Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc (11 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc
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Corey Toni


Chapter 8

Corey pulled to a stop out the front of the Alpha house, only taking time to turn off the engine before he exited the car, not bothering to close his door. They were far enough away from town not to have to worry about someone trying to steal the vehicle. He raced down the short path and opened the door, not bothering to knock; Tommy knew they were coming.

He found Tommy sitting on the couch, holding

tightly to his brother's hand as he tried to breathe through the latest contraction.

"Oh, thank fuck," Declan said when he saw Corey come into the room.

"You get Tommy out to Ben's SUV and I'll get the big guy. We need to get Tommy to Doc Carter." Declan nodded at him. Corey turned and noticed Ethan in the door way. "Can you help Declan get Tommy to Ben's Car?"

"Sure. Go find Ben."

"Thanks," Corey said and quickly kissed Ethan before racing out of the room in search of his Alpha.

Corey eventually tracked him down to the nursery where Ben was scrubbing the walls. He took a step inside and just looked at the man for a minute. Ben looked almost


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manic. Corey had never seen his Alpha looked like this in his life.

"Ben!" he said sharply, wanting to try and startle the man out of his frantic movements.

"I'm… baby, coming," Ben announced to the wall as he continued scrubbing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Corey asked.

"Has to be clean, need to clean, make sure baby okay," Ben said as he dipped his sponge and started scrubbing again.

Corey had the fleeting thought that he would have loved to have gotten this on camera. No one was going to believe him. Corey sighed heavily and steeled himself for what he needed to do. He knew he could end up getting his ass handed to him, but Tommy needed his mate right now and Corey was probably the only one who could do this and maybe get away with it.

He strode right up to his Alpha, gripped his

shoulder, and spun him around. Corey could tell right away that Ben was not himself, as there was no way in hell anyone would have been able to do that to Ben under normal circumstances.

"What?" Ben asked, confusion on his face. "I clean," he repeated.

Corey gritted his teeth then slapped Ben as hard


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across the face as he could. His palm stung at the impact, so he knew it must have hurt Ben too. He watched as his Alpha stumbled back and shook his head before he growled low in his throat and lunged for Corey.

Oh shit.

Corey knew this might be coming. He grunted as his back impacted the ground and they went crashing into the bookshelf, which had been set against the back wall.

Books, teddies, figurines, and the baby monitor rained down around them. Corey didn't want to fight his Alpha and so let Ben get the upper hand and pin him to the ground. Ben's fingernails had lengthened into wickedly sharp-looking claws and his teeth had elongated as well.

Ben pinned him to the ground with a hand wrapped around his throat. Corey tried to tilt his head in a show of submission and he kept his eyes lowered.

"You attack me in my own home. What the fuck?"

Ben snarled at him.

"You needed to pull your head out of your ass, Ben.

Tommy needs you—right now."

"Tommy." The way Ben whispered his mate's name, so full of love, made Corey realise he wanted that with his own mate.

"Yes, your mate is in labour with your cub. He's scared, Ben, and he needs you now. So get your ass off of


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me and let's get Tommy to Doc Carter, so we can all meet the newest addition to your family."

"Fuck," Ben swore and Corey would have fallen with the fast change in positions if he wasn't already on the floor. One minute Ben was atop him and the next he was on his feet and offering Corey a hand up.

"Where is he?" Ben asked, as he looked around the nursery, expecting to lay eyes on Tommy.

"Hopefully by now they should be waiting for us in your car. Where are your keys?" Corey asked. There was no way in hell he was trusting Ben to drive right at the moment.

Ben pulled the keys from his pocket and the pair of them raced through the house, barely remembering to close the door behind them.

He watched as Ben reached the large SUV first and opened the back door and climbed in, Tommy and Declan already seated and buckled in. Corey got in the driver's seat and found Ethan in the passenger seat. He started the car and peeled out of the driveway as he tried to not listen in as Ben apologised to Tommy and helped him through the contractions.

