Men of London 05 - Cross to Bare (9 page)

BOOK: Men of London 05 - Cross to Bare
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Chapter 7

That special Saturday couldn’t come around soon enough. Dressed in a pair of tight black chinos, a Ralph Lauren white button-down shirt with a black-and-white-striped tie, and his favourite rust-red, military-style jacket, open at the front, Lenny thought he’d power dressed well enough to get through the evening. He knocked on the door of Brook’s flat in Camden, having been announced and let up to the third floor by the building concierge.

He heard footsteps and then the door opened. Brook stood there, all six foot plus of him, looking as handsome as Lenny remembered. A short-sleeved indigo blue polo shirt clung to his chest, highlighting every curve and toned muscle, and the jeans he wore hugged his groin and hips and emphasized the strong line of his legs. He was barefoot. Lenny’s dick took notice of the whole sexy package. He was gratified to see those brown eyes sweeping across his body and there was no mistaking the appreciation in them.

“Come in,” Brook’s voice was husky as he beckoned him in. “You know the drill. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll get you a drink. Would you like whisky or a beer?”

The fragrance of something spicy wafted from the open plan kitchen to the left. On the right, a tiled hallway led to where Lenny knew the bedrooms were. The whole apartment was spacious, open and minimally furnished, with a long red couch, a palatial beanbag and a small coffee table in the lounge. One wall was filled with TV and sound equipment. Brook loved gadgets.

“Whisky please.” The scent of Brook’s aftershave hardened Lenny’s cock and he squirmed. They’d always had this crazy, physical attraction between them, hardly able to be alone in the same room together without jumping each other’s bones. He was pleased to see it was still the same. For him, anyway. Hard to tell where the night would take them.

They’d spent a lot of nights here in the privacy of this flat, and one weekend they’d barely gotten out of bed except a couple of times to eat and then take a shower before Lenny left for home when they were satiated. It had been hot, dirty and as sexy as fuck. The mere thought of it made Lenny’s groin ache.

He wandered over to the picture window that spanned the room, looking out onto the green two floors below. A memory of being roughly shoved against that cold glass while Brook fucked him made him shiver. Goosebumps blossomed on his skin and he hitched a breath. He traced a finger against the cold glass.

“I remember that time too.” Brook’s breath brushed his ear and Lenny closed his eyes, revelling in the sound of that deep voice. He took a deep breath and turned to face the man. Brook held out his drink and he took it, staring into smouldering eyes and wanting to claim the other man’s kissable lips with every deep desire he possessed.

“It was…memorable.” He took a sip of his whisky, enjoying the burn as it went down. Brook regarded Lenny steadily, focusing on his mouth. Lenny’s skin prickled with want. His cock was hard and aching and he didn’t think he’d be able to eat anything. His hunger was only for the man standing in front of him. He glanced down at Brook’s crotch and was gratified to see he was feeling the same, the bulge against the front of his jeans certainly living up to his own memory of it.

Huh, I’ve only been here a few minutes and already we’re getting busy. This chemistry thing is a miracle.

“I’m glad you came over.” Brook brushed Lenny’s shoulder absently with fingers that sent a thrill through him. “I had time to think about what you said and I think I understand why you did what you did. It was a bit of a shock to me though. I’ve never known anyone like you before.” He grinned. “Sexy as a man and quite unforgettable as a businesswoman.”

Lenny was mesmerised by the eyes staring into his. “It’s not quite the norm; I get that. But I hope we can work it out.”

Brook smiled. “The chemistry is still there, though. No doubt about that.” His brows furrowed. “And if I remember from our last window encounter, you promised to return the favour,” he murmured as he reached out and removed the glass from Lenny’s hands. He put the whisky down on the table by the window then dipped his finger in the cool liquid. Brook’s finger came up, and he slid it across Lenny’s bottom lip, slowly. Lenny thought he was going to shoot in his pants with the eroticism of that gesture. The whisky flavour burned into his lips and he slid his tongue out and sucked the finger caressing his mouth. Brook’s eyes widened in lust, the pupils expanding. His lips parted and Lenny wanted to thrust his tongue and his cock inside the hot, wet heat of that mouth.

“Let’s get this over with, shall we, because obviously neither of us can wait,” Brook whispered, as his tongue slid into Lenny’s ear. His hands slid under the red jacket, tugging the shirt from his trousers, and then caressing the heated skin beneath. “Otherwise we’ll not enjoy my wonderful chicken cacciatore that I slaved over all day. Let’s fuck first, talk later.”

