Microsoft Word - Fates_Second_Chance-AJ_Jarrett.doc (4 page)

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correct way to respond to his invitation. "I would love to."

Shawn smiled and grabbed my hand and headed for

the door. Someone waving at me caught my attention. I turned to see Ross waving his arms in the air like a lunatic.

I pulled my hand back from Shawn's grasp. He turned to look at me.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh heavens, no. I just need to go tell my friend I've found another ride home." I held up one finger. "It'll take just a moment."

Shawn dipped down to cover my mouth with his.

His soft full lips attacked with a force that left me breathless. Hopefully this was just a prelude to what came later. When he pulled back, I followed him forward, not ready to break the contact just yet.

"Go tell your friend you're leaving. I'll wait by the front door for you."

I watched Shawn make his way across the room.

Damn, but the man could kiss. I stood still, afraid that if I moved too soon I would fall over. My knees were wobbling from just one tiny little kiss.

Taking a deep breath, I turned around to go find Ross. However, when I spun around the angel stood right behind me and I ran smack dab into his chest.

"Jesus, Ross."







"Sorry. I saw you standing here and wanted to make sure all was well with Operation Snag Your Man." I stood there staring up at Ross. He growled in frustration. "Well, is it?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. All is good. He wants me to go back to his house with him for… you know." I raised my eyebrows up and down a few times to get my point across.

"Is something wrong with your face?" Ross asked as he brought his hand up to touch my forehead.

I smacked his hand away. "No, you dork. I'm subtly trying to tell you he wants to hook up."

"Well then, by all means run along and get to it."

"So you're condoning me having sex with him after just meeting him?"

"Sweetheart, you've known him your whole life."

Ross put his hands on his hips. "What's the real problem here?"

I jammed my hands into my pockets. Did I really

want to spew my lack of self-confidence to him? By the look on his face, I had no choice. "What if he thinks I'm not any good?" I mumbled.

Ross barked out a laugh. "Are you serious?" Ross wiped his eyes. "Honey, you finally have your chance at the man you want and you're getting cold feet. I can 30






understand that. But you and I both know how good you are at sex. And let's just say your love for bottoming is really going to help us out here."

My back stiffened as I glared up at Ross. "How do you know about that?" Did this fucking guy have no sense of boundaries when it came to other people? My sex life was supposed to be private, not porn for angels.

Ross placed his hands on my shoulders. "Don't go and get all testy on me. I'm your guardian angel. I can feel when you're sad, happy, and excited." He said the last bit with a smirk. "And let's just say you got excited a lot during college. I didn't know women were into that. It just goes to show that you did have gay tendencies even as a woman. I mean really, you preferred anal over vaginal.

Warning bells should have been going off."

"Oh God, shut up." I covered my face with my hands. Talk about embarrassing.

"Oh honey, it's okay. I get it, different strokes for different folks." Ross grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the exit. "Now go have fun. We don't have a lot of time to waste. You guys need to start building the foundation for a relationship starting tonight. The connection is already there and having sex will help cement that bond."

It sounded too good to be true and a bit too easy.







"So what you're saying is having sex tonight is a good thing?" Ross nodded. "And I shouldn't feel slutty about it?"

Ross shook his head no. "Well then, see you tomorrow."

I hurried across the room. If Ross, an angel, gave his approval then I wasn't about to disagree. As I neared the exit, I saw Shawn talking with the guy checking IDs at the door. He smiled when he saw me walk up the steps.

"Ready?" He held out his hand.

"You better believe it."

I took Shawn's hand and followed him to his truck.

His large, warm hand engulfed mine, making me feel safe and loved. Shawn opened the door for me to step up into the truck. I hated this fucking truck. I had to actually get a running start to get in the huge monstrosity he called a vehicle because it stood so high off the ground. Being five-four was a pain in the ass. I turned around when I heard Shawn chuckling behind me. "You know the nice thing to do would be to give me a hand."

"I would love to give you a hand, amongst other things." Shawn put his hands on my waist and lifted me up and into the truck. As I got my footing, Shawn's hands trailed down my butt then the back of my legs. A shudder ran through my body at the light touch.

Once I was in the truck, Shawn came around to the driver's side and climbed in. He turned the engine over and 32






the sound of the radio filled the air. I got comfortable as we made our way back to his house.

I couldn't speak for Shawn but I was a little

nervous. What would happen once we reached his house? I know what I wanted to happened and I just prayed Shawn wanted it too. There were many other things we could do besides anal sex—jacking off, fingering, oral sex, and even toy play. A smile spread across my face. If we did all of that, I'd have to say it would be one hell of a night.

"What are you thinking about, Marc?"

I looked over to see Shawn grinning at me. All he had to do was look down at my lap to see the evidence of where my thoughts were.

"Oh you know, you, me, us, and where this night is heading."

Shawn reached over the console and grabbed my

hand. "If we're both on board then the night's headed to a really, really happy place."

I smiled back at him. He had better believe I was on board.







Chapter Three

Shawn parked his truck in the driveway of his little one story house. The house I helped him pick out. I'd spent enough time here that I considered this my second home. It depressed me to remember all the times we shared together here and to know I had been cheated out of what should have been mine. I hated to complain but it was somewhat sad to think of all the wasted time that should have been our time together. Hell, I probably wouldn't have dated so many losers.

Lost in my own thoughts, I almost didn't feel the light touch on my arm. I turned to look into Shawn's concerned face.