It didn't take them more than five minutes before Corey pulled up outside of Doc Carter's house. He was thankful Doc had chosen a house on the outskirts of town


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and therefore didn't have any neighbours close by either.

The front door opened and Doc Carter, a man in his early sixties, stood there surrounded by light from inside.

Ben exited the car then lifted his heavily pregnant mate like he weighed nothing, and carried him inside. Ben followed the doctor as they headed down the passage and into a room at the end. Declan, Ethan, and Corey all wandered into the living room and took a seat on the couch. Corey had no idea how long this was going to take, as this was the first time he he'd had anything to do with a birth, regardless of the gender of the person in labour.

They sat quietly, none of them really talking. Ethan sat beside Corey and held his hand while Declan sat in one of the recliner chairs. Every now and then, he would talk on the on the phone to someone. Corey assumed it to be Liam.

Roughly forty-five minutes after they arrived, Ben walked into the lounge holding a precious bundle wrapped in blankets in his large arms.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet my son, Joseph Morgan Taylor." Corey could clearly see the awe in his Alpha's eyes as he gazed down at the child in his arms.

They all stood and went to check out the baby and offer their congratulations to Ben.

"How's Tommy?" Declan asked, clearly worried.

"He's fine. He's resting right now. Doc said


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everything went smoothly and Tommy should be able to go home this afternoon, but he'll need to rest and take it easy for a day or so.

Declan nodded then looked at Ben. "Would you mind if I hold my nephew?" Corey noticed his Alpha's hesitance. It was almost as if Ben wanted to refuse and keep Joseph all to himself. Corey couldn't blame the man really, but in the end, Ben smiled graciously and handed over his son.

As soon as Ben was child-free, Corey clapped him on the back. "Congrats, man. He's cute as hell. You're going to have your work cut out for you when he becomes a teenager." Corey laughed at the expression on Ben's face.

Ben looked at him then turned serious for a minute.

"Thank you for earlier. I know I was a little out of it. I hope I didn't hurt you when I attacked."

"He attacked you?" Ethan gasped, as he stepped up beside Corey.

"I'm fine," he tried to reassure his mate. "I deserved it after I smacked him. And, yeah man, you were more than just a little out of it. I wish I had caught it on camera,"

Corey cracked and jumped back when Ben growled and took a playful swipe at him.

"Stop trying to hurt my mate," Ethan groused.

Corey yawned as he looked down at his watch to


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see it was coming up to two in the morning. He'd hadn't realised it was that late.

Ben took possession of Joseph again from Declan then said. "You all should head on home. There's no reason why you should miss any more sleep because of us. Corey, take my car. I'm not going anywhere at the minute while Tommy is still here. You can drop it back off later this afternoon."

Corey watched as Ben gently ran his finger over Joseph's soft rounded cheek. He'd never seen his big, tough Alpha be so gentle and tender with anyone, except maybe Tommy.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll give you a call once we're up and find out what you want done then."

Ben nodded but never took his gaze from his

newborn son.

"Congrats again, man," Corey said, as he, Ethan, and Declan all said their goodbyes and made their way out of the house. He drove back to the Alpha house and Declan said goodnight before taking off home in his own car.

Ethan exited the SUV and followed Corey back to his house in Corey's car. As tired as he was due to the late hour, anticipation zipped through his body at the thought of finishing what he and Ethan had started earlier.

Five minutes later, Corey pulled the SUV up and


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parked beside the curb outside the front of his house. He stood and adjusted his prick, which had thickened considerably on the drive home. Corey watched as Ethan parked Corey's car in the carport beside his own. He took a moment to appreciate how good the two cars looked next to one another then shook his head at his thoughts and wandered up to meet Ethan and unlock the house.

