Read Merry & Seduced Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #sci-fi romance, Christmas romance, shapeshifer, New Zealand

Merry & Seduced (9 page)

BOOK: Merry & Seduced
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“My bedroom,” he reminded her.

“Wait. I want to try out my lingerie,” Amme said.

“Aren’t you wearing it?”

“Some,” Amme said. “But I have special night lingerie.”

“Tomorrow,” Marcus said as he hustled her past her bedroom door. “I’m too impatient.”

“Oh.” The pressure of his hand at the small of her back reinforced his words and she let him guide her into his bedroom. He shut the door behind them and switched on a light.

The room smelled of him—musky with sweet and spicy undertones—and she hummed a note of pleasure.

“I want you naked,” he said, and he prowled toward her in the same manner Ry stalked Camryn.

“Yes.” It was all she could say as she attempted to fight the weird tingles bombarding her person. Her main processor was hiccupping again, reducing her ability to multitask.

“Sit on the edge of the bed.”

An order she gladly followed.

He unfastened her sandals and tossed each one aside.

“You can stand again.”

Amme stood and he straightened from his crouch.

“Turn around.”

She presented her back and felt his cool hands at the fastening of her sundress. The zipper rasped as he tugged it down and the material fell away from her breasts. Marcus gave an audible swallow, and she grinned—a private one of triumph and success. Her plan was working. Kaya would seethe with jealousy—if she could tear her mind off the chocolate substance. Another sound emerged from him—a soft groan—focusing Amme. His hands trembled before he guided the material down her body and over her hips.

He cleared his throat. “Turn around.”

She obeyed, eager to see his reaction. Her lingerie was black lace and concealed and revealed at the same time.
Not much more substantial than a promise
, Camryn had said.

“Beautiful.” He dragged a single finger over the swell of one breast, leaving a tickling sensation in his wake. He repeated the move but in the opposite direction, and this time, she shivered.

“That feels very nice. A touch doesn’t normally do that to me.”

He paused to shoot her a look. “No interruptions.” His tone was terse, and she frowned.

“Are you angry with me?”

“I don’t like to think about other men touching you.”

“It’s not the same,” she said, fumbling for words to make him understand. “It…they didn’t make me shiver.”

He smiled suddenly, a bright ray of sunshine that allowed her to relax. “Good to know.” He slipped a finger beneath the shoulder strap and gave a slight tug. “This is too pretty to rip, but I want you naked so bad.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “You could go much faster.”

He caught her gaze, and her tummy did a funny shimmy, as if tiny nanobugs were doing a jitterbug dance inside her body. She couldn’t look away from his pretty eyes. They were magnetic and compelled her to do…something. She wasn’t sure what.

“Faster isn’t always good. Not if I want to make memories.”

“Oh.” He said the most perfect things. That was her wish—memories to sustain her during the long space voyage to Viros. Although they’d make provisioning stops and intended to make a return visit to Kaya’s brother on Slyvia, travel through space ticked over in long and wearisome rotations.

“Hey!” He clicked his fingers way too close to her nose. “I’m here. Where did you go?”

“Racing onward,” she murmured. “Thinking about how you’ll feel plunging deep into my quim.”

“Your what?”

Different term on Earth. She shot him a saucy wink. “My pussy.”

His pupils darkened secs before he lifted and tossed her on his bed. Before her receptors registered and reported to her brain, he caged her on the mattress, his broad shoulders and the muscles of his arms flexing as he rose over her.

She blinked up at him. “My, what big muscles you have.”

“Impudent baggage.” Shaking his head, he used his mouth to follow the same path his finger had traveled earlier.

Another one of those shivers slipped through her muscles, her sensors telegraphing loud and excited enjoyment even as she wondered about the definition of a baggage. Amme shoved the puzzlement away for later. This Earthman held great promise, and she didn’t want to miss a thing.

“A front-fastening bra,” he said. “How convenient.”

“How did you know?” She hadn’t seen one before today.

He hesitated. “I’ve seen this style before.”

“Oh.” Well, now she knew how it felt to hear about other lovers. Not pleasant. “I don’t wish to hear of other lovers either.”

“Deal. Let’s shove them out of this bed.” He deftly flicked the fastening and it opened to free her breasts.

