MENAGE: Triple Obsession (MMF Bisexual Menage Romance Collection) (New Adult Taboo Menage Romance Short Stories) (3 page)

BOOK: MENAGE: Triple Obsession (MMF Bisexual Menage Romance Collection) (New Adult Taboo Menage Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter 5 Beach House Fun


We go for a quick bite to eat at a bistro close by, but I don't have much of an appetite tonight, well not for food anyway. After a few glasses of wine, we walk hand in hand to a Dante’s beach house, and our very own private party.

The place is amazing, right on the beach, with magnificent views of the sea. Antonio passes me a glass of wine. “enjoy the view, Nessy, while Dante and I change into something more comfortable.”

I can’t imagine what could be more comfortable than the slacks and loose t-shirts they already have on. I’m too engrossed in the fascinating view to give it much thought. Wow, its just breath takingly beautiful. Looking out of huge wall sized window doors, that open up onto the beach, I almost wish the girls were here to enjoy this scenery, almost.

I hear the guys come back into the room and turn to compliment them on the view, when I’m greeted by a different, but just as stunning view. Both the guys are stark naked, wearing nothing but huge grins on their faces. I’m so stunned I nearly drop my glass of wine.

“Come, Nessy, we go take a dip,” Dante tells me.

I’m not sure what to do, I’ve always been conscious of my naked body, its curves and folds of fat. Could I get naked in front of these two glorious guys, should I do it? My mind is a whirl with decisions. Dante runs by me, opening up the glass patio door and going out onto the beach, running across the sand until he reaches the sea. I can’t help but stare at his naked buttocks, watching his muscles tense and relax as he runs. I hear the waves and smell the salt, and I feel like I want in, but I’m just not sure. My body isn’t exactly, well, I suppose it is curvaceous, but not...

“Nessy,” I hear Antonio’s voice whisper close to my ear. I can smell his musky aroma and feel his warm breath. “Come play with us, we want to love you.”

Well, how can a girl resist an invitation like that? I hesitantly start to strip off in front of Antonio. He watches appreciatively, helping me remove some of my clothes until I’m naked, in front of him. I hold my hand across my breasts, with the other covering my lightly haired mons. I’ve never stood naked before, in front of a man, and I’m still a bit reluctant to expose everything to his gaze.

“Sei una grande bella donna,” Antonio says, huskily, before reaching over and pulling my arms to my sides, so I’m completely exposed to him.

“I love your body, Nessy,” he says, “don’t hide it from me.”

Seeing the look of pleasure on Antonio’s face, that and his growing erection, was liberating, and I lost all sense of self consciousness as he stares at my nakedness.

“Come,” he says, grabbing hold of my hand, “Dante will be worried he is missing out.”

He leads me through the door, across the beach, and into the water where Dante is waiting for us.

That hour in the sea was one of the happiest times of my life. A moonlight beach, warm barmy sea and two gorgeous Italian hunks, who truly loved what I am.

After a wonderful time splashing about in the waves, we make our way back to the house, hand in hand and naked, the moonlight glinting off our bodies. I have never felt so alive. 

Dante pours us drinks, and Antonio leads me to a bedroom, the bed is huge and round and we easily fit on it together, with room to spare. I wonder to myself how many other women Antonio and Dante have entertained in this bed, but I really don't care at this moment, it’s me that’s here now, no one else.

I’m a little nervous, this is my first ménage à trois and I’m unsure what to do, but the boys waste no time and soon start the action.

Antonio kisses me firmly on the lips, pressing his tongue into my mouth, he tastes wonderful and I greedily suck on it, savoring his flavor. My lips suck his tongue deeper into my mouth, and my own tongue lashes at it, wantonly.

Dante, determined not to be left out, pushes my breast together and is greedily sucking on the nipples, his mouth going from one to the other, occasionally nipping them with his teeth. The pain is glorious and it sends shivers of lust through my body. I am completely theirs now, I will do anything and everything they ask of me. The thought of my total submission starts a fire deep inside of me, and I can feel the familiar burning sensation between my legs.

We are a tangle of arms and legs as we intermingle with each other, lips and tongues sucking, biting and tasting each others bodies. I’m not sure who’s stiff shaft I have in my hand as I squeeze and rub the glans with my thumb, sticky with fluid, but it didn't really matter as soon I have one in the other hand too. Stiff maleness throbbing between my fingers, it is heaven.