Corey opened the door and motioned Ethan to enter then followed him inside. Ethan looked over his shoulder as Corey closed the door and winked at him. Corey nearly swallowed his bloody tongue at the heated look Ethan shot him. Ethan obviously had no problems with them picking up where they had left off as he pulled his shirt up over his head, toed off his shoes, and slowly made his way down the hall towards Corey's room.

He had a second to wonder how Ethan knew where his room was then remembered the poker game and the t-shirt Ethan had graciously given him. Not one to be left behind, Corey ripped his shirt off over his head and dumped it on the floor where he stood before following his mate. The trail of clothes down the passage had Corey salivating at what he would find in his bedroom.

Shoes, socks, and jeans were strewn about on the floor. Corey paused for a moment to pull off his own shoes and the loud thunk they made as they each hit the floor


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echoed in the silent house.

Corey pushed open his bedroom door and stopped in his tracks. His wolf sat on his haunches with him, panting heavily, and if Corey wasn't careful, he would start drooling at the sight that greeted him.

A very naked Ethan crawled on all fours into the centre of Corey's bed. Corey didn't think he had ever seen a more perfect sight in his life. Ethan's smooth, creamy skin just begged to be touched and marked. Corey wanted to sink his teeth and his cock into Ethan's pert, rounded ass.

His cock throbbed in agreement. He must have been taking too long, for Ethan—as the man—wiggled his ass at Corey.

Corey growled at the invitation, quickly shucked the remainder of his clothing, and climbed up on the bed behind Ethan. The second their bodies touched, Corey felt as if he had been electrocuted. The spark between them was so alive it was almost visible. Not even with William had he ever felt like this.

Ethan wiggled his ass again and Corey smacked it.

He watched in fascination as the pale skin first went whiter then turned a stunning shade of pink.

"Fuck. That's sexy as hell," Corey purred.


"Oh yeah," Corey said then spanked the other side, to have a matching set. Ethan moaned and pressed back


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against his hands.

Corey gripped the twin globes of Ethan's ass and tightened his grip, before separating the cheeks to offer up an unobstructed view of Ethan's entrance.

"Corey…" Ethan moaned his name, and Corey honestly thought it had never sounded sexier. "Please…"

Corey watched as Ethan's hands clenched at the bedding beneath him.

"I know," Corey whispered then bent down and licked his way from Ethan's balls all the way up to the top of his cleft. Ethan went wild below him and Corey dived right back in again. This time he zeroed in on that one little spot that would gain him entry to Ethan's body.

Corey flicked his tongue back and forth over the tight muscles. He buried his face in Ethan's ass and licked and sucked at his pucker until Ethan begged for him to stop. His mate was going crazy, his hips pressing back against Corey's face, trying to get Corey's tongue to go deeper.

The next time Ethan whimpered, Corey let go of one of his cheeks and sank his index finger deep inside Ethan, as he continued to lap at the entrance. Ethan cried out below him. The muscles of his ass clamped down around Corey's finger and the strong scent of semen hit the air. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," Ethan recited as he


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continued to pant.

Corey growled as his wolf scented his mate's

release. He quickly introduced a second finger, and a third shortly after that. Ethan continued to writhe and move beneath him, telling Corey everything he needed to know.

When he was satisfied he could finally take his mate without causing him harm, Corey reached over to the half empty bottle of lube that sat on the top of his bedside table from when he had used it that morning and hadn't put it away.

He drizzled the cool gel down Ethan's cleft and spread it around with his fingers, making sure to coat his insides thoroughly. Corey poured a small amount into the palm of his hand and then fisted his shaft, completely coating himself.

"Corey…" Ethan moaned again. "Hurry. I need to feel you inside of me. Please." Ethan pressed back as Corey lined up the head of his prick with Ethan's hole.

"Oh shit!" Corey swore as Ethan's body sucked him right in. He sank balls deep with one long thrust inside his mate. The cry of pleasure was all he heard from Ethan before his mate pulled forward and then thrust himself back on Corey's cock.

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc
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