Mercy F*uck (21 page)

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Authors: K. S. Adkins

BOOK: Mercy F*uck
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Watching her sleep was fast becoming an obsession. It’s also the only time she fully let her guard down. When she shifts, she clutches me and I liked to believe it’s because she needed me close. Running my fingers through her hair I whispered, “What’s holding you back from me, Drew?” Because something was.

“Fear,” she said softly and I felt her breath on my chest.


“Losing you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I vowed to her.

“Nine years ago I thought the same thing, only I ran before getting answers. I’ve run so long, that I don’t know if I have what it takes to stop.”

“The question is; do you want to stop?”

“Yes,” A single word that said everything.

“Then I trust you to know when to stop.”


Eventually I was going to have to explain Carrie in more detail, but with Drew grinding on my cock, now was not that time. Keeping pace with her was not easy, the woman could fuck. With her fingers dug deep in my shoulders, dress around her waist, still wearing those heels and sweat coating her skin, she rode me hard.

The house was quiet. No music, no TV, just us.

It was pushing four a.m. but neither of us were close to sleep. She was high from the opening and I was high on her.

Throwing her head back she cries out, “Spank me.”

The slap was crisp, her moan, long and beautiful.

“Again,” she begs on a wail.

This one was harder, louder, and her moan echoed off the bare walls.

“Tight,” I say grabbing her hips. “I’m in there, Drew.”

“Watch me fuck you,” she says palming her tits. “Watch me fuck your cock.”

“God damn,” I groan watching her work me. “Harder, Drew.”

“You like this pussy?”

“Love it,” I groan taking a nipple in my mouth.

Arching back, she works her hips and watches me suck on her nipples. Digging my fingers deeper into her hips to keep her still, I confess, “Love
, Drew.”

Slowing down and with the softest look on her face she whispers, “I love you, Axle.”

“Don’t say it if –”

“I love you with everything I am.”

“Fuck. Truly?”

“Yes, truly.  As much as I tried to forget you, leave you in the past, I never quite managed it.”

“When? When did it happen?”

“The second I tuned back in,” she says softly. “When I saw your profile, I saw you holding a drink and laughing with my dad. When you searched for me in the crowd. The past didn’t matter, the hurt didn’t either. I saw you and realized I loved you then, I loved you now, and I’ll love you always. I’m done running. Consider my track shoes, pitched.”

“My woman loves me,” I growl lifting her up with me and taking her to the bed and spreading her out. “Fuck, I waited a long time to hear you to say that.”

“You had to know,” she says looping her arms around my neck.

“I knew it’s what you wanted to say back then,” I admit coming to kneel between her legs. “But hearing it now…”

“Yeah,” she smiles for me.

“I don’t want to fuck anymore, Drew.”

“Tell me you’re joking, Austin Pounds-her,” she frowns which was adorable.

Taking myself in hand and lining up, I tell her, “I want to make love to you, sandwich maker.”

“Oh,” she sniffs. “Okay then.”

Just before sliding in I promise her, “You won’t regret loving me.”

“Axle,” she moans deep. “The only regret I have was not turning back around.”

“I shouldn’t have let you go.”

“You couldn’t have stopped me.”

“But now I’ve caught you and I’m not above cuffing your ass.” Lowering my head, I kiss her, pouring everything I was into it. Latching on to me, I slide inside of Drew and proceed to make love to her. Deeply, with each surge bringing us closer to the edge, we watch each other come. This was the second time in my life that Drew gave me a gift. There were no barriers, no concrete, and she’d stopped running.

Next up, making shit legal

Lying in my arms, with her leg thrown over mine, I kiss her temple. “What’s on your mind?” she asks curling into me.

“Carrie,” I sigh knowing it was time to talk it out.

“Would you like to try that again or do you want me to nut you?”

“She has issues, Drew.”

“We all do.”

“The reason I’m telling you this is, she’s a clinger. At first you want to help her because you feel sorry for her but then she hangs on so tight you can’t breathe. Just when you catch your breath, she tries killing herself so she can choke the life out of you all over again.”


“Fuck,” I groan unsure how to answer. “I don’t know. I mean, she tried a few times while we were married and really went for it when I filed. As long as I took her back, she was happy, she was level. Trust me, it didn’t take much to send her over the edge. Pills, she took a shit load of ‘em, but nothing lethal. Just enough to guilt me into sticking around.”

“Fuck me,” she mumbles at the news.

“Carrie does not need a hero, Drew. She wouldn’t know a hero if it bit her in the ass. Me, Tiny, who the fuck ever, are crutches for her. She needs to learn to stand on her own. She always refused help. Said as long as I stayed, she’d change for me and I was all the help she needed.”

