Midnight Mistletoe (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas) (4 page)

Read Midnight Mistletoe (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas) Online

Authors: Laurel Cremant

Tags: #A Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Midnight Mistletoe (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas)
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“May I suggest you don’t?”



Georgia froze at the sound of the low voice coming from the shadows. There was no mistaking its owner or the menace laced between the words.

Damn it!

She tilted her head back against the wall and slammed her eyes closed.

Perfect, just freaking perfect.

Why didn’t her witchy spidey sense ever seem to work with Marcus? If she’d know he was lurking around she would have…she wasn’t sure what she would have done, but it definitely didn’t involve him wrecking coitus-interuptus on her night.

“Fuck off man, go find your own date.”

She didn’t need to open he eyes to know that Marcus had stepped onto the walkway. The heat she’d felt only moments before, swelled against her skin, flashing up her traitorous body, making her teeth clench.


Biting her lower lip, she held back a whimper as her hips rocked forward rubbing against her mystery man’s dick. She was so close.

“This was the best you could find Gigi? I’m disappointed in you.”

Her eyes fluttered open and a quick breath stuttered over her lips when she saw Marcus’ cold, glittering gaze.

His face remained locked in a stony mask, and she detected the slight hint of fang. He was good and pissed, but instead of that cooling her ardor, it only made her core flood with more moisture.

“Shit baby, give me a sec to get rid of this guy and I’ll take care of you.”

She groaned when Mr. All American untangled her legs from his waist and her feet gently touched the ground. Her limbs were trembling so hard with need, she had to lean against the wall to remain standing.

A small smile twitched at the corners of Marcus’ mouth.

This is not going to end well

“Listen man—”

Her date didn’t even complete his sentence before Marcus grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the wall—two cottages down the path.

A loud thud sounded. She heard a small “oof” then a muffled curse.

Werewolf strength really was an unfair advantage.

The man sat dazed in the sand, blinking rapidly.

In the corner of her mind she thought dimly of calling him a medic, but before the thought fully formed he scrambled to his feet. He took a few steps backwards before pivoting and running down the beach.

“You can keep her! No pussy is worth this shit!”

Good to know chivalry is alive and well.

She returned her gaze to Marcus and watched as he reached up and flicked at an unseen spec from his pants. She snorted at his outfit. Did the man have dress clothes for every occasion?

He wore a white, light weight, long sleeved shirt, with a pair of loose, tan linen pants. He looked like James Bond on holiday. Scowling at the wayward lock of hair, curling over his right eye she clenched her fists against the shivers running up and down her body.

“You have no right,” she said, growling the words out at him.

He ignored her words and came closer, stopping briefly to pull a piece of mistletoe from a nearby tree.

“No right?”

He bent to pick up her key card and opened the door.

She gulped as he pulled her over the threshold, before pushing her back on the closed frame.

Her breath came out in a hiss as his chest rubbed against her straining nipples through her thin top.

“Did you really think it would work? To replace me with a poor substitute?”

Unable to help herself she canted her pelvis up to his, craving the contact.

He was hard and thick against her.

“You need to watch your ego,
. I’m in heat, any man will do.”

She panted out the words, intent on cutting him down.

Running a hand up her torso, he cupped her left breast. He held it, not squeezing or caressing, just a gentle touch that had her aching.

“I don’t believe that.”

A finger brushed softly against her swollen nipple and she bit back a scream.

believe that your body is so in heat that a good hard fuck is exactly what you need,” he whispered.

“Thanks for the lesson in wolf-mating habits. But since you’ve succeeded in ruining my night how about you leave?”

He removed his hand, and she whimpered at its absence.

“I watched you with him.”


“I saw more than you think.”

His soft chuckle rasped against the skin of her neck as he tugged her bodice down, exposing her naked breasts to his view.

“Perfect,” he sighed, staring down at her rounded flesh.

“Is this the only way you can get women? By taking advantage of them?”

“Is that what you think?”

“What else would you call this?”

He took the mistletoe and twirled the ends around the tightened skin of her areola.

“A lesson in kissing.”

Fear sizzled through her at his words.


A loud groan erupted from her throat as his hot mouth engulfed the tip of her breast, sucking hard the nipple.

