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Authors: Letting Go 2: Stepping Stones

Tags: #Romance

Michele Zurlo (14 page)

BOOK: Michele Zurlo
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Jonas settled in next to her, wrapping his body around hers in an unyielding snuggle. “There might not be anything we can do to help. Heather has connections. She can always find another job.”

“I know. I just…She had to be desperate to ask us for help.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Are you sure something else isn’t bothering you?”

“Maybe,” she said. With his arms around her, the tension was already draining from her body. “I’m not ready to talk about it yet. We agreed on Friday.”

“We did. But that doesn’t mean we have to wait until Friday. If you want to talk, honey, that can happen at any time.”

She hugged his arms. “Just hold me until I fall asleep.”

“Try to stop me.”

Chapter Six


Ellen set the tablet facedown on the dresser next to her favorite flogger. When it hit the target, the black falls parted to reveal red ones. She had a thing for red. Not only did she look damn good in red clothing, her handsome husband was a redhead, and his fair skin bore the marks of the lash so well.

She shot him a look that used to be unreadable. Having been together for twenty years, there was no such thing as unreadable anymore. He was so in tune with her that he could interpret the smallest change in her breathing.

He watched her carefully, just as she’d trained him to do. She checked the cuffs binding his wrists and ankles to each post of their extra-sturdy bed. Ryan sometimes fought the restraints, especially when things got extra fun.

He followed her around the bed with just his pale blue eyes. The red ball gag in his mouth kept him from voicing the questions she knew he had about the call. Sabrina wasn’t one to call late at night, and the fact that she’d called halfway through her anniversary trip to Elysium was troubling.

She and Ryan had visited the place almost two decades earlier for their honeymoon, and they’d bragged about it to Jonas ever since. They knew firsthand the wonderful amenities the resort offered. Sabrina should have been too blissfully sated to worry about anything else.

Drawing a fingernail over his scrotum, she checked his color. Earlier she’d put a double cock ring on him. One steel loop went around his balls, and the other restricted his cock.

“She’s okay. I saw Jonas hovering in the background when we were finishing up. He’ll take care of her.” She picked up the leather riding crop. This was also red.

Ryan relaxed the slightest bit at her assurance. Even before she’d refused Jonas’s gift, Ryan had predicted that Sabrina would have problems at Elysium. For years he’d maintained that she was more submissive than she was comfortable admitting. He was on the fence about whether or not he thought Jonas should force the issue. Ellen was of the opinion that Sabrina could handle it.

She drew the edge of the flap along his chest lightly before bringing it down hard on his nipple. His back arched off the bed, and he cried out behind the gag. She skimmed it across his pecs and ribs, over his lightly tanned stomach, and down his thigh where she administered another sharp blow. Back and forth, she peppered his chest and inner thighs with taps both sharp and dull. Not knowing which to expect drove him out of his mind. He flinched and writhed, moaning and pleading behind the gag.

When her target areas had turned a nice, hot shade of red, she set the crop aside and reached for the double pinwheel. She liked this instrument. It looked like a set of spiked balls with a skinny cock protruding from it that functioned as the handle.

Ryan’s eyes widened and his entire body quivered with anticipation. She’d ensured that his endorphin level was sufficiently high. He was up for almost anything.

She started with the bottoms of his feet. She’d read somewhere that the feet were the sensory pathway to the entire body. It had taken scientists years to figure out what the S/M community already knew. She set the pins against his most vulnerable place, the arch, and rolled the balls up and down. Ryan’s cock, already purpled and standing at attention, seemed to flex as if it was waving at her in an attempt to entice her closer.

As she experimented with pressures, increasing where his sole was tougher, his moans turned to whimpers. He tried to move his feet, to escape stimulation, but the restraints held firm. When she thought he’d taken all he could, she moved up his body, finding the extra-sensitive places on his ankles, calves, the insides of his knees. She even drew it over his scrotum and leaned down to lick the drop of moisture beading at the tip of his cock before heading to the underside of his arms.

By the time she finished that exquisite torture, his entire body trembled with need. She unbuckled the straps for the gag and popped it out of his mouth. The sharp tear of Velcro rent the room as she released him from the cuffs. Though his muscles were tense, giving him the appearance of a catlike predator, he knew better than to pounce without permission. Sometimes she gave him his head and let him do as he wished. This wasn’t one of those times.

She undressed slowly, first loosening the tight red corset that plumped her breasts—Ryan was unequivocally a breast man—and reined in some of the extra curviness he seemed to like way more than she did. When she removed her black lace panties, he licked his lips, and she realized he wanted a taste of her.

Climbing onto the bed, she pushed at his hip. “Kneel at the end of the bed. I’m going to come in your mouth.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Desire, fevered and hot, gleamed from his eyes, and his voice dropped to such a low baritone that it was more vibration than sound. He scrambled to follow her command, his ringed cock bobbing and bowing as he moved. She didn’t worry about cutting off his circulation. He was very good about telling her if it got to be too much.

She spread her legs slowly, knowing he would wait on his knees, watching her cunt until she gave him the signal. Ever the tease, she circled her clit with her fingertip, spreading her cream and masturbating a little. Ryan’s fists clenched on his thighs. He wanted to be the one who made her climax. It was a responsibility he took very seriously.

Sitting up suddenly, she offered him her finger. His lips closed around the digit, sucking hard as his tongue wrapped around it. For the first time that night, he took his eyes from her. They closed, and his face shone with the same ecstasy he displayed after a thorough flogging.

Ripping her finger from his mouth, she pulled him to her and crushed his lips with a dominating and possessive kiss. Then she pushed his head down between her legs and settled back against the pillows. His hot tongue worked her clit, circling and crossing the bundle of nerves before heading down to fuck itself into her hole. He put a hand on her inner thigh, urging her wider to allow him more access.

