Read Melting Ms Frost Online

Authors: Kat Black

Melting Ms Frost (29 page)

BOOK: Melting Ms Frost
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‘You smell so good,’ he murmured before swapping to the other side, this time running the kisses down from her ear to her collarbone. ‘And you taste even better.’ Pulling back, he took the pins out of her hair. Let it cascade down, smoothed the curls over her shoulders.

He circled around to the front of her. Placing himself between her and the mirror. ‘I’ve been wanting to kiss you since that first night we met, when you put me in my place,’ he said, cupping her cheeks with his hands, his fingertips spearing into her hair as his gaze locked onto her lips. He tilted her face up to his. ‘Every time you’ve opened your mouth I’ve wanted to smother your sass.’ One thumb moved to rest on her lower lip, to gently stroke back and forth. ‘I’ve wanted to share every gasp and sigh I’ve watched pass through your parted lips.’ He leaned in close. ‘I’ve wanted to run my tongue along that tight seam every time they’ve been pursed with disapproval.’ He stopped with mere millimetres to spare between them, their breaths mingling, raised his eyes to look into hers. ‘Have you thought about me kissing you, Annabel?’

‘Yes,’ she admitted in the merest whisper, her bottom lip catching on the pad of his thumb.

That pale gaze dived back to her mouth. His thumb slid up to the centre of her lips, pushed in and pulled down, dragging her bottom lip with it, teasing her open.

‘How have you imagined it? I’ve thought about it soft, like this.’ He closed the scant distance between them and grazed the very edge of her mouth with his lips. ‘And this.’ He swept the tip of his tongue lightly along the sensitive inner edge of the bottom lip he still held. ‘And harder, too.’ He moved his thumb and sucked her lip between his, barely nipped it with his teeth. ‘Like that. But most of all –’ his hands shifted further into her hair, taking a firmer hold, his eyes met hers again ‘– I’ve thought about it being like this.’ He pulled her to him and covered her lips with his, pressing them against her teeth, his tongue sweeping into her instantly.

God, he tasted good. So warm and rich and elemental that a little whimper of pleasure rose up from her throat as she opened under the hot, silken caress. The sound drew an answering rumble from Aidan as he accepted her invitation to take the kiss deeper. Eyes looking deep into hers he invaded her mouth, demanding, conquering.

Annabel grasped at his forearms as sensation swept her away. She’d never been kissed like it. Had never felt so completely and passionately
. She wanted to close her eyes, hide away, but the intensity of his gaze held her captive.

Taking his time, Aidan delved into every part of her mouth, his dominating exploration sending warm tendrils of desire through her entire body – weakening her knees, fizzing through her belly, pulsing between her thighs. When he finally broke the seal of their mouths, he didn’t move back but kept their parted lips just touching as they shared panting breaths, gazes still locked.

‘But I have to say, Ms Frost,’ he murmured huskily after a moment. ‘That nothing compares to the real thing. I could kiss you all night.’

And she’d take that happily, along with discovering whatever other amazing talents he had hidden.

‘Then do,’ Annabel said, kissing him this time with all the urgency she felt. Her hands released their grip on his arms, found his waist instead. The heat of him, the hardness through the cotton was too much of a tease to resist. She ran her palms up over his abdomen and chest, feeling the tight contours of the man beneath the clothing. Her fingers went for his shirt buttons, needing the contact of skin on skin.

Aidan broke the kiss again, his hands closed over hers to still them before she’d got more than two undone.

‘Slow down,
a mhuirnín
. We’re not going to rush this.’

She gave him a murderous look, which just made him laugh.

‘Trust me on this. The more we let the anticipation build, the better the pay off.’

Like there hadn’t been enough anticipation already? She was
. ‘No more waiting.’

‘You don’t like it slow?’

Annabel shrugged, trying to get her hands free from his and back to losing his shirt. ‘I’ve never tried it slow.’

One of his hands let go of her then, came up to tilt her chin back so he could look into her eyes. ‘Good. I’m glad I’ll be a first for you.’

‘Really, there’s no need. We’re both ready and willing.’ Taking advantage of her freedom she wasted no time in getting a couple more buttons undone. ‘Let’s just get to what we both want.’

He gave a shake of his head and recaptured her busy hand. Tightening his grip on both, he forced them away from his chest and behind her back with surprisingly easy strength. He held her there, fingers ringing her wrists gently but inescapably.

