Read Mercy's Prince Online

Authors: Katy Huth Jones

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Mercy's Prince (50 page)

BOOK: Mercy's Prince
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laced his fingers in hers and brought her hand to his lips. Before Valerian
could reply, King Orland called for attention, and a hush fell over the room.

this celebration becomes too unruly, there are a few things I would like to
say.” The king glanced about the hall. “Miraculously, we lost only four men in
the battle with the Horde, and nearly all of the injuries were minor indeed. For
this, we should give thanks as we remember our honored dead:  Sir Emory
Daughtry. Sir Caelis Reed. Randol of Frankland. Guy of Briarwood Village.” He
bowed his head in silence, and everyone followed his example.

Emory was Tristam’s knight
, Valerian explained to Merry.

Tristam. What will he do?

don’t know, but I’ll think of something

a few minutes, King Orland broke the silence.

reason for this miracle, of course, is that Prince Valerian was able to contact
the great dragons and convince them to help us defeat the Horde. I know we
cannot outdo the tribute the dragons have already given him, but we can
certainly try.” Orland stood and gazed down at Valerian. “We owe our lives to
you, my son. ’Tis a debt that can never be repaid.”

in the hall leaped to their feet and erupted in cheers. Merry stood, resting
her hand on Valerian’s shoulder.

to smile, love, and let them honor their hero

trying, but I am uneasy receiving their praise.

of your brother?

didn’t answer in words, but Merry could
the regret he would always
carry with him. She gently squeezed his shoulder.

took several long minutes for the clamor to die down. King Orland raised his
hand before speaking.

have one more announcement to make, and a toast.” He gestured for Merry to be
seated. “This very day, Prince Valerian is betrothed to our royal cousin, Lady Merry.”
He raised his cup. “May their wait be short before the royal wedding, and may
the Most High bless their union and make them fruitful.”

hear!” There was much clashing of cups.

the noise, someone shouted, “And may their wait be short before the royal
wedding night.”

face grew warm, and she glanced at Valerian. His face had reddened too, but he
laced his fingers with hers and smiled shyly.

the king sat down, everyone else took their seats as well. The music began
again, and the conversations grew louder, the laughter more boisterous. Merry
could see Valerian’s strength fading.

sure your father would not mind if you went to your room now that he has made
his speech

should stay a little longer, I think

was a good thing he did, for many of the men came to the head table, first
bowing, and then wanting to thank him personally. Most of them acknowledged her
as well, especially the men of Valerian’s first command, and several also
wanted to kiss her hand and wish her joy.

the time everyone who desired it had come forward, Valerian was so exhausted
that even King Orland noticed and beckoned for Kieran and Drew to help the
prince upstairs. They lifted the chair and bore him out to more cheering from
those who remained in the hall. Merry, Rafael, and Queen Winifred followed

they reached the quiet hallway leading to the royal apartments, the squires set
Valerian down in front of his door. As Kieran opened it, the queen went to
Valerian’s side.

son, I want you to know how proud of you I am.” Winifred’s voice trembled. “I’m
sorry I have not been a better mother to you. I want to be an encouragement to
you and your lovely bride as you have already been to me.” She held out her
hands timidly. Valerian seized her hands and kissed them.

past is gone, Mother. Each day is a gift from the Most High to enjoy its
blessings. We have much to be thankful for.”

you, Valerian. Good night, my son.” Winifred then kissed Merry’s cheek. “And
good night to you, my daughter.” Reluctantly she turned away and went to her
own rooms.

the first time she’s attended a feast since I was a child.” Valerian shook his
head in wonder, and Merry gripped his hand.

have helped her find a reason to return to life,” she said quietly.

you have filled the emptiness of her heart by being a daughter to her.” His
face was full of tenderness. “Thank you.”

cleared his throat.

me, Sire, but if we dinna get ye inside, you will fall asleep sitting in this
chair, and we’ll ne’er get you in the bed.”

held Merry’s hand against his cheek.

only wish you could lay there beside me

is my greatest wish, too. The nights are long and lonely without you
. Merry bent down and
kissed him. Then she watched until the door shut her beloved from her sight.

