Microsoft Word - ClaimingHisCowgirl_LoriKing_PDF.docx (4 page)

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“No, but really, I can—”

“Perfect, let’s go check out the cabin I picked for you. You’re in

the Huck Finn, but if you don’t like it, you can pick a different one.

This one has two bedrooms, and I thought you might consider using

the extra room for your office.” Lacy led the way through the house

and out the back door.

“I’m not sure if hosting them in my personal space is a good


“There’s an outside entrance into one of the bedrooms, so they

wouldn’t have to come through any part of your personal space


Lori King

unless they needed to use the restroom. That’s between the two

bedrooms, but you could always lock the other door so that they

wouldn’t be able to enter your space from that direction by accident.”

Jeanette listened as Lacy rambled on about the ranch and the

way things worked at Crawley Creek. She seemed well-versed in the

business aspect of the guest ranch, but she didn’t mention the actual


“Does Crawley Creek have livestock?” She tried not to be

obvious as she sniffed the air. An odd scent filled her nose, and she

had to fight the urge to wrinkle it in distaste.

“Oh, yeah. Over a thousand head of cattle this year alone,” Lacy

answered. “That’s our main source of income. The Crawleys, Sera

and Abe, bought the ranch almost forty years ago. The way I

understand it, it was pretty run down at the time, and they built it

back up. Once they had the ranch going, they began taking in foster

children—most of whom had suffered through abusive situations and

were emotionally wounded. The guys really wanted to continue that

tradition, so we’re in the process of getting approved for group home

status. It was Vin who actually expanded the notion to include

veterans when he served overseas during his time in the Marines.”

“Does Vin suffer from PTSD?” Jeanette asked. She was feeling a

tad overwhelmed at all of the new information, but tried not to show

it. The walk to the guest cabin was more than a hundred yards, and

her two-inch heels were sinking into the soil with every step. She was

cursing her choice to wear business professional clothes rather than

the yoga pants and sneakers she preferred for travelling.

“Yes, but he doesn’t talk about it. I know he’s on medication,

and he’s been through some therapy. I wouldn’t push him too hard on

the issue.” Lacy hesitated a moment. “Here’s the cabin.”

They approached a small, wood-sided cabin with a front porch

across the front. A rocking chair sat on the porch, and Jeanette

smiled. It looked like a great place to sit with a book and while away

the hours in peace. If only it weren’t for that particular smell in the

air. Turning her focus to the door as Lacy opened it, she noted the

small, wooden sign:
Huck Finn


Claiming His Cowgirl

“That’s an unusual name for a cabin.”

“Sera Crawley named all of the cabins after books. The guys say

she loved to read.”

Inside was a kitchenette on one wall opposite a small seating

area with a television and a desk. Two doors she assumed led to the

bedrooms opened off the wall to the right.

“Make yourself at home. Dinner is at six tonight in the main

house. You’re welcome to eat with everyone, or get your own

groceries and make your own meals. Whatever works for you,” Lacy

said. “We’re happy to have you here, Jeanette.”

“Thank you,” Jeanette’s cheeks warmed with pleasure. “I’m

excited to be here. This feels like a whole new chapter in my life.”

“Coming to Crawley Creek was definitely a new chapter in

mine.” Lacy went back out the front door. “Let me know if you need

anything, and welcome to the ranch.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Hawke had never seen a more lovely vision. The tall woman

with neatly styled, short, dark hair, frowned at him from the doorway

in confusion until she spotted the suitcase at his feet.

“Oh! You must be Ricky!” Her full, pink lips turned up in a


“No ma’am. I’m Hawke Kapshaw. There was only one bag, so I

sent Ricky back to the barn.”

Her lithe body was sexy as hell, and she moved as gracefully as

a dancer when she stepped back to hold the door open. “I’m sorry; I

only remembered Lacy saying the name Ricky. Thank you for

bringing my case.”

“You’re welcome.” He set the suitcase up on the table and then

hooked his thumbs in his belt loops, cocking his hip as he looked

around the cabin. “Doesn’t seem like enough luggage for a woman

moving in permanently.”

“I shipped some things, but I don’t believe they’ve arrived,” she

paused and seemed to feel the need to explain more. “I wasn’t sure


Lori King

what I’d need and what would be supplied, so I left a lot of things in

storage back in Philadelphia. When I go back for a visit I’ll finish

clearing it out.”

Hawke let his eyes run down her form, taking in every curve and

edge of her slender frame. She looked fragile, like a good gust of

wind could blow her off her feet, and yet there was an inner strength

behind her dark eyes. “Are you settling in okay?”

“I haven’t had a chance yet. Lacy just walked me over here a

moment ago.” Her fingers were laced together in front of her, and he

stared at the dainty digits in wonder. How did she even use such tiny


“I can show you around if you’d like,” he offered, letting a

flirtatious smile brighten his face. “Give you the nickel tour?”

She took a small step away and shook her head. “Thank you, but

I think I want to unpack and rest until dinner. I appreciate the offer


The awkward refusal hung in the air, and Hawke chewed on it

for a few minutes. He wasn’t used to women turning him down. He

was a pretty good-looking guy if he said so himself, and his

ownership of Crawley Creek had made him an eligible bachelor of

epic proportions in this region. It was entirely possible she was

telling the truth and just too tired to wander around. The longer he

thought about it, the more he doubted his appeal in her eyes. He’d

never asked out a woman who was a white collar professional, and

based on the clothes she wore, she was used to the best.

