Mere Temptation (17 page)

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Authors: Daisy Harris

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Mere Temptation
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Isa’s gaze was wary as it rose from her plate. “Yeah?”

“Well, we have some matters of Key business to discuss with Oceanus.”

“Hell, yeah, we do.”

“Yes, well, it wouldn’t work for us to go to Underwater City.” When her voice rose in argument, he held up a hand. “We can’t leave the island right now. There’s no one trained to take over my guardian duties. And right now I don’t trust those buggers not to come back.”

Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip in frustration. The sight made his cock twitch. “So when do you want to go?”

“We don’t have to go see him.” Sidon moved closer to her, so that her back pressed into his front. Her shoulders tightened against his pecs. “He’s here.”

Isa bolted up off the stool and swung her head from side to side. As if Oceanus, Chair of the Dragon Council, was hiding under the furniture.

“He’s in Key Sirena, sweetie. Not here at my house.” Sidon struggled to keep the humor from his voice.

“Are all the dragons relocating then? Are they moving back to the district?” Her eyes bore into him, dared him to say the wrong thing.

“I think we should share with him our thoughts on exactly that topic.”

* * * *

The drive through the empty district chilled her bones. No golf carts drove the manicured lawns, no female dragons with cosseted young prowled the white sidewalks. The only signs of life were the mere security guards driving the streets to hold off looters and the occasional mere housekeeper walking on her way to check on the boss’s house or feed the boss’s pets.

They parked in the near-empty lot, and Isa gripped Sidon’s hand as they approached the stark white building. She couldn’t help remembering her humiliation at her last visit. Then again, no one but Oceanus would be here to mock her this time. He may look down his nose, but at least he was only one guy.

Her hopes were dashed when they entered the main dining room. A group of three stood behind an older seated male. Oceanus’s gray hair lay straight, almost reaching the floor. He stood when he saw Isa and Sidon approach. His back hunched with the effort of rising, and he grunted with exertion. The dragon’s powerful shoulders told the tale of the strong leader he’d been, but age had clearly softened him.

To Isa’s surprise, a member of Oceanus’s guard pulled out her chair for her, but Sidon growled at the male. Isa smiled. The couple hadn’t been out in public much since the night she’d become dragon. Her lover pulled a different chair out for her, and she eagerly took it. Then, for good measure, he kissed the bite marks still on her neck.

“Congratulations on your mating, son.” Oceanus smiled, but his eyes remained sad.

Sidon didn’t reply but leveled a stare at his father. “We came to talk to you about—”

“About your hanging the mere out to dry with those Dendric jerks!” Isa couldn’t help butting in. She’d been simmering about this issue non-stop and was ready to blow. “After how many hundreds of years in the Key, you just sell us out?”

Sidon rushed to jump in, whether to support her or defend his father, Isa didn’t know, but she held up her hand as Oceanus replied. “Young lady, are you aware of how many colonies the Dragon Empire holds?”

Isa thought for a moment, wondering if she’d studied this in school. “No, I’m not.”

“Twenty-three at last count. At the height of the Republic we held over two hundred colonies, and not just mere habitats either. But the world is changing.” He shook his head as if to bemoan the passage of time that had drained both his and his Empire’s strength. “Humans discontinued the colonial system years ago, and slowly we’re following suit. It was only a matter of time before we gave up rule of Sirena.”

Sidon spoke up. “So now you’re out, that’s it? Isa and I, and the people of Sirena just have to pick up the pieces?”

Oceanus sat up taller. “We will no longer govern the Key, no, but some of the homeowners would like to return, and many of the business owners need to come back. I need to ask you both, will they be safe?”

Isa’s brows shot up in surprise. It never occurred to her that the dragons might have reason to fear the mere.

“Father, I give my word that civilian dragons who own property or businesses here on Sirena or in the Keys at large will be safe and welcome here. However, any new dragons who hope to relocate to this area will have to apply for a visa.”

Isa swelled with pride at the certainty of Sidon’s words. She leaned in to give him a peck on his cheek and shivered at his purr of contentment.

Oceanus gave a little smile. “Well, consider me your first applicant. The Council has asked that I step down as Chair.” He looked up to assess his son’s reaction. When Sidon showed no emotion, he lowered his eyes again. “It’s time, and to be honest I’m looking forward to a nice quiet retirement on a tropical island.”

* * * *

“That arrogant asshole!” Sidon smacked the steering wheel, causing the car to veer over the center line. His adrenaline pumped a mile a minute. It had taken everything in him not to jump over that table and strangle his father.

“Jeez, Si. Who cares where Oceanus lives? I know it must be weird because he’s your dad and all, but it’s not like we have to have him over for dinner or anything.” She snaked her hand over the backs of his shoulders and rubbed his neck.

“Yeah, I know. I just worry that my mom will get involved with him again.” He gritted his teeth.

“Your mom’s an adult. She’s going to do what she wants. And anyway, I never got the sense that she had stopped being involved with Oceanus.”

Sidon sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I just wanted better for her. She deserved a male who would live with her, help her raise her children, love her.”

Isa stroked across his collarbone, then over the muscles of his chest and arms. He relaxed into her touch. “You’re that guy, Sidon, and you’ll be all those things. And I’m the girl who wouldn’t settle for anything less. But your mom and Oceanus have their own story.”

They drove in silence, but she never stopped touching him. Her hand moved lower, making the muscles of his abdomen jump. Sidon suggested making out for a while before the Town Hall meeting.

Isa giggled and moved her hand back up to his shoulder. “Whoa there, tiger. We have a schedule to keep.” Despite her scolding tone, she leaned over and brushed her lips across his cheek.

His breath sped up at her touch, and he mentally urged her to move her hand lower. They pulled up to the high school’s dirt lot. He cupped her neck and pulled her into a kiss. At the same time, he covered her hand with his and dragged it down his belly to rest on his erection.

“Si!” She tried to pull away, but it was a half-hearted effort. Then she spoke against his mouth. “We have to go inside. After the meeting I promise.” She moved her mouth to his ears and muttered something that made a blush crawl up his neck.

She moved to open the door, but he pounced across the seat. Something about being back in the high school parking lot made him want to re-enact one of their many teenage heavy petting sessions. “C’mon, Isa, just a few minutes!”

She looked at him sternly and held up a finger of admonition, but still she climbed into the back seat. “We have a government to build and an island to run, and all you want to do is get in my pants!”

He mimicked her serious scowl. “You must know by now that getting in your pants has always been my top priority.”

She giggled as he climbed into the bench seat after her. He sat her on his lap and kissed her deeply. She wiggled atop his erection, and affection filled his every cell.
He whispered against her neck. “Thank you for choosing me.”

Isa raised her eyes, a naughty glint in them. She threw her leg over and straddled his lap. “Oh, please, you conceited dragon. You always knew I would.”



Daisy Harris lives in Seattle with her husband, daughters, and way too many pets. When she isn't writing, she's tweeting. And when she isn't doing that, she's camping, biking, reading, spending time with kids, or gardening.

Check her out on the web at
, on Facebook, or on Twitter under the handle thedaisyharris.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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