He was waiting for the glare she cast up at him when she failed to wriggle herself free.

‘You can struggle all you want, but let’s get one thing clear. You’re not in charge here, Annabel,’ he said quietly. ‘I am.’

The beautiful silvery hue of his irises seemed to have suddenly hardened to a solid steel. The calm authority of his voice sent a thrill through her, slowed her struggles.

‘I say what happens, when it happens and how it happens. Can you cope with that?’

If the alternative was missing out on what promised to be mind-blowing satisfaction, she hoped to hell she could.

‘Let’s try it and see,’ she sighed.


Aidan smiled at her persecuted tone, knowing how difficult it must be for her to go against everything she’d spent years conditioning herself to be. But he wasn’t about to stop pushing her now. The fact that she was even here had him more convinced than ever that he was right about her true nature. A little dose of surrender was exactly what Annabel Frost needed.

And it would have to be a
dose this first time, he reminded himself as a jagged bolt of lust ripped through him at the thought. As much as he wanted her completely at his mercy, unleashing the full force of his dominating desire on her too soon would likely send her packing.

He leant forward and kissed her again, leisurely, thoroughly – taking his time to savour her. And good lord, she was addictive. His head spun with the taste, the scent, the feel of her trapped against him, leaving him already wrestling with the primal urge to rush to take more, take all of her. Make her his. Despite all his assured talk, he knew the strength of the need she inflamed in him meant that keeping a hold on his control tonight would be a grim challenge indeed.

Closing his eyes, he lost himself in the pleasure of kissing her for so long that when he pulled back, Annabel swayed towards him, soft and pliant. Her eyelids fluttered open when he released the hold he had on her wrists. Her unfocused gaze followed him as he circled back around behind her.

He gathered her loose hair, draped it over the front of one shoulder, dropped a kiss to the back of her neck. ‘Time to unwrap my prize.’

Forcing himself not to hurry, he pulled at the zipper on the back of her dress, lowering it all the way down to the base of her spine. Slipping his fingertips under the gaping neckline, he guided the garment over the curve of her shoulders and down her arms.

He watched in the mirror as the bodice of the dress lowered to expose her bra. Made of some sheer black gauzy material it veiled but certainly didn’t hide the creamy swell of her breasts or the pale pink nipples contained in the push-up cups. If the panties matched he was in even more trouble than he’d thought. He swallowed. Unable to speak, he peeled the dress lower, his gaze eating up every bit of her that he uncovered inch by tantalising inch.

When the bunched fabric reached her hips, he dropped into a crouch and pressed a kiss into the dip of her lower spine before continuing to ease the dress all the way down her legs, his cock twitching at the sight of the sheer, lacy-topped hold-ups she wore. Once she’d stepped out of the dress, he tossed the still warm sheath onto a nearby chair and wrapped his palms around her ankles – just above the straps of her sexy high shoes – and started the slow glide back up over her silk-clad shins, her knees, the front of her thighs as though dressing her again. From behind, his eyes matched the ascent, sliding up over her calves, up, up, over the strip of bare thigh …

God help him. The pants did match. Scant inches in front of his face, he could see the shadowy cleft of her buttocks bisecting that triangle of black gauze. Hands grasping her hips, he let his forehead drop forward to rest against the small of her back, closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths to steady himself. It hardly helped as the scent of warm, aroused Annabel Frost filled his lungs.

Pushing to his feet, he ran his hands up the long curve of her back as he went. When he was fully upright and looked in the mirror over her shoulder, the sight that greeted him knocked every bit of that sex-infused air out of him.

Her eyes were wide in her face, pupils huge, the dark depths of desire drowning out the green. Her lips parted as she drew in rapid breaths. Her hands, hanging by her sides, were gripped into fists. And that black underwear against her pale skin – stark, sexy, sophisticated. So different from the pretty pastels he’d seen her in previously. His gaze dropped to the juncture of her thighs, where the shroud of dark gauze barely dimmed the vivid flash of the fiery curls beneath.

‘That underwear is the work of the devil,’ he rasped through a sandpaper throat. ‘I think we need to keep it on for a while.’ He stepped in close, feeling her shoulder blades against his pectorals through the cotton of his shirt, and the curve of her arse against his erection through the crotch of his trousers. He ran his fingers down the lines of the bra straps from her shoulders to her chest.