“Are you really a doctor?” he asked, grimacing at how rude it

sounded when she frowned at him.

“I have my PhD in Psychology, yes,” she responded. When he

didn’t say anything else, her eyes narrowed. “Would you like to see

my diploma?”

Chagrined, he shook his head. “Sorry. You just seem too young

to be a doctor.”

“I’m hardly a child.” Her laugh was melodic, tinkling in the air

like a set of wind chimes in the summer breeze. Hawke felt his body

respond instantly.


Claiming His Cowgirl

“No, I can see you’re all woman,” he said, lifting an eyebrow in

challenge. Much to his disappointment she didn’t rise to the bait.

“Thank you again, Hawke, for bringing my luggage in.” Her

eyes darted to the door and the implication was clear. She was done

with their conversation.

“All right, I’ll take a rain check on that tour.” Hurrying for the

door, he glanced back to see her watching him. “It’s nice to meet you

Dr. Hall. I’ll see you soon.”

Walking away from her was the hardest thing he’d ever done,

and he’d rocked one hell of a hard life. It gave him some measure of

relief that he could feel her eyes on him until he disappeared from


He loved women, almost as much as he loved owning a piece of

Crawley Creek. In the last few weeks his life had changed course

because Romeo had fallen for Franki and officially gone off the

market. That left him as the playboy of the family, and he’d been

getting more pussy than ever before. It was fantastic and unsettling.

He realized that most of the women looking for his company were

after the whole shebang. They wanted to hook a ring through his nose

and drag him down the aisle so they could get a piece of Crawley

Creek, but that wasn’t going to happen.

He was only twenty-eight; there was no reason to get roped into

anything permanent, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like a challenge.

As prickly as she was, Dr. Jeanette Hall had just landed herself right

in the middle of his radar, and he’d be damned if he’d lose his bead

on her now.


Lori King


Chapter 4

August 1 – Wedding Countdown T-minus seven days….

“There had better not be any strippers, Vincent Rhone.” Lacy’s

brown eyes were glaring daggers at him, and they hadn’t even left the

house yet.

Throwing his hands up, he rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Lace, for

the last time, there will be no strippers. D didn’t want any.”

“Damn right I didn’t. I get to look at the sexiest woman alive

right here in my own house for the rest of my days. Why the hell

would I need some skank rubbing her g-string on me?” Drannon said

joining them in the living room.

Hawke followed close behind looking sour-faced. “I’m not

getting locked into fifty years of wedlock, why can’t I enjoy the

skank in a g-string?”

“Because, this isn’t your bachelor party, and I value my nads,”

Vin said shortly, his hand instinctively covering the body parts Lacy

had threatened to remove if she found out there were exotic dancers

hired for the male only event.

The funny thing about the whole situation was that Drannon had

given him strict instructions from the moment he asked him to be his

best man. Vin had agreed because the night was about making

Drannon happy, not the party attendees, so he’d planned a poker

tournament and set the whole thing up in secret with the bar owner’s

help. Mick Cavanaugh and his wife Carly had been only too willing

to let the men use their place and had even posted signs yesterday

explaining that the Watering Hole was closed for a private party.

Lori King

“Already pussy whipped,” Hawke taunted. “May as well have

those suckers removed and made into a necklace so that everyone can

see she owns them—lock, stock, and barrel.”

Roman came in behind Hawke at that moment and heard his

vicious teasing. A split second later, Hawke was reeling from a sharp

knock to the head, and Lacy was grinning at Roman like he’d hung

the moon.

“Thanks Romeo, he needed that.” Lacy turned to Hawke and

wrinkled her nose. “You’re going to stay single if you keep up that


Drannon hugged her from behind and kissed her temple. “Just

ignore him, baby. He’s got a case of dumbass, and it won’t go away

until he finds the right woman.”

“Hey!” Vin protested. Drannon gave him a sheepish grin and


“Sorry, Vin, but we’ve all been there. Each one of us went

through a round of catting around town like we had nine lives to use


“I have no idea what you’re referring to,” Vin declared with a

straight face, and his other brothers snickered. “I’ve been a model

citizen since leaving prison.”

“And what about the years before that?” Roman called out. “I

seem to recall you saying a pair of fatigues on a Marine was like

catnip for the pussies around town.”

Unfortunately for Roman, Franki and Marilyn chose that exact

moment to join them in the living room, and they both gasped

hearing the tail end of his statement.

“Roman!” Franki’s eyes were wide and she looked stunned. “I

can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

“Wait, now it wasn’t me who said that.” Roman lifted his hands

defensively and tossed a pitiful look Vin’s way. “Tell ’em Vin.”

“Sorry, Romeo, gotta go or we’ll be late. Meetcha at the truck.”

Vin tipped his bandana-covered head at his brother in a mock

apology and beat feet out the door to avoid the coming scolding. He

laughed as he and his brothers piled into his four-door pickup,


Claiming His Cowgirl

Roman cursing him all the way. It was a great way to start a great

night, and he was excited to get into town.

Mick’s Watering Hole had been around for ages, and it was the

preferred haunt for anyone who’d been around Montford before the

population boom. Recently, new businesses had begun popping up to

serve the increasing demand, but it was still local hotspots like

Mick’s that held the appeal for the natives.

Carly and Mick were manning the bar together, and Vin made a

beeline for them when they arrived.

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