Midnights Mask (19 page)

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Authors: Paul S. Kemp

BOOK: Midnights Mask
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The forms circled and wheeled, finally headed for the ship. They became distinguishable as they got closer. Pinpoints of red light dotted the mass.

“Shadows,” Jak said, and pulled out his jeweled pendant holy symbol. “Trickster’s hairy toes.”

Hundreds of undead shadows were streaking for the ship.

“Arms, men,” Evrel ordered, and the crew started snapping up weapons. Those in the rigging and nests rapidly descended toward the deck to stand with their fellows.

Cale saw Mask’s purpose then, understood why the Shadowlord had brought him back to the Plane of Shadow. He put his hand on Evrel’s shoulder and shook his head.

“Unnecessary, captain. They will not harm you. They’re coming for me.”

“What in the twelve seas does that mean?” Evrel asked.

“Cale?” Jak asked.

Cale stared into the sky, watching the horde approach. The Shadowlord had put a weapon in his hand. He had only to use it.

“Put away your symbol, little man,” Cale said, and donned his mask.

“Stay your hands!” Evrel ordered his crew.

The sailors looked at each other nervously but let their weapons hang loosely at their sides.

The shadows circled downward until they swarmed the air near the masts. Several creatures broke off and wheeled over the deck. They were humanoid in shape, but amorphous, trailing streamers of shadow as they flew.

Cale waited. Several descended to the deck, floated in front of him, and stared into his face. He let shadows leak from his flesh. Red eyes flared in response and the creatures flew back up to join the black mass over the mast. From there, hundreds of pairs of red eyes fixed on Cale, watched him, measured him. The sky was blanketed with a cloud of the unliving. The creatures radiated cold and the entire crew shivered under their gaze. Not Cale.

The shadows hovered there, waiting. Cale knew they were his to command. He held up his hands and let Mask’s power run through him and reach into the sky. The cloud of shadows swirled in answer, excited, eager. Cale gave them only a single command, and his voice carried clearly into the sky. “Come when I call.”

The shadows churned around the masts, around the sails, and their red eyes flared. Cale took it as an acknowledgement. With that, the cloud dispersed and the shadows vanished into the darkness of the plane.

The crew stood silent. Cale felt Jak and Magadon’s eyes

on him. He thought of Sephris’s words to him: The darkness has soaked you. But there is more to come.

Cale knew it to be true. Mask had only some of what he wanted. The Shadowlord always wanted more.

But so did Cale. And while serving Mask had its price, it also brought power. The darkness answered to Cale more than it did to anyone. And now it had given him the means to catch and kill the slaadi.

Lightning lined the sky. Thunder boomed its approval. “What in the Trickster’s name just happened?” Jak asked,

“Nothing,” Cale said. “It’s time to return to Faerun.” Magadon said, “Are you… able?”

Cale nodded. The energies of the Plane of Shadow had restored his energy quickly.

“Not nearly soon enough,” Evrel said, and did not make eye contact with Cale.

“Ready your crew,” Cale said to him.

In moments, Cale drew the darkness around the ship once more. When the pitch engulfed Demon Binder, Cale again pictured Traitor’s Isle, seized the ship in his grasp, and moved it through the planes. The effort did not tire him this time; his power had grown.

He let the darkness fade away to reveal the sheer, rocky sides of Traitor’s Isle. Demon Binder floated in the waters a bowshot away from the island’s cliffs.

A satisfied murmur sounded from the crew, Even Jak and Magadon sighed with relief.

“Look there,” one of the sailors said, and pointed toward the sky.

Above the midmast whirled a black maelstrom, a portal that Cale had left open between the Prime Plane and the Plane of Shadow. It hung in the air above the mast, an empty hole in the sky. Red dots began to appear within it.

The shadows were gathering.

Cale could feel their anticipation. He had but to call them forth.

“What are you doing, Cale?” Jak asked, and Cale heard the alarm in his voice.

“I am using the weapons at hand,” Cale said. “I’m sending the entire swarm of shadows after the slaadi.”

He knew the creatures would catch the slaadi’s ship. They flew as quickly as arrows.

“What? What are you saying? The crew, Cale,” Jak said.

Cale whirled on Jak. “What about them, Jak? They’re in league with the slaadi, aren’t they?” Jak did not quail before Cale’s anger. “Maybe, but maybe not. They might just be a hired ship. And no one deserves to die like that, Cale.” Jak pointed up at the gathering shadows.

