Read Mercy F*uck Online

Authors: K. S. Adkins

Mercy F*uck (15 page)

BOOK: Mercy F*uck
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“Sometimes it takes balls to be a woman and, baby, you have a pair to envy.” ~Mom


For the last two nights I’d been staying at Axle’s. More appropriately, I was working from his bed because we screwed so much I was too tired to leave it. He fed me, showered with me, and we spooned a lot. When it was time to work he hooked up his fax and scanner which allowed me to stay on track. Asking all the right questions, providing help when I needed it, I was able to be efficient and lazy at the same time. With the soft opening right around the corner and other matters needing my attention, Axle declared himself my right hand. When he wasn’t using it to give me orgasms, he used it to take on tasks that would normally eat up hours of my time so I could focus on other things.

The Hole
didn’t steal time from me because it was only operated two nights a week.  At this point, I saw no need to inform my staff of my boat’s demise. Nor was I going to inform them that as far as whoever blew it up was concerned, I was dead.

Being dead meant I had no eyes on me for the time being and I was taking advantage. Keeping the guys in the dark, in my mind, was keeping them safe. I had no idea who wanted me or rather us, out of the picture, and until I did, I wasn’t saying shit. If my guys caught wind of this; they’d either lock me in a closet or start calling in favors to the wrong people to help me. I didn’t need the bullshit, so silence was gold.
As much as I was enjoying having Axle to myself, having these quiet moments to get to know him again, I knew it was temporary.  

Tonight I had to work and true to his word, Axle was determined to sling drinks with me. Though, I was secretly hoping he was coming because he wanted to spend more time with me.

After sending off the last of the signed contracts, vendor orders, and insurance paperwork, we showered, had lunch and left together in the Impala.


We were holding hands when we walked in. But when I saw Shane was standing at the bar with his head hung low, I squeezed his fingers in warning and he squeezed mine back. Axle understood.  Killing the security panel alerted him to our presence and the first thing I saw was his busted up face. “Explain,” I order him. “And do not spare any details.”

“Drew,” Axle tried but I wasn’t giving Shane a chance to punk out. It was time for me to draw the line and giving Shane sympathy wasn’t the way to go. The kid needed to come clean and he would be doing that now.

“Uh uh,” I snap. “What happened to you, Shane.”

“Met up with some friends last night,” he whispers in shame. “He found me.”

“He did this in front of your friends?”

“No. He waited until I was alone.”

“Did you fight back?” Axle asked gently.

“Tried to,” he laughed bitterly. “Landed one, a solid one like you showed me and then he tazed me before I could throw another.”

“He tazed you?” I roared while Axle held me still. “He fucking tazed you?”


“Why didn’t you call me?”

“Not your problem. You’ve done enough for me. You don’t need this shit too.”

“What did I tell you would happen if he touched you again?” I say turning him to face me and the look of despair gutted me. I had to fix this, now.

“You’re not killing my dad, Drew.”

Instead of arguing with him I asked, “Are you up for working tonight?”


“Okay then,” I exhale hard. “You’ll be behind the bar with me and Axle. Cool?”


“Look at me, Shane,” I order him and when he does, I feel Axle place his hand on my lower back in a show of support. “I’m not that much older than you, but I learned shit young. I had parents who led by example but they did so with love. You haven’t had that, but you have us now. You lean on family, Shane, you lean on me, you lean on Axle. You do not carry this burden on your own.” When I saw I had his attention I pushed harder. “Do you want more time with Axle out back?”

“Yeah,” he confesses quietly.

“Do you like your place upstairs? Your place here at the bar?”

“Yeah,” and fuck me, he sniffled.

“Good answer,” I say pulling him in for a rare hug. Rare in that I didn’t give them out often. “That place, this bar…us. We’re your sanctuary, Shane. I promise you that. He won’t touch you again.” I knew by the look of relief on his face that he finally believed me.

“Let’s fuck some shit up,” Axle says clapping Shane on the back and I watched them head outside together. The rest of my staff wouldn’t be here for several hours so I took the quiet time to reflect, to plan, and to make a call.

When he answered I kept it simple.

“Long time,” Gadget answers on the second ring. Gadget, AKA Gage Kane, was a lot of things. Assassin for hire was one of those things. But before I went that route I needed his other skill.

“I’ve got a cop up my ass.”

“Sounds unpleasant.”

“It is,” I assure him. “But this call is about his kid. His grown ass kid who he beats the living shit out of at his leisure. He’s come to my place and caused trouble, which I handled it like a boss. However, he took shit to the next level when my boat blew up with me almost inside of it. And you know how much I liked my boat, Gadget. I don’t do dirty pool.”

“The Regal?” he bellows on my behalf. “The motherfucker blew your shit up?”


“What else?”

“He got a hold of him again last night, despite my warning. I have him on video assaulting me but that won’t take me far, legally. He’s a cop, Gadget. A dirty cop who abuses his kid.”

“I need a name,” he demands and I gave it to him. “Time frame?” I gave him that too.

“Whatever the fee, I’ll pay it. Money is not an issue for me.”

“Least of my worries. Camo and I will look into this together.”

