
BOOK: Meuric
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A Protectorate Series Novel



By Maurice Jennings

Copyright © 2015 Maurice Jennings
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eISBN 9781785894473

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I would like to thank those who have supported me in my writing endeavours. You know who you are…

For my daughter Joanne


Abram – Prophesied child of the Roz'eli-held province of Jay'keb

Adela – Gahp'ryel's resistance leader against the Roz'eli

Anan – A powerful warrior who is part of Abram's retinue

Baadur – The Conclave's Troop Lieutenant

Bairre – A townsman of Ay'den

Bradán – Soldier serving in the Dark Druid's Legion

Briiz – Goddess of the Breeze and daughter of the god Widan

Cade – Key Keeper and Chief Administrator to the Conclave's Council of Eight

Cide – Offspring of Junives and entity representing universal order

Colton – Childhood friend of Meuric

Corliss – Love interest of Bradán

Daciana – Lady Prēost and Council of Eight member

David – Knight Protector of Jay'keb

Deo – The God of Death

Dervla – Wife of Meuric

Éabha – A soldier in the Druid's Legion and Bradán's adjutant

Eachann – Chieftain of Ay'den

Edgar – Rabi'a War Band warrior

Eufen – God of the seas

Fabien – Villager of the Daw'ra tribe

Fabienne – Knight Protector of Nah'cho

Faeder – Chief deity and ruler of the New Gods

Fari – Goddess of Fate and daughter of the entity Taim

Fedelm – Wife of Eachann

Gabija – Female Trooper in the Conclave's Brown Tower Squadron and archer

Gavriil – Discerner for the Dark Druid assigned to E'del

Genovefa – Woman of Ay'den

Haakon – A soldier in the Druid's Legion

Heber – Kel'akh merchant

Honora – Wise-woman of Ay'den and prēost of Fari

Iacchus – Trooper and swordsman of the Conclave's Brown Tower Squadron

Iason – Knight Protector of E'del

Jabez – Trooper and swordsman in the Conclave's Brown Tower Squadron

Jemima – Mother of Abram

Judoc – Eldest son of Meuric and Dervla

Junives – The god of all things. Junives is the god that all gods worship

Kaan – Trooper and archer in the Conclave's Brown Tower Squadron

Kettledrum – Shaman from the Nomad lands and a Council of Eight member

Laban – A Trooper of the Conclave

Liam – A nobleman and Custodian of Northwest Kel'akh

Mailís – Consort of the Dark Druid

Malitia – Daughter of Melevelens and the Goddess of Malice

Manlius – Ancient Roz'eli king

Melevelens – Goddess of dark acts

Meuric – Former Protectorate soldier and defender of the Kel'akh Nation. Currently sells himself as a sword for hire

Mittere – Messenger of the gods

Muin – Moon goddess

Nana – Dead wife of Thales

Nathan – Trooper and mage in the Conclave's Brown Tower Squadron

Neitfe – Offspring of Junives and an entity representing life within the universe

Obadiah – Father of Abram

Onóra – Serving girl in Kar'el

Paden – An Oak Seer from the Kel'akh Nation

Paulus – Knight Protector of Ee'en

Petros – Knight Captain for the Protectorate

Qadir – Knight Protector of Ar'en

Quirinus – Roz'eli Administrator assigned to Nah'cho

Rabi – Townsman from Ah'mos

Radha – Knight Protector for the Conclave assigned to the Kel'akh Nation

Rainier – War Band Commander of Rabi'a

Reume – Goddess and patron of the Roz'eli Empire

Rialiti – Offspring of Junives and an entity representing reality

San – God of sunlight and fertility

Seul – Entity representing the mind and soul

Shanahan – Sister of Liam

Simeon – Jay'keb mage

Siorus – Daw'ra tribe member

Skeil – The god who judges your soul when you enter the Otherworld

Sliip – Goddess of sleep

Speis – Offspring of Junives and an entity representing infinity

Streno – Demigod and son of Faeder and a mortal woman, renowned for his strength

Tacitus – Roz'eli senator and Commander of General Agents

Taim – Offspring of Junives and an entity representing time

Theirn – Rabi'a Chieftain

Ulrich – An Oak Seer assigned to Nah'cho

Urbanus – Roz'eli Centurion soldier loyal to Tacitus

Václac – First Mate on the merchant ship

Valens – Decurion loyal to Tacitus

Wacław – Captain of the merchant ship

Widan – God of the Four Winds

Wis – Goddess of Wisdom and War Strategy

Wyeth – Older son of Rainier

Wyrre – The god of war and bloodlust

Xavier – Younger son of Rainier

Yahya – Townsman from Ah'mos

Ysolt – War Band Lieutenant of Rabi'a

Zahara – Female servant of Jemima

Zuleika – Knight Lieutenant and second-in-command of the Protectorate


Administrator – The military and civil authority over an assigned province in Roz'eli-held territory

