MemoriesofParadise (12 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: MemoriesofParadise
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It took every ounce of control that Gunter possessed to keep his hands to himself while he waited for Riana to come to him. It was a sweet, sweet reward when she sat up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his.

“Make love with me, Gunter. Please don’t make me ask you again.” She said the words against his lips.

Gunter could feel her smile. He could feel her hips undulating against his and most importantly, he felt her fingers cover and squeeze his rigid shaft as he stood between her spread legs.

With a deep groan, he knelt in front of her, pushed her creamy thighs further apart and inhaled her sweet scent. Closing his eyes, Gunter leaned forward and sucked her nether lips into his mouth. One by one, he suckled them, working her into a tight ball of need. Every time his tongue skirted the swollen bud of her clit, she shuddered in anticipation.

As much as he wanted to draw this out, he knew their time was short. Clay would soon join them or her daughter would wake and break this wonderful spell woven around them and bring them back to the real world.

With more urgency than he wanted, Gunter flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue and she moaned. The sound was muffled, making him wonder if she had thought about the others as well and covered her mouth.

Reaching up, Gunter spread her labia wide and sucked her clit into his mouth, laving it with his tongue. Riana’s body jerked repeatedly while he worked his fingers into her tight channel. By her own admission, it had been a long time since she’d taken a man into her body, he didn’t want to hurt her. He would rather lose his cock than hurt her with it and any man would know how he felt about

Thick cream seeped from her channel as he worked his fingers in and out of her, rubbing up against the tight knot he knew was her G-spot. She moaned again and something on the counter tipped over as she moved to give him better access.

Ruthlessly, Gunter continued to stroke the sensitive bundle of nerves while he sucked her clit, his fingers fucking in and out of her clasping flesh. When he drew harder on her clit and shook his head side to side, Riana groaned deep in her throat, her hips jerking spasmodically before she reached down and pushed his head away.

“I can’t take anymore. Fuck me, dammit!”

Gunter lifted his head, gave her a wicked grin, then winked. “As you wish.”

Chapter Twenty

Riana stared down into Gunter’s golden gaze. Unlike Clay’s light brown eyes that were flecked with gold, Gunter’s were a beautiful amber. It was almost as though fire burned in their depths, turning the color of his eyes a molten gold.

His grin was both charming and feral as he looked up at her. She wasn’t sure what to make of his
as you wish
statement. She also didn’t know what to expect next. She knew what the mechanics were, of course. She
an adult and a mother. However, she didn’t know what it would feel like. If the rest of the act felt as good as what he’d already shown her, she wondered if she should be angry with herself for missing out on it all of these years.

Slowly, Gunter kissed his way up her body. His intense gaze never once left her face. He looked wild, as though some untamed…thing resided within him. It felt as though he stalked her as he slid his way back up her body to press his smooth chest against hers. She smiled when he rubbed himself against her like a huge cat staking its claim.

“If you keep that up, I might start to believe you’re more animal than man.”

“When I’m done with you, you’ll
I am.” The right corner of his mouth quirked up. “If I live up to my expectations, you will, at any rate.”

Gently, Gunter cupped her hips and lifted her to him. He rested the head of his cock against her entrance, his gaze holding hers as he eased forward.

If Riana had searched the world over, she didn’t think she could have found a gentler lover to show her how things should really be between a man and a woman. Unshed tears filled her eyes at his gentleness.

Slowly, he pressed forward, his cock stretching her more and more. Nerve endings she never knew she had, screamed with pleasure as his large erection pressed deeper and deeper. He moved slowly, driving her mad. She waited for him to thrust into her, stabbing her over and over with his lovely erection. Though she couldn’t remember having sex, she’d read enough about it in her erotic romance novels to know that if what the authors wrote about was true, he could take her to previously unknown heights of ecstasy if he knew what he was doing.

One rough thrust shook the cabinet where she sat and knocked her head against the mirror. She shuddered and moaned as he continued his forceful thrusts.

Much to her surprise, Gunter reached around her, grasped her by the ass, pulling her tighter against him while he lifted her off the cold counter. Riana gasped as his cock sank deeper still into her flesh.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

Riana did as he asked, gasping when the position thrust him even deeper inside her.

Turning, he placed her shoulders against the wall. “I couldn’t bear to see your head hitting that mirror,” he said amidst a few groans of pleasure. “I was afraid we’d break it and cut your head open again.”

Using her new position, the different angle it afforded and the leverage it gave him, Gunter slowly pulled out before slamming back into her with such force she was sure it shook the entire floor of the hotel.

Mindless pleasure shuddered through her as he thrust into her, the head of his cock pounding her cervix. His cock swelled within her, stretching her to the very edge of pain and she came. She gritted her teeth together and moaned, the sound coming from deep within her chest as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Her inner muscles clamped down on his erection and dragged him over the edge with her. With a low growl, Gunter rested his forehead against her breast as he came.

Sweat beaded on his brow as he pulled her away from the wall and held her against him. “Gods, Riana,” he said when he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ve heard of such mind blowing sex, but I have never experienced it before.” He shook as he slowly lowered her to her feet. “As much as I would love to stay here and hold you all day, Clay will be here any moment ready to go to breakfast and to take the two of you into Mason to do some shopping.”

He bent and picked her clothes up off the floor. “Here.” He handed her jeans and underwear. “We should dress in a hurry.”

Riana felt the heat rise to her face. What had she just done? What in the world had she been thinking when she encouraged Gunter’s advances? She looked down, staring at the tile floor that was as cold as the feeling that seeped slowly into her heart.

