Melissa's Acceptance (11 page)

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Authors: Becca van

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic, #Romantic Erotica, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance

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Damian moved up behind her and kissed her shoulder and then pushed her legs up so that they were bent more.

“Get up on your knees, Mel. I need to have access to your sweet, little ass.” Damian panted out his demand.

When Damian had her positioned to his satisfaction, he moved away from her to rummage in the bedside drawer. When he was back behind her, she heard the pop of a bottle being opened.

Damian slid his lube-covered finger over her puckered opening again and again until the muscles started to relax. He gently pushed the tip of his finger into her anus and had her keening with pleasure. Withdrawing his finger again, he got more lube and then pushed his finger slowly, but determinedly into her until it was inside her to the hilt.

Damian slid his finger out again, then he was back with two. He pushed them into her body until they were seated all the way. He wiggled them around a few times until her muscles relaxed, then he separated them in a scissoring action, stretching out her tight muscles.

“Oh my God. What are you doing to me? It’s too much. You’re hurting me.” Melissa gasped as the muscles and tissues of her anus were stretched. She felt a painful burning sensation. The feeling began changing into a dark pleasure that made her moan and whimper.

“Do you want me to stop, baby?” Damian asked, and Melissa felt him tense up behind her as if he was holding his breath while he waited for her answer.

“Don’t you dare,” Melissa yelled. “Fuck me, please. Fuck me now. It feels so good.”

Damian moved in closer to her body after he had generously lubed his latex-covered cock.

“Tell me if I hurt you, baby. Luke, watch her face,” Damian commanded.

Damian aligned his cock with her puckered hole and gently pushed until the head of his dick popped through her tight muscles. He paused to give her body time to adjust. She mewled as her muscles spasmed around his rod. When the tremors lessened, Damian pushed into her body until he was embedded halfway in her rectum.

“Your ass is so tight. I can feel every little movement of your muscles.” Damian gasped.

He rocked his hips forward and back sliding a bit more of his cock into her anus with each forward push until he was buried balls-deep. Sitting back on his knees, he wrapped his arms around Melissa’s waist, pulling her torso up until she was sitting on Luke’s cock with her back flush against Damian’s front.

“We are going to make you feel good, sweetheart. I don’t want you to move. Let Damian and me do all the work. Just hold on tight, Mel,” Luke instructed.

Melissa had never felt so out of control. She was so full, with a cock in her pussy and another in her ass. If they didn’t move now she was going to scream. Just as she was about to tell them to move, her two lovers started moving.

Luke withdrew his cock and then plunged back in. As he moved in, Damian slid out of her ass until just the tip of him was in her body. They alternated their movements, one thrusting in as the other pulled out. It was too much pleasure, too much sensation. The burning feeling of having her ass muscles stretched and the pinch of pain was unbelievable, but the pleasure far outweighed the pain.

Cream dripped from her pussy and the pressure inside began to build higher and higher. Her muscles grew taut and her limbs began to tremble. The simmering heat inside her grew to a raging inferno and she teetered on the edge of something so spectacular she wasn’t sure she’d survive it.

And then she was tumbling over the edge.

Melissa screamed as her internal muscles convulsed. Her body shook and quivered. Her pussy clenched and released over and over again. Cream gushed out of her cunt and the orgasm went on and on and on. She couldn’t seem to stop. She just kept coming and coming.

She was vaguely aware of Luke shouting as he came, and not long after, Damian yelled as he, too, reached his peak. White, hot pain seared into her shoulders as her men bit into the crook of her neck and shoulders, claiming her. Stars formed in front of her eyes as more fluid dripped from her body, drenching her and Luke, and then she knew no more.

Chapter Eight


Melissa woke up and by the look of the sun, it was mid-morning. She realized she couldn’t have been asleep for much more than an hour or so. Her stomach rumbled reminding her that she was hungry since she hadn’t eaten breakfast earlier and that it was definitely time to eat. After showering and donning a T-shirt she found in one of the drawers in the bedroom, she followed her nose to the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. She watched as Luke and Damian bustled about, preparing bacon and eggs.