She clawed her hands up his shoulders and clutched his head to her chest.

The heat she felt with the other man didn’t come close to the waves of fire prickling through her as Marcus, swirled his tongue around her flesh. She growled when the smooth caress of his fangs swept across her skin, her pussy flooding with cream.

Her clit throbbed in tune to each nibble and suck. Too soon, he raised his head releasing her nipple and looked into her eyes. Her knees buckled at the need glaring back at her.

Her gaze followed the journey of the soft pink of his tongue as it swept along his lips—as if savoring the taste of her, and any hope of speech left her.

His mouth stretched into a wicked smile, his dimple flashing.

“You let him suck you here,” he said dragging the mistletoe up the center of her chest, following the small bundle with his lips.

Tracing her collar bone, he paused to nip lightly there before moving on to her jaw.

“You let him, touch you here.”

With his free hand he palmed her ass and pulled her tight against his arousal.

Her breath hitched as the small bouquet made its way up her neck and along her jaw. Her entire being focused on the traveling heat of Marcus’ mouth.

When the soft leaves of the mistletoe grazed the corner of her mouth she moaned. She couldn’t wait to taste him.

“But not here,” he whispered against her lips, his voice soft and dangerous.

He dropped the bundle and rubbed his mouth against hers, not pressing in, just gentle strokes back and forth.

She couldn’t close her eyes against the knowledge in his gaze, the unspoken question lingering behind the heat.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Satisfaction flared in his eyes, before he pressed down and claimed her mouth in a searing kiss.

His tongue licked into her mouth and starbursts exploded, ricocheting through her body in an avalanche of sensation.


The word flashed again and again through her mind as she lost all control, pulling him to her and plundering his mouth as aggressively as he dominated hers.

He tasted as addictive as she’d feared—like decadent chocolate, bitter and sweet all at once.

She almost sobbed when he pulled away from her.

They stared at each other breathing heavily.

“I don’t believe sex is the only thing you crave Gigi,” he whispered.

Gently, he moved her away from the door and turned to leave.

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

Shocked, she stared after him slack jawed.

The soft snick of the door closing roused her from her temporary stupor. She staggered to the bed, sinking into the deep mattress, her head spinning.

She clutched her stomach and curled onto the mattress.

With one kiss, Marcus tilted her entire world out of control and she had no idea how to set it right again.





Thank you so much for taking the time to read
Midnight Mistletoe
, the first installment of my Golden Pack Alphas series. This story unfolds over the course of multiple short novels. Each release follows the continuing journey of wolf shifters Georgia Walker and Marcus Legrand.


I hope that you enjoyed meeting Georgia and Marcus as much as I enjoyed writing them. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of both alpha heroes and heroines. I love the heated give and take that kind of dynamic creates. So it should be no surprise that I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into Marcus and Georgia’s story.


The next installment will be in January 2014. If you’d like to continue reading this series please sign-up for the author newsletter
, to get an email notification on release day.


If you enjoyed
Midnight Mistletoe
, I hope you find the time to write a review and to check out the next book in this series. Available January 2014.


Happy reading!


[email protected]


Other Books by Laurel Cremant


Available Now

Negotiating Skills

Persuasion Skills

Midnight Mistletoe (The Golden Pack Alphas: Book I)


Coming Soon

Midnight Mistletoe (The Golden Pack Alphas: Book II)

Wynter’s Fall (Wynter Tales: Book I)

Executive Control

Acquisition Skills

Laurel Cremant


Laurel is a romance author, who like most writers loves to read. She has no one favorite because she believes “
a good story is a good story”
regardless of what genre. However, her first love (pun intended) is romance. From the sappy YA romance novel to the more risqué erotica novels, Laurel is a sucker for a good love story.


Laurel writes paranormal and contemporary romance and is a self-proclaimed, out of the closet nerd. She admits that she can't seem to avoid adding a bit of “nerdology” or “geek-dom” to all of her books. Living in Miami, she also admits that she can't seem to avoid giving her heroines gorgeous shoes, “
In Miami, we worship everything strappy, open toed and just plain hot!”


Visit Laurel at
to learn more about her new and upcoming releases. You can also contact Laurel across the internet via email (
[email protected]
) and


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