Mercy's Debt (Montgomery's Vampires Series Book One) (17 page)

BOOK: Mercy's Debt (Montgomery's Vampires Series Book One)
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Robert attempted
to pull back as he released his seed, but I sucked relentlessly, harder and harder until he relinquished control. I wanted-
- to taste him, and he gratified my cravings by spurting down my throat unreservedly. His liquid surged out like lava, and I drank on him ravenously until he was dry.

He pulled out of my mouth and, amazingly, he remained stiff.

“An advantage of vampirism,” he said huskily, clasping his erection.

I smiled up at him impishly,
opening my legs and exposing myself to him in a silent invitation for him to take me. He gazed down into my eyes with burning intensity, driving himself into me.
He pumped at my insides fervently, his thrusts quickening as our groans increased. I wrapped my legs tightly around him, telling him that he was the best that I’d ever had.
Oh, and how I meant it.
He groaned in agreement as I pushed him deeper into me.

“I need to feel you come inside me!” I cried. With his final thrusts, Robert reached climax; my quaking interior tightened around him as we came in unison.

We rolled on our sides and remained still for a few minutes
, softly panting until our breathing steadied. He pulled out of me, then, and I sighed blissfully. I pulled on my panties, catching his buttery fluid, and curled up against his wide chest.

I threw
an arm over his magnificently chiseled torso. I couldn’t recall a single moment in my life when I’d felt more cared for by a man.

He stroked my hair, humming quietly under his breath.
I stared up at the ceiling, blinking lazily.

“What will happen now?” I

He puckered his brow
. “Well, I was hoping that you would now be with me. In a permanent relationship, I mean. I do not want any woman other than you, Mercy.” He looked down at me intently and kissed the corners of my mouth.

And you’re the only man that I want,” I assured him. “But that’s not what I meant.”

Are you referring to me…?” He looked into my eyes with seriousness. “I am sorry, my dear, but I am unable to impregnate any woman- human or vampire.”

“What? No,” I smiled. “Not
. I figured as much.”

“Then what are we discussing?”

I smiled coyly. “I’m sure that
is going to happen, but I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t ask.”

He sat up on an elbow. “Okay?”

“Well, back when you, uh, bit me earlier… Is it going to ‘do’ anything to me?”

He threw back his head and chortled.

“Don’t make fun,” I pouted, lightly slapping his solid thigh. “Obviously I’m aware that I’m
not going to become a vampire are anything, but will I experience any side effects? Like, I don’t know, am I going to get sunburned when I go outside or have super human strength?”

He raised his eyebrows. “And you are just
asking me this? What if my bite
turned you into a vampire?”

“Well, I didn’t actually think that it
.” I sniffed. “I just kind of got caught up in the moment,” I chuckled. “And I’ve always wondered what your vampy bite would feel like.”

“And how did
it feel?” he asked in a curious voice.

“Indescribable,” I simply stated.

He thought this over and then smiled. “
Well, you have nothing to worry your pretty head over.” It was comical, seeing him so lovey-dovey. He kissed me on the forehead. “The only way a human can be turned is if they are first bitten by a vampire, and then they drink the vampire’s blood in return.”

I laughed.

“What is so funny?”

like the movies.”

He smiled. “
Yes. Hollywood has gotten some things correct. Other legends, like vampires being terrified of crucifixes, are pure conjecture.”

“How long does it usually take?
To turn from a human into a vampire?”

“It is
different for everyone,” he said thoughtfully. “As you know, for me it was two days. But I have heard that some humans can change within a few hours. Women usually cross over faster than men, which I have always found strange when taking the complexities of the female body into consideration.”

really strange,” I agreed. “Does it hurt when you transform?”

“I have heard other vampires describe it as excruciating,
an agony unlike any that they experienced as a human. I do remember Leopold’s bite. But the change I do not recall, as I was nearly dead from tuberculosis when I became vampire.”

You know, I’d like to meet Leopold someday,” I said, changing the subject. It disturbed me to think of Robert’s suffering.

“I am certain he would like to meet you as well.”

“That’s too bad
about the no strength as a side effect thing, though,” I beamed, feeling the delayed sting of his bite on my inner thigh. I touched the area where his teeth his had gone down into my flesh; there were two crusty little circles of dried blood. “I was looking forward to entering a few arm-wrestling competitions.”

I flexed my
bicep, which looked pitifully scrawny next to his tree trunk arms.

He shook his head and chuckled. “You have a better chance at competitive eating.”

I laughed. I liked it when he referenced our earlier conversations. It showed that he’d been listening.

“You’re just jealous of my brawn,” I said jokingly. I picked my dress u
p off the floor and threw it over my head.

“Where are you going?”
He looked panicked. “You are not leaving me, are you?”

Wild horses couldn’t steal me away from this beautiful man.

” I smiled. “But since I now know that I won’t be changing into vampire any time soon, I need to take care of a few human matters. Where is the, uh…?” I looked towards the door.

It seemed ridiculous, feeling shy about telling him that I needed to pee. The man had just sampled my blood for God’s sake.