Chapter 42
he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

woke with a start. She had not told Valerian about Gabriel.

about Gabriel?” he said quietly when they met later in his solar.

mother and I made an important discovery the other day.” Merry grasped his

is that?” Valerian leaned closer.

you remember when we found Gabriel’s braid at the garrison, and you said his
clasp looked familiar?”

morning glories.” He gasped. “My mother’s family emblem. You don’t mean that

was your Uncle Denis. He changed his name when he took the Oath of Peace.”

sat motionless, stunned, and Merry did not intrude on his thoughts. Rafael came
to stand close beside her. Merry now wished she had waited until she and
Valerian were alone. Or that she had told him mind-to-mind.

did the queen say?” Valerian whispered.

was glad to know what happened to her brother. He had run away many years ago.”


love?” She turned to Rafael.

died, Papa and Gabriel and Dilly died, and Caelis died.” Rafael glanced at
Valerian and back at Merry. “If I like Valerian, will he die, too?”

she put her arm around him. His body tensed.

shall I say to him?
the squires had heard, for the room grew quiet.

me try
Valerian shifted in his chair. “Rafael, I’m sad for you because you have lost
so much in your young life, and none of it, absolutely none of it is your fault.”

gaze was unfocused, and for a moment Merry wished she could
what he
was thinking. Her brother met Valerian’s eyes.

if I like you,” he said, “you promise you won’t die?”

flinched, but she kept her peace. Valerian cleared his throat.

can’t promise you, Rafael,” he said quietly, “but I plan to be here for a long
time, as long as the Most High wills.”

leaned over and kissed Valerian.

will as long as I have anything to say about it.” She kissed him again.

flooded Rafael’s face.

Sissy loves you so much,” he said, “I know she will take care of you and keep
you safe.”

had just begun to think she might have a whole day to spend in Valerian’s
company, when there was a knock at the door. Lady Brenna had a summons from the
queen. Merry sighed and bade them all a reluctant farewell.


the next several days, Merry spent more time with the queen making wedding
plans than she did with Valerian or even Rafael. She had Gwendolyn take Sir
Edmund’s cage to Valerian’s rooms so Rafael could take over the care of the
little dragon. Merry found herself crying with impatience every night, and she
had to guard her thoughts lest they spill over and trouble Valerian. How could
they live so close and still not be together? They never ate more than one meal
a day in one another’s company, and it seemed her sole purpose in spending time
with him was to Heal his leg. There was always something needing to be done
which kept them apart. At least, if they were already married, she could have
his uninterrupted attention at night, even if they were too tired to do more
than sleep.

evening, when she went to Valerian’s rooms to check his leg, he was deep in
thought, sitting in his favorite chair. With his hair loose about his
shoulders, he wore a linen shirt and tan-colored breeches. He had a scroll in
his lap, but when he saw her, he let it roll back and set it on the small table
beside him.

pulled a footstool next to Valerian’s chair. She had just sat down when Rafael
walked into the room, the little burrowing dragon perched on his shoulder.

Sissy. Sir Edmund likes me now.”

glad, Rafael.” Merry sighed at the pleased look on her brother’s face. Since
Caelis’ death, he seemed much more relaxed.

agree. I don’t think his association with Caelis did him any good

looked at Valerian, startled.

you know something I do not?

mostly know from my past dealings with Caelis that he could be cruel,
especially to young powerless boys
. He gripped her hand.

he tell me what happened?

may. But don’t press him. Fortunately, he’s young enough that given time the
bad memories may fade

remembered how changed Gabriel had been by his hardships, changed for the
better. She would have to pray the same proved true for Rafael.

brother stood close beside her. Sir Edmund flicked out his tongue, smelling her.
Merry stroked the little dragon’s head.

door opened again, and Drew and Kieran entered. Kieran carried a pair of

I found the crutches.” He nodded to Merry. “Good evening, my lady.”

evening, Kieran.” She turned to Valerian. “Do you feel ready to try walking?”

shrugged, but he couldn’t hide his anxiety from her.

heartily tired of sitting around so much. Someday I’ll be able to wear a wooden
leg, but until that time I’ve got to build up my strength.”

handed the crutches to Valerian and then stood back. Valerian took a deep
breath and pulled himself upright. He positioned the crosspieces under his arms.
But they were too short, and he had to lean forward. He took a careful step,
then another, and began to lose his balance. Kieran and Drew jumped forward to
steady him.

a few minutes, he tried again. This time he found his balance. He walked to the
other side of the room, made a wide turn and started back to his chair.

very graceful, is it? But at least I’m moving under my own power.”

Valerian reached the chair, everyone remained silent while he carefully turned
and lowered himself into it.

he said. “That was an adventure.”

are too short, as I feared.” Kieran grimaced. “Do ye want Master Murray to have
some taller ones made?”

if I’ll have to use crutches often.” Valerian sighed.

gripped his hand again.

you have a wooden leg and learn to balance yourself, you shouldn’t need
crutches often, but it would be a good idea to have them at hand.”
think of them as a tool

. Valerian
sighed again. “Very well, Kieran.”

squire nodded, saluting.