Antestes Cambire – Words of magick used by the Knight Protectors to change into the garb of the Protectorate

Ard-ri – Kel'akh name for their High King

Balance, the – A magickal and religious view where darkness and light must co-exist for the universe to exist

Ballista – A large catapult that fires large bolts

Balneae – A small heated bathing area for either public or private use

Bard – A person who can connect through empathic magick by way of words and song

Barring Narration – A spell that prevents the specific use of magick

Ben-sidhe or Woman of the Mounds – A daemon whose presence means death and hardship

Bireme – A Roz'eli scouting vessel, known for its speed and manoeuvrability

Bracae – Kel'akh trousers

Bratt – A Kel'akh cloak

Bridge Maker – Overall ruler of Wardens Keep, the Conclave, and head of the Council of Eight

Cena – A Roz'eli evening meal made up of several courses

Chieftain - The elected leader of a tribe in Kel'akh culture

Chilton – A knee-length tunic worn by Roz'eli slaves that can either be long sleeved or short

Cohort – A Roz'eli cavalry unit identified by dark grey armour over a brown tunic

Conclave, the – An association of high-ranking and powerful magi that teach magick and religion inside Wardens Keep

Conclave Standard – A white sword denoting the Conclave's Guardians, a black gauntlet clenched into a fist around its blade representing the power of the Council within a grey shield signifying the Protectorate and finally five coloured towers surrounding the picture, representing the warriors.

Conclave Squadron – A cavalry unit of twenty-five men broken down into five-man squads used in support of their missions

Corsair – A pirate

Council Administrators – Ministers who are directly subordinate to the Council of Eight

Council of Eight – Comprising the Head of each order within Wardens Keep, each of whom dictates the missions of the Protectorate and protects the world from the evil of the Otherworld

Crannóg – In the Kel'akh Nation, an artificial island on which a Kel'akh home is constructed

Crenel – Tooth-like gap in a battlement wall

Death Eaters – A cult group that actively seeks the deaths of others even at the cost of their own lives

Discerner – Spy

Disepie – Word of magick, meaning disappear

Doorway Narration – A spell that opens magickal portals for almost instant travel

Fear Narration – A spell that creates that state of mind

Federate Mercenaries – Men and women of Roz'eli-conquered lands that fight for the Empire

First Citizen – The highest-ranking civilian authority in a city or town in Rozeli-held territory

Free Archers – Unit comprising soldiers from conquered regions who undertake suicide missions, in return for which they pay no tax on their wages or spoils of war

Gaol – Prison

General Agents – A Roz'eli secret intelligence gathering unit that operates throughout the Empire and further afield that also conduct assassinations, subterfuge and sabotage

Gifts – Special abilities performed by those with access to the realm of magick

Gift of Distant Carry – Ability to instantly jump from one location to another

Gift of Distant Perception – Ability to communicate silently

Gift of Divining – Ability to tune the body to perform a specific function

Gift of Empathy – A connection to living things on a personal level

Gift of Feather Light – Ability to levitate

Gift of Soul Measure – The ability to read objects

Gladius; pl. gladii – A double-edged short sword used by Men-of-the-Legion

Gradalis (also known as the Cauldron-of-Plenty) – Cauldron from which the Protectorate drink to receive their Gifts

Greave – Armour of iron or toughened leather protecting the lower legs

Guardians (nicknamed the White Knights) – Act as a police force for Wardens Keep and bodyguards for the Conclave ministers

Roz'eli Guardsman – Local militia trained and recruited to guard villages, towns and cities within Roz'eli-held territories

Hand-over – Traitor

Hireling – A sword for hire or sell-sword

Hoplon – A large circular shield made of bronze, leather and wood measuring approximately one metre in diameter

Imperial Guards – Elite soldiers who protect the Emperor, his immediate family, and the city of Roz'eli

Kel'akh hierarchy (in descending order): King/Queen; Oak Seer; Council Members; Custodians; War Band Commander; War Band Lieutenant; nobleman; Chosen Man; the people; slaves

Kel'akh tattoos – Bronze and blood-red tattoos represent the Bren'es tribe; forest-green for the Daw'ra tribe; red and white tattoos for the I'soot tribe; sea-blue and white swirl tattoos for the Oak Seers of Isle Ee'ay; red tattoos for the Oo'do tribe

Key Keeper – Chief Administrator for the Council of Eight

Khopesh – A two-handed sickle-shaped sword, featuring a crescent blade and measuring about two feet in length

