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opening more to him, and sucking harder. She craved the completion.

Although she’d never been the type to enjoy blow jobs much, finally

tasting the man she’d loved for almost her whole life was nearly a

divine experience. His shaft grew harder, and suddenly, he jerked

between her lips, yelling to the heavens when he shot his cum down

her throat. Swallowing was instinctive, and she didn’t release him

from her mouth until he was completely clean and twitching.


Lori King

Staring up at him, she grinned. “Did I ruin you for the night?”

His eyes narrowed, and he dropped down on her, pushing her

over onto her back. She whimpered when a stray stick scraped her

shoulder, and he quickly retrieved their coats to spread out in a

makeshift pallet for her. Once she was resettled, he resumed his

position over her, his jeans down around his hips, exposing his semi-

hard cock to her dripping wet slit.

“Not a chance, sweetheart. In fact, you just helped ease the

pressure so that I can make it good for both of us.” He began kissing

his way down her stomach, his touch so light she shivered. When he

reached the top of her curls, he drew his finger through the moisture

collecting there, and grinned up at her. “So wet for me.”

“Yes, Vinnie. Wet for you,” she murmured back, her body

reacting already to his hot breath on her clit. It was like a cloud

enveloped her brain and she could hear herself speaking, but she

couldn’t control the words. “Only for you. Please, Vinnie. Take me.”

Thankfully, he didn’t respond to her words verbally, since she

wasn’t even sure why she was spilling her innermost thoughts.

Instead, he used his fingers and thumb to spread her labia open,

exposing her to his view.

“Damn, I’ve missed that scent,” he said gruffly. “Hot woman.

Do you even know how delectable you are like this?”

She shook her head, but he wasn’t actually looking for a

response. He was already dipping his head down to take a long lick

of her wet slit. The tickle in her belly grew until it choked off any

words she might have been able to say coherently as her orgasm

built. Vin knew just how to touch her and stroke her. It had been so

long since they’d been together, and yet it seemed too perfect for

even a day to have passed.

When he pushed his long finger into her tight opening, she cried

out, her head thrashing, and her heels scrambling for purchase on the

wooden floor beneath them. He held her still with just one arm

wrapped around her hip, holding her pussy open for his access.

Thrusting in and out of her, he stretched muscles that hadn’t been


Claiming His Cowgirl

used in a very long time, and she felt her blood burn in her veins. If

she didn’t come soon her head might explode.

“Vinnie, please! I need you inside of me,” she whimpered.

“Not yet, baby. Give me your climax first.” He increased his

motions, and she exploded like a hand grenade, her body rippling

around his thrusting finger, and her hips surging up against his

mouth. She heard herself scream, but the blood was pounding so hard

in her head that she couldn’t even think straight for a few minutes.

When she finally started getting her wits back, she opened her eyes to

find Vin still stretched out over her, smiling. “You’re still louder than

an air raid siren when you come.”

She smacked his chest and laughed. “Shut up! If I remember

right, you weren’t exactly quiet.”

“No, but I’m glad we’re all the way out here and not in your

bedroom at the main house; otherwise, the guys would have knocked

the door down to come to your rescue thinking I was murdering

you,” he teased.

“Well if that’s what death feels like, bring it on,” she responded,

tugging him down so that she could kiss him again. She could taste

herself on his lips, but it wasn’t a turn-off; it just heightened her

awareness of their renewed intimacy.

The change in position brought his cock into direct line with her

pussy, and she began lifting her hips gently to stroke her wet slit over


“Mmm…that feels damn good, baby,” he murmured, nipping at

her throat and ear. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Stop talking so much, Vin.” She captured his teasing mouth

with hers and spread her thighs wider so that the head of his cock

stretched her opening. He was so gentle with her that she nearly

cried, but she couldn’t have said if they were tears of joy or

impatience. It had been so long since she’d felt him, and the moment

he completely filled her up, everything in her world clicked into

place once more. How was she ever going to leave him again?


Lori King


Chapter 12

It didn’t take long for the haze of lust to wear off. Lauren found

herself wrapped in Vin’s naked embrace in the dim light of a

flashlight, and completely mortified at her own actions. This was the

last thing she ever expected to happen on this trip. He’d left her so

emotionally raw all those years ago that she’d yet to heal enough to

build a new relationship with another man.

Surely he would rip out another piece of her heart when it was

time for her to leave. If she didn’t cut this off here and now, she’d

end up falling in love with him and get her heart broken—again.

“Are you cold?”

The question caught her off guard. Instead of addressing the

elephant in the room, Vin’s first thought had been of her comfort.

What more could a girl ask for in her man? She silently chided

herself for using the possessive even in her own thoughts. He wasn’t

her man. He wasn’t anyone’s man. He was Vin. The angry, screwed

up boy who had grown into an even more jacked up man. The

mechanic turned rancher. The dishonorably discharged Marine who

was a bigger loss to the country’s military than they’d ever know.

Arrogant, stubborn, bossy, and so incredibly frustrating she couldn’t

think straight in his presence. Yet somehow, he caused a nuclear

meltdown within the cells of her body. There was no rhyme or reason

to it. It just was.


