Mia's Spanking Diary (2 page)

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“Yes, thank you,” I said, as if he and I were the only ones
in the room.

“Good.” He paused. In a deep, commanding tone that startled
me, he said, “Front Row, you go first.”

“Me?” I pointed to the center of my chest.

“Is there anyone else on the front row?”

“No.” My mouth was suddenly dry, and my mind turned to mush.
“Umm. I am...working on...it’s a paper. I mean...I have this paper that I have
to finish. It’s called ‘Principals and Practices of Participants of Bondage and
Discipline, “Sadomasochism” or Dominance and Submission’ and it’s required to
earn my master’s.” Every word I uttered made me sound more and more idiotic.
Why did my mind always spin with a million conflicting thoughts, paralyzing me
to act or to even speak coherently?

“I’m sure there’s a question in there somewhere.”

I shook my head. “Mr. Brogan—”

“It’s ‘Master.’”

“Right.” I kept looking down at my hands, which I was
wringing together like a crazy woman. “What I’m trying to say is that...my
paper isn’t really printed out. It’s on my computer, right now.”

“I understand the mechanics of a printer, young lady. Your

“Yes, Sir.” Per my norm, I couldn’t seem to get out of my
own head. “I’m working on my thesis for my master’s, Master Mister Brogan.”

“Really? Your thesis is on this topic and you don’t
understand the very basic norms.” The irritation in his tone made me wince.
“Just Master Lex.”

“Sorry. Got it.” I could’ve died from the shame I was
feeling, but there were no rocks to get under, no trees to hide behind, and no
escape route to run to. So, I took a deep breath, hoping to focus my thoughts
on something sane and understandable. What to ask that would redeem me in his
eyes? “Like I told you, Master Lex, the title of my paper is—”

“I’ve heard enough about your thesis already.” He narrowed
his eyelids and tilted his head slightly forward, a clear message that his
patience was thinning.

“Okay. I’m thinking.”

“And I’m waiting.”

I lost my head. He was demanding a question. I blurted the
first thing that came to my mind. “How good are you at spanking?”

His eyebrows shot up and then immediately came down. The
corners of his sexy mouth turned up ever so slightly. My cheeks burned and my
eyes watered. I’d never been so embarrassed in all my life. The students behind
me began giggling.

Master Lex’s lips thinned, and he glared at the other
attendees. Instantly, the room was as still as a morgue.

Dr. Vickers smiled broadly, which stunned me. I didn’t know
she had any humor in her. I wasn’t sure how I would ever face her again after
my inappropriate outburst. Of all the things I could’ve asked the man, I chose
to place both my feet directly into my gaping maw.

“Mister Bro...I mean Master Lex, I-I didn’t mean—”

“Quiet, Front Row.”

I snapped my mouth shut and felt a shiver shoot up and down
my spine.

“Your question is valid.” He nodded. “Yes. I’m excellent at
that activity. It’s one of my specialties. It is the reason I chose ‘The
Spanking Bench’ as the name of my podcast.”

“T-Thank you,” I choked out.

“You’re welcome.” He chuckled, and then looked past me.
“Next question.”

The room erupted in a slew of inquiries, but I couldn’t
follow a single word. All that ran through my head was a little reenactment
movie of what had just occurred.

What kind of woman asks this mountain of hotness if he was
good at spanking?

Me, the blubbering idiot, of course. 

As I relived his answer, over and over, about spanking being
one of his specialties, wild sensations sparked hot inside my body, arousing me
to an uncomfortable state. Someone asked another question, but I really didn’t
hear it. I was watching Master Lex’s hands. I tried to calm down, realizing
that if I didn’t, my pussy would be dripping wet right in the middle of the
lecture hall with Master Lex less than five feet in front of me.

I don’t know how long the session went on. More than an
hour, I’m sure. As he continued answering much better phrased questions, I felt
a whirlwind of thoughts blow through me. My first idea was to beeline for the
exit the second the lecture ended, but then I decided against it. I wasn’t
about to give Dr. Vickers the satisfaction of seeing me cower. She’d obviously
invited me to this lecture expecting me to fail. But though I’d lost the battle
at the beginning of Lex’s talk, I wasn’t about to lose the war. Besides, I
needed to interview people who actually practiced BDSM, and Master Lex fit that
bill perfectly. And he owned The Cell. If I got access, with Master Lex’s
blessing, to his BDSM club, the members there might actually be receptive to
answering some of my questions. Hell, some might even agree to fill out my
survey. So, I stayed put in my chair on the front row after the talk was over,
trying to muster the courage to approach him.

