Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! (15 page)

Read Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! Online

Authors: E. B. Hood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
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Jamar never changed his tone; his eyes seemed to look right through me. He made me wiggle around in my chair. I was beginning to get upset, upset that I let myself get arrested and that this man understood to much about me. I had no idea how he understood, but he must have been a good detective. He announced to me, "Sorry Melanie, but I am not done asking questions."

Wait did he say, Melanie. He did, and I realized he had said it before. My body froze in shock and my eyes locked with Jamar's. I wasn’t squirming in my chair anymore; I was alert and ready to fight. I demanded, "Where did you get that name from?"

His face changed, ever so slightly. He had been waiting for a reaction. He was intrigued by my response, "Why? Is it not your name? See I am a little confused myself. When they booked you, they took your fingerprints. Sometimes they are on file and sometimes not. Yours came up as a, Melanie Dare, missing in 1975. And according to my records you were fifteen at the time. I have to say, you look good for someone that is three months from there thirty-first birthday."

"It's all in what you eat," I replied with a grin.

Jamar lightened his tone, trying to gain my trust, "You will have to tell me what that diet is; Lord knows in this job I look older every night. That’s why I shave my head, it’s all gray now. Three kids and a job like this, well I'll be lucky to make it to fifty. You know, you have been missing for a long time now. Normally when I see someone as pale as you… I think, must be from the North visiting our beaches. How long you been in Florida now? I wouldn’t think long, unless you never went out during the day."

I shook my head, "Come on, charge me or let me go. You don’t have any proof that I did anything wrong, other than a crazy lady."

He asked, "How do you know she’s crazy?"

I laughed then answered him, "Well she didn’t even know who kidnapped her."

Jamar mused, "Because you didn’t have anything to do with it."

I stated, "That’s right."

"And you don’t know anything about the gun found in the bathroom trash can. The same bathroom the video surveillance caught you go in, and out. The same video Mrs. Sutton was not on. So, how do you think that Mrs. Sutton gun found its way into that bathroom?"

That caught me off guard, I stuttered out, "Surveillance at a gas station, really?"

Jamar looked surprised at my response. Then he added, "Almost all gas stations have them, these days."

Well that did it, time to kill everyone. I had enough; I needed to get out of here. I had no idea why I let them arrest me in the first place. Jamar was about to say something when his phone rang. He looked at me and said, "Hold on one minute."

He answered the phone call and started talking. I wasn’t listening; I was using my second sight to determine how many people where in the room. I couldn’t wait much later; I needed as much night time to get way as possible. All I knew, was a lot of people were about to die.

My attention was pulled away from my plan when I realized that Jamar was now speaking angrily into the phone. His face was red from frustration, "They have no right, no right to take my suspect. How is this, a federal case? I can't believe this shit." He slammed the phone down.

A female cop entered into the room followed by two men. Jamar stared at the trio with daggers in his eyes. The whole situation gave me pause in attacking.  The female officer was obviously showing the two men where to go. She stopped and pointed right at me. The men nodded and started over without her.

They both wore black suites with white shirts and black ties. And they both stood about six foot with the same dark hair and both kept in a buzz cut. That is where their stimulatory ended; they both had very different faces. One of the men was white while the other looked to be Hispanic, with dark brown skin. They approached the desk and the white man spoke, "Detective Washington. I am special officer Spencer and this is my partner officer Lopez. We are with the FBI and are here to obtain Mrs. Dare for questioning."

Jamar deep voice boomed, "On what grounds? She is being charged with kidnapping."

Lopez spoke with a Hispanic accent, "Were not at liberty to discuss the case, but let me say this little senorita is bad news partner."

Jamar wasn’t about to give this up, "I'm not your partner, poncho. And I will need a little bit more information than that."

Lopez’s face tightened, but before he could speak Spencer said, "Call your superior; you will see she is already ours." He turned to speak to me, "You are coming with us."

Jamar was busy jamming his finger down on the phone when Lopez un-cuffed me from the chair. He un-cuffed my wrist, and left the cuffs dangling from the chair. I couldn’t help but notice the speed in which he moved, he didn’t want to be close to me. Jamar was now fighting with someone over the phone.

Spencer spoke to me, "Come along."