“Yes.” The word came out in a hiss, since he was busy exploring one breast with his tongue. The nearer his mouth moved to the tip of her breast, the faster her heart-pump raced. Her secondary heart—well, it was galloping—and for a sec, she weighed up asking him to stop. The last thing she wanted was an explosion due to a faulty heart-pump.

But he closed his mouth around the tip of her breast and drew hard, driving her mind back to sexual enjoyment. A ribbon of sensation slid along her blood lines to converge at her sexual center. Her hands, unguided by her central system, slid into his brown hair and tugged, exerting force when he indicated he might stop this miraculous pleasure.

“Shush, sweetheart. I’m not going to stop. I want to take off your bra so it won’t be in the way.”

She pushed out a breath and released the life grip she had on his skull. “Okay.”

He helped her sit and deftly slid her bra down her arms then tossed it aside. “We’ll take these pretty panties off at the same time.” As he spoke, he drew them down her legs and her panties joined her bra on the floor.

A knife of tension struck her then, as she waited for his reaction. Her mons was bare. Oh she had the right explanations for the lack of pubic hair, but Marcus didn’t bother to ask a single question. He stared, taking her in, and a slow smile curled across his lips.

“Gorgeous,” he whispered, his gaze glowing with golden lights. She basked under his appreciation, shivered when he ran his fingers down her torso from breast to hip. At least she had a belly button. Jannike and Kaya didn’t because they were grown in birth labs. Mogens had designed a patch for them to wear so the humans didn’t notice when they wore bikinis or got naked.

“Part your legs for me, sweetheart.” The husky sound of his voice stroked across her receptors, bringing another wash of enjoyment.

She followed his instruction and parted her legs.

“Yeah, just like that. Don’t move a muscle.”

He positioned his body in the gap between the V of her legs and studied her so intently she wondered if he’d noticed something out of the ordinary. Camryn had said their bodies were similar, but the tension yanked at her and Amme bit her lip. She’d be mortified if he pulled away in rejection.

, he lifted his head and meshed their gazes. “You are perfect. I don’t know where to touch first.”

“Everywhere,” she instructed.

Marcus chuckled, the infectious sound tugging at her lips as he leaned over to kiss her. His lips were firm and his tongue forceful as he stroked into her mouth. After devouring her and stamping her with his taste and scent, he kissed a trail across her jaw and down her neck. He licked her collarbone—a warm wash of wet heat—and as he moved lower, her heart-pump did a crazy jig. She moaned, struggling to keep up with the lusty messages bombarding her brain. She writhed and arched her body, silently pleading with him to touch her breasts.

“Steady, sweetheart. We have plenty of time.”

“Marcus.” His name was a protest.

He removed his lips from the curve of her breast and lifted his gaze. “Amme.” Humor painted his features, making him appear years younger and so, so tempting. “I love the way you say my name.”

“Marcus.” She inhaled sharply and fought to contain the raw need bombarding her tronics. This—being with Marcus—was different from her experience with other males. “Please touch me. Please, Marcus.

“With pleasure,” he whispered, and he took one nipple into his mouth, flicking and teasing the tender peak with his tongue while his hands wandered lower. Warm palms slid along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs then drifted higher to press his fingers against her core. A jolt zapped her and a rough gasp squeezed up her throat.

“More,” she whispered.

“Demanding thing, aren’t you?”

“I know what I want. I want you.”

“Soon.” He sparkled with devilment, something she hadn’t seen in him before and it charmed her, made her smile in return. He moved farther down the bed and kissed her inner thigh. The stubble on his cheek provided decadent friction and dragged another gasp from deep in her throat.


He laughed burst from him, a warm puff of air against her folds. Her hips jerked upward and pushed her against his mouth.

“Marcus. That…ah…” She held him in place, or at least attempted to. He chuckled, the sound a blast of sensation against her sensitive flesh. His tongue circled her sex pulse—no, her clitoris or that was what Camryn said it was called—electrifying her receptors and shooting a lusty message to her brain. She rocked against him, greedily wanting more, more,
of his touch.

The shock of his fingers pumping inside her was a pleasant one, the deliberate curl of his digits hitting a happy spot deep inside that made her jolt and heavy breathe.