“Dead is dead, little man,” Cale said, and held up his arms to call forth the shadows.

Jak’s hand closed on his cloak. “No, Cale. It’s not. Listen to me. You don’t see it, but I do. This is how he’s trying to bring you in all the way. He sets you up to seek revenge and gives you a method, his method, to achieve it. But that doesn’t have to be your method. I’ve said it to you before.” He shook Cale’s cloak. “Cale, I’ve said it to you before—keep yourself. Keep yourself”

Jak’s words tweaked Cale’s conscience. He stared up at the shadows, looked at his hands, at the eyes of the crew, the eyes of his friends. The horror on their faces brought him back to himself.

What was he thinking?

“Take off the mask, Cale,” Jak said. “Take it off.”

Cale nodded and removed his mask. He saw it then, saw it the way Jak saw it. Mask kept feeding him power a little at a time, just when he needed it so much that he would use it. That was how Mask hoped to win his soul, control him.

Cale would not allow it. He shook his head.

“No,” he murmured to the shadows.

He knelt down, turned, and looked Jak in the eye. “I hear your words, Jak. We do it our way. With our methods.”

Jak smiled, thumped him on the shoulder.

Cale stood and with an effort of will caused the portal to the shadow plane to close. The shadows wailed as the portal squeezed shut. The moment it did, a wave of fatigue nearly brought Cale to his knees. He leaned on Jak, who grunted under his weight but kept him upright.

“Are you all right, Erevis?” Magadon asked, helping Jak bear him.

Cale nodded. He took a deep breath and stood on his own feet.

“Mags, look through Riven’s eyes, try to determine which way they’re heading.” He hurried to the back of the forecastle and shouted down to Evrel, “Captain, get this ship ready to move as fast as it can.”

The captain overcame whatever wonder he felt at Cale’s feat, nodded, and started barking orders. Within moments, Demon Binder raised anchor and lowered her sails. Evrel’s crew even raised the topsails.

“Mags?” Cale asked.

The rosy halo around Magadon’s head faded and he opened his eyes.

“Due west,” he said to Cale.

“Due west,” Cale shouted down to Evrel, who relayed it to Ashin.

Demon Binder was soon underway.

An hour later, Jak and Cale stood at the prow, staring ahead at empty sea. There was no sign of the slaadi’s ship. Cale turned and looked behind them. Traitor’s Isle was lost to the darkness.

“Not fast enough,” he muttered.

“Let’s remedy that,” Jak said. The little man removed his holy symbol from his belt pouch and spoke the words to a spell. Cale recognized it as the spell with which the little man previously had summoned the water

When he spoke the final word, Jak leaned out over the prow and waited. In moments, two watery pillars as tall

as Cale rose from the sea, keeping perfect pace with the speed of the ship.

Jak ordered them, “Help speed the ship and your service will be short.”

The elementals swayed in response, offered susurrous replies, and vanished below the waves.

Moments later, the ship noticeably gained speed. “Well done,” Cale said.

Jak nodded, cast the spell again, and again. By the time he was done, half a dozen water elementals had hold of Demon Binder’s hull and were driving her through the sea.

Evrel and the crew could not stop grinning.

“We could catch a gull on the wing at this pace,” the captain shouted to Cale and Jak.

Cale did not smile. He wanted only to catch two slaadi and an assassin, and he wanted to catch them his way.


Vhostym listened with satisfaction as shouts of alarm sounded from atop the tower. Clouds of toxic green fumes capped the crenellations. Men screamed and died. Two of the roof guards jumped to their deaths rather than endure the painful death spasms brought on by the gas.

Before the doors, the ball of potential energy that Vhostym had left spinning at the feet of the guards exploded. A spider web of lightning shot out in all directions. Bolts knifed into the guards, blew them from their feet, burned their flesh, stopped their hearts. All of them died quickly, with arcs of lightning dancing over their still-jerking corpses.

Alarm bells rang from within the tower.

Still invisible—for Vhostym’s invisibility did not end when he attacked, as most such illusions did-he spoke the command word to bypass his own wards and flew through the drawbridge and double door into the entry foyer.

Ten bewildered soldiers stood crowded within, weapons bare. Two tried to lower the drawbridge and open the double doors to the outside but Vhostym’s spell held the portals closed.