She obliged, and he buried his face in her pussy, no doubt half-suffocating himself. He easily took her to that place of bliss, but he didn’t stop licking until she yanked hard on his hair.

Even then he only lifted his face to gaze at her with a questioning eyebrow lifted. He was a marathon pussy-eater. Once he settled in for the feast, she had to force him to stop. That option had come pre-programmed into his psyche.

“Now fuck me.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He entered her carefully. Once he was fully seated, she raked her nails across his back. Earlier she’d flogged his back and caned his ass. By the time she’d finished, his back was a beautiful mass of red marks. One thing she loved about his fair skin was the way it kept the evidence for so long. Marks that might fade in several hours on somebody else were often still around the next morning on Ryan. He was inordinately proud of that fact.

He froze, a tremor running from head to toe. She had originally planned to make him come without permission so she could discipline him, but after that phone call, she knew he wanted to know the details. His caring and compassionate nature was one of the reasons she’d married him.

“Start slow. I want at least two orgasms before you come.”

“Yes, Mistress. Can I touch you?”

His weight rested on his hands so that he hovered above her. She treated his chest to the sharpness of her nails. “After you make me come.”

He took her up that cliff slowly, varying his pace so that he could last longer, which not only drew it out for her, but it made the climax that much more intense. Though she’d banned him from touching her, she hadn’t restricted herself.

Ryan had a magnificent body, tall and lean and strong. Every other month, she made him get a full-body wax just so she could better see the results of her efforts. She caressed his body, raking him with her nails and pinching the light welts on his ass. He whimpered and panted, trying to control the way the pain magnified his passion.

“You’re doing beautifully, darling. Now go faster and harder.”

He obeyed. Tight coils of passion low in her abdomen were suddenly too much to bear. She gave in and let the climax take her. Immediately Ryan’s hands and mouth were on her. He kissed her neck and nibbled at her lips. She couldn’t form words in this most vulnerable state. He was taking advantage of her momentary senselessness, but he’d asked first, so there would be no punishment.

He touched her breasts, palming them easily in his large hands. Every few thrusts he dipped his head down and took one nipple gently between his lips and flicked his tongue across the sensitive peak. The light strokes drove her insane, and she came again before she was fully recovered from the first orgasm.

Ryan followed her seconds later, his entire body shuddering as he lost his rhythm and buried his cock deep. He turned to the side and collapsed next to her with his head on her stomach. He held her close with one arm across her legs.

With the last vestiges of her energy, she twisted her body so she could reach his cock ring. Slick with her juices, it came off easily. She tossed it onto the bedside table and lay back down to enjoy the sea of serotonin flowing through her bloodstream.

She was nearly asleep when Ryan spoke. “That was incredible, Mistress. I love you so much.”

Using sheer will, she lifted her hand and rested it on his shoulder. If possible, he melted into her even more. “I love you, too.”

“Did Sabrina say what she was really worried about?”

“No. She told me that Heather was managing Elysium now. The owners are getting divorced. All the assets, including the resort’s bank accounts, are frozen. Heather asked Jonas for advice.”

Ryan caressed her leg. “I’m glad she’s not insecure about Helene anymore. Jonas was right, you know. She looks nothing like her.”

Ellen wasn’t blind to the resemblance, but it had ceased to matter. “No, she’s much better looking.”

His forays expanded the tiniest bit. “I think you should buy Elysium.”

All lethargy fled her body. “What?”

“You’ve always dreamed of owning a resort. It’s an established business with a huge clientele. I bet the Mehlbergs will be looking to sell, so we can negotiate a good price.”

The club her parents had left her when they’d passed away was completely paid off. As long as she kept it profitable, she made a good salary. Even if they sold everything, they wouldn’t make enough money for a down payment on Elysium.

“We can’t afford it.”

He pressed a kiss just below her belly button, at about the place where she had a C-section scar. “Sure we can, if you go in on it with Sophia and Sabrina. You can be in charge of running the place, Sabrina can handle advertising, and Sophia can take care of the accounting.”

“We have kids. It’s not a place to take a three- and six-year-old.”

His lips moved a little lower and his hand moved a little higher. “Lots of islands nearby. We can buy a huge house for us all to use. The kids will stay there when we visit the business.”

She grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him up until his face was level with hers. “How long have you been thinking about this?”

He looked off to the side, calculating or searching for information. “Almost twenty years. The moment you told me you wanted to buy the place, which was the second day of our honeymoon, I started trying to figure out how to make it happen.”

She kissed him hard, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, and she rolled him onto his back. By the time she straddled him, his cock was hard and ready. “I’ll call Sophia tomorrow. You can see if your sister or your parents will watch the kids. And then book our flight.”

He held his cock at her entrance. She sank down and leaned forward, resting her weight on his chest and achieving the angle she liked. What he proposed wasn’t going to be easy. The situation was already messy. But Ryan was in her corner, her cheerleader and her rock. With his support, she could achieve anything.

She rode him hard, and they came together.

Chapter Seven


They took a windsurfing class that morning, and Sabrina surprised Jonas with her instant success.

“You’ve done this before.”

He stood on the shore, his hands curled in relaxed fists at his sides. A cool breeze blew in from the east, making his shirt and loose swim shorts ripple across his body.

She leaned back and changed direction to steer the board to shore nearby. As she beached it, he reached out to help her but changed trajectory at the last minute. He snagged her at the hips and lifted her against him. His clothes were wet, evidence that this was his first time windsurfing. He’d fallen into the water repeatedly.

BOOK: Michele Zurlo
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