“Not good,” she says sitting up. “Tiny is all about her.”

“Women like her make a man feel useful. Women like her also wear a man down. You can’t love someone who can’t love themselves. I didn’t give a shit about her but her parents gave even less of a shit than I did. She is not stable and she is also not our problem either. Neither of us want to be around when that shit blows up.”

“Fair enough,” she says settling back into me. “I’m sorry you went through that.”

“I didn’t help matters,” I admit quietly. “When she’d go all dark on me, I’d tell her, if she were you I wouldn’t be dealing with that shit. Because you handled your shit and that she could learn from you.”


“Punished her for not being you, Drew, and that’s on me.”

“We’re going to have to work on the guilt you’re carrying, Axle. Enough is enough.”

“Yeah,” I mumble knowing she was right.

“On a lighter note,” she says kissing my chest. “What did you think of Legacy?”

“Besides being the inspiration behind it?”

“Oh here we go,” she laughs. “Yes, captain modest, besides that.”

“Speaking of nicknames. I’m going to start calling you Midas since everything you touch turns to gold.”

Wrapping her hand around my cock she sits up, leans in licking the crown and asks, “Everything, huh?” before taking me into her mouth.




A man who knows his way around a grocery store is sexy.

A man who can also plan a meal and cook might be getting a blow job on the ride back too.

“What’s with the look?” he asked with a cocky grin.

“I’m horny,” I shrugged easily.

“Yeah, I know,” he groaned. “You started looking at me like that when I was picking peppers.”

Since the Impala didn’t have seat belts, I face him and stare at his crotch practically salivating.

“You want to suck my dick while I drive, don’t you?”

“Axle,” I said biting my lip. “I want to suck you so bad I could steer your ride with the back of my head right now.” For the record, the blow job and dinner were both delicious.



Through Gadget, Axle found a bad ass bounty hunter who needed work with little supervision.

Wait, I should rephrase; he refused supervision of any kind.

Since Axle was never there, this suited him perfectly.

While he was at his shop meeting the prospect, I came to
The Hole
to do inventory. Shane went up north with his friends, I had no deliveries expected and was embracing the quiet when I look up to see Carrie waving to me from the window. Swear to God, she looked like Puss in Boots from Shrek with those eyes beseeching me.


“Clinger, my ass,” I mumble making my way over. “Try stalker.”

Releasing the lock, I push the door open and ask her, “What’s doing, Carrie?”

“Can I, um, talk to you?”


“Axle,” she says then rushes out, “And Tiny too.”

“Sure,” I say throwing it open. “Why the fuck not.”

Right on my heels, I round the bar and tell her to “Stay,” on the other side. Like a puppy, she did.

I really gotta get me one of those…

“Alright,” I say prompting her. “Start talking.”

“Has Axle told you about me? About what’s wrong with me?”

“He doesn’t know what exactly
wrong with you.”

“We didn’t talk much or ever really. Thing is, I’m manic depressive,” she admits staring at her feet. “Part of my therapy has been learning to talk about it.  Which is why I came here to tell you two things.”

“And they are?”

“I’m fully committed to treatment. I’m more in control now and I won’t let this hurt Tiny. He knows everything and even comes to therapy with me twice a week. It was wrong of me to use my problems against Axle to make him stay. I like Tiny, Drew, and if Axle doesn’t want me around I don’t blame him; but one day I would like to apologize if he’d let me. That’s why I showed up here. The need to apologize is burning in my gut.”

“That’s up to him,” I make clear. “And I’m telling you now, if you plan to be around it’s for Tiny. Because if this is some bullshit play to get closer to Axle, I will shut you down,” I say leaning in close. “Painfully.”

“I swear,” she says with her entire body. “It’s not.”

“Glad we cleared that up.”

“I used to try to be like you,” she tosses out. “He told me about you, told me I’d never be like you. But I tried…for him. He never let me near his Impala either. He said the empty seat was reserved.”

“Fuck,” I groan at hearing this. “You’re making this weird, don’t make this weird.”

“When I was trying to be like you, that’s when I should have been proud to be me.”

“Still weird.”

“You are everything he said you were,” she positively smiles and ok, it was cute. “I’m glad you two found each other again.”

“Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?”

“All the time,” she grins and right then I could see, even if it wasn’t love, what Axle saw in her. In his time of need, Axle had found comfort. The woman was a people pleaser, poor thing. If she stuck around, I’d be curing her of that disease. Pouring us each a shot, I slide her one down the bar and was half listening to her babble, half wondering when I could get him naked again when I heard it.

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