Looking up into his eyes, she imagined for a moment that she

could see love reflected there before she got her wits about her. “I’m

a bit chilly. This place isn’t exactly built for a romantic rendezvous.”

She gave him a firm push, and he moved his weight to the side

so that she could reach for her clothes. He remained completely silent

Lori King

while she scurried to cover up her nudity. With each layer she added,

she imagined adding another layer of protection to her heart in

preparation for their coming separation.

“It sounds like the storm’s letting up,” she commented, turning

her back to him and moving to peer out the shuttered opening into the

darkness. She could still feel his cum between her thighs, and she

tried not to think about the fact that they’d just had unprotected sex.

“We should probably radio the main house to let them know we’re

still alive.”

She heard him moving behind her, but it was still a surprise

when he cupped her shoulders and pressed his chest against her back.

Her eyelids drifted closed as she absorbed his warmth and the tender


“We still have to find Munchkin,” he responded, pressing a kiss

just below her earlobe. “We could be out here all night. I’d rather

wait to saddle up until the rain stops completely.”

“Vin it’s been raining for days. We can’t hole up here forever.”

“Promise me this won’t be weird between us when we see each

other in the light,” he murmured.

Tears burned her eyes, and she struggled to hold back her

emotions. He’d just given her the orgasm of a lifetime, breaking

through the wall she’d held up for years, and now he wanted to just

move on like it never happened. It hurt.

“It’s not like we’ve never slept together before.” She took a few

steps away from him to dig through the pile of supplies for a piece of

jerky. “I’ll radio while you get dressed, then we can get a move on. If

the flood waters keep rising we may end up cut off from the ranch.

I’d really rather not spend the night out here.”

“If that’s what you want.” His voice was tight with just a hint of

irritation, but she ignored it. She was barely holding herself in check.

If she met his eyes at this point, she’d shatter into a million pieces.

~ ~ ~ ~


Claiming His Cowgirl

Vin knew Lauren was upset, but he couldn’t figure out why.

She’d been a willing participant, and the sex had been mind-blowing,

so why was she suddenly pushing him away? Like he’d taken

advantage of her somehow.

Pulling his clothes on, he shoved his feet into his boots, cursing

the way all of the damp materials clung to him, inhibiting his

movements. He listened while Lauren radioed the ranch, confirming

that they’d survived the storm and were still looking for Munchkin.

In a way, he was glad she was preoccupied for a moment so that

he could catch his breath. He’d never experienced anything so

intense in his life. Sex between them had always been good, in his

opinion. Even as fumbling teenagers, they’d managed to give each

other pleasure, and yet, this was something completely different. It

was as though their hormones had matured with them to the point

they were ripe for nuclear meltdown.

The knowledge that Lauren was leaving the ranch in just a

couple of short days set his teeth on edge. Somehow he had to

explain what he was feeling and convince her to stay at Crawley

Creek. He couldn’t give her up again. His heart wouldn’t take it.

“I’m going down to check on Toto,” Lauren called out, as she

pulled the door open, and headed out into the darkness. Her blonde

head disappeared quickly, and he hurried to catch up with her,

shoving the supplies back into the saddlebag and donning his raincoat


By the time he reached her side, she’d retrieved the battered

horse from the tree he’d tied it to. “How’s he look?”

“Not too bad, but he’s pretty rattled. Do you think it’s safe for us

to ride double on him now?” she asked, gently stroking the horse’s


“Not much of a choice unless one of us wants to walk a couple

of miles back.”

That got her attention, and she jerked her eyes his way finally.

“If it means we can avoid hurting him further, I’d rather walk.”


Lori King

There was the feisty, kindhearted girl he’d fallen in love with as

a boy. “We’ll try mounting up, and if he gets too antsy we’ll walk,


“Deal,” she agreed, lifting her foot into the stirrup as he

reattached the saddlebags. He gave her ass a pat as she hoisted

herself up and chuckled at her outraged gasp. If she thought she was

going to get away with shutting him out after tonight, she was


Settling in behind her this time, he wasn’t as careful about the

placement of their bodies. He wanted to hold her as close as possible,

and if that made her squirm, all the better. She settled uneasily into

the spread of his thighs, her rounded ass glued against the zipper of

his jeans. Reaching around her, he covered her hands on the reins,

seeking as much physical connection between them as possible. The

alignment of their bodies made his cock hard as a rock again, but

now that they’d broken the ice, he fully intended on making up for

lost time with her. Just as soon as they completed their search and got

back to the ranch.

The darkness seemed to swallow them up as they left the trees

and headed across the broad opening of pasture. The land Crawley

Creek sat on was made up of rolling hills, creeks, ponds, and pockets

of trees. There were hundreds of places that the missing heifer could

be, but there was no way they’d be able to search them all, so Vin

made the call to search the most obvious hidey holes while it was


The silence between them was like a barbed wire fence. Neither

of them was brave enough to push conversation on the other, because

they were both unsure what would come of it. It was their combined

silence that allowed them to hear the rush of water before they saw it.

Lauren tensed in front of him, and he shushed her like he might a

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