Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I asked for this and now I’m wimping out,” she said contritely.

“It’s all new to you. We’ll go slowly.” He continued to torment her with his hands and lips until she was ready to scream, almost to the edge of completion, but not quite there. He withheld her final ecstasy, slowing the movement of his hands and tongue and lessening the pressure on her center until she was ready to beg.

“Please, Sir, please let me come,” she begged, writhing on the bed, trying to get closer to his hand and final completion.

“Not yet, sub. You are not to come until I give my permission. If you do, I will spank you. The only power you have is your safe word, I decide everything else.”

Her eyes sprang wide in shock as she realized that she couldn’t even clamp her legs shut to control her reaction. Suddenly and without warning Kelly’s body rolled into an uncontrolled orgasm over which neither she nor Justin had any control, and it just kept rolling from one spasm to the next, until she finally lay there, trembling in exhaustion.

Justin was dismayed. He should have had better control of her body, but she was an unknown entity to him as yet, and a Dom had to deliver on any threats made or all future threats were useless. Unfortunately, he was going to have to spank her. He really didn’t want to introduce that at this juncture, but now he had no choice. He quickly released her arms and legs and pulled her onto his lap and into his strong embrace.

“You know I have to discipline you for your lapse, don’t you?” he asked her.

She was humiliated. “I’m sorry, Sir, I couldn’t help it!”

“I’m not going to draw this out and make a bigger deal of it than it needs to be,” he said as he quickly pulled her across his lap, bare bottom in the air. He placed his left arm across her back, holding her wiggling body in place, and quickly delivered three sharp smacks to her butt. The first smack was a shock, the second one was expected and sharp, and the third one zinged directly to her pussy, unleashing a flood of cream. The spanking was over almost before she had registered the pain, which was Justin’s intention. He really didn’t want to create another sub who lived for pain like Alexa. He brought his lips down to her bottom and kissed the red mark his hand had left. He cuddled her into his arms and brought her head to rest on his shoulder. “It’s okay, baby. Just relax here a minute. Everything will be all right,” he said to comfort himself as much as her.

* * * *

“Justin, I need to come again,” she said in total embarrassment. She was unprepared for the intensity of the feelings.
That final smack went directly to my pussy—do not pass go!

“Okay, baby,” he said as he lowered the zipper on his jeans, freeing his engorged cock. He lifted her up over his lap and lowered her onto his waiting shaft. He raised and lowered her on his cock until she picked up the rhythm and began to pump her hips fast and hard as though she was riding a galloping stallion bareback. It was glorious. She felt so free and in control. As she shattered into another orgasm, Justin followed close behind. She would never forget this feeling. It was definitely one of those life-altering moments.

Justin stood up with Kelly’s legs wrapped around his middle and walked into the bathroom. He took a minute to remove his jeans, and picking her back up, he stepped into the shower. He turned the multi-jets on full blast and quickly soaped them both. He rinsed them off, dried them both with huge, fluffy white towels, and carried Kelly back to the bed. He flipped open the bedspread and laid her down. Then he joined her on the bed, covered them both, and pulled her into the spoon position. “Sleep now. We’ll talk when you wake up,” he said gently.

* * * *

When Justin and Kelly awoke, the sun was setting and the suite was getting dark. They had cuddled and slept for hours. “Let’s have dinner in the suite again tonight. I had planned to take you out, but we really need to talk,” he said.

“That’s fine with me. I really think we need to talk as well. I don’t understanding my reactions to all of this. It’s very unexpected,” she said.

After arranging for dinner to be sent up to the suite from the five-star kitchen of the club, Justin pulled on a black, terry cloth robe, and found a fluffy, white terry cloth robe for Kelly in the closet. “Here we are,” he said. “The darkness and the light. How appropriate.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asked. His somewhat dark mood was surprising and was beginning to concern her.

“It’s nothing, baby,” he said, trying to shrug off his mood. “Maybe I should tell you a little about myself. Eight months ago my fiancée, Alexa, died in a car accident in Wellington. She had been at the Winter Equestrian Festival horse show with Jester. I was planning to go down to play some polo, but before I got down there, I got a call that she had been driving her sports car too fast on a wet road late at night, rolled the car, and ended up in a canal. She drowned before anyone could help.”

Justin walked to the sideboard in the living room and poured two glasses of wine. Kelly took one of the glasses from his hand and took a sip to give herself time to absorb this rather disturbing information. “That must have been horrible for you,” she said sympathetically. “And you weren’t even in town. I can only imagine how upset you were.”

Justin continued. “We had been having some serious relationship problems before the accident. She had become extremely reckless, driving too fast, wanting sex that was too extreme. She had become addicted to pain. I had been considering ending our engagement if she didn’t get some professional help. That’s one of the reasons that I feel somewhat guilty. Alexa had a tendency to run a little wild. If I wasn’t around to keep a handle on things, she got out of control. I’ve always wondered if she might have been trying to kill herself. I have no real reason to believe that, but the thought just keeps hammering at me. Anyway, that’s my story.”

Kelly got up and walked to him. She put her arms around him and just hugged him tight.

