Michaela (46 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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The Dramok tossed the stone across the room, out of Michaela’s reach. He cupped her face in his hands and forced her to look into his frantic face. “You are not nasty. Their foulness cannot be transferred to you, my Matara. Please, try to calm down.”

She cried as she stared up at him. How could he ever want to touch her again after those other men had? She felt used. Ruined.

Govi’s voice came from far away. “Michaela?”

Korkla yelled, “In here, Govi! Hurry!”

Over her sobs, Michaela heard the sound of running. Seconds later, Govi burst into the room.

He didn’t pause to ask why they were all in the basin fully clothed. Instead, he flung his belt with his portable electronic devices to one side and plunged in too.

Michaela turned to him, trying to pull her arms free of Raxstad’s grip so she could reach for her Imdiko. “Get them off me! Get those monsters off of me!”

A part of her mind registered that Govi might make the mistake of thinking she referred to Korkla and Raxstad. However, her Dramok was quick to explain, “They didn’t rape her, but the traitors put their hands on her. She’s determined to wash it off and hurting herself in the process.”

Govi moved to his side, pushing Korkla over with his body so he could reach Michaela. “No, don’t let her go. Keep holding her.” His tone went quiet and gentle. “Michaela, I’m going to take the filth away, but you have to calm down. You have to let me do this.”

She heard him and stopped struggling. Govi could fix this. He could make the ugliness go away.

Michaela shook all over as the Imdiko peeled her clothing off. She cringed as she looked down at herself, sure there would be some evidence of the molestation she’d endured. She saw nothing.

She could feel it though. It was there, like some disease crawling over her skin.

Raxstad suddenly cursed. “Look at her ass! Look at what those gurlucks did to her poor ass! There’s a bite mark on her leg too!”

Korkla leaned over and joined in with a long stream of profanity. Meanwhile, Michaela wailed at the horror on his face.

Though Govi’s face darkened when he also looked, his tone remained easy. “You two will calm down, or you will leave. Now is the time to be strong for your Matara and not upset her any worse. Shut up or get out.”

The Dramok and Nobek immediately went silent. However, Michaela hunched as best she could, ashamed that they saw the evidence of what had happened.

“I knew it,” she choked between sobs. “I knew they’d made me filthy. They’ve made me nasty. I’m spoiled!”

Raxstad kissed the top of her head. “There is nothing there but evidence of a cruel beating, my love. I am sorry I made you feel like there was something worse than bruises.”

Govi added, “You are not spoiled, my love. There is nothing there that shows they defiled you.”

Michaela didn’t believe him. She shouted, “It is there! It’s all over! I can feel it. Govi, please make it go away.”

“I will, my love,” he assured her. “Easy. Easy.”

Govi kissed her lips as his hands caressed first her face, then her shoulders. He murmured soothingly as his fingertips trailed over her breasts, “Feel how much I love you, Michaela. That love erases all they did to you. No ugliness remains. They can’t take you away from me.”

He kissed her again. His mouth was gentle, but there was blatant ardor in the embrace. Govi tasted Michaela. He rubbed her breasts with hot hands, and then rubbed his palms over her ribcage.

Hot. His hands were roasting hot, burning away the revolting touches of the other men who had tried to disease her. Michaela felt how Govi healed her.

Her Imdiko wouldn’t touch her if she had been completely ruined. What damage had been wrought was being made whole once more. Everywhere his mouth and hands went, she was restored.

Following Govi’s lead, Korkla and Raxstad also began to stroke and kiss Michaela. The ugliness she felt dissipated, chased away by their love. With every caress, they reclaimed her.

Mouths, tongues, and fingers teased her all over. Where Pwaldur and his accomplices had made lust ugly, her clan turned it beautiful once more. Parts she thought must become dead were brought back to life. She tingled under the adoring attention of the men, then warmed, then caught fire.

They carried her into the sleeping room, laying her still-wet body upon the soft covers. Govi smiled down at her and kissed her lips.