I feel a tongue slithering down my body, who’s I don't know, and neither do I care. Its destination clear as it passes my navel, poking it quickly before moving on, down over my mons until it reaches the end of its journey. My legs are prized apart and the tongue dips into my wetness, causing me to moan loudly in pure pleasure as lips suck on my clitoris and the folds of my labia. The tongue lathes the full length of my slit. The pleasure is intense and I open my legs wider as he presses deeper into my mound.

Fingers tweak at my nipples, stretching them and twisting them, painfully delicious, these two guys are opening me up to new sensations I never thought I could ever experience.

A firm pair of hands hold me by the waist and pull me over, so I’m straddling someone, when I look down I see it’s Antonio, his faced buried between my breasts that are hanging down, smothering him, his erection probing at my pussy. I push back onto his spear and it slips easily into my wetness.

We start a rhythm together in unison, slowly at first, but steadily building up speed, two people joined in passion. I had almost forgotten about Dante, until I feel his presence behind me, his erection poking at my ass cheeks. Suddenly, on his downward stroke, Antonio withdraws completely from me, but I’m not left empty for long before he is quickly replaced with Dante, from behind, his erection sliding deep into my vagina, until I feel his groin pressed on to the naked skin of my ass.

Dante takes over, where Antonio leaves off, pressing himself deep into me until I feel his pubic hairs pressed against my skin. Now he starts a steady rhythm, in and out, in and out, slipping easily between my wet and welcoming pussy. He continues his pace for a few strokes, before withdrawing, to be quickly replaced by Antonio, they go on like this, each pounding in turn, driving me closer and closer to my orgasm.

This is just amazing, I’ve never experienced so much sexual intensity, being fucked by two men at the same time is such a turn on. They each take it their turn to enter me, alternatively, one thrusting for a few strokes before being replaced by the other. These two guys have got this off to pat, and I barely feel the change over, it’s done so quickly, it’s only the different angle of entry that tells me they’ve swapped. I ride with each of them, pressing myself onto whichever one of them is inside of me. Feeling the pressure build up inside as I feel my orgasm approaching. My whole body is racked with spasms of pleasure as jolts of electricity surge through me, causing me to scream out in pleasure, as these two men satisfy my every need.

They both reach their own peak, almost immediately after me. Antonio buried deep inside of me, as he fills me with his seed, and Dante spurting out over my back, his hot cum, sticky on my skin.

We all collapse into a heap, I slump to the side of Antonio and Dante at my other side. I feel sticky cum dribbling down my legs and back, and we fall asleep together, arms around each other, completely satiated and content.

Chapter 6 An Invitation


I wake up to an empty bed, sun streaming through the window casting a golden glow in to the room.

I wonder where the guys have disappeared to, when Antonio pops his head around the door, a huge smile on his face.

“Ah Nessy, you wake at last,” He says, “we must have really worn you out last night, yes?”

He enters the room still smiling, this guy loves to smile, crossing to the bed kisses me full on the lips.

“Hmm, my bella donna, you are beautiful.”

“Stop your flattery,” I scold him, “I look awful when I first wake up.”

“Never, my grande bella ragazza, you are always beautiful to me. Now you shower and dress and I will make you a good Italian breakfast, yes?”

“Yes,” I reply, “I’m absolutely famished.”

I shower and dress and join Antonio on the porch outside. It’s a beautiful day, the sea is shimmering and a few people are walking on the beach. As promised, Antonio has put together a breakfast of pastries and hot coffee. It smells delicious and I tuck in, the pastries are warm and flaky and full of warm chocolate, and the coffee is good and strong.

“Where’s Dante?” I ask, between mouthfuls of food.

“He sends his apologies that he could not be here when you awoke, but he had to got to work early,” he tells me.

“Aw, poor Dante,” I reply, “having to work on such a beautiful day.”

I finish off my breakfast while Antonia chats to me, he really is a fun guy and has me laughing on many occasions as he recounts his relationship with Dante, these guys really are very close.

Breakfast finished and it’s time for me to go. The girls will be wondering where I am and I’m sure Antonio has other things to do.

“Before you go,” Antonio says to me, “there is something I must speak to you about.”

His face has a serious solemn look and I wonder what the problem is.”

I nod my head, urging him to continue.

“Ideally, I would have preferred to speak with you whilst Dante was still here, but I cannot wait, my feelings are too strong.”

I’m intrigued, he clearly has something on his mind and I can see it’s causing him some anguish, but what he says to me hits me like a bombshell.