Leaving with two officers made for a much easier escape plan, but the fact that they were just letting me follow them out with no handcuffs, weird, yet the fact they both walked in front and let me follow; never once turning their heads my way. Uneasiness set in, as we walked out of the front doors of the police station.

I stopped walking, they kept going. I cleared my throat, they both turned and looked at me. Crossing my hands over my chest they got the idea and walked back to me. Lopez fussed, "What's the holdup senorita?"

I looked from one to the other, "You tell me."

Spencer snarled, "We know who you are. I mean what you are. Your friend Alice White sent us."

Lopez then added, "Works real simple bat girl, we take you to an airport. Your ass gets on a plane… then you leave. We don’t need your nasty ass around here. Hurry up."

With that they both turned and started walking. I followed, but I was ready for anything. We arrived at the airport in less than thirty minutes. Lopez and Spencer walked me right up to the gate. They were making sure I got on the plane. Lopez made some remark about never seeing me again. I spit back, "What makes you think that any of my kind wants to come to the sunshine state?"

I got a dark chuckle, as I descended down the walkway and on to my plane. It was a straight flight to Las Vegas. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Alice had wanted me to get arrested so she could send these men for me. How she knew was scary, this link between us had me full of worries. I didn’t need Alice to be able to influence me from a distance.

I couldn’t help myself on the flight from feeding from several passengers; it helped with the stress.


Chapter 15 My Heart



I was in a hurry to get off the plane. As soon as I got off the plane, my heart sank. There stood David smiling with Carrie right behind him. I immediately felt like a jerk; the look on his face was full of excitement to see me, and all I could do was think of Michael.

David embraced me, “We were worried; glad you’re back. I missed you.”

Carrie added, “Yeah girl could have called us or somethin’. I was worried sick; where were you? Why didn’t you call? And where did you get that pretty dress? A little dirty and tore up, but I like the pattern.”

I laughed at her, “I had no idea how ugly this dress was until right this moment.”

Carrie was full of indignation, “Hey, just because I like it, don’t mean it's bad or something.”

David kissed me. He pulled back, and his eyes tightened. In a concerned voice he asked, “What’s wrong?”

I couldn’t tell him what was really wrong, that I was having feelings for another man. I shook my head and said, “Nothing.”

His look said he wasn’t buying it, but he wasn’t about to go rounds with me in the middle of the airport. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Grabbing my hand, he announced, “Let’s get out of here. Melabeth
has a story for us; let’s get back to the hotel so we can hear it.”

Carrie thought that was a great idea, but it didn’t keep her from asking questions all the way back to the hotel. Walking from where the taxi dropped us off, we crossed
through the casino on the way to our room. Carrie stopped to take a breath, well not literally. It was more like a pause; David jumped in, “Do you think you will be ready to go Saturday morning?”

I was a little confused, “Where?”

David became a little agitated, “My Dad’s… for Christmas. Did you forget?”

I burst out, “Sorry David. I don’t even know what day it is. Being chased around by a crazy vampire while being stuck on an Island, was not my idea of a vacation.”

David softened his tone, “Sorry, I didn’t know. I haven’t even let you explain what happened… sorry.”

I softened my tone as well, “It’s ok.” It was hard keeping the guilt from eating me alive. I only got upset because I realized that I had promised to spend Christmas with David and his dad. How was I going to break up with him days before Christmas? I couldn’t even ask if Michael was ok; I was afraid he would see right through me. I was afraid he would see me for the monster I was.

Carrie laughed and tried her hardest to lighten the mood. “Can’t wait to hear this story…I bet it will blow our socks off!”

It didn’t take us but a few more minutes to arrive at my room. As soon I entered the room, I announced, “Off to the showers. David, let Alice know that I am back.”

David’s tone was light and playful, “Yes ma’am, right away.”

I added, “Please.”

Carrie moaned, “Great, she’s going to take a long shower. I really wanted to hear what happened on the boat.”

After a nice long shower, I came out with a towel wrapped around me. Alice was sitting on the edge of the bed quietly waiting for me. David sat at the small table with a sour look on his face. Carrie was nowhere to be seen. “What’s going on?”

David answered dryly, “Alice wants to play games. That’s all.”