“This mouth is beautiful,” he whispered. “It is perfect, it is clean, and we love it. No one will take it from us.”

The Imdiko prompted Raxstad to kneel over Michaela’s face. “There has never been a more lovely mouth for your Nobek’s cocks,” Govi said.

Michaela strained upward to capture the thickly veined appendages with her lips and tongue. With a groan, Raxstad lowered his groin to grant her the joy of tasting him.

As she suckled greedily on one cinnamon-flavored cock and then the other, Govi continued to speak. He had moved down to her breasts, and his hands cupped to squeeze them like gentle vices.

“These breasts are so sweet, so beautiful,” he asserted. “No one can do anything to make me not want these breasts or any other part of this amazing body. Feel how much I love to touch you. Feel how I enjoy squeezing and petting and teasing your breasts.”

Michaela felt it, all right. Govi made her ache deep in the pit of her belly with his kneading palms and pinching fingers. He tugged at each nipple, sending delicious shivers down her spine.

“And this pussy,” the Imdiko whispered. “Your wet, soft pussy is ours forever. Would Korkla put his cocks in your pussy if he did not think it was perfect? Yet he knows it is flawless, unspoiled. He’s going to take it now, my Matara. He’s going to fill it with both his cocks because it is exactly where he belongs. The only reason he won’t fill your lovely ass as well is because it is so bruised. But he loves it as much as your pussy.”

“Always,” came the Dramok’s agreement. “I can’t wait for you to be healed so I can take you there where you are tightest.”

Michaela could feel the heavy prod of his two cocks at her pussy. She knew from past experience she could take him that way if he was careful. She knew how tight and wondrous the dual possession would be. She spread her thighs wide with welcome.

Come inside me. Make me a part of you so that I can be whole again.

She could not speak the words because her mouth was full of Raxstad’s primary cock. He slowly fucked her there, sliding his length back and forth between her lips and over her tongue. He was doing his part, accepting her back into their sphere. Michaela stroked her tongue over his cock to make him moan.

Meanwhile, Korkla eased inside her, taking his time so that she stretched to accommodate him. Just a little ways within and Michaela felt crammed full. However, she knew when he found her G-spot and the friction of so much girth rubbed her there, she was going to be insane with pleasure.

She discovered she would not have to wait for that to happen to be brought to the brink. A hand, the palm dampened with spit, curled around her plumping cock.

Govi’s voice floated to Michaela once more. “Here is your lovely prick, growing hard for us and us alone. We love this part of you just as much as the rest. We love how eager it is for us to touch it, for us to suck it, for us to make it ejaculate. No one else can love your cock as much as your clan does.”

As he spoke, the hand stroked up and down, making it fill with heat. Michaela writhed beneath the men as her body thrilled to their touches. She couldn’t hold still with pleasure coming at her from every quarter.

“That’s right. Our Matara knows who loves her. She knows no one can make us feel any other way about her. She knows we want to fuck her beautiful body; her perfect, unsullied body.”

Govi’s warm, wet, sucking mouth closed over her masculine flesh, drawing it deep inside. Michaela shouted around her own mouthful as her cock filled with delicious pressure.

Korkla moved against the most sensitive part of her womanhood, the dual force of two cocks dragging toe-curling friction against that spot. Govi’s attention on her cock magnified. Everything did. Raxstad’s prick possessed Michaela’s mouth, and her Imdiko’s hand continued to give delectable attention to her breasts. In an instant, Michaela hurtled to the edge of orgasm.

She had no time to deny her body’s greedy impulses. As always, her youthful drives played against her, making her helpless particularly against the male urges. Her balls clenched hard, drawing tight up against her, expelling shattering bursts of ecstasy. Catching fire from her impetuous masculinity, her pussy rolled with climax that washed from crotch up her spine to set off starbursts in her head.

Michaela cried out, her yells muffled by the big cock sliding in and out. Through the thunder and lightning of continued elation, she was aware of Korkla continuing to push deeper inside, of Raxstad fucking her face, of Govi sucking and swallowing.