Lenny agreed wholeheartedly. With a low moan, he mashed his mouth against Brook’s and took possession of it. Familiar and wanton in return, Brook’s questing tongue slid into Lenny’s mouth. The slippery sensation of that deliciously heated organ, currently on a quest to drive him crazy, took him back to those passion-fuelled days when he and Brook had been together. The feel of strong fingers against Lenny’s skin and the heat of that body pressed against his—it was if they’d never been apart. Lenny wasn’t one for insta-love, but insta-lust he could definitely understand.

“I’d forgotten how damn good you taste and feel,” Brook gasped as his hands fumbled with buttons, opening Lenny’s trousers. He cried out as Brook’s hand slid inside his silk boxers and slid fingers down his hardened and wet cock. “This—this is what I want, you inside me.”

That phrase made Lenny thrust his cock harder into the tight confines of Brook’s hand.

“You keep saying that and I won’t have anything to fuck you with because you’ll make me come,” he managed to get out. “Turn around, face the glass.” He didn’t wait for Brook to obey, simply spun him round hard and slammed him against the cold, silken wall. “You’d better hope this
one-way glass, because otherwise your neighbours are going to see
being royally skewered this time.” Lenny kicked off his trousers and underwear, giving a sigh of relief as his cock sprung free.

“I’m not
much of an exhibitionist. Of course it’s one-way,” Brook gasped, his hands splayed against the glass, his breathing erratic and wild. Lenny unceremoniously reached around and unzipped his lover’s jeans, yanking them down his muscled thighs. He almost expired on the spot at the sight of that tight, rounded arse being pushed out at him. Brook wore no underwear.

“Jesus Christ,” Lenny managed to get out in between desperately wondering how he was ever going to be able to leave this man to get the lube and condoms he knew were in a drawer in the fancy wall unit. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Of their own volition, his hands gripped Brook’s cheeks and he squeezed them tightly, wanting to sink his teeth into those taut globes.

The low chuckle from in front of him made Lenny’s cock reach up and take more notice.

“No, that would be a waste.” Brook waggled his arse out, causing Lenny’s breathing to heighten and his chest to tighten. “Now hurry up and get the stuff. You always did talk too much during sex.” He ground his cock against the glass, giving a hiss of pleasure as he did so.

Lenny reluctantly moved away from the taut body holding him captive as he went to the nearest unit and rummaged in a drawer. He found what he was looking for and ripped open the packet, settling the latex cover on his aching cock. He opened the lube then pressed himself against Brook again, letting him feel his hardness in the crease of his arse. Brook gave a low cry and arched his back more, offering himself.

Brook groaned through gritted teeth. “Hurry up. I need that gorgeous cock of yours
right now
. I’m going crazy here.” He hissed loudly as Lenny’s fingers smoothed the lube around his hole then pressed inside him. “Don’t stand on ceremony, lover. Warm me up a bit.”

Lenny did exactly that. He fingered Brook until he groaned with need then Lenny yanked his hips back and pushed Brook down by his shoulders until he was bent over. Lenny slid into where he wanted to be with a strangled sigh, closing his eyes in beatification at being enveloped with sudden heat and tightness. There was no more talking, only the sound of grunts and groans, and the occasional squeak of sweaty fingers on glass as Brook’s hands lost traction with the force at which Lenny was pummelling his body. This was raw and primal, sex for sex’s sake, and he wasn’t too proud to admit it. There would be time for conversation and emotion later. For now, he simply wanted to take this man he so desired until neither of them could think or talk. Dirty words out of Brook’s mouth promising more delights of the flesh spurred Lenny on.

Lenny heard the hitch in Brook’s breathing and his stuttered expletives as he pushed further back, his muscles tightening around Lenny. He knew his lover was close to coming. Hell, Lenny didn’t know how he’d made it this far without shooting
load. It was taking all his self-control to hold out this long.

Lenny reached around and grasped hold of the dick that was currently ramrod hard as it smacked against the window every time he thrust in. Brook jerked and groaned at the gesture as spurts of spunk coated the windowpane and floor with thick, creamy ribbons of musky release. Lenny gave a thankful whoosh of breath as his orgasm hit and he slumped over his partner’s sweaty, muscled back, breathing deeply and loving the pure animal smell of sex and sweat between them.