Oh, that was excellent, and so much better than her recollections promised. He pumped his fingers inside her again, and she felt a surge of wetness, her body preparing her for his possession.

“Marcus.” His name was a plea for him to do something and finally he did. His mouth closed over her clitoris while his fingers stroked her internally. The push and drag stimulated inner nerves on the way in and massaged them in a delightful manner on the way out. The hot pleasure grew bigger and swelled until she wondered if her body could contain the sweet bliss. She gasped, she groaned, her receptors vibrating, trembling on the cusp of something splendid. The next stroke of his tongue shoved the great into an explosion of acute almost painful pleasure. She cried out, so ruffled and out of control she thought she might be speaking Universal instead of Earth speak. Aware of the danger, she bit her lip, the nip of pain grounding her, balancing the wicked, wicked bliss tossing her receptors into chaos.

Marcus licked her, a gentle flick of warmth, and another spasm poured along her lifeblood network. Gradually the sensations trailed off to leave inner contentment. He pulled back and rose up her body. Too comfortable to speak, she merely moaned her protest. A nip at her breast made her jump, her eyes snap open in confusion.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured. “I haven’t been able to think of anything except fucking your sexy body since the moment I first saw you.”

He kissed her, a gentle, sweet exchange that stole her breath along with the remnants of her sanity. Her heart-pump went
, the sound so loud Amme wondered if Marcus would hear the racket.

“Are you going to take off your clothes soon?”

“You bet.” He stood and unbuttoned his shirt, one small white button at a time. Slowly the edges of his garment parted to reveal hard tanned muscles. Without taking his gaze off her, he tugged the shirt down his arms and let it drift to the floor.

She pillowed her hands and made no secret of her interest. “I like looking at you.”

“Same goes.”

“You should keep undressing.”

“I can do that.” His gaze remained on her as his hands went to the button on his jeans. She watched them slide down his muscular legs. His black underwear went next and her attention settled on his cock. The working part looked the same as others she’d experienced. She chewed on her bottom lip. Apart from the tentacles of course, because Jannike and Kaya agreed. Tentacle sex was in a class of its own.

He reached over and opened a drawer. The foil packet he pulled out and opened must be one of the condoms Camryn had mentioned during a sex talk. Curious, she watched him roll it up his male part. He didn’t need to use this, but she couldn’t tell him without inviting questions.

“I can’t wait to fuck you,” he said, his features full of cheeky attitude again, yet there was hunger and desire too, and her insides quaked in anticipation.

“Fuck is such a raw word.”

His brows rose, and his lips lifted at the corners in a half-grin. “You don’t approve?”

“Undecided,” she said. “No, not true. I have no opinion at present, but I do want to have sex with you.”

“That’s a relief.” He stretched out beside her. Instead of sticking his cock straight inside her, he started to kiss her again. Slow, easy kisses that made her want to moan aloud. He was gentle with her when other men had become aggressive and handled her roughly, simply because they knew she was robust. A peculiar tingling started in the region of her eyes. She catalogued the anomaly and continued to return the caresses of Marcus’s lips. Their tongues tangled and another wave of sensations writhed through her circuits and lifeblood network.

Already, she wanted to have another one of those toe-curling explosions. Probably plain greedy. “I like kissing you.” The words leapt from her mouth without warning, sudden and unexpected before her tronics had approved the sentiment.

“I like everything about you, Amme.” He thrust inside her with one hard stroke of his cock.

Every nerve in her…pussy stood and saluted. Such a silly word, but Camryn— Marcus pulled back and filled her again. Every substantial thought faded into mist. She squeezed her lips together to hold back her groan but a satisfied keen escaped anyway. He felt big and strong and so right plunging into her body, stirring her inner receptors with his thrust-and-retreat motions.

“This is good too.”

He barked out a laugh. “We’d have a problem if you didn’t like it. You’re so tight, sweetheart. Your pussy feels snug and warm. Perfect.”

She was designed to give the perfect fit to each male. Not that she could tell Marcus. He seemed decent but some males loathed machines or any of her race who were part machine. She’d learned this to her cost and never willingly shared the information.

BOOK: Merry & Seduced
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