A tight smile formed on Alice’s face, “Good, you made it sister. Your boyfriend is no fun; did you know that?”

Before they could start, I said, “Enough. I don’t want to hear it.” I noticed that Alice was not sitting empty handed. There in her arms was the book, the magic book that Alex dropped. “You got the book… and Michael?”

Alice smiled, “Michael’s fine… and he's the one who got the book. It’s about time he did something other than look pretty.”

I could feel my whole body relax now that I knew Michael was ok. Of course now I could work myself up in knots over all my different problems. Like when would I get to see Michael? What about David? And how could I forget Carrie? She was pulling power from David, could I take that away? I didn’t have much time to think about it; Alice interrupted my thoughts, “Well?”

“Well, what?” I responded.

David answered for her, “Story time.”

“Oh yeah… where to begin?”

Carrie had not waited long after I started telling my story to join us. I started at the beginning when me and Michael first boarded the ship. This annoyed Alice because she knew this part; still it didn’t take me long to get to the parts she didn’t know about. I was only interrupted by a few questions from my friends. I got a look from Alice when I told them what happened on the beach. I left out some of the details. She would question me on them later, but I didn’t think David caught the exchange of looks. Everyone was wowed over Nicks’ involvement, and David wondered out loud what the extent, of his powers were.

We all fell into conversation afterwards; we were interrupted by the phone. Alice answered it like it was her room. She looked over at David, and none too nicely said, “Need to steal your girlfriend for a little bit. Don’t worry; I might bring her back.”

David just smiled and nodded his head. I asked Alice, “Where we going?”

Alice just headed toward the door, “You will know when we get there.”

I shook my head, and then waved my arm in front of my body, “Should I wear more than a towel?”

Alice’s head tilted to one side, “Don’t worry; I will make sure no one see
s you in a towel. They will all see you in a beautiful dress.”

I complained, “I don’t have time to get dressed?”

Alice stomped her foot, “I told you, they will see you in a dress.”

David wrapped me in his arms from
behind, “Just do what she says and hurry back.”

Reluctantly I agreed, and then I gave David a small kiss. I joined the impatient Alice in the hall; from there we walked toward the elevator. My guess was that we were heading toward her penthouse, where she could question me on what I had left out of my story.

We barely walked in her front door when she started in, “I felt the lust… and wow. Do you have the hots for this Peter or what?”

I laughed as I tossed myself on her couch, “Not exactly.”

Alice, was bursting at the seams, “Exactly what then; did you have sex? It didn’t feel like you did… or it didn’t last very long. Some men, well they just don’t last… it happens.”

I shook my head, “No nothing like that. Just let me tell you what happened and stop your guessing. It’s way off the mark."

I started into the story of what happened on the beach. Alice was enthralled and gasped at the part where I thought Peter was Michael. She had never really wanted me to get together with Michael, but she still liked to hear all the details. Of course she liked to tease me about it more than anything. She had always known that I liked Michael; it was one thing she teased me about regularly. 

, I guess I knew that you might want to really get with Michael sooner or later,” Alice mused.

I snapped back, “And you have a problem with that?”

Alice went into the kitchen to pour some wine. She yelled back at me, “I have a problem with David. You don’t care what I think about that; why would you care what I thought about Michael?”

I answered her, “You’re right; I don’t care what you think.”I sat quietly for a moment. I could hear Alice fixing us both something to drink. I continued, “Ok I do care what you think. I know you don’t like David because he is a Necromancer. You once told me that you were afraid I would break Michael’s heart. Is that the only reason you don’t want me to be with him?”

Alice came into the living room with glasses in her hands. She handed me one before she took a seat next to me on the couch. She spoke with a serious tone, something Alice seldom did. “Yes and no. Michael does not do well with heartbreaks; that much is true. You are not ready for a serious relationship, not until you are done with this revenge business. The other thing… well, I just don’t think you’re right for each other. I don’t feel I should stick my nose into your business anymore than I have, but I do not believe Michael will support you in your quest for revenge. In fact, I do believe David is the better choice for that.”

I sipped some wine, and it was really good. It gave me a minute to calm down. I tried to hide the bitterness in my voice, “So, you think I should stay with David?”