Kopis (meaning chopper) – A heavy, curved, one-handed sword of 65cm used in E'del

Kosmos Stones – Five magick gems that contain the powers of a god but can only be controlled by a mortal

League – Three Roz'eli miles

Legion – A Roz'eli military unit of 5000 men

Link, the – Means of telepathic communication between the Council and members of the Protectorate

Lost Room, the – A room that only the ruler of the gods can enter to take the Skywalk made of hoar frost crystal to converse with Junives

Man-of-the-Legion – A Roz'eli soldier of basic rank

Men of Art – Artisans whose magick comes alive through their work

Milksop – A person who lacks courage

Ministers – Officials who operate the day-to-day running of Wardens Keep

Name Day – A designated day assigned to the date of birth

Narration – Spell

New Gods, the – Children of the Old Gods who rebelled and overthrew the reign of their parents

Oak Seer – Prēosts and lawgivers for the Kel'akh Nation

Old Gods, the – The first order of gods to be created by man

Onager – A catapult system designed to throw rocks a considerable distance

Otherworld – Name given to the realm of gods

Parapet walk – The passageway along a wall that facilitates shooting and performing surveillance

Penteconter – A vessel used mainly for trading and commerce

Pit, the – Region where the Old Gods are imprisoned

Poltroon – An utter coward

Port – Name given to a gateway within a village, town or city

Portcullis – A secondary gate designed to reinforce a port

Prēost – Member of a religious order

Protectorate – An elite and secretive fighting unit of the Conclave

Pugio – A large leaf-shaped dagger used by Men-of-the-Legion

Rank system in the Druid Legion: Legion Master (identified by a charcoal tunic and cloak); Legion Major (grey tunic and cloak); First Chieftain (dark brown tunic and cloak); Captain (brown tunic and cloak); Lieutenant (bronze tunic and cloak); First Servant (dark green tunic and cloak); Chosen Man (green tunic and cloak), and Private soldier (olive green tunic and cloak)

Rank System in the Roz'eli Military: Duke (who commands up to five legions); Legate (at least two legions); First Spear (1000 men); Second Spear (500); Centurion (100); Decurion (50); Chief of Ten (10)

Realm of Mortals – What the gods call Terit're

Religious Conviction – An oversight group made up of high-ranking religious leaders from across Terit're who superintend the workings of the Council of Eight and the Protectorate

Roz'eli Empire – Controls an area of land 4 million square kilometres and contains a population of 55 million

Second Citizen – Assists the First Administrator in the running of a settlement

Shade – Ghost

Spatha – Long straight blade used by cavalry, approximately 39 inches in length

State Guard – Elite Roz'eli soldiers used for the protection of Roz'eli officials

Stola – A long tunic worn by women that can be either sleeved or sleeveless

Strigil – An instrument made of curved bone to scrape the oil off the body after bathing

Tab'ee helm – Open-faced helmet with nose plate and cheek-guards

Temple Knights – Elite warriors who protect the interests of the Religious Conviction and who are recognisable by their black and red uniforms

Terit're – A single land mass of roughly 150 million kilometres

War of the Gods
– In the earliest time of mankind, the Old Gods rise up against the Titans that spread war to all the regions of the universe;
Age of Durance
– The Conclave, with the help of the Protectorate, attempts to enslave the world. The people rise up;
The Fall
– The destruction of the original Conclave. Earthquakes destroy the land mass that was home to the Conclave. Tidal waves reach out and touch many coastlines of Terit're;
Age of Despair
– A time of disease, famine and war throughout the furthermost regions of Terit're.

Traditional Jay'keb customary exchange – “I thank you for allowing me into your home.” Response – “I thank you for respecting my home.”

Traditional Oak Seer saying: “May the land guard you.”

Travelers' Inn – An inn and barkeep set up in every Kel'akh settlement for the travel weary and locals alike

Troop Lieutenant – Second-in-command of all the Conclave Squadrons, identified by a single silver star over the heart

Troop Captain – Overall commander of the Conclave Squadrons, identified by two silver stars

Vambrace – Armour made of metal or toughened leather that protects the forearms

Veil Narration – A spell that hides a person in a specific area

War Band – Men and women of fighting age in the Kel'akh culture that make up the militia

War Band Commander – Battle leader of the tribe

War Band Lieutenant – Second-in-command of a War Band

Wardens Keep – An immense citadel on a pentagram shape that homes up to 5000 persons. A place of learning and teachings of magick and religion

Water Bearer – Elemental mage with an empathic link to all things water

Whoreson – Bastard

Wicca – Male witch

Wicce – Female witch

Wiccan – Those who follow the path of witchery

Widan – A penteconter-class merchant vessel

Woman of Companionship – Prostitute

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