Several of the students came up to Master Lex after. When
one of the long-legged co-eds touched his forearm, jealousy burst hot inside
me, but I kept my reaction hidden by looking back at my hands in my lap.

As the last attendee left the room, I suddenly felt like I’d
made a mistake by staying. Dr. Vickers, Master Lex, and I were the only ones
left. When he turned his gaze back to me, I immediately knew I should’ve gone
with my first thought of bolting from the room. Too late.

“Do you have another question for me?” He moved around the
podium and stood less than a foot in front of me.

I looked over at Dr. Vickers, who seemed to be studying my
every move. Then I turned back to him and stood up. “Yes, Sir. I have a
question for you.”

“Trouble getting to the point, I see. What is your question,
little sub?”

“Oh.” Him calling me “little sub” thrilled me, but I knew I
had to set him straight. “You see, I’m not a practitioner of BDSM. I’m only
researching the lifestyle. It’s for my thesis.”

Lex looked at Dr. Vickers. “Here we go again, Em.”

She nodded. “I told you, Lex.”

Apparently, Master Lex and Dr. Vickers were friends and had
held some kind of discussion about me.

He cupped my chin, and I became dizzy. “Stand up.”

Unable to raise any resistance inside me, I obeyed.

His blue eyes seemed fathomless to me. “I’ve heard enough
about your thesis. Ask me?”

I gulped. “Would you consider letting me inside your club?”

He stared at me for the longest time as though considering
something. Or perhaps he was just giving me time to get really uncomfortable.
It worked. By the time he spoke, my stomach was in knots.

“My club is very selective,” Master Lex explained in that
deep rumble of his. “You just told me that you’re not interested in
experiencing its particular fruits. That’s a deal breaker.”

Heat flashed through me. “That isn’t exactly what I said.”

“Petulant, isn’t she?” Dr. Vickers asked him.

Master Lex ignored that comment, preferring to pin me with
his eyes. “It is what you said, little one.”

“My name is Mia Weiss.”

“Nice.” With his hand still on my chin, he turned back to
Dr. Vickers. “Could you shut the door, Em?”

I wondered why he wanted the door shut, but didn’t dare ask

She answered, “Sure thing.”

When I heard the door latch, my skin tingled on the back of
my neck and my anxiety inflated. I braced for what he had in store for me next.

Dr. Vickers leaned against the door from the inside. No one
else would be let in. “All secure.”

These two knew each other extremely well, which I found odd.
How had they met? Were they friends or just associates? That didn’t make sense
to me. I’d read Dr. Vickers’ bio on the university website to try to get some
insight into what it would take from me to get her on my side. There was no
mention of anything that would’ve had them crossing paths. 

With his hand still on my chin, Lex took a fistful of my
long hair in his other hand. He tugged slightly, pulling me from my thoughts.
“You’re somewhere else. I want you here. Focused.”

“Yes, Sir.” My pussy ached and my knees turned wobbly.

His hold on my hair changed from tugging to stroking, and I
was getting so very wet. “You want in my club, little sub?”

Unable to find words to answer him, I just nodded.

“I need proof that you really deserve access to The Cell.
You want in, then for start, pull your pants down to your ankles, right now.”

“What?” I couldn’t quite comprehend what he was asking—not
. Had I misheard him?

“That’s the deal.” He stopped stroking my hair, and stepped
back a bit but still within easy reach of me. Then he shamelessly scanned my
body, causing my thoughts to jumble. “In or out? What’s it going to be, Mia?”

My jaw dropped, but he pushed it back up with his hand.

“Keep your lips together for me.” Master Lex touched my
cheek, and I tingled from the inside and out. His nostrils flared as he inhaled
deeply. He smiled broadly. “I like your scent.”

“I’m not wearing any perfume.”

“I know.” He frowned. “I’m waiting for your answer, but I
won’t wait much longer. In or out?”