“We would like you to stay here with us, Nessy, with Dante and me, living together.”

I am dumbstruck, and at first I wondered if he was playing some cruel joke on me, but one look at his face dispelled that notion.

“Me, and Dante,” he continues, “are passionate about our love making, and you are bubbly, and big, and beautiful, everything we look for in a woman. I know we have only known each other for a few days, but we have both fallen madly in love with you. Now, you tell me, Nessy, will you stay with us?”

I cannot believe what I’m hearing. This handsome hunk, well two hunks really, are asking me to live with them, be a part of their lives.

“I can’t,” I manage to say.

His face is crestfallen.

“You see, Nessy, when we made love to you, it was on the hope that you would stay with us. When you made love with us, you knew that you would be leaving us.”

I am stunned and speechless. He’s right, I had used them for my own needs and they had been so loving towards me.

“I can’t just leave my life behind,” I say to him.

He shrugs at me, a look of disappointment on his face.

“What is there at home to keep you, Nessy? What is it you do for a living in your home country?”

“I’m a window dresser, why do you ask?”

“Why can you not be a window dresser here?”

“It’s not just my job, Dante,” I stutter out, “It’s the people in my life, I can’t just up and leave them.”

“We will be the people in your life, are we not enough?”

“Antonio, I’ve known you guys less than a week, how can you ask such a thing?”

“I am trying to explain to you how much you mean to us. In that short time we have come to love you, but you have not come to love us, not in the real meaning of love.”

“I’m so confused,” I tell him. “I have to go.”

“Look,” he says, “just wait a while. I am in work at the hotel soon, I will take you back, okay?”

I nod my agreement and Antonio smiles as he goes off to change for work.

I sit there watching the waves gently lapping at the shore, wondering if I could really live here with these two, in this paradise.

Soon Antonio is ready and we are riding through the streets on his scooter, with me on the back, my arms firmly clasped around this handsome hunk of a man.

Chapter 7 All Good Things Must Come to an End


I told my girlfriends the whole tale and they did everything they could to cheer me up. We went out on the town shopping, buying expensive Italian designer clothing. Eating at the finest restaurants in town, as I tried to drown my sorrows in alcohol.

“You’re seriously not considering staying, are you Nessy?” Hannah asked, with a genuinely sad look on her face. “Nessy, we’re a team, you can’t break us up for some... some Italian gigolo,” she finishes, realizing she’s insulted my two Italian friends.

I don’t respond to the insult, I know she didn’t mean it.

“Yeah, Nessy, you’ve only just met these guys. How could they say such things out of the blue, like that?” Lin also pleads with me.

“I don’t believe you two,” I say, holding up my palms to silence them both. “I’ve had a fantastic romantic holiday, but that’s all it was. You know what Italians are like, they’re passionate and alway over exaggerating everything,” I assure them.

Inside of myself, in my dream world, I would love to stay. However, it is just that, a dream. I love my home, my job, my parents and family and most of all I love my friends.

I sip at my drink and I’m about to take a bite from my comforting chocolate doughnut, when I notice both my friends faces take on a serious look.

“Hey, I meant it,” I say, putting down the doughnut, “I’m not staying.”

“You break our hearts, Nessy,” a voice behind me says.

My two lovers have arrived, they pull up chairs to our table and sit with us, Antonio looks sad, but resigned.

“We were hoping you would stay with use, Nessy,” Dante says. “We could truly make you happy here, with us, and we would be happy with you,” he takes one of my hands in his.

“But, it is clear to us that you have others who love you also, and would miss you if your stayed,” he nods his head in the direction of my friends. “We would not want to take you from that, it would make you miserable and we would never want you to be unhappy.”

“The invitation is now closed,” Dante finishes.

“We would like to treat you girls to a last day together, if we may?” Antonio asks us.

We look at each other, puzzled.

“It’s entirely up to you?” Hannah says to me.

“Then I say, yes,” I decide.

We have a wonderful time, the boys know their town inside out, and backward ways around, and they show us everything. The girls love it too, and when some of Antonio’s friends join us, we finish off at the beach house, continuing the party well into the night.


That was the last I ever saw of my lovers. The remaining holiday was spent without them and just with my friends, and whilst I had a great time, my mind was always wandering to them. Everyday I looked out for Antonio in the dining room, but I never saw him again. That was probably for the best, because although I had decided not to stay, I wasn’t certain that my resolve was that firm, being around those two hunky guys might well have changed my mind.












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