She must have made a noise because Luke turned toward her and spoke. “Come on in, honey. Take a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, please,” Melissa answered as she took a seat at the table.

“How long have you guys lived here?” she asked after a few moments.

“All our lives. We were born and raised here,” Luke answered as he placed a mug of coffee in front of her on the table.

“Thanks.” Melissa sighed, inhaling the aroma of the coffee, then took a sip. “Do your parents live here?”

“Not anymore. They moved to a warmer climate about twelve months ago, but they come back for a visit every now and then,” Damian answered as he placed three plates heaped with bacon, eggs, and toast on the table.

“Eat, Mel, you’ve got to be hungry,” Luke said.

Melissa dug into her food. She was so hungry she didn’t say another word until she had eaten her fill. She thought about the morning activities, and how she was drawn to the two men. Just being near them had her libido reviving again.

What was it about these men that turned her on so much? She had been around handsome men before and hadn’t reacted to them beyond a second glance. So what made these two so different? They drew her like animals in the throes of heat. She just couldn’t explain it.

“Mel, we want you to move in with us. We’ll help you pack up your things so you won’t have to do it alone.” Damian glanced at Luke and then back to her.

“I want that, too. I really do, but don’t you think we should have a sort of a trial run before making such a big commitment?”

“Honey, we told you once you were mated to us that there would be no going back.”

Luke looked a little upset and Melissa felt guilty. It wasn’t that she wanted to back out, it was just that she was worried how Sara was going to react once she knew that she was now in essence married to two men, who also happened to be werewolves. She was hoping for a bit more time with her men before the outside world encroached on them. Maybe that was selfish of her, but she didn’t want to deal with any recriminations from her older sibling, either. Even though she was pretty sure Sara would be happy for her after she got over the shock of what Melissa was doing, she was pretty certain Sara would read her the riot act first. She knew she was being a coward, but she had looked up to Sara for so long she didn’t want to see disappointment in her sister’s eyes when she looked at her.

“I have some leave time owing to me, but I would really like to stay here with you at the moment. I’ll call work tomorrow and arrange for time off, and maybe in a week or so we can move my stuff.”

“What are you so worried about, baby?” Damian asked. “Talk to us, Mel.”

She didn’t know what to say without hurting them any more than she had, so she just shook her head, rose to her feet and left the room. She wandered outside and drew in air, and tried to get the turmoil in her brain under control.

Melissa came to a halt amongst the trees when she heard a rustle in the bushes behind her. Turning quickly, she scanned the brush for human or animals. She saw the glow of bright green eyes staring at her. She stepped back slowly as a large wolf moved into the clearing.

“Oh my God,” Melissa muttered under her breath.

The wolf moved closer as Melissa walked backward, never taking her eyes from the animal.

“Nice doggie,” Melissa crooned to it. “Please don’t eat me. I don’t taste very nice. I promise.”

If she hadn’t been watching, Melissa would have missed the smile that crossed the wolf’s face. Even then, she wasn’t sure the wolf was smiling or snarling at her. Its eyes looked intelligent, almost human.

Hearing another sound behind her, she spun around quickly to see another two wolves walking toward her. One had a chocolate-brown coat and brown-flecked green eyes, and the other had a deep black coat and brown eyes. She whimpered with fear, adrenaline coursing through her system making her heart beat loudly in her ears.

The wolves came closer and closer until she was surrounded on all sides. Then she heard a terrible popping and cracking as two of the wolves’ spines began to lengthen. The fur covering their bodies receded. Their legs elongated as they began to lose their wolf form and became human. It took a few seconds for her to realize that Damian and Luke now stood before her, totally naked.

She didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until it was too late and she felt herself falling to the ground as darkness closed in around her.

Melissa awoke cradled in Damian’s arms on the sofa in their living room.

“What the hell were you trying to do, baby?” Damian frowned down at her. “You had us so worried.”

Melissa sat up and was glad when Damian let her. She met Luke’s concerned gaze before looking away.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why were you scared of us, sweetheart? Don’t you realize that we would do everything we could to protect you?”