My palms were clammy and my heart thudded in my chest.
“You’re kidding?”

“I never kid.” His tone told me that his patience had fled.

“Can’t we work this out another way...?” I needed some
advantage to get my footing again. Hoping to impress him that I was truly
serious, I added, “...Sir?”

Another tug by him on my locks made me get even hotter, and
my clit tingled in my jeans. Clearly, he was testing me and I wasn’t about to
blow it like I’d done with my ridiculous question earlier. I unbuttoned the top
button of my jeans, but then I remembered that Dr. Vickers was leaning against
the door. I froze.

“You’re stalling, Mia.”

“Please. I need a second.” I shifted my eyes from Lex and
looked directly at Dr. Vickers.

She stared back at me with her unblinking eyes. I’d never
thought of her as someone of the Indigo Girls persuasion, but I must’ve been

“Your second is up. Again, you have me waiting. That’s not
helping your cause to get into my club.”

I needed in his club. It was the first opening I’d had since
I’d begun my thesis. But it was more than my paper that had me willing to
comply with his demand. It was Lex himself. His strength of will, intelligence,
and demeanor had all of me, inside and out, intrigued. I wanted to impress him.
And if I got in his club, I would get to spend more time with him. There wasn’t
anything more appealing to me at that moment than that last

“What the fuck,” I said, hoping to sound confident.

His eyes narrowed. “That’s not the way a good sub talks,
Mia. You take this first step into my world and I will have to punish you for
letting those lush lips of yours say such bad words.”

Imagining him spanking my ass sent me over the edge. I
closed my eyes, bent my knees, and lowered my jeans to my ankles.

His eyes never leaving mine, he ordered, “Now, the panties,

This whole experience with Master Lex was playing out like a
Fellini film. “B-But...you didn’t—”

“Panties! Now!”

I obeyed immediately. My clit ached as the air of the room
hit it full on. Being so exposed, so vulnerable had tears streaming from my

When I saw the wet spot on the front of my baby blue
panties, I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.

As I’d expected, he looked directly at the center of my
underwear around my ankles. He knew how turned on I was. He touched my cheeks
with his fingers.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

Lex smiled. “Tears? So sweet and innocent. The Cell might be
too much for you, little sub.”

The gravity of what he was offering me—a chance to
experience what I’d dreamed about for years—flattened me. My thoughts, normally
whizzing and scattered, began to focus with a clarity I didn’t know possible.

“I’ll make you proud, I promise.”

His eyes widened, and then he shook his head. “Fuck. You’re
going to be so much trouble for me, Mia.”

“Please. I did what you asked. Can’t I come to your club,

He covered my mound with his hand, and I moaned. “Pubic
hair?” His tone was softer, but still firm and so very sexy.

“Yes, Sir.” Though I knew that many sexually active women
shaved their pussies for their lovers, I’d never bothered since bedroom games
weren’t part of my routine. If I’d known how the lecture from Master Lex was
going to end up, I would’ve made sure to be properly groomed for him.

“You’re so wet. Nice.”

I realized that Dr. Vickers had just been given more ammo
against me. Though I couldn’t see her, she could definitely see me. How would I
ever be able to face her again? My cheeks were hot enough to fry eggs. The only
answer was for me to transfer to another university come tomorrow morning.

“Eyes on me, sub.” Lex wasn’t about to let me forget that he
was in charge. “Quiet that mind of yours, understand?”

I nodded and stared straight into his eyes, drowning in his
deep blue stare. Dr. Vickers seemed so distant and forgotten. No man had ever
overwhelmed me like Lex. Right then, the uncontrollable cravings to be with
this man, this Master, this steamroller exploded inside me like wild fire.

Once again, he tugged on my hair. “I’m not sure you have it
in you for my ways.”

If I didn’t act now, the man and his offer would be lost to
me. “Please, Sir. Give me a chance.”

He released his grip on my locks. “Bend over.”

Was he going to spank me? I held my breath, hoping he might.

“When you arrive at my club tomorrow night, sub, have your
pussy shaved.” Lex slapped my ass with his open hand.

I yelped from the sting in the center of my bottom.

He walked over to Dr. Vickers and turned back. “Pants up,
Front Row.”

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