Even as her cock depleted, relaxing at last and softening, her womanhood persisted on its glorious spasms. Govi’s mouth left her, and Michaela felt the brush of his body as he knelt behind Raxstad. Those amazingly humid hands cupped the outside curves of her breasts, pushing them in to envelop the wet cock that burrowed between them.

Korkla had immersed himself inside her and was now making love, pushing in and drawing out in steady but unhurried strokes. The extremity of the friction was such that Michaela continued to climax throughout the taking. Sometimes the release was such that she was aware of nothing but shockwaves of potent bliss shattering her senses. She came particularly hard when Raxstad filled her mouth with his pleasure, his howls of completion ringing in her ears.

Some of the ongoing satisfaction was a gentle, glowy release; a sweet ride into nirvana. As Michaela sighed with quiet joy, Govi found his end. His seed spattered across her chest, throat, and chin. She licked the juices from her face, comparing its salty savor to Raxstad’s spicier flavor.

Other climaxes were of a more brutal nature. She came screaming with Korkla, their combined shrieks rebounding against the walls. With Michaela’s screams went the last of the horror of being at the mercy of Pwaldur’s gang. When she regained her senses to find her men surrounding her, holding her, loving her, Michaela knew she was restored.

She smiled at the dearest faces in her life, the faces of the men who owned her heart. “You three always come to save me.”

Korkla’s expression was loving in its resoluteness. “We always will. That is a promise, my heart.”



Chapter 23


Michaela woke to the sound of the morning alert buzzing. Raxstad cursed and it turned off.

She stretched lazily before opening her eyes. When she did, her vision filled with the delightful sight of three faces, faces gorgeous to her, looking down on her. The men’s attitudes were watchful, worry lurking behind the careful control of their expressions.

Michaela smiled, luxuriating in being the center of their attention. “You can stop worrying. I’m over it.”

Govi frowned, the expression not making him one iota less gorgeous. “Not that fast, you aren’t.”

“It’s an ode to your amazing therapeutic skills, Govi. You fixed me.” She rolled her eyes to show them how she felt about the over-protectiveness.

“I’ll fix you,” Raxstad said, grouching about her flippant attitude.

He reached over Govi, raised one of her legs to give her a smack on the ass. His hand stilled halfway down, and the ache she felt reminded her of the bruises.

“Fuck,” he swore. “I forgot.”

Korkla had a look and grimaced. “These particular shades of black and blue are not your colors, my love. Thank the ancestors it’s no worse.”

Raxstad had a difficult time swallowing his anger. He tried a feeble joke. “I guess the spanking you deserve will have to wait.”

Michaela took the opportunity to bait him. “What a tease you are. Now I’m horny.”

His humor returned in the face of hers. “Good. That means you’ll be thinking of me all day then.”

The gentle sparring helped them all relax enough to chuckle. The tense atmosphere began to ease.

Korkla pulled Michaela to his chest, cradling her like a child. “Truth, my love. How do you feel?”

Michaela wanted to automatically reassure him, all of them. They looked so damned worried about her. Instead, she made herself go over the events of the day before. She made herself examine how she felt about the horrible hours in Pwaldur’s ‘care’.

Some of it was still cringe-worthy. Horror over the deadly fight that followed persisted as well. However, Michaela no longer felt violated. She even felt a burst of savage triumph when she thought of Pwaldur’s final fate.

Knowing her expression was probably a bit too bloodthirsty, she grinned up at Korkla. “I really am good. Only one of those bastards is still alive.”

“Not if I get him alone,” Raxstad snarled.

Korkla glared at their Nobek. “Do not get yourself arrested over that poor excuse of a man.”

Michaela was quick to reprimand her fierce clanmate as well. “He’s right. Besides, Imdiko Stytyn abused me the least of the bunch.”

“Any abuse you suffered at his hands is too much.” Raxstad tensed with renewed fury.

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