Turning her back to Gunter, she yanked her clothes on. She should know better than to get involved with anyone. They couldn’t stay here. They couldn’t stay anywhere for long. Besides, he’d made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want his friend seeing them together. She was most likely just a diversion to help him pass the time that circumstance forced him to spend with her.

Her throat closed as she slipped her shoes back on and headed for the door that connected her room with Holly’s. What was the matter with her, anyway? It wasn’t as though she loved the man, for goodness sake. She barely knew him.

“Wake up, Holly. It’s time to go to breakfast and do some shopping.” She pulled the covers off Holly, knowing that the fastest way to get her daughter up and moving was to remove her cocoon of warmth.

Holly sat up and rubbed her eyes. “It’s time to go already?”

Of course she would be tired. She’d likely not slept much if the men had told her that her mother had slipped into a coma in the middle of the night.

“Yes. It’s time to get up and get moving.” Riana moved to the window and opened the drapes. Bright sunlight streamed into the room, further waking her daughter.

“Did you take a bath last night?”

“I took one earlier this morning,” Holly said with a shake of her head. “Those men called in the doctor. They thought you’d slipped into a coma.” She grinned. “I told them it was just your way…that you passed out at the first sign of safety.” Holly stretched and yawned.

Even Holly still wore the shirt she’d worn the day before and Riana felt odd. Though she knew the townsfolk would know it was all they had, it felt strange to walk about in clothing they would now wear for a second day.

“Can we get something new or are we going to shop at a second-hand store?” The look on Holly’s face almost brought her to tears. She knew her daughter wanted something new for a change. Hell, she couldn’t blame her. Riana couldn’t remember a time when she’d had something truly new for herself. Still, they needed to save money now, more than ever. It wouldn’t kill either of them to buy their clothing second-hand.

“You know we can’t afford to buy new—especially now.”

“I know.” Holly sighed. “I just figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.” She grabbed her shabby shoes from under the bed and slipped them on.

Riana watched her daughter as she readied herself to go. When was the last time she had bought something new for her daughter just because? Hell, when was the last time either of them had gotten anything new? Lately, she’d even taken to buying their shoes second-hand and washing everything at the local Laundromat before wearing them.

Maybe it was time to let Holly get a new pair of shoes. One thing was certain. They wouldn’t have to sterilize them before they wore them.

Chapter Twenty-one

Clay knocked on the doorframe before he walked through the open door and into Holly’s room. “Are you ready, ladies?”

He stared at Riana for a moment. She looked even more beautiful now than she had earlier. She looked like a woman well-loved. He had hoped Gunter would take the opportunity to have her while he showered. She was a very sexually responsive woman, even if she didn’t know that about herself.

It was difficult for him to let her go and leave the room, knowing that he could have had her, but Gunter’s need had been greater than his. Gunter was the one who could lose his mind and honor. The
el calor
was upon him stronger than it was upon Clay.

“Yes. We’re ready.”

Riana moved toward him. He watched as she grew closer, then moved to push past him. She went to great lengths not to touch him and it hurt. What did Gunter do to her to make her withdraw the way she was?

What the hell did you do to her? She’s acting as though touching me would give her something contagious, for Christ’s sake.

I made love to her, then I heard you turn off the water in the shower. I encouraged her to dress quickly so she wouldn’t be embarrassed when you entered the room.

Clay frowned, wondering what it was Gunter could have said or done to make her act this way.

“Let’s go, Holly. We need to eat and head into Mason to get some clothes.” Riana headed for the door to his room, knowing that it was the only easy way out. She apparently hadn’t thought she would run into Gunter when she passed through.

He followed her into the room, blocking Holly’s way into
room, while Gunter blocked their mate’s way to the exit.

“Excuse me, please.” Riana rested her arms over her solar plexus as she stared at their feet.

Christ, man, she can’t even look at you. You’ve hurt her somehow.

Gunter glared at him.
I don’t know what the hell I did. I encouraged her to get dressed. That’s it.
He looked down at Riana. “What did I do, love?” Gunter reached up to cup her cheek and she ducked away.

“Nothing. You did nothing—everything.” She covered her face with her hands. “We shouldn’t have done anything. We should have ignored our hormones or whatever you want to call it.” She whispered the words so softly, Clay barely heard her. “It was a mistake that can’t happen again.”

She tried to push past Gunter. “Will you please get out of my way?”

“No,” Gunter whispered. “And lower your voice unless you want your daughter to hear.”

“She’s probably already heard, anyway.” She paced away, heading toward Clay.

He met her gaze and she made a face. “Don’t you know? We’re strange. We heal faster than others, and we have much better hearing. I have no idea why, but there it is.”

She waved her arms. “Now that you know we’re freaks, maybe it will be easier for you to take us to Mason, leave us there, and forget we ever met.”

Clay rushed to the door. He couldn’t pretend he didn’t hear her any longer. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. “If you think we’re going to just leave you in Mason with no clothes, no place to stay, and no money to speak of, you’re out of your mind.”

“I have money.” She thrust her chin in the air. “I just don’t have a
of money and I have a couple of credit cards.”

“Did you ever think that whoever it is that is following you might have a way to track your spending when you use plastic?” Clay shook his head. “I don’t know what to say other than you need to live smarter—off the grid—if you want to lose this person.

Gunter nodded. “Clay’s right. If the person or persons you’re running from have any kind of connections at all, they could trace you through your credit card purchases.”

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