“Sealed,” one of them shouted back to a bearded sergeant.

The sergeant cursed.

“Get the priests,” he said to another.

Before the soldier could leave the foyer, Vhostym seized the far doors with his mind and slammed them shut. He waved his staff and placed a seal on the door that would keep it closed.

The soldiers, their fearful faces highlighted in the green glow of the dimensional lock, whirled around. “Something is in here,” one of them said.

“Here? What do you mean here?” asked another, a young soldier with a thin beard.

Panic was setting in.

“Hold your ground in the Dark Sun’s name,” the sergeant said, but Vhostym could hear the fear in his voice too. “Lis, try the door again.”

Vhostym floated into a corner of the room and softly incanted a spell. A wave of invisible energy went forth from his outstretched hands. The magic hit the soldiers, one, then another, another, until all of them went rigid, immobilized by the power of the magic.

They were nothing more than statues of flesh waiting to die.

Shouts sounded from the other side of the closed double doors. Something slammed fruitlessly against the sealed door. Vhostym heard an invocation—one of the priests attempting to counter his locking spell. The attempt failed, of course.

A sudden wave of pain wracked Vhostym’s body, sent a charge through his bones. Not an enemy’s spell, but his disease. He hissed with pain.

Not now, he thought, and waited what seemed like an

eternity for it to pass. When it did, he put it out of his mind and withdrew a small leather bag and a wax candle from his component pouch. He lit the candle with a mental command, tossed the bag to the floor amidst the immobilized soldiers, and cast a powerful summoning. The candle flame turned black as he spoke the words. He completed the summoning by pronouncing the name of the gelugon devil he was calling. “Emerge, Kostikus.”

The candle flared out in his hand and the leather bag squirmed, expanded, opened like the mouth of a beast. The bag’s opening became a gate, a portal to the Hells. Screams emerged from it, the agonized wails of tortured souls.

“What is happening in there?!” shouted a voice from behind the door.

The bag’s mouth grew until it was as large as one of the tower’s doors. A silhouette filled the opening.

Kostikus stepped forth.

At his appearance, ice crystallized on the floor and walls of the room. Warded and incorporeal, Vhostym did not feel the cold radiated by the fiend.

The ice devil towered so high he had to duck to step out of the gate. His head nearly touched the ceiling of the room. Skin the color of old parchment wrapped a hairless head that looked like an exposed skull. Bow legs and overlong arms jutted from a thin, humanoid frame. The devil was naked. In one hand it held a spear as long as Vhostym was tall.

Vhostym knew that devils could see invisible creatures. Kostikus looked around the room until his gaze settled on Vhostym. The black holes of the creature’s eyes flashed recognition. And fear. Vhostym could have annihilated the powerful devil within moments and Kostikus knew it.

“How may I serve?” Kostikus asked, nodding his head in a bow. The devil’s voice sounded brittle and his respiration formed clouds in the air.

Vhostym indicated the immobilized soldiers and projected, Kill all of these where they stand and return to your Hell.

Vhostym did not want to waste time killing each of the soldiers himself. Besides, he took no pleasure in killing. For him, murder was a purely utilitarian exercise. He needed the tower empty and he wanted no survivors with loose tongues spreading the tale of its destruction.

The devil seemed surprised at the simplicity of the request but asked no further questions. Presently the towering fiend set to his work. His spear pierced the flesh and organs of one of the soldiers, then another. The devil laughed as he killed-a high pitched sound like the squeal of a delighted child.

More shouts from behind the door, then silence.

Vhostym turned his back to the gleeful fiend and cast another spell, summoning to his side a sphere of nothingness an arm’s span in diameter. The void sphere would disintegrate whatever it touched. Another spell summoned a magical eye that, like Vhostym’s incorporeal body, could travel through solid objects and project his vision whither it went.

Vhostym sent the eye, invisible to all but him, through the sealed door and into the room beyond. He transferred his vision to the sensor and saw the stairway and main corridor on the other side of the doors crowded with defenders. Few were fully armed or armored, and many still wore nightclothes. They must have poured out of their bedrooms at the sound of the alarm. Perhaps two score soldiers, three of the temple’s priests, and two wizards waited there. All of them stood ready, the priests in front with their silver holy symbols in one hand and their blades in the other. Magical wards, visible as distortions in the air, shielded both of the wizards, who flanked the priests. Both held wands at the ready.

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