“I need to stand up,” Brook gasped. “I feel like a damn rag doll bent down like this.”

Lenny held the condom tight and moved away, pulling it off and tying it. Brook straightened up, rolling his shoulders with a wince. “That was hot as hell but I couldn’t do it again too soon,” he chuckled. He reached down and pulled his trousers up, leaving them open. His cock hung flaccid in front and all Lenny wanted to do was get it going again.

“Your window cleaner’s going to get a surprise when he sees that.” He smirked as he waved at the sticky goo on the glass pane.

Brook flashed him a smile. “Lucky I’m that guy then, isn’t it?” He regarded the mess ruefully. “I’ll clean it up later. Right now, it’s time to freshen up and check my chicken.”

“I thought I already did that,” Lenny said slyly. “Your cock was fine, from what I saw.”

Brook gave a deep, rumbling laugh. “Ouch. That was a terrible joke. In fact, dire is the word.” He gestured towards the hallway. “If you want a shower or anything, feel free. I’ll just go and wipe myself off. I’m hoping to get lucky again later.” His eyes raked Lenny from head to toe.

Lenny swallowed. “Me too. I’m good for now, thanks.” He retrieved his briefs and chinos from where he’d kicked them, used his underwear to clean most of the sticky spunk off himself then pulled on his trousers. The air was redolent with the musky scent of sex and cooking. And he was suddenly self- conscious. Here he was, stinking of sweat and semen and he still had to explain about Laverne. Lenny had never been this insecure about her before.

It was only when they were sitting down at the kitchen island, drinking wine and eating their meal that Brook broached the subject they’d been skirting around.

“So,” he said quietly as he poked around his plate, probably looking for the chicken that was in there somewhere. “Now we’ve got that urge out of the way, tell me about Laverne.”

Lenny took a deep breath and laid his knife and fork down. “I studied at the London College of Fashion when I was eighteen.” He stared down at the table. “I knew then I wanted to design clothing people would wear and say, ‘Hey, that’s one of Lenny James’s designs.’” He grinned softly as he looked over at Brook. “Trouble is, I’m a damn perfectionist. I was designing clothes for men
women, and to do that, I needed to know how it felt to wear fashion as both. I already knew how my designs fit as a man because I’d been doing it since I was fourteen—making my own clothes.” He cleared his throat and took a sip of his wine. Brook’s eyes were kind but cautious. “So I decided the best way to do that was dress like a woman, fake boobs and all, and see how fabric draped, how it rode up over the backside, how it fell from the hips, felt across the stomach. I spent days in costume, getting in and out of taxis, buses, toilets, anything that gave me an inkling of how some of my clothing would feel if I wore it as a woman.” He took another sip of his drink and stared into Brook’s eyes, almost challengingly. “And I liked it.”

Brook raised his wine glass and took a drink. His face was noncommittal. “What did you like about it?” he asked quietly.

Lenny shrugged. “I liked the feel of the silk of the underwear and the softness of the fabrics. I liked the fact if I wore a corset underneath my clothes it held me in, made my posture better. I felt sexy. And wearing heels with it gave me this sense of power, of being bigger than everyone else. I felt more empowered somehow.”

He saw Brook’s Adam apple bob as he swallowed then Brook spoke. “I understand some of that, the need for someone creative like you to make sure that you get the research done for what you’re creating, like authors do with their books. I don’t understand quite how it became part of your everyday life. Not that there’s anything wrong with it,” he hastened to qualify his statement. “I’m trying to understand why you’d develop this whole other
as a result of that experiment.”

“It wasn’t any type of ‘experiment,’” Lenny said gently. “I wasn’t a confused gender queen trying to decide whether I was male or female, I—” He stopped, seeing the relief in Brook’s eyes and hearing his soft exhalation of breath. “Fuck me. Is that what you thought? That I might one day run off and decide I wanted a damn lady cave?” He didn’t know whether to be insulted or laugh. He thought he’d proven his masculinity and his love of being a man more than once when he’d pounded Brook’s arse.

Brook looked ill at ease. “I didn’t know, really. I don’t know much about this whole cross-dressing thing. I mean, I Googled it, and it came up with words like transvestite and transgender…” His voice tailed off and he looked at Lenny with uncertain eyes.

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