Mick Sinatra: For Once In My Life (11 page)

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infatuated with men, it doesn’t matter who.”


And I know.
Barry seem so enamored with her.
And he is.
He can fuck any woman
he wants, she can fuck any man she wants.
They have what they consider a wonderful marriage.”

“They have
something,” Roz said, “but I wouldn’t call it a marriage.”
Then she looked at Mick.
“Were you one of those men?” she asked.

Mick looked
at her.
To his shock, he didn’t want to
admit it.
But he was no liar.
“Yes,” he said.
But he quickly added that his taste of her came well before Barry
married her.

Roz smiled
that dimpled smile he loved to see.
I don’t have a home wrecker on my hands?” she asked.

Mick smiled
too, and then laughed.
“No, Rosalind,
you do not have a home wrecker on your hands.
What exactly you have on your hands?
Who knows?
But not that.”

Roz laughed
She liked that answer.
And when they arrived back at her brownstone,
she was hoping to like a whole lot more.
But she knew it had to be up to him.
She saw herself as a progressive lady, and it wouldn’t be the first time
she made the first move, but she wasn’t that progressive.
Not with a man as experienced, as
self-contained, as Mick Sinatra.
She, in
fact, had an almost profound feeling that too much aggression would turn him
He might enjoy it in his previous
But she had a sneaking suspicion
that he would not enjoy it in her.

But his
intentions remained unclear as they entered her building and made their way to
her second floor apartment.
Three weeks
ago, when she invited him in, he turned her down cold.
But that was only after she made clear it
wasn’t going to be a sexual encounter.
Tonight was different.
It felt
light years differently than three weeks ago.
Maybe because he had been a total gentleman to her the entire night, and
never once propositioned her or even intimated at any propositions.
Maybe she was just attracted to him and
wanted some.
But either way, it was
going to be his call.

When they
arrived at her door, and she took out the door key, he removed it from her
“Did you enjoy yourself this
evening?” he asked her.

“The food
was good,” she said, “and Barry was funny.”

“And Agnes?”
he asked.

“Was a
bitch,” Roz said.

Mick smiled
and unlocked her door.
“Exactly so.
And don’t you forget that.”

Roz was
She wasn’t sure if the fact
that he was standing so close to her that his wonderful cologne and male scent
were intoxicating her, or if she had missed something altogether.
“Don’t forget what?” she asked.

“Women like
Agnes will be gunning for you every time you are around them.”

Roz still
didn’t get it.
“Why?” she asked.
“Agnes is a very beautiful woman.
Movie star beautiful.”

“Yes, she’s
beautiful, but she does not have class.
She does not know how to turn a man on anymore unless she’s on her
Agnes, and women like her, are
well aware that you need no props.
you need is you.”

Mick said
this as his lips were inexplicably almost touching hers.
Roz knew they were close. She had no idea
that, within seconds, he had moved in

“Do you
understand what I am saying, Rosalind?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she said.

“What is
going to happen is not going to be about your need for props.
It will be about my need for you.”

If Mick
couldn’t believe he had uttered such words, and he couldn’t, Roz was equally amazed.
He could be playing her, she knew that.
He was undoubtedly experienced enough.
But if it was play, if this man was toying
with her sensibilities just to get inside her panties, she was game.

“Same here,”
she said.

Mick’s heart
swelled with emotion as he opened her door, handed back her keys, and they
entered her apartment.

And if she
thought there was an animal side to him, she was about to be proven right.
As soon as she moved away from the door he
had just closed, he grabbed her by the arm and slammed her soft, pliable body
against his rock hard frame.
He removed
her purse from her clutches and set it aside.
And began kissing her with such passion that she felt her entire body go

His lips
felt like fire on her lips.
And the way
he seemed to kiss her harder and harder, as if he was adoring the taste of her,
made her love it even more.
It had been
nearly a year since she and Carmelo broke up, and it had been that long since
she had been with another man.
But this
man was already proving to be different.
He was not an easy lover.
If his
kissing style proved anything, it proved that he was not going gentle into this
good night.
He was going to fight.
Not to win her love, but to win her passion.

Because Mick
couldn’t stop releasing his own passion.
Because every time he was about to stop kissing her, to end it, the
taste changed.
And became even sweeter
to him. And he couldn’t stop all over again.

They kissed
at that door for far longer than either of them would have thought possible.
He wrapped her into his big arms and pulled
her closer against him, and continued to kiss her.
Roz was no shrinking violet either.
She was giving almost as good as she was
getting, although no woman was going to be able to match Mick’s passion.
She would have to be as experienced as he was
to match it, and she wasn’t even in the same league.