‘I like the tease of being able to see through it.’ He traced the upper line of the cups inward across the swell of her breasts. ‘The suggestion of being able to glimpse almost everything, but not quite.’ When his fingers met at her cleavage, he let his hands cover her, scooping the weight of her up with his palms, testing the soft flesh with splayed fingers. She was a perfect fit.

A moment later he felt her shudder under his touch as he moulded the shape of her and his thumbs brushed over the puckered peaks of her nipples, that one caress drawing them even tighter.

It was all the sign he needed to repeat the caress, making Annabel gasp and shudder again.

‘Always so responsive. So sensitive.’ He concentrated on circling the ever tightening buds. ‘I believe some women can orgasm just from having their nipples stimulated.’ He caught the hard tips between fingers and thumbs and squeezed, making her jolt. ‘Are you one of them, Annabel? If I used my mouth on you as well as my fingers could I make you come for me that way, do you think?’

She didn’t answer, seemed lost to herself as she arched forward, pushing further into his touch as her head dropped back onto his shoulder and gave a restless toss.

He raised a hand to grasp her chin, turned her to take another deep kiss while the fingers of his other rolled her nipple until she cried out into his mouth.

The sound shot right to the heart of him. He pulled back.

‘Jesus, you test me,’ he muttered, moving both hands to her shoulders and pushing her off his chest and upright again. He waited until their eyes met in the mirror before smoothing his palms outward and down her arms. When he reached her wrists, he did a U-turn and ran his knuckles up her inner arms until his palms found her hips, curved around her sides as they ran up to her waist and around to glide over her abdomen. He was transfixed by the sight of how large his hands looked on her slim figure, how much darker his own skin looked against her milky complexion. His gaze tracked the motion as his hands glided lower, passing over the front of her briefs and down onto the front of her thighs, splaying his fingers to exert gentle pressure.

‘Open for me,’ he murmured in her ear. When he felt her give, he swept his hands back up over her hips and belly, pressing her tight against his groin with one while the other plunged straight down over her pubic mound and into the space between her newly parted thighs to cup her.

They both gasped at the sensation.

‘Fuck, you feel hot,’ Aidan ground out, dragging his hand firmly back up over the fabric of her knickers only to dive it back down again. ‘Hot and damp.’

He added pressure to his fingers, circled them over the thin barrier separating their flesh.

Annabel shuddered, arching, riding his fingers, pushing her backside against his erection, trapping it tight between their bodies.

‘Yes,’ she breathed.

‘You want more?’ He raised his eyes to hers in the mirror. Her look alone gave him his answer. There was nothing cold or reserved about Ms Frost now.

Pulling his hand from the heavenly heat between her legs, he ran his fingertips along the waistband of her briefs, letting one slip its way beneath the elastic.

‘You want me down in here?’

Annabel grasped his wrist as though she was afraid he’d move his hand away. ‘Yes,’ she repeated more assertively.

He pressed his lips to her ear, watched her face in the mirror. ‘Then put your hand over mine and guide me,’ he whispered, seeing the shock of the request widen her eyes.

She stared at him for a moment, then settled her small hand over the top of his and slid them both down into the front of her knickers. Aidan felt the incredible softness of her skin, the silky tickle of her pubic hair, the plump ripeness of the flesh below as Annabel steered their joined hands deeper.

a mhuirnín
, you feel divine. Guide me all the way. Show me where you want me.’

Her hand took his further between her legs, to where she was slick and smooth to the touch. She stopped when his fingertips were aligned with her entrance.

He had to force himself to wait. Rubbing his cheek against hers, he spoke against her jaw. ‘You’re so very wet. Are you ready to take me here?’

She didn’t answer, didn’t even nod, just applied pressure to her middle finger, pushing his in turn into the hot, moist heat, just breaching her entrance.

‘That’s it,’ Aidan groaned. ‘Show me what you want while I tell you how I’m going to fuck you. The first time will be hard – no,’ he stopped when her eyelids fluttered closed, ‘keep your eyes open and look at me while I’m talking to you.’ He waited until she’d refocused on him, felt her fingers press him deeper. ‘The first time will be hot and hard and heavy, because that’s the way you’ll want it, the way we’ll both need it. Then once the edge is taken off, I’ll take you again, slow and long, up and down and sideways until you can’t think, can’t walk. Do you like the sound of that?’

BOOK: Melting Ms Frost
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