Alice laughed, and then said playfully, “No silly. I think you should get rid of both of them and stick with me. Sisters are better than lovers, but if you must have one, Michael is so much hotter.”

I shook my head, “I should know better than to talk to you about this. You change your mind every other time.”

Alice laughed, but, before she could reply, the doorbell rang. Alice looked at the door, “That’s funny; I didn’t order anything.”

I was immediately ready, using my second sight. I sat my glass of wine down and rose to my feet at the same time Alice did. Alice whispered, “Stay calm my pet; I will see who this is.”

Alice walked to the door and looked out the peephole. She must have known the person because she opened the door right away. She stood aside and invited the man in. He was a tall man, older with gray hair. He had no facial hair, and the hair he did have had started to go bald. He had deep wrinkles; his eyes were a dark brown, but friendly. He wore a gray suit that looked as old as him.

Alice said in a sweet voice, “Hadn’t expected you this soon. Please sit down.”

His eyes cased the room landing on me. They narrowed, and I could see his dislike of me. His voice was kind and did not match his eyes, “That is truly a beautiful dress. What is the occasion?”

I remembered that all I was wearing was a towel. Well at least Alice kept her promise, and I was well dressed. I answered him, “No occasion; I’m Melabeth.”

Alice introduced him, “Sorry, Melabeth this is Dan Caster. He is from the council of twelve; he is here to pick up the book.”

Dan added, “Yes, and I am short on time. If you just give me the book, I can be on my way.”

I could tell Dan was very uncomfortable being here. Alice looked around for a minute. She then said, “I forgot it in your room Melabeth. Be a dear and fetch it for me.”

Dan sounded annoyed, “You don’t have it on you?”

Alice’s tone was direct, “You can take a seat. Melabeth will be back shortly with the book. Can I get you some wine while you wait?”

I walked toward the front door and excused myself. I could hear the old man grumbling about having to wait. He had not yet taken a seat when the door shut behind me. I headed over to the elevator and mashed the button for my floor. As the doors to the elevator shut, I remembered something. I was still wearing a towel, and Alice wasn’t with me.

I made it back to my room with only a few looks. There I knocked on the door for at least five minutes before Carrie answered it. She looked angry as she stepped aside for me. I went in to the room, but David was nowhere to be found. The door slammed behind me.

As I pulled out some clothes, I asked Carrie, “What’s wrong with you? And where’s David?”

I looked over at Carrie; she stood there with her arms crossing her chest staring at me. She was angry as she spoke, “David had to run. He didn’t tell me what for, but he cast a spell which allows me to be away from him for awhile.”

“I didn’t know he could do that.”

She snapped back, “Well, he can.”

“Cool, so we can hang out. Why are your panties in a wad?”

Carrie went into a tirade; she spoke really fast using her hands like they were guiding an aircraft. “I went up to Alice’s room to see what y‘all were doing. I overheard your little story about Peter, only you thought he was Michael. Now what, you have a thing for him now? How could you do that to David? His whole family died… died because he was help-in’ you. All he does is help you. I’m with him all the time; you don’t know what he’s been doing… tracking your killers down and such. What have you been doing? I mean besides trying to get in Michael’s pants.”

I was shocked into silence. I started to say something, but my words didn’t come out right. Carrie now was pacing in anger and turned her rage upon me, “He deserves better, better than you! I should tell him… but I won’t. You better not break his heart right before Christmas. You know he always spent Christmas with his mama and sisters. What the hell…” She stopped yelling and looked as if she might cry. “You know this sucks; I’m dead. I have one friend after a year of hiding in a cabin only to find myself hiding in the middle of a relationship. What happens to me if y‘all break? I know you don’t need me to be your friend, but I need you. You don’t know what David might do. He could… I don’t want to… Oh shoot, just you never mind.”

The way she said the last part caught my attention. I asked, “What do you mean, what David might do?”

Her eyes didn’t meet mine as she answered, “Nothin’.”

I said with a gentle voice, “Sorry Carrie, I have been a shitty friend. I haven't seen you a lot and when I do, we don’t really talk. I really don’t want to put you in the middle of this, but it seems pretty hard not to. Let’s talk about this later; I promise I won’t break up with David until after the holidays… ok.”

She nodded h
er head and simply said, “Ok.”

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