That was one hell of a pledge because his wife, Camo, was a firecracker. Gadget used to be quite the man whore, one I never slept with, never wanted to either, thank fuck. He always reminded me of Axle (minus being a man whore). But his heart, no, his soul, had always belonged to her. And nowadays when she feels like throwing down, they come in and tear the place apart, together.  They called it date night and it was seriously fucking cute. Looking over my shoulder to the man out back, I wondered if I was his heart and soul.
One thing at a time, Drew

“Tell her I said hi and remember I need Intel first, Gadget. Tussling with a cop is a big leap, even for me.”

“Not for us. She’d love to work this asshole over and I’d like to watch.”

“Yes well, I’m a rookie next to you two.”

“You’ve helped us out over the years, Drew. More than you know. I also know you’re keeping this prick alive for his boy, but if shit gets serious…”

“Then we forego the shit.”

“I’ll be in touch,” and then he was gone.

Axle was behind me. Lightly gripping the back of my neck, he tilts my head back and asked, “Who’s Gadget?”

“Please don’t get jealous about Gadget. He’s a friend and he’s very married.”

“I’m not jealous, Drew. I’m territorial. Jealous is wanting something that isn’t yours. Territorial is protecting what’s already yours. In case you missed it, you’re mine and this is the shit you include your man in so he doesn’t
kill people

“I’m yours?” I all but whispered because the words felt good.  “Wait, you’re my man?”

“You’re my woman. That makes me your man, does it not?”

“Yes, but you kind of ordered it,” I point out. “I thought this was something we talked about.”

“We’re not kids anymore. We don’t talk about it; we just do it. Been waiting to do it for nine God damn years, Drew. So no, I’m not asking, because there’s nothing to ask. It just is.” Thinking on that, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” he asks slapping my ass.

“I have a boyfriend.”

“And that’s funny why?”

“I’ve never had a boyfriend,” I admit. “At twenty-eight it sounds funny saying
. Maybe I should say manfriend or steadycock?”

“You’re serious,” he says lifting me up and setting me on the bar top. “You haven’t, have you?”

“No. I haven’t.”

“I’m your first,” he smiled wide and I melted. “

“Jesus,” I fake groan. “Who knew it was possible your chest could get

“Your man,” he says biting my nipple through my t-shirt. “Call me your man. Say it, Drew.”

My man

Two words I never thought I would say but had to admit liked the way they sounded.




“Women who behave rarely make history, Axle.”

“Did you just come up with that?”

“Fuck no,” she giggled. “Now can we go cause trouble?”


I could not bartend.

I could not even pretend that I had the skill.

Luckily, Drew found this funny and Shane, who did have the skill, covered my ass.

While I may not be bartender material, I was having the time of my life with her.

She made it look easy and I was in awe of her. I was in awe with everything about her.

Customers came from all over to see her, talk to her, and drink in her place. This place had no labels, no social bullshit. Here, everyone that showed was on neutral ground. She did something no one else has ever done, at least not like this. She brought people together. Execs, bikers, gang bangers, other bar owners and even the fucking hipsters. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, did not matter to her. Drew treated each the same, with respect. She was a people person and most did not know this like I did. She hid it behind her
bad ass don’t fuck with me
attitude but I knew her, I knew the real her. Which was why it didn’t surprise me she had an assassin on speed dial.

Drew Zelinski knew everyone and people were drawn to her. Especially the nut jobs.


“I suck at this,” I say tossing the bar rag. This was the fifth bottle I’ve busted in an hour.

“I need to start paying you,” she grins taking a sip of her beer.


“So I can take the profit you’re costing me out of your check.”

The smirk on her face told me, she was enjoying this. “Smart ass,” I mumble. “When does this place slow down?”

Letting out a roar of laughter I have not seen in too long, she sobers and says, “We haven’t hit the rush yet, honey.”

…She’s never called me that before. “Hands down,” I say tugging her t-shirt so I could see her tits. “Sexiest thing living and breathing and she’s my woman.”

“She’s also your boss,” she snaps haughtily but I saw her face soften for me. “And when we hit max capacity I’m going to fire you and then hire you to bounce.”

“You trust me not to go too far?” I ask tugging her top again. “Don’t want to piss off Tiny or Fudge.”

“Tiny would be grateful and Fudge, despite his welcoming demeanor, will appreciate the help.”

“What’s that guy’s story?” I ask glancing over at him.

“You mean the chip permanently attached? It’s earned, believe me. Did time for a crime he didn’t commit, came home to literally nothing and realized he had two choices. Work or go back to prison for a crime he did, in fact commit. The previous owner hired him, same man that hired me. We’re like a shelter for pissed off humans, we take them all in.”

“I get Fudge, Shane, and Luis, but explain Tiny to me because I don’t get it.”

“I felt sorry for him,” she said looking his way. “I thought I could toughen him up but I can’t, he’s truly a gentle giant and come on, he’s pretty adorable.”

“He’s a bouncer who can’t bounce, Drew.”

“I know,” she groaned watching Tiny take in the crowd from the corner where he was hidden. “But he needed a job. He’s actually transferring over to a restaurant I own. Turns out he can cook and I mean
so I approached him about it and he accepted.”

BOOK: Mercy F*uck
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