And even
when they finally stopped kissing, their lips began rubbing against each other,
and then Mick began kissing her cheeks, her ears, as passion continued to
consume them both.
And he was right back
on her mouth again, kissing her passionately again, needing that taste again,
until his erection was becoming so stiff that it was painful. He wanted more.
He had to have more.

He moved her
to the sofa of her small apartment and laid her down.
If she thought he was going to take it slow
now, as nobody could sustain passion that long, she was mistaken.
Mick sustained it.
He lifted her skirt, split the seat of her
panties with his bare hands, opened her legs, and began to taste the lips of
her vagina as fervently as he had tasted the lips of her mouth.

But that
first taste changed him.
He ate his
share of pussy in his day, more than his share, but Roz was different.
It wasn’t just the taste either, it was the
It was the softness of it, the
lack of abuse of it, that freshness missing in most women he ate.
And he savored her taste.
He wasn’t rushing this.
He couldn’t.

Roz was
surprised when he slowed it down.
she thought was about to be an all-out sensual assault on her vagina, became
long, slow licks that turned her on more.
Her heels were on his back, and her hands were in his hair as he licked
her and licked her until he was sucking up her vaginal juices as soon as they
oozed out.
And then he was no longer
licking, but eating her.

Roz couldn’t
believe how wonderful he ate her.
closed her eyes and felt his tongue put a wonderful kind of hurting on her no
man had ever put on her before.
This big
man was on her sofa in her living room, giving her the sex of her life, and
they had only just begun.
But she was
going to cum.
He was doing her so
magnificently that she could feel her entire body on the edge of cum.

Mick could
feel it too.
He could feel her muscles
tighten and spasms deepen as he ate her.
But he couldn’t stop.
He couldn’t
stop tasting her at this moment in time if his life depended on it.
Besides, he wanted her to cum.
It wouldn’t be her last time, just her
He knew he had the equipment to
pull her over into that sensual land over and over again.


Let me
!” she cried, as her legs flared out and her ass lifted up
and her vagina pulsated like a heartbeat on steroids.
And Mick continued to eat.
The more Mick ate her the harder she
He was eating her with such
passion that she began to move his head up and down, to hit every spot.

Mick loved
her involvement.
He loved that she
wanted it where she wanted it and wasn’t afraid to show him where.
He wanted her to enjoy this moment as much as
he was enjoying it himself.

But when he
looked up, to see that joy in her eyes, and she looked at him with a look so
sensual, so damn attractive, he knew he had to get on with it or he would be
cumming all over himself.
astounded him. He was legendary for his control with the ladies.
But not with this lady.

He stood up,
lifted her into his arms, and headed for the back of her apartment. He didn’t
know if she had one bedroom, two or three, but he was going to stop at the
first one he got to.
But it wasn’t an
She only had one.

When he laid
her on the bed, her vagina was still pulsating so hard that she had to rub it
And she rubbed and rubbed as he
removed all of his clothes.
She was
easing her cum until he dropped his pants and his penis popped out like a stiff
When she saw it, when she saw
how big and magnificent it was, and how it was soon to pleasure her with even
more pleasure than his mouth could have, she came again.
She couldn’t believe it.
The sight of a man’s penis made her cum.
But it was true.
She was pulsating again! She started rubbing
herself harder.

Mick had
every intention of relieving her of her duties immediately, until he removed
her blouse and bra and saw her big breasts stand out like the natural beauties
they were.
Every woman he had been
dating had the implants.
Every one.
Except Roz.

And he was
off again.
Kissing and squeezing
Licking and sucking them.
Making her cum harder without entering her at
And she was rubbing harder.
She was rubbing the shit out of her clit.

Mick was
rubbing it too.
His dick was rubbing the
outer reaches of her pussy hard as he sucked her breasts.
And he wanted it raw.
He wanted to feel her wetness, her texture,
without the aid of any condom.
It had
been years, nearly twenty, since he had sex without protection.
It had been that long since he wanted

He wanted it

And he was
going to move in.
He was no boy
He wanted that pussy too badly to
display good manners.
But just as he was
going to push it in; just as he was going to feel her rawness for the first
time in his life and fuck the shit out of her the way he had wanted the first
time he saw her, she closed her legs.
She was gone. She was cumming in rolling cums she had never experienced
But she wasn’t that far gone.

Mick should
have felt like an ass for even attempting it.
And he did.
He stopped sucking
her and looked into those gorgeous eyes again.
But he wanted her raw so badly that he couldn’t give up the any good man
would have.
He begged.
“This time, baby,” he said, as his penis
continued to rub against her, as his lips rubbed against her face.
“Give it to me this time.
Daddy promise it’ll be great.”

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