“I just wanted to get that all out there. I dislike having secrets from my lovers. I think you need to know up front what you’re dealing with. You already know I have a preference for somewhat kinky sex. If you want to discontinue this relationship now, before you get in too deep, I will understand,” he said with trepidation, hoping against hope that she would not want out. Although he had his brother Jamie and Max for support during the past eight months of grieving for Alexa, some things just had to be faced alone. Justin thought he was finally ready to share some of the burden of his grief and guilt over Alexa with someone else. He hoped Kelly would be the person to help lighten the load.

“I appreciate your honesty, Justin. I don’t think there are any of us who don’t have a little baggage,” she said, understanding and sympathy shining in her eyes.

“So you want to continue this relationship?” he asked hopefully, his spirits already beginning to lighten.

“I do” she said with a smile. “I’m definitely interested. I can’t promise that the D/s stuff will be for me, but I want to give the experience an honest try. At the present time, I don’t see any reason why we can’t go on and see what happens. Of course, I reserve the right to opt out if things get out of hand or become more than I can handle. Now, did you promise me food or not?”

Justin smiled and his gut relaxed. He was relieved that Kelly had not run screaming from the room. He knew it was a rather melodramatic story and not the kind of thing he wanted to tell a new lover.

* * * *

Kelly knew she had a lot to think about. Justin’s grief and guilt ran deeper than she had imagined before their conversation. She knew her life experience was limited, but she had good instincts, a good heart, and a strong background. She desperately wanted to be able to help Justin through his grief.
I just hope I’m up to this challenge, and that I have the experience and wisdom to handle this situation for both of our sakes.
She wanted to give him comfort, but didn’t know what to say when there were really no good words to say. Empty platitudes were not what she wanted to offer him.

Chapter Nine

In the Sea Island Suite, Trent turned Paula into his arms for a long, hot kiss. “Happy birthday, baby,” he said. Their relationship had a rocky start at the club several months ago, but it had been moving along fairly smoothly since then. Of course, the sex was great, but they had also found a mostly compatible rhythm in their personal interactions as well, both in and out of “scene.”

As a sub, Paula was not ideal to say the least. She was always trying to “top from the bottom.” As Dom, Trent would try to correct that behavior with a steely word of reminder in her ear that he was in charge, not she, or a quick, sharp slap on her bottom if a word of warning was not sufficient.

“Thank you, Master.” She giggled. She really never took this D/s stuff seriously. It was just for fun as far as she was concerned.

“Your present is on the bed,” he said as he drew her over to the mosquito-netted, pencil-post bed in the center of the bedroom.

“Okay! I love presents!” Paula pounced on the large, white box wrapped in red satin ribbon and began to open it.

“Before you open it, you have to know the contents come with some restrictions and some responsibilities.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“The contents represent a one-day pass, good for the twenty-four hours of your birthday only, every year while we are together,” he said as he watched her take the top off the box. Her face showed her shock as she removed the short, black leather skirt, bustier, high, black boots, and the riding crop of a “Mistress.” “You get to be the ‘Domme’ for one day each year. You have all year long to plan your one day. Just remember, as the Domme it is your responsibility to take care of your sub and his needs, to be fully in charge. Furthermore,” he said very seriously, “this is strictly between you and me. You are not to tell your girlfriends or anyone else. If I get a whiff from the guys that they know about this, believe me, you will not be sitting down comfortably for a good long while, and you know I am perfectly capable of following up on that threat.”

“Do you really mean it? I can be the Mistress?” she asked in a thrilled whisper. “I have wanted to try that for a while.”

Paula had been nagging relentlessly for the opportunity to be “on top,” and of course, as Dom, Trent had informed her that he did not “bottom.” He was making a supreme sacrifice to agree to be her submissive, even for one day.

“Just remember, it’s not as easy as you think it is. There is a great deal of responsibility that goes along with the power. Your time starts now and ends at midnight, so change into your outfit and let’s get started, Mistress.”

“Ohhhh kay!” she squealed as she scrambled off the bed and began changing into the black leather outfit in the box. “Let me just say, before I get into ‘Mistress’ mode, thank you, Trent. I know it takes a lot of courage to switch places and I appreciate that you would do this for me. Now, sub, strip!”

“Yes, my Mistress. As you command,” he said with an inward sigh of trepidation as he took off his jeans and shirt.
What have I let myself in for? I know she has never fully forgiven me for that spanking I gave her that first weekend we were together. This may be the longest few hours of my life!

She gave him one smart, stinging slap on his rock-hard ass and yelped. “Owwww. That hurt,” she said as she shook her small hand in dismay.

“That’s why Dommes carry crops, silly,” he said. “Discipline comes with a price on both sides, you know. Do you think my hand has never stung?” he asked with a grin. He had certainly given her enough slaps on the butt! Paula tried to calm her nerves. She had to think quickly about what it was she most wanted to do and how to handle this opportunity.
This was one of those “be careful what you wish for” situations.
Trent could see that she was really unprepared, which might work to his advantage, or maybe not. He would bet that next year she would be ready! Trent assumed the slave position at Paula’s feet, on his knees, sitting back on his heels, legs spread wide, and hands behind his back. In other words, totally open and vulnerable.
This really changes the power dynamic.
He still felt the red handprint on his butt. His cock was standing at attention as well. He had wondered privately if he would be able to sustain an erection in these circumstances, but apparently that was not going to be a problem, he thought with relief as he looked up at Paula in her Domme apparel.
She really does look adorable
, he thought.
But she won’t be so adorable if she puts that crop across my ass. I’d better be damn obedient!

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