“Oh, right,” he said quickly. “Unfortunately, I do not have any bathroom facilities in my sleeping chamber, as vampires have no need for them. The closest restroom is up the stairs and down the hall. It is the first door on the left.” He paused. “I will ensure that one is installed for you very soon.”

“You would install a toilet just for me?” I
gushed. It was strangely romantic.

Of course,” he stated. “Anything for you, Mercy.”

I went upstairs to do my business, whistling the same tune I’d heard Robert hum

I wasn’t usually prone to flights of fancy, but I swiftly concluded that I was undeniably in love with the vampire. And I was going to tell him tha
t very thing as soon as I snuggled back into his arms.

In the bathroom
, I stood before the vast marble sink and splashed water on my face. My mascara, which now clung to my lashes like tiny black clumps of dirt, required something stronger than water to remove it. It stung my eyes, and I squinted, moving my hand over the surface of the sink until I located a bar of soap in a metal dish.

I washed and dried my face, which
depressed me unexpectedly. I thought of Liz and our bathroom rituals, and suddenly burst into tears. I sank down back against the wall, and pulled up my knees, having myself a good, old-fashioned cry.

When my tears ended
, I reached up and ripped off a wad of toilet paper from the roll on the wall.

Something in the soap d
ish glittered, catching my eye. I got to me feet and pulled the object from the dish and rinsed it off.

I dropped the ring-
Liz’s ring
- on the counter and exhaled sharply. I took a step back, as if it emitted poisonous gas. Without warning, I vomited into the sink.

I rinsed out my mouth and paced around the bathroom. I had to get moving, or else Rob
ert would send Carl to check on me.

to be a reasonable explanation for the ring. But I simply couldn’t think of one.

I had to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.



My vision turned tunnel as I clomped gracelessly down the stairs.

I entered the sleeping chamber
, holding Liz’s ring out before me like a smoking gun.

” I began woodenly, “I’m going to give you one chance to tell me the truth.”

His eyes looked frightened and confused, as if he worried that I’d gone mad during my ten-minute absence.

I ignored him.
“What-did-you-do-last-night?” I questioned him slowly, carefully, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

“I already
told you…” he said, focusing on the piece of jewelry in my hand. “I only worked. What
that?” he asked, bewildered.

“Oh, like you don’t
know, you liar!” I screamed. I hurled the ring at him with all my might and it hit him square in the face. “Why is Liz’s ring here? You tell me why, Robert!”

“Oh, shit,” he moaned.
It was the first time I’d ever heard him use profanity. It sounded unnatural coming from his mouth. “Please, let me explain. Mercy, it is not what you think.”

Why did you kill her?” I sobbed.
“How could you leave her dead on the ground like that? Was it my punishment for avoiding you?”

“What? No! You have it all wrong.”

“Is that why you’ve been tormenting me, following me around? Those were
footprints outside my bedroom window, not Mathew’s! You… You killed Raquel! Your own fiancé!” I screamed madly. “Did you kill the other chaperones, too? Penelope? I’m just like her, aren’t I, Robert?”

“No! Please, listen to me!”

Enraged beyond the point of rational thought, I yanked down the top of my dress, exposing my neck to him. “Is this what you were after?” I screamed. “Go ahead, then, you bastard! Go ahead and do it!”

“Mercy, please listen.
Please!” He took a deep breath. “Yes, Liz did come here last night.”

A horrifying possibility
suddenly occurred to me. “Did you…
her?” I whispered. After what I’d gone through at the end if my relationship with Mathew, infidelity was on par with murder in my book.

“No! Of course not! She came over to talk about you, that is all. I swear. She left right after her boyfriend called. I had Carl drop her off.”

“What?” I asked, feeling betrayed. “I don’t believe you. Liz would never do that to me.”

“She did not
anything to you, Mercy. I called your phone last night looking for you, and she answered. I had to plead with her before she agreed to come over. All we did was talk about you. That is all. She gave me advice about you.”


Liz loved you. She was only trying to help. She wanted you to be happy. I am terribly sorry that I lied to you, but I was at a loss. I did not know what to do, and you were not making things any easier by refusing to answer my calls.”

“Oh, so now this is
fault?” I bellowed. “How dare you!”

That is not what I meant! I just want you to believe me. Liz was in one piece when she left here. I asked Carl to make sure that she made it into the apartment.”

“Well, he obviously didn
’t wait long enough!” I wasn’t sure what I believed anymore. The sudden revelation about Liz’s visit caught me off-guard.

He assured me that he did. He said she waved him off.”

“You expect me to
trust you after you lied about everything, after you followed me around, after you did some sort of
reconnaissance mission
into my personal life?” I hissed.

He reached for my hand. “You have to believe me.
I love you.”

I recoiled
from his touch. “Don’t you come near me! And don’t you dare try to use
love at a time like this! I thought maybe I could love you, too, but you’re nothing more than a bloodsucking monster!”

“Mercy, please…”

“You tell me, Robert, if you aren’t guilty of anything, then why did you lie about what you did list night? Why did you have to go and lie to me? You’re as bad as Mathew. I trusted you! Now you just make my skin crawl. I will never be yours. Not

Do not say that, Mercy! I cannot lose you again, not after I finally got you back.”

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