"Are you okay, Marc? If you're not sure about this, we don't have to do anything you don't want to."

I took a step closer to Shawn. I was standing on the top step and him on the bottom one, so our eyes were level with one another. I put the palm of my hand against his cheek. I felt a day's worth of stubble and chills ran down my spine at the contact with the spiky facial hair.

"Oh no, I want to. I was just thinking about how sudden this is. I don't want to be just another notch on your bed post." This was true. I wanted more than just one night 34






with Shawn. Ross said we were destined to be together but what if Shawn didn't feel the full weight of that inner pull to each other?

Shawn took a step up to where he towered over me.

"First off, nothing is ever a guarantee in life. Second, after spending the past few hours talking to you, I would hope at least you would want to go out on a date with me."

"Really?" I whispered.

"Really." He bent down and kissed the tip of my nose. "But if you want to go slow, we can. Good things come to those who wait."

Shawn walked the rest of the way up the steps. He ushered me inside and shut the door behind him. I turned to face him and in the moonlit foyer, Shawn had never looked sexier. His golden hair glowed in the dim light and the hard edges of his face stood out making him look like a Greek god.

"Why wait?"

I shoved Shawn against the door and pulled his face down to mine. When our lips touched, a deep sigh passed my parted lips. Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist and held me against his chest.

As his hands roamed, I let my tongue explore the inner depths of his mouth. With a little poking and prodding, he opened wide to let me in. I slid my tongue 35






over his and coaxed it to play with mine. He tasted of beer and a distinctive flavor that was all his own.

The wet slurping sounds of our kissing caused my cock to ache painfully. I was hard as stone and these tight jeans sure as hell weren't helping the cause. The need to come had me grinding my groin against Shawn's muscular thigh.

I want you inside me

"Are you sure?" Shawn asked between kisses.

My head jerked back as I realized I'd said the words aloud for all to hear. I held Shawn's gaze. "I'm sure if you're sure."

A small grin was my only warning before Shawn

used his hands to pull up on my ass cheeks. I quickly wrapped my legs around his hips as he carried me down the hallway to his room.

Once we reached the bed, Shawn tossed me on the

mattress. My head spun like a merry-go-round with all the emotions running through my body. I was finally going to have sex with Shawn the way it was meant to be, with me in the right body.

Shawn fell on top of me and started to kiss down my jaw to my neck. He sucked the sensitive flesh into his mouth leaving his mark, turning me on even more.

Shawn moved off me to sit up on his knees. He







started to unbutton my shirt but when the tasked proved to be too difficult, he just grabbed the sides and ripped the shirt open. Buttons went flying.

"Sorry, I just want you so fucking bad." Shawn pushed his tongue at my lips until I opened wide for him.

As we kissed, I pulled his T-shirt up to his neck. He broke the kiss to fling the offending material to the floor.

He fell back on top of me covering me with his warm, hard body. The light sprinkling of chest hair that covered his chest tickled my smooth one.

We kissed some more but I couldn't wait any longer and went for Shawn's pants. I heard him chuckle at my efforts but he didn't stop me. He rolled over on to his back as he worked his pants down his legs. I gasped in shock as his dick flung forward. No underwear, very sexy.

Once I had his jeans off, I studied the masterpiece before my eyes. He had the body of a god, all toned muscle and tanned skin. Shawn was just fucking gorgeous and no one else could ever compare.

I leaned down and sucked on his left nipple until the rounded disk hardened. Shawn moaned as I continued my assault on the other hardened peak. Slowly moving downward, I kissed every inch of exposed skin until I reached my destination. Shawn had a huge cock. The shaft had to be at least eight inches long and so thick I could 37






already feel the slight twinge in my cheeks that wrapping my lips around his cock would cause. I stuck my tongue out to lap up the pre-cum leaking out the opening. I moaned as his salty juices flooded my senses. I'd never been a fan of swallowing but I couldn't wait to feel Shawn shoot his hot cum down my throat.

I grabbed him by the base and started to suck on the spongy head. Listening to Shawn's soft curses gave me the courage to take him deep into my mouth. As the head hit the back of my throat, I swallowed around the swollen tip.

"Dear God, you're good at this," Shawn said as he fisted his fingers in my hair, holding me close to his throbbing cock.

I continued to suck him for a few minutes more then pulled back with a pop. "Thank you. I've had a lot of practice."

Everything went quiet. Did I really just say that?

My eyes bulged out as I stared up at Shawn. I just made myself sound like a freaking prostitute. I rested my head against Shawn's thigh, too embarrassed to look at him. We were both in the moment and I had to open my big mouth.

"Marc?" Shawn sat up and tapped a finger on the back of my head. "Marc, sit up."

"No," I mumbled into his leg.

"Marc, come on. It's okay. Please sit up and talk to 38







Giving into Shawn's pleading, I sat up. He didn't look disgusted, which I took as a good sign. But I still felt like a complete idiot. Most men didn't like to hear about your past encounters and here I said it while sucking his dick. If I could sink into a hole right now, I would.

"Marc, I'm not naive. You're a good looking guy so I'm not dumb enough to think you haven't done this before." Shawn chuckled. "But next time can you not brag about your past conquests while going to town on my junk?"

My eyes narrowed as I looked at Shawn. His chin

trembled and a squeaking sound omitted from his pursed lips. The ass was laughing at me. "You think that's funny?"

Shawn held up his thumb and forefinger about an

inch apart. "Just a little."

"You jerk," I said right before I hit him upside the head with a pillow.

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