Melissa pushed to her feet and began to pace. “I wasn’t really scared of you. I didn’t know it was you that was stalking me. You could have been real wolves for all I knew and there were three of you.” She took a calming breath when she realized her voice was escalating in pitch.

“You damn well were scared of us,” Damian snarled. “You even passed out, for fuck’s sake.”

“Damian, back off,” Luke snapped.

Melissa turned to face them and hoped she didn’t look as sheepish as she felt. “I was holding my breath and forgot.”

“What?” Damian frowned.

“Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. There I was in amongst the trees and see three huge wolves stalking me. Of course I was afraid, until you changed back into your human forms. But I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I was falling to the ground.”

The concerned expressions left their faces and even though she was a little embarrassed, she was glad to be able to relieve their concern.

Damian rose from the sofa and walked toward her. He took one of her hands in his and led her back to the couch. “Melissa, please talk to us, baby. Tell us what is worrying you.”

Melissa bit her lip in indecision. They had spent their time caring for her and loving her, hopefully they wouldn’t get upset her when she told them why she was hesitating about making a decision to move in with them.

Damian gently pulled her into his side when he sat down next to her. He encircled her shoulders with his arm, pulling her into the shelter of his big, warm, muscular body, and stroked her hair in a soothing manner, crooning to her until she relaxed against him as the tension inside receded.

Damian pulled back from Melissa slightly and ran his hands down her arms until he grasped her hands. Luke scooted across the sofa until his body was also touching hers.

“I’m worried what my sister will think,” Melissa blurted out.

“Tell us why,” Luke said.

Melissa told them her concerns and felt the rest of the tension she didn’t know she was holding onto dissipate. Now that she’d told them the truth, she felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

“If you want more time here with us first before you move, then that’s what you’ll have.” Luke kissed her temple.

“We want to make you happy, baby.” Damian squeezed her hand. “We’d give you the moon and the stars if we could.”

“Speaking of the moon…Since it’s not a full moon, I presume you can change whenever you like. Is that right?” Melissa asked.

“You are very perceptive, baby. We can make the change whenever we like. We don’t have to change when it’s a full moon. However, we do feel the pull of the moon when it’s at its zenith,” Damian explained.

Melissa was glad that her mates could control when and where they wanted to change. She’d seen a couple of horror movies as a young teenager which had werewolves in them and those wolves had killed when the pull of the moon couldn’t be ignored anymore, and the men had changed into gruesome versions of half man, half wolf. But her men were nothing like that when they shifted forms.
Thank God.

Damian squeezed her hand to get her attention and she hoped she didn’t look too stupid as she thought back, but he wasn’t looking at her with concern so she figured she hadn’t.

“Please don’t try and run from us again, baby. We want you to talk to us, hash out any concerns you have,” Damian said.

“As long as that goes both ways,” Melissa said. “I don’t know any of the rules around here and I would hate to offend anyone by fucking up and getting you into trouble, let alone myself.”

“We’ll try, honey,” Luke said. “But you have to remember we are used to taking care of and protecting others. We have to make decisions on the spur of the moment sometimes and don’t have time to talk things through.”

“Okay, I think I can deal with that, as long as neither of you want to take over my life.”

“That’s the last thing we want, baby. I thought we already explained that to you?” Damian asked.

Melissa shrugged. She didn’t care if she was repeating herself. She wasn’t going to have her men making decisions for her. She was a grown woman and could decide what she wanted for herself. From what she’d learned of them so far, she knew they wouldn’t have any qualms about taking over and running her life, but by laying all their cards on the table first up, if the shit hit the fan and she gave them what-for for making unnecessary decisions for her, there couldn’t be any recourse for her or surprises. Hopefully, in theory, anyway.

She had so much information rattling around in her brain she felt a little overloaded, but she was sure she still didn’t know the half of what she should in regards to her werewolf mates. There was one question that was still niggling at her that she needed a full answer to. Melissa wasn’t sure if it was out of sheer curiosity or because she was a little afraid, but she needed to know one way or the other.

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