sheila asked.

              “You never get completely used to it. But, I just figure if something is going to happen, it’s going to happen. I can’t stop it. I just try to be aware of my surroundings, act respectful to everyone I come across, and mind my p’s and q’s. It has worked out for me so far,” he answered with a smile.

              “If you say so, Tim. You’re the expert traveler,” she teased.

              A driver from their hotel, The Nazary, picked them up shortly after they walked outside. He spoke much better English than the airport employees. He told them about the security at their hotel, and made them hungry talking about the dinner buffet they would arrive just in time to taste. They thanked and tipped him as he walked them into the hotel and made sure their reservations were settled.

              The hotel was surprisingly nice. Sheila couldn’t help but have pictures in her head of cracked walls and broken light fixtures. But, The Nazary was just the opposite. It seemed very well taken care of and the few people they had come into contact with had been friendly and helpful. She hoped the room was just as nice.

              As they entered the room, they were both relieved to see two double beds near the windows. On the flight, Tim had told her a horror story of the time he and another male reporter were stuck in a room with a single bed. They took turns sleeping on the floor during their three week stay. He said the worst part about the floor was waking up to a cockroach crawling up his face. Thank goodness this hotel seemed to be a far cry from that terrible experience.

They were in such a hurry, they didn’t even take time to freshen up. As soon as they threw their suitcases down, they were back out the door to check out the buffet. They were both famished! Sheila chose her food carefully, checking each item out before deciding on just a few things. Tim was just the opposite, piling everything he could fit onto his plate. As they sat down to enjoy their dinners, they had no idea what was going on just ten miles down the road.




Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Alan Davidson and his crew of 25 soldiers, traveling in four separate M3 Bradley tanks, were stationed just outside of Herat. They were in the middle of a mission that included securing an old schoolhouse in which members of the Taliban were using as a hideout. These types of missions generally always had the same outcome- The men inside were given a chance to surrender, which usually didn’t happen. That chance was only offered once. When they didn’t give up, that is when all hell would break loose.

Two soldiers would remain in each tank controlled by three other soldiers, and the rest of the crew would ambush the unlucky men who refused to evacuate the building. This is exactly how things went this night. Luckily none of the M3 Bradleys needed to be used as weapons. The men were able to take care of the enemies by hand, and safely secure the schoolhouse.

To ensure the safety of the building and to prevent another takeover, the crew stayed there for the night. They took turns resting and watching over the building and each other’s backs. By nightfall, everything had settled down and the town was eerily quiet. On those kind of nights, Davidson found it harder to sleep. So he usually didn’t.

He was proud of his crew and the outstanding job they had done in the short amount of time he had been over them. They had conducted over ten takeovers similar to the most current one, some taking much longer than just one night. Each time, they had all come out unscathed, except for some minor cuts and bruises. So far, the worst injury to date had been a broken finger. His most important goal was for all of them to eventually return home safely.

It was a long night for all the exhausted men, and when the sun came up Lieutenant Davidson radioed to his lieutenant that all had been clear through the night. He and the men were refueling with water and energy bars when he heard his lieutenant radio back to him, "It looks like more of our enemies have already found a new nesting place. I need you and your team to lay low until dusk. By nightfall you need to be at the old, red brick warehouse two and a half miles east of your current location. I want that warehouse cleared out and secured! And Davidson?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, sir?"

"There is talk of possible American hostages in there with them. Get them out alive," the lieutenant spoke in his most serious voice.

"Yes, sir!" answered Robinson.

Lieutenant Robinson immediately gathered his crew and they started working on a plan. Hostages always threw in a new danger to everyone involved is these types of missions. The enemies had no regard for human life, especially Americans. If there were indeed hostages in the abandoned building, this would be the first time Robinson and his crew had dealt with such a mission. He knew it would take some careful planning, but he also know he had a great crew and they would come out on top.



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