I’ll speak to Master Murray, first thing.”


woke suddenly, alert but disoriented. He’d had a vivid dream, but now he couldn’t
recall anything about it. Had the dragons appeared? Was there any threat
lurking? Of course, he knew there would always be problems to solve in
Levathia, whether human or otherwise.

sat up, listening for Merry across the hall, but she must still be sleeping. No
sound came from the other rooms, either. Was he the only one awake?

the crutches Kieran had left beside the bed, Valerian walked to the garderobe
by himself. The weakness that had plagued him for nearly a fortnight was gone. There
was no reason he couldn’t get around, at least on flat surfaces, using the

no stumbling, Valerian managed to dress himself and braid his hair. He opened
the door to the solar and Kieran, Drew, and Rafael were putting away their cots.
When they saw him, they came closer. All three wore pleased looks.

is it?” Valerian couldn’t help but smile at them.

Sire,” said Kieran. “After ye went to sleep, Master Murray himself paid a visit.
Since we didna want to wake ye, he showed us what to do.” He paused

What is it?”

you like to eat first, Your Highness?” Drew stifled a smile.

I couldn’t possibly eat now that you’ve so piqued my curiosity.” Valerian glanced
from Drew to Kieran. Finally, he turned to Rafael. “Won’t you at least tell me
what’s going on?”

quivered, unable to keep the secret.

have a wooden leg now,” the boy said, grinning.

bade him sit down. Rafael took the crutches while Kieran and Drew attached the
leg to Valerian’s stump, as Master Murray had shown them.

does it feel, Sire?” asked Drew.

won’t really know until I stand on it.” Valerian’s heart pounded.
he prayed,
let me stay upright at least

backed away, but not too far. Valerian took a deep breath and stood. For the
first time since he’d lost the leg, he felt tall. He slowly put weight on the
wooden leg, feeling for his balance. Then carefully, thinking through every
movement, he took a step forward, then another. He understood now why Ruddy had
been so grateful to have kept the knee joint; it did make the mechanics of
walking much easier. Oh, how he had taken this freedom of movement for granted!

the time he’d completed a circuit of the room, Valerian began to feel more
confident, but not so much that he would risk walking any faster. It was enough
that he could walk again. And that meant—

Are you awake?

love. I have something to show you

is helping me dress, and I will be right over

turned to his faithful squires and his new brother.

be back.”

nodded with a knowing look.

must be awake.”

himself, Valerian walked to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the hall.
He went more slowly on the stone floor, since it was uneven in places, until he
stood before the door to his old rooms. He had just lifted his fist to knock,
when the door opened. Merry gazed up into his eyes.

think you have grown, my beautiful prince.” She stepped into the hall, facing
him. He held out his hands to her, and she took them.

I have grown, it is in my love for you.” Valerian smiled. “I know it cannot be
today, but now that I can walk, I’m ready whenever we can be married.”

speak to the queen this morning. I’m sure everything can be made ready by

Truly?” The pulse pounded in his head.

Your mother has been so happy organizing details as if I were her own daughter.
I know she’s kept her ladies busy every day of your recovery.”

. He let go of her
hands and gently cupped her face.

one more night alone
Her eyes shone with happy tears.

kissed Merry gently, as he had the very first time. He didn’t trust himself to
do more. Just that sweet touch was enough to send lightning through his body,
and he had to let her go and take a step back. Merry must have felt the same,
for she backed against the wall, her face flushed.

a good thing we will be very busy today, I think.” She smiled coyly. “It will
make the time pass more quickly.”

quickly enough
He ached to hold her in his arms, but he dared not.

would rather spend every moment in your company, but I must speak to the queen.”
Merry backed toward Queen Winifred’s door, unwilling to turn away from him.

watched her until she entered his mother’s rooms.

God Most High, I bless you for such a precious and beloved wife. Please help me
be a good husband so her joys will always be greater than her sorrows


day did pass quickly, and the evening as well. Kieran and Drew invited the men
of Valerian’s first command to his rooms to share a simple meal and toast him
on his last night of bachelorhood. Since the only one of the group who had been
married was Sir Gregory, Valerian took him aside while the others talked and
laughed together.

Gregory, I have a difficult question to ask you, and I’m not sure how to begin.”
Valerian had apparently worn his wooden leg too long that day, for it chafed
his stump. He beckoned the knight to be seated with him in a corner of the

think I know what’s troubling you, Your Highness.” Gregory smiled knowingly. “I
was nervous the night before my wedding.”

were?” Could it be there was nothing wrong with him, after all?

BOOK: Mercy's Prince
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